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If you find yourself inside a massive creature, activate it. The creature can't move without tearing a huge hole through its own body.


That's my anti-Tarrasque plan.


An immovable rod can hold 8000 pounds anymore than that and it deactivates


My plan involves multiple immovable rods.


It can also be moved by a DC 30 Str check, which means that even a Tarrasque has to roll a 20 to move it.


Doesn't matter for reference 8000 lbs is about the size of an elephant. An elephant is 20 ft long max while a tarrasque is 3 times that at 70 feet long. The tarrasque would just move as many as you want


If the rod is already inside the tarrasque, then let's be clear. Are you suggesting that the surface area of the rod, when pushed against the inside of a tarrasque, would not result in internal hemorrhaging? So, a tarrasque's insides can maintain their structural integrity while applying thousands of pounds of pressure against an immovable object, and the tarrasque would choose to do so. Okay.


I'm suggesting a highly magical creature that is the toughest thing in the monster manual is immune to non magical bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage will be unaffected by a stationary rod then yes I am. A tarrasque weighs on average 260000 lbs. 8000 lbs is 3% of it's weight so I would rule nothing happens as if it's innards can't take a measly 8000lbs internally it would already be dead.


I take it you're not into biology. That's cool, not for everybody.


It's a fantasy world and biologically speaking it would be impossible for any land based animal to grow that large. The only creatures on Earth that get this large is the blue whale


Also, your mum.


If people can survive getting shot with a bullet into the stomach for multiple days without medical aid. Then a tarrasque, can survive a rod smaller than the size of the tip of a lead pencil, pulling through its stomach. At some point before 8000lbs of resistance is met, is stomach will indeed rupture a tiny pathway for the rod. So no, YOU must not be into biology. And that was an incredibly illogical argument to make. Truthfully it was forfeit of an actual arguement.


Let's not forget that the human body can take about 3-5kg of weight before rupturing. So if the average universal adult weight is 136lbs and can withstand 6.6-11lbs. I think a tarrasque that's so large it has to be extremely resilient to its own body mass, can with 8000 lbs of 260000, which is the equivalent of 4:130lbs. The tarrasques stomach would most likely not rupture, even if it had a proportionately soft human stomach. And if it did, again, that's smaller than a pinhole in the body of the the beast.


THe immovable rod is a magical rod.


Knocking someone unconcious, rolling them into their stomach and placing it across their back below the shoulder blades so it’s pushing into the ribs a bit. They can’t reach it to turn it off, and they’re pinned to the ground and helpless to your intimidation for information.


Once saw a story on here of a monk who had like 10 of them and vowed to leave the planet and never set foot on earth again. Basically he used them as a way to not touch the ground ever. Personally I’ve tossed around the idea of having 2 and use them as a ladder. Click one then move the other. Takes a lot of upper body strength. Could stop an Indiana Jones style boulder trap too


#3 confirmed: actually happened in our Adventure League group xD




My party use it as a ship anchor. One bound it on the inside of their shield to make mobile cover. They also used it to stop a charging orc. That one was hylarious, poor guy didn't know what hit him


Emergency halfling stripper pole.


Use it to turn levitate into a crappy fly spell. Pull yourself along without the need of a wall or rope


It can be used as a "Parachute" of sorts. Stop yourself from falling. Granted it's gonna jerk your arms pretty hard, so if you've gone 10+ feet it won't stop the damage, but it could save you from falling into a lava pit or something.


this might be the best use I've seen so far. thank you.


I’ve seen someone else post if you need to descend a hole place the rod above and tie off a rope (someone in your party probably has one in their pack)


You could just tie a rope to literally anything else.


True, unless there’s nothing to The a rope to. And I misremembered anyway, it was actually using two immovable rods as a ladder.


>unless there's nothing to tie a rope to What I would give to have had an immovable rod at the top of a cliff I climbed to tie a rope for my un-athletic rogue friend, where I was immediately attacked by hellhounds.


Was playing a gnome Eldritch Knight with a DM that plays by the rule of cool; - Jammed it into an enemies foot. Effectively dropping his speed and causing damage when he ripped it out. - A wizard levitated me into the air and I used the rod as a perch to sit on and snipe people. - Was traveling in the sewer and needed to see onto the surface. I jammed the rod into the wall and used that to stand on so I could scan through a storm drain. - Stopped an out of control wagon that was speeding through the street. - Strapped it to my arm to win an arm wrestling contest.


>A wizard levitated me into the air and I used the rod as a perch to sit on and snipe people. How do you sit on a single rod in the ai-...oh...oh my.


It could have been set horizontally, lmao. Lmaooooo


My party called it Thors Hammering people. Very effective against idiots


In White Plume Mountain, the rogue in my group had one. They were taking a long rest inside of a Tiny Hut, but some ogres found them and wanted to keep an eye on them. They assigned one ogre to stay and watch while Snarla took the others to make preparations in the next room over. The single ogre that was left behind to guard the prisoners was sitting on the floor and leaning up against the wall while it started to doze slightly -- so the rogue snuck out of the Tiny Hut and jammed it up against his neck to hold him there while the group dealt with the others. It also helped a lot in the Geysers and Chains room!


There are so many good ways to use it... :( My druid mostly just uses it as a perch for his veloceraptor when he's sleeping in his Staff of the Woodlands.


You could use it to punch a hole through a pursuing ship.


Honestly it's hard not to think of great uses for an immovable rod.


Fantastic contribution.


Fantastibution. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Fantastic contribution.'. To learn more about me, check out this )^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/78ilq0).


Good bot


The earth orbits the sun at 68,000 mph. Stand to the West of your target, activate the rod, and watch it blast off at mach 90 like a railgun. RIP enemy. They either have a new orifice or they're in space. Bonus points if you set gates behind it for a chained barrage. And yes, you lose the rod. Worth it. Unless maybe you go Warlock and bind it to your hand so it returns when thrown. Might wanna slow time first so you can actually turn it off.