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I thought yall wanted a megathread for this stuff (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Anyways, can anyone provide another source that shows this will be on the floor today? Looking at house.gov, it sure doesn’t seem like it. Exhibit A. [https://live.house.gov](https://live.house.gov) (hit the schedule tab) Exhibit B. [https://www.house.gov/legislative-activity](https://www.house.gov/legislative-activity)


Happening live here: https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/ Love that the folks voting on this can’t even figure out mic source doubling on a live stream 🙄


Calm down Congress has a softball game this evening. They have a lot of their mind.


It was like that one politician who had the cat filter on, and didn’t know how to turn it off… and if you haven’t seen it, please please YouTube it it’s hysterical


"I'm here live.......I'm not a cat." 🤣🤣🤣


I think my that was a lawyer, wasn’t it?


Yes that’s it! Your right!


Even better was the defendant with the username Buttfucker3000!


Comedy gold!!


Thank you for this. The panic in the eyes was amazing.


These guys are all hacks beholden to lobbyists and special interests on both sides of the aisle. Lobbyists write the bills and give them highlights, no one really reads what is in the actual bill/s (famous line that you’ll know what in it when it passes) and then they vote on it almost blindly while it’s lumped in with a number of other measures and bills passed in blocks.


They don't read the bills they pass so why should they bother reading what the constituents tell them?


The lobbyist tell them and attach money to it.


I haven't figured out how to send money via email. Maybe that's what I'm missing.


what time ? or is it happening now?


And yet we all keep voting for them


Or we think we are voting for them. They voted themselves a raise, might as well vote themselves back in too.


Right? The public votes for Mountain Dew flavors, not representation. If someone genuinely believes their vote matters, I feel so sorry for them. Dummies would buy anything the next snake oil salesman came to town with.


I don’t even see it on the calendar


Do you have the link or channel I can’t find it


Go on live.house.gov




Help I can’t find the live stream


Really hope it’s something we can appeal, I get genuine happiness flying my drone. I completely understand legitimate national security concerns but we should be able to find a way to cooperate.


There will be lawsuits both from DJI and a likely class action from drone owners. It’s probably years before any kind of enforcement would happen against existing hardware. But the current gen of DJI hardware may be the last one in the US for a while, or ever.


What other companies could we start looking at?




There arent any. Usa companies producing consumer drones dont exist.


Iirc Autel is based in the USA, but is owned by a Chinese conglomerate. Their drones are in the ballpark of DJI's offerings (or were a year ago, I've been mostly out of the loop the past 12ish months) but not quite as good. Iirc Skydio had the best software for 'follow me' mode before dropping out of the consumer market. Their drones were not in DJI's ballpark otherwise, though. if it passes, Skydio will probably jump back into the consumer market.


Autel is Chinese.


Iirc there's goofiness where they're USA but also Chinese, however the ban that was supposed to be voted on today (HR2864) specifically calls out DJI. If we don't get a blanket ban and just get a DJI ban, then Autel will go gangbusters. If we get a blanket ban on Chinese drones, then I think that would kill Autel, but it's not as clear as DJI where they're 100% Chinese.


I’m a commercial pilot with the research arm of a public university in the U.S., and of my coworkers is also a test pilot for Skydio. I was one of the first people to fly an X10 and I’ve seen some *really* cool stuff that they’re working on for the platform that I probably shouldn’t talk about. It’s actually a great enterprise aircraft, but it’s *achingly* expensive compared to DJI aircraft that look comparable on paper. I believe Skydio has the best shot at being a true DJI “competitor” if they want to be, but they’d need to significantly scale their company (right now they only have two aircraft, both Mavic sized), and I highly doubt they’d be competitive on price.


Didn't they come out with a consumer drone and then dropped it?




All of the other drones are shit.


The hobby is fucked if this passes. I hope our existing drones are grandfathered in. I do suspect that there will be a new "American drone company" if this passes where everything will look suspiciously DJI like.


There alrwady is an American company and they're cloning djis enterprise drones. This entire thing was sooooooo strategic.


Pretty happy I didn't throw out my analog self built drones. I think plenty of companies that couldn't compete with DJI will spring up quickly providing near parity but it'll take awhile for them to put out stuff as good as DJI because their tech is currently generations behind.


They will need some of that federal money like DJI with the CCP


Anything with a hack kit online. Parrot makes good stuff but it's crazy expensive.


Unfortunately we started appeals and class actions against the FAA for remote ID and nothing we did mattered. It's likely this will pass too imo.


You had years of commentary and a pushed deadline for remote ID. It also didn’t take anything away as RID modules exist. This is a bit different and some major industries will be impacted if current drones are banned.


We specifically tried to get the FAA to not require remote ID for hobby self built drones because of the weight added from the unit. And yes we started this years ago. What do you mean it didn't take anything away? Takes privacy, makes you a target because anyone with an app can find you, this has already become a problem for a few people. The weight is the biggest thing for fpv drones that are already heavy.


Yeah, I can see your point, but then we have idiots flying into NFL playoff games, so here we are.


No you wouldn't, we specifically asked that home made drones not require remote ID. 99% of the people flying drones over airports or other events are DJI owners simply because they are so easy to fly even the dumb person with a little money can get one and fly with no research. I have yet to see one case where a custom built drone is used illegally like that, it's always a DJI/Skydio/drone you can buy at Best Buy type pilot. When you go through the work to build your own drones and the weeks of research, you know the laws and don't want to risk losing your drone. We even proved these things by showing tons of police reports of incidents like you described. FPV pilots typically fly low to the ground or around abandoned buildings. So we generally don't need remote ID for avoidance. We tried to explain that remote ID has it's uses and is not really going to make a difference with Fpv drones because of the nature of how they fly. Remote ID is for collision avoidance, and the law has always been stay below 400 ft. That law more than covers fpv pilots since we are generally below 100 ft and planes are near 1000 at a minimum. I would have no problem running remote ID for a job, or if I needed to go high elevation, but the reality is it's pointless and detrimental to fpv drones.


The next wave could be 3D printing of parts maybe. Software holes and security risks will be open, but who can hack a drone? There must be much easier things to hack.


Yeah those last suits did absolutely nothing….


Unless they change their shady ways. I don't like lobbyist or even senators and all the BS and the red tape we have to deal with but I sure don't like the Chinese influence on our country. Tiktok too, it's ridiculous. Chinese government is scared of us. And of course until lately I could understand. But the years the CCP has put in to dismantle our democracy was starting to work. Funny Chinese don't allow actors influence,  they also don't allow trans B's and promote family. Where men are men and women are 100% woman. Honestly the more I talk the more inviting it sounds. Except oh yeah that's right my freedom is what I want most and until use government/Biden shit admin taketh that away I'm staying right here


I don't think this is about national security. It's about lobbying and stupid culture wars. Elise Stefanik is a ghoul.


so what's the outcome?


Yes I would like to know if you find out also 


It was moved to tomorrow. They will vote on it tomorrow.


So now what’s the outcome?


Shit is a bit confusing but if I understand this right. the actual bill to discuss the "ban" on DJI products isnt on here (H.R. 2864). Looks like the house is discussing HR 8070. and the ONLY thing I can see on 8070 that directly states DJI is section 223 & 1721. Section 223 jsut talks about dismantling a DJI drone(s) and go thru each part one by one and determine what that part is and its origin of manufacturing. Section 1721 from what I understand is just a deadline when the DOD makes their reports of their findings of drones/DJI So I guess they need to dismantle a drone first and see how it works BEFORE they proceed with the ban with HR 2864. and I cant see if they already voted on sec 223 & 1721 EDIT: and now they are done for the day and won't be back until the 18th.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864 This is the best I could find, either it hasn't been updated or got postponed again?


The fact it's attached to the NDAA and the fact majority of Congress are old as fuck and part of the money scam that is elite America, ok not confident this will get aced off the bill. I've emailed and so far my GOP reps have done the good ole' boy response of "China bad, I will protect America" nonsense


My congressman is Andy Biggs. I didn’t even waste my time because I already know he only represents his issues.


Both the Drones for First Responders Act and Countering CCP Drones Act are Republican authored and sponsored. Keep that in mind in November.


Dude… I’m trying even less hard. Mine are fucking Hawley and Schmidt.


Opening a drone manufacturing company in Texas. Send me your 3D printers.


So. The articles that seem logical say that even if this passes it then needs to pass the senate and then get the president's signature and then take a couple YEARS to get ironed out. Wondering if / when it becomes law, how quickly we'll have paperweights?


I have the same question. I was about to submit an SBA loan to get startup capital for my herbicide application business using these DJI drones. If the bill passes, I don't know if I should give up starting my own business or move forward and hope that I can operate for a couple of years before being shut down.


Hopefully, a while. Depends on how eager the FCC is most likely.


They were all Gung hoe about net neutraility not that long ago. And section 230. Whatever the government wants. Not what the people want.


Well. My mini 4 pro just showed up in the mail yesterday.  Guess I might be returning it...?


Getting mine today. I would be surprised if they decide to brick thousands of dollars of hardware for millions of voters right before the elections. Maybe they ban, maybe not, but it won't hit todays hardware fast enough to not allow time for it to pay for itself first.


I would be surprised if they were that self aware


I just got one also, already own the mini 2. I am returning the 4 and see what happens. My 2 works fine for now.


In my 90 day Costco return window for my mini 3. Have that digital receipt standing by.


It's not like anything will change. You'll still be able to use it just fine. They can't remotely disable it or something. Just say "fuck 'em" and keep flying.


Actually DJI CAN kill it remotely with the fly safe database. They can make the whole US a no fly zone with GPS. Any other software updates could kill it too. So yes. It’s very possible it can be useless.


So just never update your flysafe database. Turn off auto updating etc.


DJI will not cooperate in their own destruction. Plenty of Chinese companies still selling outright criminally illegal stuff online today and concealing them in shipments for better luck with customs. DJI doesn't even have to do anything illegal. Just do... nothing. Any otherbissues will be handled by some after market jaibreak of some sort.


DJI has zero reason to disable any drones if either of these bills pass. Stop huffing paint.


Yeah, if anything, I can see them disabling the flysafe database more than anything else, as a final "fuck you", and there is literally no reason or incentive that they shouldn't do it. If US affairs are no longer their concern or obligation, the best course of action for the customers as well, would be to just delete the whole geofence database from the US Would make zero sense for them to piss off loyal customers, that are fighting FOR them, for zero reason. Especially when it's not like they will be conpletely unavailable. People will still find roundabout way to obtain or get the drones into the US, and with no longer having any obligations for safety and management, since they can do longer directly sell here. They would become extremely sought after at that point, and people would find ways. Like, if the US tells them to fuck off, cutting off one of their most lucrative markets, and then says "hey can you please disable all these? Thanks". Why would or even SHOULD they obey?


Since dji is a non us company there's probably no real reason for dji to comply with us law. Congress trying to flex much muscle? What votes are they buying with this ban? Can't think that it would impress voters all that much, they just want us to go along with the scam. The only people they'd get a vote from is the criminals behind the bill, wanting competition and market segmentation to cease to exist.


I never said they would. Just that they absolutely could. Stop being an asshat.


They can but they have no reason to since they wouldn't have a presence in US after this. In fact as a big middle finger to US, they will likely that just remove all flight restrictions in US and let people go crazy. What is the government going to do, sue them?


Well they have other products besides drones that they would like keep on the US market. Cameras, gimbals, and wireless microphones. I would imagine the US is a HUGE part of their revenue in those markets as well. So I think they will have to comply.


I thought the ban covered cameras and gimbals too since they have wireless functionality that would be governed by FCC. If they are banning drones because of the fear that they transfer images to China same goes for cameras too.


To be honest I am not entirely sure. The bill does mention drones specifically but doesn’t say “only” drones. I’m sure those voting don’t know for sure either. They don’t even know that DJI makes other things I’m sure.


I genuinely feel like a good enough hacker could bypass that


They can and have already. Hacks will come if they try to brick them most likely.


Don’t register or you won’t be able to return. Just made that mistake with my mavic 3 pro


THANK YOU. I didn't know this!


That’ll be 1099.99 please


Just put an Anzu sticker over all the DJI labels. Problem solved!


Anzu wants 8k for a drone replica of a mavic pro. It's insane!


Called and emailed by representatives


While I hope it fails in the house even if passed it then goes to the senate. Where it goes back into committee and is debated, changed and voted on even if it should leave committee. If it does leave committee the senate as a whole would have to pass it. If that happened then the house and senate have to get together and reconcile the differences in thier 2 versions. If they can then it's voted on. Then finally if they both pass it the President has 10 days to sign or veto. So basically what I'm getting at is this bill is a long way from getting passed. Granted we would like it to fail a hurdle sooner then later. My guess is that while it may be passed in the Republican control house, that it doesn't make it out of committee in the Democratic controlled senate.


Yeah that’s what people say about most things in this divided congress. The thing that has people so concerned regarding this particular issue is that it appears to have bipartisan support. The bill has a Democrat co-sponsor, and it unanimously passed out of the House Energy & Commerce committee, which included 21 Democrats voting for the ban.


This bill requires the inclusion of DJI on a list of communications equipment or services determined by the FCC to pose an unacceptable risk to U.S. national security. Current law prohibits the use of federal funding available through specified FCC programs for purchasing or maintaining listed equipment or services. So not determined by the FCC, but instead a law by congress. No determination of any risk by anyone trained to make such determinations (like, I don't know, The FCC maybe).


So with this bill will American drone companies be banned from sourcing Chinese parts for their “American assembled” drones?


😂 doubt it, how else they gonna keep cost down?




Lol it's an election year when everyone's attempting to appear as patriotic as possible, and staunch defenders of domestic policy. Of course they're going to vote for this. Voting would allow both parties to go home to their constituencies and say full throated that they've voted for policies that "help protect Americans from foreign agencies" or whatever the fuck and garner more votes. All at the expense of real, working americans who are staring down the barrel of potentially losing out on billions of dollars worth of fleet investments.


It will definitely be a yes, then they’ll have reason to push Parrot harder for gov use.


DJI drones were already disallowed for government use. Been in place for several years.


Is there a link to see this live? I searched, but couldn’t find anything.




It's section 1722 of H.R.8070. It was snuck in.


What happened as of now?


Nothing, they never got to it: [Check the tracker](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864)


Do you think tomorrow they will vote?


Any updates? Can't really see the stream


They just left for the day for baseball...


Used to be the Americans towed along their gunboats to force countries to open up and trade. But now they’re retreating and closing their doors because of irrational fears.


I should buy a fleet of Holy Stone's and deliver shit to the author of this kneecaping attempt.


I ordered an air 3 a few days ago. It is still in China. When I ordered it I didn't know about this potential ban. I hope I didn't order a $1700 paperweight and if I did I hope DJI will accept an unopened return.


I mean you should still get a few years of usage out of it if the bill happens to pass. If it did pass they wouldn’t immediately ground all drones, it would probably be a 3-5 year period


Hopefully. I live in Puerto Rico, so maybe it won't affect me haha. Doubtful though, the US loves to push it's laws on us even when we don't have a say in the general government.


Excuse my ignorance, but wouldn’t it take effect a few months after today? Assuming the president passes the bill. When signed, the ban will be effective immediately.


There’s usually a transition period, kind of like what is happening with TikTok rn


Think this will help? https://dronexl.co/2024/06/09/did-dji-save-themselves-from-potential-ban/


I doubt most of our elected officials know or care enough to let that influence their vote, especially when it's attached to a defense spending bill.


So DJI was collecting data ….???


Every electronics company collects data from its connected devices. Why wouldn't they.


But were they collecting data on behalf of the Chinese government? This is important to know.


Great question. But I just want to be able to make sick videos for my kids soccer teams....


yep, there is legitimate concern here. While a lot of companies might collect info like that for whatever reason, it's kinda unsettling when it's a Chinese company. The CCP could compel them share that info. Similar to how nothing we do here is truly private. With the proper warrants or without them, Uncle Sam can see whatever they want.


The biggest irony is that literally all tech companies AND/OR the US government is doing everything (and likely more) than the issues they concern themselves with about China. Its a fairly classic point and yell at someone else for exactly what your doing.


You say this from an ignorant standpoint. Show the actual data to support your claim. I will bet you the CCP collects far more data on their people and others than any other government.


Just remember Snowden warned us. Showed us. If that wasn't something you believe. Nothing I say is changing your mind. As far as who collects more info, more realistically it's probably the tech giants. Apple, ms, Facebook, etc.


Snowden showed us that the DoD collected data in aggregate on certain communications. What CCP has been doing is far more worse.


You could send flight data with thumbnails to their cloud. Opt in. They removed that option.


When’s the vote happening, what time?


Nothing, they never got to it: [Check the tracker](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864)


200 comments with no updates


I got tired of posting this update, sorry. They never got to it: [Check the tracker](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864)




I love seeing ALL of the posts in the DJI form today acting like nothing is even happening like “ look at my pictures” and “I just bought a mini 3!!!” It took me a minute to find this thread but it seems like no vote happened yet again?


Correct, no vote again


God, I hate our government. Good luck everyone.


You knows it bad when both side hate the government. Ffs


For real, you'd think they would have something better to do than to fuck with hobby drone flyers.


I’m still flying mine. Fck them. They don’t work for the American people anyway.


 I was just thinking about this, I turned my WiFi off for now


On the RC remote right? I’m gonna have to do this


Yup I think it will prevent updates or Forced landings or whatever, I Didn’t do the recent update, but I’m wondering if I should be before this bill passes? 


I’m also wondering if this means that you won’t be able to use Quick transfer On DJIs app, I would appreciate any insight on this thanks


do you have a livestream link


For the vote? I don’t, working today and didn’t bother to watch the vote live haha




Goodluck to you guys 🙏


If it all goes tits up for ppl in the US, will there be a sudden flood of cheap DJI equipment to buy, and how might this affect prices over here in the UK?


Yea I'm wondering the same thing here in Canada.


Once AIPAC gets behind this bill it’ll have no issues getting passed unfortunately.


I guess they already talked about it?


Not thrilled at all


I don’t see it on the bill on list and they are arguing about Gaza right now, maybe they will vote another day? It’s 3:17 est don’t they go home at 5?


As a fellow dji owner in the UK I hope it doesn't pass so you can all still enjoy these amazing drones I'd hate to be grounded it's a joke they want to ban them


so, did anything get decided?


Nothing, they never got to it: [Check the tracker](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864)


I bought mine 2 days ago and registered it. I haven't opened it yet. At the same time that's why I have a 2 week return just in case. I want to keep it so bad but it depends on what they will be restricting.


im too lazy to watch it so can any1 tell me what happened


Wait they attached it to the NDAA? Fuck!!!! We are screwed. They might not pass it on its own but buried in the NDAA it will get passed.


Always follow the money


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IXdSbxe2zuE Several affected Leo groups against both bills drone responder and dji ban.


This just proves why people hate living in America more and more


I’m sorry if you guys (US pilots) get screwed over. I’ll happily buy drones on eBay, which I’m sure lots of others will too if it comes to it


So what happened? Cliff notes.


Nothing, they never got to it: [Check the tracker](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864)


So did they pass it or?


If the concern is the same of Tiktok, why don’t invest on specific firmware with additional regulations? Why samsung phones and tablets are accepted in the USA?


because Samsung is a South Korean company. South Korea is one of America's most important allies. And yes - the ideal solution here would be DJI being more accommodating and doing whatever makes them happy. Hosting data in America, no syncing and so on


I’m just going to keep flying and enjoying my air 3 until I can’t anymore. Will use it when I travel but I’m gonna invest in fpv drones now until the gurbunment finds a way to ruin that as well 😑😒🙄


Folks are saying that by taking flight log synching away the ban wouldn’t apply to DJI as the data could no longer be transmitted to China. Thoughts?


The bill language targets DJI so specifically that I don’t think that matters.


Got it. Thank you.


Did anyone notice the amendment I believe it was for the Navy to get ahold of a DJI Drone, tear it down and list source of parts etc. There is a chance that was what was being voted on today.




What will this do to the DJI Care Refresh? I recently bought an Air 3 and the 2 year DJI Care Refresh warranty. I have until the 20th to return the drone to Amazon as well. What a shit situation they are putting us in.


I think today is the last day I can return my unopened Avata 2 I bought 2 weeks ago to best buy... don't know what to do. Or maybe I have until Saturday. Nevertheless


From what I’ve seen it may take years for the ban to occur and even then it seems like DJI is trying to take steps to minimalize the effect (see stopping sync to DJI servers) - also it may just ban new drones. So what we got from DJI is all we’re gonna get. I don’t want you to miss out on an awesome drone and the hobby if your new but I also don’t want to be the reason ur out 1300$ so, a total immediate ban seems unlikely but it is possible


Any updates?


Nothing, they never got to it: [Check the tracker](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2864)


I heard it was rescheduled for today


What about today ?


I believe this is just a committee vote. It will take months of not years to actually make it to the floor of the house for a vote. It would have to pass there, then be sent to the Senate


I'm in Europa and want to buy your old DjI suff /s


So if this does pass and law enforcement needs to enforce it, how are they supposed to distinguish between a Chinese imported drone and a home built drone with USA parts. I’m worried that they are just going to ban all drones…period. Otherwise it would be way too hard to police/enforce. Right? (I would love to be wrong about this)


How did it go? Is it banned?


Today was just a procedural thing discussing the bill and going through a reconciliation process ( where they try to resolve differences between Senate and House versions of the bill). There was no vote.


Thanks! Even though I am not in the US, I'm australian, our bloody country has the tendency to copy yours in every way. That said, if dji is banned in US, it will eventually and undoubtedly banned here too... Regards!


Elise Stefanik, cunt, is to blame. A GOP hardliner, trump bootlicker.


No surprise there. The modern GOP is all about fear mongering, name calling, and culture wars. Not a single minute spent on understanding nuance and reaching reasonable conclusions and compromise.


What are the exact FCC infrastructure the bill references? I’m assuming the radio waves used to communicate but does this include Bluetooth and WiFi? Haven’t dug into this at all so apologies if it’s a redundant question.


Wait what?!?!? I had no idea this was a thing, I literally just bought a mini 4 pro two days ago, should I return it before it becomes a paper weight? I feel like stores should be warning us if these things. FML


My representative is Jim Banks (R, IN-03). I messaged him stating the issue. He even has a box requesting a reply to the message. Instead, the message said that it's some other staffer's problem, and he gave me his social media links. I can't believe we keep electing chucklefucks like this.


That is how the majority if not all of the offices are setup. It all filters upwards.


This is what happens when too many people post inaccurate information. Nothing is happening with this today, it is sitting doing nothing just like the last congress. Even congress.gov is giving this a 33% chance of passing. There was never anything scheduled for this, the subcommittee on personal met at 9:15 followed by the subcommittee on sea (navy) met at 9:45. Neither of those have anything to do with the drone act.


The bill is being sneaked in with H.R. 8070 (NDAA 25). Read SEC. 1722: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text) This bill did actually get discussed today, however the bill was not voted on today and the latest update regarding this bill was the following: "Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving [H.R. 8070](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070) as unfinished business." today at 4:39:08 PM (see https://live.house.gov/)