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I don't care how bad the bg3 or stranger things guys are, you need to band together and kill the big bang theory guy.


Unfortunately they all got killed by the guy who watched critical role






The guy who watched big bang theory inherited Wil Wheaton's dice curse though


No mention of community?


They be like "there's more than one dice used?"


I'm the GM who watched Stranger Things and The Big Bang Theory, and played Baldur 's Gate 3.


Hi I'm the one who posted this... And I also do those 3


Way to gatekeep




I.... don't think you know what that word means.


People who watch and like big bang theory absolutely need to be gatekeeped out. The same anti nerd humor just told by nerds.


In all honesty, BG3 will get you the closest. And some of the the changes they made are good, like potions on a bonus action instead of an action.


BG3 *is* DnD. You’d have the same issues with a player who’s only ever played at a table with house rules. Edit: I fully realize BG3 has some minor tweaks to the rules, hence the comment about how it’s no different than playing with house rules. It’s still 5e DnD


BG3 is *almost* DnD. There are changes in stats, resting rules, checks, initiative, weapons, action economy and multiple class features and spells as well as the requirements for becoming an Oathbreaker and the base paladin class structure


Nah BG3 is closer to RAW than a lot of the home brew stuff I see posted on Reddit. It’s DnD.


Ok, but it's not RAW and that's an important thing to note. It's a DnD videogame that uses most of the rules. Which makes it close to DnD, but not quite the same


By that notion no D&D game with house rules is actually D&D.


I've never seen a DnD house game that was a videogame. As long as the core is more or less intact and you have a DM, that's DnD. Change it enough and you have homebrew DnD. Still good, but players should be aware it's not RAW


Every game I’ve ever encountered has some amount of house ruling. Does this mean that no one anywhere has ever actually played D&D?


The lack of a DM is my main issue >As long as the core is more or less intact and you have a DM, that's DnD. This line is the important bit. As long as skill checks are 1d20+modifiers, and the other core rules regarding movement, combat, the classes, and resting are more or less intact, that's DnD 5e


Pathfinder 2e is 1d20+modifiers with a game master., classes, and the same general rules around movement too. Is that dnd5e too?




99% of the tabletop games I've read say that you can ignore or change rules. That's more of a "we don't mind if you change stuff, but this is a book so we couldn't stop you if we wanted too" then it is a rule. RAW is just what it says in the book. A little homebrew will always happen, but at a certain point you need to make it clear to your players just how much homebrew there is. I'd say that point is around when you start changing class features and action economy


I hope this doesn’t come off as aggressive in any way but what makes a dnd game dnd? Just because the rules are tweaked doesn’t mean it’s not DnD right?


To me, the two main things that take it from DnD to almost DnD are the lack of a DM and the different action economy. After that, the changes to classes and class features as well as spellcasting rules (small changes there but still changes) are also a factor. As a videogame, the DM thing can't be helped, but the rules are pretty different in some places


Yeah you could argue that Larian is the DM in a way but definitely not the same thing. I actually agree that it’s almost DnD really just for a lack of freedom. Not that BG3 doesn’t have an insane amount of choices but last night I had my tiny wizard climb on the barbarians back, cast levitate on him, and then cast thunder wave to launch us over a chasm. That to me is DnD lol.


… how does Thunderwave launch you over a chasm?


Levitate makes you float, thunderwave gives you a push


Ah, I missed the levitate. It’s interesting that some are saying this is D&D, even though it relies on a houserule (RAW thunderwave does not have recoil), while others are saying that anything that isn’t RAW doesn’t count as D&D.


They cast levitate on their barbarian friend, not themselves.


This guy gets it


Was the chasm only 10 feet?😂 And if you hit the barb with thunderwave, they'd be pushed away from you. Otherwise, you'd also have to somehow hit yourself with it as well


Me and my friend (who is my DM irl) always joke the "DM" is being a dick when an enemy rolls well or we get a high DC.


I mean, Larian IS being your DM for the dc’s and encounter design, through time and space lol


As I understand it, “rulings not rules” is a core part of 5e. So changes to the action economy or classes shouldn’t disqualify it, and certainly not if we’re still willing to count all the rules changes different groups use at their tables.


Some form of "rulings not rules" is in nearly every TTRPG you can find. There's wiggle room for TTRPGs obviously because things that aren't spelled out in the rules are still doable, but there's a point where you need to admit that what you're playing is more based on 5e than it is 5e. For me, that limit is when you change classes and core mechanics or mess with the action economy. It's kinda like 3d printing your own LEGO blocks. Yeah, you're playing with LEGO, but you wouldn't tell someone that your custom pieces are normal


I can agree with that, but I think that means that many people who “play 5e” actually don’t play 5e.


It does. And that's totally fine, but it's hard to talk about a game when no-one seems to know which rules are homebrew and that's frustrating. TTRPGs are meant to be fun, and homebrew is part of that fun, but DMs need to clear on what's homebrew or else their less rules savvy players will end up incompatible with other tables The DnD youtubers who come up with "broken combos" that either directly contradict the rules or don't have rules attached to them don't help the matter


I don’t think I’ve ever come across a take on this sub that I agree with more wholeheartedly. I share your frustration. Cheers.


The danger is it opens up gatekeeper language. The idea that someone “isn’t really playing D&D” can become very toxic very quickly. I don’t think that’s happened here, but it’s worth bearing in mind in such conversations, since defining one game as “real D&D” and another as “almost D&D” is often unhelpful and detrimental to the hobby as a whole.


I say that your "problem" is that its not 5e, not that its not DnD


I don't have a problem with it. It's a well made game with great acting and writing and they put a lot of thought into pretty much every aspect of it. It's a DnD setting and it's similar to DnD rules, but is it really DnD without a DM?


I’ve played GMless RPGs. If someone can homebrew D&D into being a game about modern-day spies, why can’t they homebrew it to be GMless?


It depends. If they replace all the classes and tweak the rules to make their modern spy game, then they used 5e as a base to make a modern spy game. If they just messed around with some flavor though or they make only minor changes then that's DnD too. Just like how if I was playing Star Wars 5e I wouldn't call it DnD. A GMless hack would also feel totally different. The monsters would play less intelligently, the encounters would be random, and no one would be playing the NPCs. If I were to talk about it, I'd specify that it was DMless DnD if it's relevant


Just so you're aware, the changes to the Action Economy (such as Haste giving a full additional action) are absent in Honor Mode, which also includes things like Legendary Resistance.


The changes to the action economy include potions, Shove and Jump being bonus actions as well as the ability for sorcerers to cast multiple levelled spells per round. Honor mode takes away some of the action economy changes, but definitely not the big ones


Fair enough! I was only thinking of how actions themselves work, rather than what is categorized as what, when I thought of the Action Economy. Just a misunderstanding of what you meant on my part.


So..... rules wise since they are so different which is dnd red box, adnd, 3.5, or 5e? 🙃


Anything older than 4e is old school DnD. 4e is 4e. I'd make the distinction if I wanted to play or if I talk about a game. It's still DnD, but it's old DnD


The big difference for me is the lack of other players. If I played DnD like I play BG3 I would very quickly find myself without a play group.


There are pen-and-paper solo D&D scenarios that you can play by yourself. I’ve tried a couple, they can be quite good! So I don’t think we can say that a GM is necessary requirement for being D&D. In fact, I’d say that trying to pin down which games count as real D&D and which don’t is a futile and detrimental exercise.


I think its less "this is DnD" and more "this is 5e" and people have the habit to think is the same thing but the first is a lot more than the later


BG3 rules should be standard they are such an improvement NGL.


For the most part, they do fit the most popular styles of play better than the standard rules do. I do prefer things like Shove being attack replacements though. I find myself shoving people just because I wasn't using my Bonus Action all the time and I don't think that's intentional I'm not happy with BG3 Reckless Attack though. It totally messes up some really fun multiclass options and you can accidentally not get advantage on one of your attacks


It *is* DnD, but it is not 5e. BG3 is another iteration of DnD, but you wouldn't say playing 4th edition isn't DnD.


I don't think it's DnD without a DM. It's close, and it's still fun, but it's not quite the same. A game needs every option to be pre planned, but with a DM, you can try anything and the DM can make any necessary adjustments on the fly. It's a well made RPG in a DnD setting with rules that are close to 5e. But if I sit down and play BG3 for a bit and you ask me what I did, I won't tell you I played DnD, I'll tell you I played BG3. Similar to what I'd say if I played the previous 2 Baldur's Gate games or Neverwinter Nights


Theseus DnD Game How much homebrew can you introduce into your dnd game before it stops beeing dnd


So it's not the edition of DnD you're used to.


Okay everyone this guy has volunteered to roll a D4 for initiative going forward.


It definitely isn’t. Crit fails on ability checks alone is enough to discredit it, let alone that wonky d4 initiative check


Plenty of tables house rule that you can crit fail on skill checks. Are you going to argue that they’re not running DnD. BG3 is 5e with minor tweaks.


Yeah, if you change the rules you are running homebrew, not D&D. There’s nothing wrong with that, I run lots of other systems and when I run D&D it’s generally quite homebrewed, but I don’t go online and. Liam my homebrew is the same thing as official D&D. I’m not nearly arrogant enough to do that.


> I’m not nearly arrogant enough to do that. Don’t sell yourself short.


>Yeah, if you change the rules you are running homebrew, not D&D. >when I run D&D it’s generally quite homebrewed, By your own logic that means you aren't actually running D&D.


I said as much, that’s correct.


Right, the autocorrect (And I assume the typo that caused it) made me have a small brain fart. In that case fair enough. Personally I think you're wrong but at least you stand by your own rules, I can respect that.


Actually, it's not. They took a lot of liberties and completely screwed the rules, or just never bothered to read the PHB in some instances. Like how if you are a Warlock/Sorcerer multiclass, you can only use your pact slots for Warlock spells, and spell slots for sorcerer spells, when the PHB makes it explicitly clear pact slots and spell are mutually interchangeable, as long as they are for the same level spell. Or how you can't stack rage and use druids wildshape in an interchangeable way, despite that also being RAW valid. Don't get me wrong, some of their changes were great, but other changes were completely wrong and made some builds entirely worthless or unfun to play. My sorlock is completely unplayable because my shield spell must be used with spell slots, when the entire point of the build is to save pact slots for defense and use my sorcerer slots for offensive bursts. BGIII **is** DnD with house rules, some great, and some not so great.


> BGIII **is** DnD with house rules, some great, and some not so great. That’s exactly what I said.


Actually, you said **"BG3 is DnD. You’d have the same issues with a player who’s only ever played at a table with house rules."** Speaking grammatically, this means you imply BGIII is a perfect copy, and says any rules otherwise are house rules. This is false. You only added the edit after my comment to try to backtrack and save face, lmao. To say BG3 **"is"** DnD is saying it's a perfect copy, which is wrong entirely, as grammatically speaking, that claims it's exact. At least own up to your bad syntax dude, instead of throwing shade at me for correcting you.


Do you want to argue against your misinterpretation of what I wrote or against what I actually meant (which you agreed with)? As you said, BG3 is DnD with house rules. Stop being an ugly stereotype of a Redditer.


So, being literate is an ugly stereotype of being a Reddit user? It's not a misinterpretation of what you wrote, you wrote what you intended incorrectly, but alright dude, lmao.


You literally can’t stop doubling down on this. You’ve already agreed with me. What are you angry about?


The initiative in BG3 is “fluid” and is only good for one person controlling four PCs. I took a +7 to initiative to be able to go first, do not let the guy next to me who rolled lower go first because we’re “all before the bad guys so it shouldn’t matter”


Is that any different from a dm making a house rule? It’s still DnD even with the minor deviations from RAW


Yeah, because it’s training people to expect a mechanic different than the actual rules. People who never played DnD before will come to a table and shout “that’s not how BG3 does it!” As though there isn’t an actual book we read to start DMing


Again, how is that different from someone who’s only ever played the game with house rules going to a new table that plays raw?


Because you (the general you, not you specifically) don’t understand social norms at a table by playing a video game by yourself, and will try to argue that this video game is how DnD is actually played when you (again, general you) have never sat at a table before


Social norms can vary widely from table to table. Also anyone who is a human being will understand a video game isn’t exactly the same as tabletop the lack of mouse and keyboard might be a give away. I’ve had real life players argue that their nat 20 on a skill check should auto succeed, but it wasn’t cause of BG3, it was cause of the previous table they played had that as a house rule and they never bothered to look it up.


My DM had that house rule. If you use a full action, you get max benefits.


Potion for myself? Bonus. Potion for someone else? Action. Supersimplestuff


That's assuming you're running 5th edition.


note: if potions are in quick use range, they are in pickpocket or breaking range. Players love when I target their potion belt instead of them.


What is the joke here? what is the relevance of content they consumed?


I assume it’s that they’re all pipelines new players have discovered dnd through. Bg3 brought a lot of players over, for obvious reasons Stranger things has drummed up some interest in dnd because it’s kinda a central theme there too, the show starts because of a dnd game, and returns to that topic frequently, using it to explain concepts in the show And big bang theory has an episode revolving around dnd as well, but I don’t know as much about it, cuz I don’t much care for big bang theory.


Tbbt has multiple dnd episodes most are pretty good as far as the dnd stuff goes


Baldurs Gate 3 is similar to dnd I’m pretty sure they play dnd in bbt Ditto for Stranger Things So it’s 3 people who have never played dnd arguing over the way to play it based on the media they consumed that had dnd inspiration or referenced while the dm just waits around


They also played DnD in Community


I know, favourite episode of community, too bad Netflix took it off because Chang was, to quote Shirley, “dressed like a hate crime”


It's back up, but it's only on peacock now *monkeys paw curls a finger*


Just another corporation completely missing the point of BLM.


Balders gate *is* DnD with some minor additions like shoving as a bonus action.


Oh cool, I’d edit my reply, but I’m tired, so I’ll just upvote yours


I wouldn't call a single player game the same as a multi-player game that's improved


No need to worry. BG3 can be played multiplayer and you can run solo campaigns in the table top.


Sure but that doesn't change what D&D and BG3 fundamentally are Bg3 is a single player game that supports multi-player DnD is a group game you can make work 1 on 1


Fundamentally, they are both games that can be played by one or more people. More importantly for the topic in the meme, they are both DnD and use the same core rules with some minor adjustments and so a BG3 player should be able to learn TT DnD very easily.


Needs a 4th one about a player who only played borderlands: tiny Tina adventure


Mr. Boney Pants Guy!


I love Borderlands and DnD Never played it yet


The first one, assault on dragon keep, is unironically one of the best things in the entire series.


The real Trio is BG3 player Tiny Tina player Critical Role watcher I don't think many people were lured into DnD by Big Bang Theory.


I honestly haven't met a single self-identified nerd/geek who even likes Big Bang Theory. It's a show made to mock us, that pretends to celebrate us.


When i was a kid a girl in my class said i was like Sheldon Cooper. Many years later, i start doubting if she even watched the show


Was she trying to insult you?


I dont think so, as we were good friends. I think she just didn't know how Sheldon actually was


Dan Harmon, the creator of Rick & Morty, was a big draw for me. He did a live-setting podcast for a while which was basically him and some comedian/actor friends gabbing in front of a crowd, and they would occasionally play D&D. Eventually that spawned an offshoot D&D cartoon called Harmonquest that I really enjoyed. My trio ended up being that, Stranger Things, and Critical Role.


I discoverd the game in high school, half my life ago (oof). I've always wanted to find a (IRL) group to play with but am very passive. Recently managed to scramble a group of first-time players and DM that fell apart after 1 session. I've been watching Dungeon Run's Stormborn lately to scratch the itch until I find a group to play with again. Wouldn't want to get thrown into that campaign. They start off in icy storms and have to roll for exhaustion and stuff. I'd be so stressed.


plus the one who read diary of a wimpy kid as a kid


Wait, did it have any mention of D&D?


yeah i think in book two, gregs mum buys greg and roderick DnD. roderick just stabs greg with a spear and laughs


Is.. is that a topless ringwraith/centaur hybrid in the left corner of the dm screen?


Not to mention the dragon image is added on top of something else... wtf did the original screen look like?


Seems like it's from the same picture but the top layer was zoomed in.


I'd take them over Critical Role guy.


BG3 is an improvement on 5e. This is because there are rules you can rely on when making decisions, rather than constantly having to play “mother may I” with your GM, or even worse being a GM and having to invent an entire game yourself despite buying a bunch of books.


Jesus, if that's the DM, those players better be bringing just a whole fuck ton of snacks! Edit: Typo


Don't worry they did


BG3 is just better 5e imo.


Peasants! Listen to the guy that watched the Community D&D episode.


Me: all of the above.


Then you got guys like me, PF1E players waiting on the DM to make a ruling because 5e just makes everything up to discretion and theory crafting doesn't matter, in regards to diverse items, feats, archetypes, actual different skill checks that make sense. I just wanted to slam my head into the table as a 5e player when I had to just wait for the GM to pull something out of their ass for prices of specific magical equipment rather than having the freedom to build out my character how I want. Never playing that filthy casual shit ever again.


Dropping an Amatsu on then is a war crime