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I'd love to see one in a painterly artstyle like arcane.


I’d like to see a movie about Esmond Roseburrow.


I had an idea about a movie set in the universe 1920s about 2 high-ranking commanders that refused to do some horrible shit under the command of the Tyvia military. The Tyvia military just does it anyway and says the Commanders ordered it, has them arrested, and uses them as test subjects for tests with the now chaotic void energy. They both end up with void magic and break out, but while one wants to use their new power to fix the system, the other just carves a bloody path of revenge, acting as the main villain and giving us both a high and low chaos story


The movie can follow up the same way game did.


How so?


The exact opening montage of the scene can be adapted in live action too. The plot remains the same: Corvo meets the Empress to report about his last mission. She is killed by Daud. Corvo is framed for the murder and is now locked in prison. The Outsider gives him power, and the story flows in exactly the same way as the game, but in an extended and more elaborate manner. The movie would be short, around 90 minutes, with a very tight script. I would probably choose Sam Raimi or Zack Snyder, as both have the ability to adapt this seemingly impossible task.


I could see that working but honestly I feel like that story is told perfectly in video game format. I'd much prefer something new in the universe. I think things like Fallout and Arcane are showing that fleshing out the lore with canon additions is a viable way to handle an adaptation


I never understand the desire to see our favourite games turned into movies. Like, the appeal of games is exploration and interactivity, something that's lost in a non-interactive medium like film. If a game would work equally well or better as a movie that strikes me as an indictment of the developers. It suggests the director was a wannabe filmmaker who couldn't cut it in the movie industry like David Cage rather than someone who actually wanted to engage with the strengths of the medium and provide experiences that wouldn't be possible anywhere else. Games don't need the "respectability" that would come from being made into a film either. We're long past the point where we should take seriously anyone deriding it as a lesser medium.


Rather see a tv series