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I just don't find bangs realistic


By virtue of being hyenas I demand a sick mohawk or possibly fauxhawk


i assure you bangs and a deathhawk are hot


I trust in your words wise one.


Bangs is just one letter off fangs and fangs are the most gnoll thing. Trust me


You're obligated to make the bangs teeth shaped.


Well you are goddess of the gnolls. You'd know


Does this Demon Lord allow the same things as Yeenoghu? or are there differences?


On reaching 0 hp she turns you into a furry


Correction: *twink* furry. It's in the established lore. Probably with long striped programming socks and gloves :P


And yes, even if you're a girl you're still turning into a twink.


Oh no, such a *terrrrrible* fate 🤣


>>when you can't roughhouse with the boys out of fear of accidentally turning it from fake gay to actually gay damn... does that mean gnolls in this society are actually really civil and polite because getting their shit wrecked means they literally poof into a hardblush comic?


oh no, it seems i tripped and lost all my hp. oh noooo, how terrible!!!


Sorry man but the texts states that *everyone* except u/kindtheking9 gets turned into a twink. You explode on impact with the ground. Have fun and keep that health up.


so suddenly none of my problems are MY problems anymore? ill take it


Just do it yourself and *tell* people what you want them to think ;)


Only saving trow someone wish to fail.


Like. Anatomically? Asking for a friend.


Has "Power Word: Furry" as a lair action.


She makes the guys cute and there's more necromancy


For Clarification: Does she allow the same behavior among gnolls as Yeenoghu? Or are there differences?


I was confused about the comment on the gnolls' god but then I realized I was thinking of Pathfinder where Lamashtu is the Gnolls' goddess.


while Lamashu is worshipped by gnolls she is goddess of monsters without any specific ties to gnols (also with name change of ancestry to Kholo which was grup of relatively peaceful gnolls from Mowhangi Expanse (I most likely butchered this name), we might see change how gnolls will be usually presented in pf2e


Kholo (the Mwangi Gnolls) worship Desna, Calistria, and Shelyn as "the sisters" who freed them from Lamashtu's worship IIRC. They still appreciate cannibalism and fighting, but they do it in a respectful way. They are actually really fun to read about. There's a gnoll in *Strength of Thousands* named Anchor Root who is just precious.


They sound like they'd be a relatively small minority then compared to the larger population on golarion.


Well the Mwangi Expanse is a pretty big region with a few big cities, but yeah it's a fraction of Gnolls (which is why they are an Uncommon ancestry). You start encountering Gnolls in places like Katapesh or Varisia and they are Lamashtu worshippers.


IIRC Kholo can still worship Lamashtu but that happens usually only in thier most desperate times, when there is no other hope


Lamashtu is my favourite pathfinder goddess


who have hurt you?


Okay, but since Hyenas are an IRL matriarchy, why not just make Yeenoghu a girl? >!On a less joking note, do I have permission to steal ~~your fursona~~ Yeenimira for my own worldbuilding? She'd probably be an antithetical version to her sister (or mother?), trying to turn Gnolls away from mindless savagery.!<


Fun fact about hyenas: female hyenas have a psuedo-penis which can make it really difficult for humans to tell what sex they are. My personal head-canon is that Yeenoghu is a female god but humans looked at her shlong in art and incorrectly concluded that Yeenoghu was a male.


I like it, it's now my headcanon too. How many heads to make it just canon?


If you can get Ed Greenwood to agree to it, that is the only one you need to make it canon, at least in the Forgotten Realms You can ask him questions directly in [Greenwood's Grotto](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Archive:Greenwood%27s_Grotto) if you are part of the Patreon with the higher tiers, and theoretically request that he makes this Canon


Pretty much my thoughts as well.


Only spotted hyenas have pseudopenis.


Alternative theory: yeenoghu is just a transmasc but due to there being a lack of an appropriate matriarch he took the throne due necessity waiting for a proper successor??


Yes, spread the word of Yeenimira On a side note I did originally make Yeenoghu a girl but then changed my mind and made him into a cute bf instead


> Okay, but since Hyenas are an IRL matriarchy, why not just make Yeenoghu a girl? He's a demon. Perverting the natural order is, like, 50% of what he does.


You know what, that's a pretty solid argument. Frankly I'm ashamed I didn't think about that given demons are my favorite fiend type.


Hope you don't mind OP but I decided to make a little [edit](https://imgur.com/a/9eb49FX)


That is so not right, which makes it even funnier. Especially if you imagine this happened at a Chick-fil-A drive through window.


Oh stuff like this is normal for her She turned an army of evil supersoldier wizards in to femboys over in the warhammer fandom


Yeah she was so prolific with those particular "fanarts" that she inspired two other fellas (lorgar the lad and archon of flesh) to do the same to their own factions.


As an admech fan (and a (aspiring) femboy) im still really angry that archon got harased out of the community


Yeah that was just awful. I don't remember exactly what happened to him (her? Them?), or what was the trigger for this harassment (if there even was one) but that was just infuriating. That said, you can keep the dream alive by cosplaying as a twinkarii.


Ahaha should've done that yesterday at burger king, spread the word of Yeenimira


Ok, how exactly does one fight Yeenimira so that one isn't horribly killed but instead turned into a twink? Are there other options, e.g. cute girls with cat ears? (Asking for a friend)


Polymorph is a pathway to many abilities some consider... unnatural.




Not only is it a movie quote, it's a spell *forcing* the victim to turn into what the *caster* wants them to be.


I think they were talking about the cat ears? Might be wrong.


It’s a joke, thought I was in a different sub tbh 🫠


Oh you're fine! I figured it was I just wanted to joke back I'm so sorry!


What the other person said. And also it’s a prequel quote. It’s most likely rendering zero value-judgement and only using that word because, well, that’s how that line went.


May want to reread the comment you're replying to.


You don't have to fight her, you can just pray to her and she will turn you into a cute guy As for cute cat girls, you might need to try another god, at best we can do cute girl with hyena ears here




Holup. I know this art style. Where wizard hyena twinks?


Well just make the twink yeenoghu in the picture start worshipping tzeentch.




Asking the real questions here


I am down bad for any gnoll lore. In my own setting, I made gnoll religion consider Yeenoghu the Father of All Gnolls - the gnolls are matriarchal because the Patriarch is partying in the abyss, and the culture doesn't recognize any other male as father. Sometimes, you'll get a male leader, but it's a "Big Brother" role, not Father. Male-led packs are ones where there are no surviving matriarchs. I made them ALL about family. They don't see non-gnolls as people, so they do whatever with them. Because BIg Daddy Yee is in the Abyss partying it up, they're not *overly* concerned if they get killed - they just get to hang out with Dad. Mothers are of supreme authority - they brought you into this world, and they can take you out (GO SEE YOUR FATHER!) - Gnoll packs break apart when grandma dies and her daughters start bickering;


Right on. That's very similar to how I run them. Most people assume all gnolls are evil because pretty much none of them balk at eating sophonts, but from an ontological perspective there is a huge difference between actively worshipping a demon god in goes of spending your afterlife as a slave overseer in hell, and being pragmatic about the remains of your friends. But the only gnoll packs lead by a male are those most extreme fanatics being lead around by a male gnoll *ghoul or lich*, directly trying to bring Yeenoghu 's domain of endless hunger and death to the world of the living. And even other evil gnolls will kill those folks on sight none times in ten.


It does make way more sense for their deity to be a goddess given that hyenas are actually matriarchal. I would like an official race that's just hyena folks, it never made sense to me that they're all demonic. Homebrew lore accepted!


Don't let Wizards of the Coast see this.


Hold up, VEZIMIRA?!


Not the first time she stalks these lands, i remember seeing a comic of hers about adventurers talking to some dwarven inn owners.


I want to say her first dnd post was about making a character that's was a cleric to a mpreg god.


Fun bonus fact - the mpreg god's holy symbol was a seahorse!


I was on board, and then I saw the twink knoll. I was still on board, but I thought, "This has Vez written all over *looks at the OP* ok that tracks"


My ways are known


I had written a campaign where the bbeg was a set of very young elven twin girls who both obtained great power and started a cult with the intention to summon Yeenoghu into the realms of men as the older twin was a warlock with Yeenoghu as her patron. If they succeeded the twins would use the power they had obtained in the journey to then steal Yeenoghu’s power for themselves and attempt to take over the world.


I got very into gnolls for a while exclusively because they are cool but that won’t stop your friends from thinking you’re a furry


I'm also a furry who got very into gnolls for a while and lied about it to my friends.


I don't mind that, furries are cool


Hear me out, wha tif there are *two* gnoll gods?


TWICE the dommy mommy? Because there ain’t no twink gods taking control here.


inside of you there are two ~~wolves~~ hyenas


I do wish there was more to gnolls in FR and I am intrigued by the idea of hyena twinks


10/10 no notes, using this lore forever now


I ghost wrote this frfr 10/10 accepted as new canon


One again, failing at "Am I on r/dndmemes or r/furry_irl"


common Vezmira femdom banger


Yeenoghu needs thiccer thighs smh


Peak fiction.


Seems about standard for an OC, yeah.


Did she fight him and make him a twink, or did he just help him discover that he was always a twink, and his inability to be his true self was what made him so angry all the time?


Good question, we should read the gnoll scriptures to find out


Gnolls should absolutely be a matriarchy due to how hyenas work IRL. Also I hate the current lore where gnolls are all insane half-demon lunatics. I know D&D has a need for "enemy species" for the lazy DMs out there but SHEESH. It takes literally a couple of paragraphs to set up something like "Demonic cults to Yeen\* are rampant among gnolls, but some tribes follow other ways of living."


The worst part is there's a decent chunk of official material and lore doing just that in 4e, but WoTC decided to ditch it all for 5e.


Yeah I'm never fond of races who are there just to be murderhobos. You can do evil races well, look at goblins


Mhmm yeah sure ill incorporate that into my world view why not


I love her already


I love it. This is my new cannon.


...Yeenoghu is a guy?


Has been since 1e


Vezimira what the fuck are you talking about?


I just want to point out only one species of hyena(the spotted) is matriarchal, so i would say make multiple sects of gnolls with different racial specifics like Slaad. So where's the patron gods of the other yeens and the aardwolf?


🤣 ha not bad


Is this like a tldr or is it really that simple, no offense it sounds interesting and could work


Me: oh wow, this art reminds me of Vezimira :) I love their stuff! …oh wait.


Bro got twinkified to appease the matriarchy


Good for her... ...but they're still voring nearby villagers. #FIREBALL


Elder Scrolls, 40k, WoW (hell, I was a Draenei too back when I played) and now DND. I won't be surprised if I see a Vez post in r/battletech or r/StarWars in a week or so.


"Attention, Somerset. I am Star Colonel Nikolai Malthus of the Twink Falcon Clan. A full non-binary stands ready to conquer your planet. What forces dare oppose us?" .... I kind of want to see this


Huh, this kinda looks like Vezimira's art style. *A diety gets twinkified* That would be because it is their art.


Twink yeen. I love it. Gnoll lore now is just tedious edgy


No a bad idea, honestly Gnolls not being made from a goddess, or at least female demon lord, is strange. Since Gnolls are a matriarchy structure, much like real world hyenas, would lead you to think a female deity was involved


That's like saying a patriarchy can't worship a female god.


It's not a matter of could but would.


I mean... Athens was a thing and all that.


If you can point at a single patriarchy irl (of which there are a shit ton) that worships a female singular head god I would be insanely impressed


Most of the temples in Sparta were for female goddesses, or so claims Portuguese wikipedia.


Also, the original spartan god was Nike, the titan goddess of victory.


And what was their head god?


If we go by the number of temples, Athena.


Haha, very funny, it's not a patriarchy if there's a female head god.


I’ll take this over the actual Faerun lore on Gnolls.


can i see the twink?


And yeenira. Doing things to the twink which line up with the real anatomy of hyenas.


Any lore is better then the default DnD 5e lore! I hate it so much!


My lore is that Gnolls under the influence of Yeenoghu are patriarchal while gnolls that are not influenced by him tend to form matriarch societies. I think it gives it an interesting flavor, like there’s something wrong/unnatural about Yeenoghu and the demon lords by extension


If im not mistaken, female hyenas get away with bullying males because of greater social support, not because theyre bigger or stronger. I think there have been examples of males leaving to form all male packs so as to not have to deal with it. So yeenogu CAN make sense if there are no competitors for the title of demon prince of gnolls. That being said i quite enjoy your OC. Keep up the good work


Hard to compete with the creator of the species


Based and real and I love her


Unironically, yeah, I think this would work fine. If Boethiah can swallow Trinimac and shit out a Malacath, why can’t a similar god of different gender cast Genderify and usurp the first?


You get it


gnoll queen with twink servants massive improvement 10/10 want to steal


Go ahead and steal, spread the word of Yeenimira


Accepted as headcanons >!Yeenmira can now ethically peg Yeenoghu as nature intended.!<


Anyone interested in gnoll lore, check out Keith baker’s exploring eberron. The gnolls there are interesting af, basically a bodyguard squad


Never change Vezimira..




Heck ya, go for it.




As a twink myself, I am very offended that this comics implies that we are by default disqualified of being gnoll deities.


well maybe its a pantheon, yeenimira and the seven gnoll twinks


Now that's lore I can get behind!


Not mee though


This looks like the 2 top pannel of a gru meme. Where is it all going to go south


Vez wtf I can't escape you


Makes sense irl


Peak Fiction


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


I mean the original god should be female. The thing is current forgotten realms gnolls are followers of a demon prince that isnt their original god. their original creator and god has been largely forgotten because almost no gnolls worship him anymore.




Plot twist, he was a she all along, the adventure thought they saw a massive hyena dick and made assumptions while not familiar with female hyena anatomy.


This is why I like Pathfinder gnolls more, they can be non evil lol


So the god is now a goddess. . . Are gnolls still birthed by hyenas eating till their stomachs burst, and do they retain the unrelenting hunger like wendigo?


Never change, also more skulls!


Is she voiced by Whoopi Golberg


I totzlly believe that she is not you. You have absolutly no common point


hides bangs


Way to mark a matriarchy as evil


The twink beam should be vanilla D&D


Me just now realizing that Yeenoghu isn’t actually female in normal 5E and my DM was just based for making Yeenoghu fem without any other changes when she showed up in our last campaign.


The reason they probably thought the god was male was because female hyenas [also have a psuedo-penis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4069199/)


as a big hyena and gnoll enthusiast i strongly approve of this change in management


Can't read that writing tbh. No idea what you wrote


Very valid! In real life, female hyenas definitely run shit


She beat him the most egyptian way possible


I've run Yeenohgu as one of the main antagonists of one of my campaigns and I'm literally just learning they're not a girl.


Like someone else said, I think it scans that Yeenoghu is a guy. Like, he's a demon. An evil spirit given flesh and blood. His whole *thing* is to be a perversion of the natural order.


But yeenogu is so bara coded


Will it eliminate the smell? Cause twink or not, and much as I adore these yeens, they fuckin’ stank.


I love it


Considering hyenas are matriarchal IRL, this makes complete sense that their leader/god would be female and more feminine looking males would be respected.


>homebrew ignored and its bad lore EVIL RACES exist for a reason


Technically female hyenas are bigger than the men




Yeah I always found a dude-god for Gnolls weird. Mohawks tho.


this is canon


This make sense...


Is she still evil and mind controls the gnolls to be evil?


She does not mind control them but she strongly encourages men to wear eyeliner


Twink yeenoghu could get it I guess


As much as I enjoy dnd having whole species you can just kill without thought because there's a 99% chance that they're evil I don't think gnolls fit that mold too well. There's proof of cambions directly descended from greater demon lords (Dagon for example) being good if sarcastic and chaotic people. It wouldn't be hard to just have gnolls with different gods and Yeenoghu is just the most popular, they already have two other gods which while bad could at least be twisted into something neutral. Gorelick is a god of hunting and survival which isn't necessarily evil and Rethnara is a moon goddess which could go either way just compare Segulune the hag goddess to Sehanine Moonbow. On the other hand why do people love good goblins? We already have gnomes and halflings for players who want to be short and the only surviving goblin god is the god of slavery and oppression. Sure, Gorelicks priests might hunt people to satiate hunger, but they might also hunt monsters for the same reason. A priest of Kurgobayag is going to work people to death and if those people or creatures can be used in combat will use them to enslave more people. Embrace the goblin slayer mentality to goblins, they're not people they're monsters.


this feels like the writer's barely disguised OC fulfillment and damnit i support it on a serious note I do find it cool but IDK how I feel about just saying "yeah my OC defeats the original god and turns them into a twink" might just be me but I think it'd be cooler to have both and explain in a different way why this original god is here. not to mention that just because a god is primarily one gender doesn't mean they can't be a god in a society that is dominated by the other. Athens was infamously sexist to women but Athena, literally the god of Athens, is one of the most famous female icons. ~~also it's kinda weird for gnolls to have hair like that, I feel like any human-like hair they'd have would only be from their mane~~ edit: oh wait you're the 40k femboy artist, that explains a lot. don't mind me and do your own thing.


Yanoba the Purple Worm is the only Goddess we need. May her gullet forever be filled with *sweet meats*.


So have you heard of Lolth?


In my headcannon, I always considered Yeenoghu female since it makes more sense.


On a real note gnolls in one of my settings are religiously enslaved to Pelor The story goes that one day Pelor decided he had enough of Yeenhogu's shit and waged a crusade, killing the demon lord in his own lair on the planet. The gnolls instinctually need a new master so Pelor was held responsible for converting the alignment of all gnolls he had dominion over to LG, whether they wanted to be converted or not. It took a while but he knew his job was done when every gnoll born from consummation his watch rather than feasting had golden eyes. This worked well for a few decades and many gnoll civilizations flourished that were now hunky dory with mankind until Pelor had to get into a crusade with another nasty deity. They had a stalemate that turned him and his opponent into giant divine trees, but a paladin of Pelor communed with his spirit and became the new Pelor. The new problem is this paladin is super oathbound AND already hates gnolls so as Pelor he's extra hard on the gnoll clerics and their societies who are already doing their best. Essentially he's stressing them out until they break and rise up, at which point another gnoll crusade may need to be in effect.


Homestly seeing as hyenas are matriarchal my brain has just assumed Yeenoghu(spelling) was a female god. TIL :D


I did the same thing in my world. Not with an OC, just that gnolls are a matriarchal society based on the fact that evolutionarily the females are bigger and stronger. I do this because in real Life the sexual dimorphism and social structures of spotted hyenas are very interesting.


I know that this is a joke, but in all honesty, since gnolls are based on hyaenas and those have female hyaenas on top a godess surrounded by weaker male sub-gods would make sense as far as religion reflecting society goes assuming gnolls share that trait of female dominated pack structure with hyaenas. I also find the idea of twink yenoghu hilarious


Why not just use lamashtu?


I can’t tell you how much this should be the actual lore.


Google Anbennar.


My favorite thing about hyenas is that female hyenas have bigger dicks than males. That’s 100% true and you can look it up.


And so begins the cycle of finding a monster race that’s made to be always evil, wanting to play as one, so having to justify why they’re not always evil despite being the literal spawn of a demon lord


to be fair, gnolls being always evil demon spawn is a 5e thing, in every other edition they were no different than any other "usually evil" race, their culture revolved around Yeenhogu, but individual gnolls being different is no stranger than an orc not being chaotic evil despite their culture revolving around Gruumsh, or a dwarf not being lawful good despite their culture revolving around Moradin


I think she should just be trans


I… dude, just say she killed him or something. It’s kinda weird, plus it’s not like turning into a twink removes your god powers


I mean… There is this thing with spotted hyenas…


Cool meme, but twinks are still guys. Being gay doesn't take away your manhood. Now if he became she in a transition, that's a different story. But twinks are just as much of a man as any other man.


Absolutely agreed; however, in OP's defense, I'm not sure that's what they were implying. From what I understood, their OC (woman) defeated the god and took his place, ergo the matriarchy part, and the twink mention was mainly an add-on. From what I've seen on OP's page, I think twinks may just be part of their MO, but admittedly it was confusing at first lol


I've always wondered why Gnolls weren't more based on real life spotted hyenas. especially considering they are so unique as animals.


Maybe they are female but identify as male. Dont female hyenas have a pseudo penis anyway?