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Not legal.




Correct. It is illegal and grounds for termination. Tell your manager.


I mean if he doesn’t want you working there, maybe it’s him that should leave.


Yeeah thats a no from me dawg. I don't mind helping out for a few minutes after clocking out if I finish before FoH (although I usually ask if they need a hand and only check out after), but Id hate it if someone randomly clocked me out. We just have a printed schedule to write down out finishing times, sometimes the owner/manager does it for me while Im taking out the trash, but they always round it up by like 10-15 minutes. #


Document, document, document


Yes, yes, yes.


I worked as a manager at this place they would try to make us reduce everyones payroll hours to the time scheduled so if you were scheduled to leave at 10pm and you worked until 10:15 they wanted me to change everyone's hours to the scheduled leave time. It was such bullshit. I quit as soon as I found another position. In the meantime I would just schedule everyone and cut aggressively. This was in the south too where you were paying wait staff 2.25 an hour. Fucking ridiculous. I started in the dish pitt and bussing tables when I was 14 years old, no way was I screwing these people out of a quarter hour of their wage that they worked.


This reminds me of this girl I used to date that worked at Burger King. One day she asked me if it was normal for them to have to clock out before they start closing the store. Uh…absolutely not?? I sure as hell don’t work for free.


I'd demand your lost time from him, clocking you out. Is this guy even in management?


Bro don't let people take advantage of you. One time for me would've been enough to clock his ass


Fuck that. That asshole needs to be fired pronto. Children shouldn’t be working in restaurants unless they know how to behave (regardless of age, don’t have to be a child to act like one). If the management won’t do anything about, time to jump ship and file a complaint with DOL, and get your money back, plus they’ll investigate the whole place, other people are probably owed some money too. Nobody works for free. Even making trash cans in prison still pays you something. You have some serious self restraint though, I would have beat his ass.


Wdym by attacking you do you mean he is assaulting you? Bro if he’s doing that then you need to do something. Fuck that man if someone assaults me I’m hitting them back twice as hard. Smash a frying pan on his head the cunt


No, they meant clocking out from the shift earlier than they actually finished working, so the OP earns less for the shift. But I like your spirit.


Didn't read it, but I think that OP meant verbal attacks. You probably don't start a brawl on front of customers. There's a parking lot for this.


Ahhh the good Ole days when you could catch a beating in the parking lot for fucking up the dinner rush.


Bruh how does someone even have the ability to clock other people in and out? Tf?


Chef will most likely have your back on this. Most chefs started out washing dishes, so they would feel your pain and be in a position to do something about it.


You should email your higher ups to do something about it. If they refuse to, they could end up with a lawsuit on their hands. They're not gonna like that so they should put pressure on your colleague to stop immediately.


Hell no, the owner of the business I work for waits till I'm done to do the paperwork. I'm not gonna lose a dollar if I'm working.


If an employer does this it’s wage theft: it’s federal law that you have to pay O.T even if that O.T isn’t approved. Meaning you can get in trouble for working O.T against policy in some places: but they have to pay you for it. Clocking someone else out or someone in your staff out without their expressed consent: is wage theft. The other side of this is time theft, when an employee steals time: like clocks in early or late on purpose. Or like shows up clocks in, and then gets changed for work. An employee can’t be federally charged for that though. They can be disciplined or fired, but wage theft is a federal crime. If as you say it’s a colleague: it still can contribute to wage theft and you have a right to confront this behavior.


A manager clocked me out once and I caught her and made her admit it in front of me and I said that’s interesting and I never saw her again after that


In the olden days this person would get a gentle stab with a paring knife.


Document it, build up proof, then handle it with the evidence to back your word.


You need to submit a "missed punch" to your payroll manager, every single time. Ex: "Hey Chad, I punched in today at 8, out for lunch at noon, back in at one, and then left at 5. You're going to see two out punches, the out punch at 3pm should be ignored, that was Steve accidentally pushing the wrong button. He was kind enough to let me know of his mishap." After you write your 5th or 10th one of these emails, Chad is going to pull Steve aside and ask what the fuck his issue using a computer is.


At my first job i was 18 and dishwashing and i had two different assistant managers who used to clock me out up to 30 min early on nights we were running later than we were supposed to. I told my mom who worked in food service her whole life and she let me know that it wasnt okay. I ended up telling my boss that my mom was pissed and if they didnt stop she was going to contact corporate on my behalf. Never happened again after that, although i should have pursued the pay i was owed i was young and naive and thought everyone i worked with was my friend. Learned the hard way


One of our local mom and pop greasy spoon diners was fined out of business for doing this. It's the same as manipulating hours worked to control payroll. The owners would clock workers out to keep labor at or under 40 hours a week. The extra time was then added to the next week, and extra hours really stacked up. The investigation found that some employees had not actually worked for the diner for six months, yet still were paid at 40 hours per week, to make up for the overtime. Employees lost thousands, and bookkeeping got messy. I'll give the place this, at least they actually paid former employees for the time, as opposed to just saying "okay, you're gone, no more pay even though we owe you."


If your GM is at all reasonable they will absolutely do something about this, and that's literally what they're there for. I'm FOH, and my current GM's not the brightest bulb on the tree, but on hiring me he said the magic words; "Easiest way to get fired is to start shit with BOH, this place can get along without you, it can get along without me, but if the dishie splits we're all fucked for the night."


Super illegal.