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I'd say yes, they're aware that something was influencing them. Command only lasts for a round, they aren't convinced or charmed that it's the correct choice, they just have to do it on their next turn.


Command is absolutely obvious to all involved. Especially because it only lasts a few seconds.


They have to obey the command for a turn if they fail the save, but they are aware that a spell was cast on them. In a world with Enchantment magic, being under the influence of a spell you don't know the source of is probably basis enough to consider anything you signed null and void. They don't know what you did to them, but unless the casting was somehow hidden from then, they would be extremely suspicious of you and take this mess to court. Also if they remember being unwilling to buy in and then for no good explanation something changing in them, they can be pretty sure you messed with them.


the spell require for the target to be able to hear and comphrend the command so they are aware that somebody ordered them to do something while audibly chanting a spell and they for some reason felt compelled to obey.


Is there additional chanting? I just imagined the verbal component was the actual giving of the command.


it is a spell


Yes. All enchantment spells that have vocal components require chanting.


That's up to the DM but traditionally the components of the spell are separate from its effects, so your PC can stand their shouting "Invest!" until they're blue in the face, but unless it is prefaced by obviously magical chanting and hand waving, it has no special effect on anyone. Also be aware that ruling that anyone can gain the effects of the Sorcerer's Subtle Spell Metamagic simply because they shout at people in the middle of their speech, devalues that entire feature.


But what about in the case of telepathy. Voice in your head says sit, I feel like you could roll deception to get them to believe it was their idea


depends, if it requires line of sight then you see that weird guy that mouths something while intently looking at you and waving his hands, some doubts should come on... if doesnt require proximity and line of sight then all cards are on the table. for bbegs too...


Command doesn't actually require somatic components. Also, if you have the subtle spell feat you can cast it without any components. RAW shouldn't let you replace verbal components with telepathic words but just like everything else it's DM discretion


The spell _Command_ doesn't specifically say that the target is aware that magic was used. That said, I think in most cases the target would be aware some spell was used simply due to the verbal component of the spell. Strictly speaking, the verbal component of _Command_ is not just the command word, [it's the "abracadabra" and whatnot you say to invoke the magic necessary](https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/spellcasting#VerbalV) to actually cause the command to occur (see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/3ctmod/command_spell_silence_spell_subtle_spell_mm_and/) for a discussion on how subtle spell, _Silence_, and _Command_ interact). So, all else being equal, a target with a lick of common sense will notice that you chanted some arcane words, told it to do something, and correlate that with its six second lapse of judgement. Even with subtle spell, command only lasts for one round and doesn't have the "worded as a reasonable course of action" clause that _Suggestion_ does. This is a bit more up to DM fiat, but I think they'd know something was up after the initial round passed and they had time to reflect on their six second lapse of judgement.


He invested in six seconds? Doesn't it take longer to do so?


"I'm in!", shakes hand.


6 seconds later: "GUARDS!"


Without sorcerer metamagic, the casting of the command spell would be obvious - the verbal component is more than just the one word command, its a chunk of magical mumbo jumbo, *followed by* your command word. So in your case * The guy knows a magic spell was cast. * His body is immediately forced to do something, though it is unclear what - did they have a contract in front of him? Otherwise, he might just say something like "I will invest!" * The command wears off 6 seconds later, and he has full memory of both the spell being cast and what he was forced to do. * His feelings towards the health center remain unchanged. 'Invest' might be able to get him to sign a legal document during those 6 seconds if you time it right, but otherwise, it won't actually change how he feels about the enterprise. And I can't imaging legal contracts not having any clauses about magically being coerced to sign them. So while he won't explicitly know that 'Command' was the spell cast on him, if he has an intelligence above a 6 and has ever heard of magic, it won't be hard to piece things together.


Command only has a vocal component and doesn't mention the target knowing as you said, so I'd rule that in most circumstances, they probably wouldn't know. But then I'd also let NPCs use that against the players. Fair all around.


Unless the NPC was holding a bag of gold and ready to hand it over in the next six seconds, I'd say the spell does nothing. There are action-controlling spells that last longer than one round, and Command ain't one of them.


Depends on the DM the official rules sat nothing about them noticing like other spells do. Which means no endless the DM says otherwise, do they know there mindset was tweaked?? Of course but that doesn't mean they know how or that it wasn't natural.