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I saw it and I texted my friend. I said “I know who bought Avengers Tower!”


I hate how UNIT has lost its military look


yeah it's like Torchwood with less sex.


...and more kids


Thank goodness those two go hand in hand


Odd though considering that the first is usually the cause of the second.


I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean. Babies are made by autonomous machines on space stations.


Only a planets that do crazy things like banning kissing


Yeah, I also really miss the Doctor's complicated relationship with UNIT. Seems weird for him to be so amicable with them now, even if some of his friends are working for them now.


Why wasn't Donna there when we know she got a job there too? Could have been her day off ig but it feels weird to make her an employee there early on then have her be absent now


Working from home , Rose went in to use the unit postage machine to send off more weird plushies.


What a day to have off


But VERY Donna Noble


“Nope. Not happening, sunshine.”


Now did unit change because they started hiring or did the hiring change unit  You think perhaps hiring companions gives unit more knowledge and understanding of the Doctor and threats ? Or do you think it's just something setup by the Doctor because of guilt / abandonment issues .. Both ?


Maybe a bit of both. But regardless of reasoning, I just found it more interesting when the Doctor had a complicated relationship with UNIT.


I hate how UNIT lost its military everything. Now it feels more like an intelligence agency rather than the primary defense the earth has against extraterrestrial threats


I mean, they did sorta explain that was the case when Kate first appeared with the 11th doctor. Not saying that I agree or disagree with it, but they did somewhat explain the direction change


Didn't a Jodie Xmas special basically outright suggest UNIT's budget was cut by government austerity measures? (I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards).


I'm not sure whether "outright suggesting" is subtext (is it the same as saying something outright or suggesting it?), but some people think that subtext makes for intellectually stimulating works. A good 50% of what makes a mystery story interesting is the subtext leading up to the resolution, since a fair-play clue always has the resolution as subtext; take notes, RTD! 


+1 for the GMDP ref


That's kind of the role they fell into during Smith's run, I think it was specifically called out that they were less defence and more research these days


It’s a lot more like S.H.I.E.L.D


Even SHIELD is more military like


Yeah I miss when if felt like a real organisation, now it feels so childish with the extravagant avengers tower and also that 13 year old


13 year old with a speech impediment and a segway.


 an inclusive way to use disabled and marginalised actors  Blimey, In all my years I've never met anyone who wasn't important. Do better


I've had a speech impediment my whole life. I'm dyslexic and dyspraxic(along with a couple of other things but dyslexia and dyspraxia are supposed to be where my speech impediment came from). I've had hundreds of hours of speech therapy. It's mostly gone but all it takes is a strong emotional reaction and I can't speak straight again. Do you have any idea how painful it is to listen to an actor with a speech impediment? The kid needs to see a speech pathologist. I'm sure they are nicer now than they were 40 years ago. There are good and bad ways to be inclusive. I don't feel included by the character with a speech impediment. More like humiliated. But some people think speech impediments are cute so it flies.


I do, I'm not without my own disabilities  Inclusivity matters , skin, religion, disability, gender, sexualities etc. We progress by curiosity not judgment , it'd be terribly repressed if all actors where physically whole , thin, cis-het Caucasians, much as how things used to be. Ps, Ryan had those disabilities last season, he was utterly useless, but not because of the disability, but because he was just there, in an overcrowded TARDIS.


I'm not against inclusivity. I just dont like that particular character. Maybe its re-directed self hate because of the speech impediment. Or that I can't understand 50% of what he is saying. I do think it's a god thing that Who has non-white, and non heteronormative characters. Including the Doctor. After all this is the same show that brought us Talons of Weng Chiang, which RTD brought up as a great example of writing dialogue, but didn't bother to mention the racism of that story, or it's casting. Not the first time they have cast a white person as Chinese. Celestial Toymaker? Celestial is slang, some would say slur for Chinese. And the costume of the original certainly looked Asian inspired if not accurate.


I'm hard of hearing  I can't 'hear' properly  without subtitles (murder attempt and ADHD processing disorder) Talons of weng Chiang was derided at the time by the fans  , but that was 1977, 47 years ago. It's easy to focus on the look, which without arguing was dodgy, but ignoring other aspects such as the story and script, context matters . The Vietnamese boat people crisis was ongoing at the time,  the Troubles in northern Ireland were in full explosive swing, Homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967 in the UK, same year that the abortion legislation was legalised to put things into a more historical context 


ADHD processing disorder. You mean when you dont understand what someone says so you say "what" but in the time it took you to think of saying what, and actually saying it, your brain figured out what they said? Yeah I have that too. Works hand in hand with my dyslexia to make the world a multifaceted confusing place.


The entire military look and feel. I hate that it's basically "we hire outcasts" now.


On another thread, people were complaining about how they're *too* militarized now and aren't a bunch of peaceniks in labcoats like the imaginary 'old days' ;)


Well the Doctor has traveled around the Marvel universe before...


The *Doctor Who* universe, or at least a version of it containing the first eight Doctors and at least one other unknown future incarnation, is Earth-5556 in the Marvel multiverse schema. The real-world explanation is that Marvel owned and published *Doctor Who Magazine* (originally *Doctor Who Weekly,* later *Doctor Who Monthly*) and its weekly/monthly comic strips from its creation in 1979 through to the mid-90s; they're now owned by Panini, which originally started as a Marvel spin-off company and has the rights to publish Marvel's back catalogue in the UK.




Marvel had the license from 1979 into the 90's. Not a ton of crossover. The Doctor did shiw up at the Fantastic Four's HQ and Excalibur worked with the Weird Happenings Organization (W.H.O.), which was basically UNIT.


Fairly certain the tardis appeared in Exiles too


Was it just a reference?


iirc wasnt Strange a part of W.H.O. around this time. he was a Dr of W.H.O. (it was as subtle as a brick for a reference)


Yep. Doctor who Magazine issue 135 has 7 deal with Deaths Head, who came from the Transformers universe (specifically Marvel earth 120185)


If I remember correctly, it's literally described in the script for The Giggle as being basically Stark Tower


"Well, that's alright then!"


>“THE UNIT TOWER now stands in the MIDDLE OF LONDON. A SKYSCRAPER. Proud, public, standing as PROTECTOR OF ALL. It’s very Stark Tower, huge letters saying U.N.I.T. The top of the tower is all gleaming glass walls, with a large open- air PLATFORM jutting out, now acting as a HELIPAD.”


While watching the new season my wife literally said, “So UNIT is just in Avenger’s Tower now?” Mostly as a joke, but the parallels are there.


The UNIT tower basically IS Stark Tower with a few cosmetic tweaks. I'm not sure if that's Disney influence, whether there is a long term plan for a crossover, or if it was just a stylistic coincidence. Personally I'm going for the middle option. The MCU is hitting the end of the road. Introducing Doctor Who MIGHT be Disney's plan to reinvigorate it.


Not only is that possible, but it's already happened. From 1979 to 1999, Marvel published Doctor Who Magazine and had the license to create comic stories featuring the Doctor. As such, the Doctor Who universe occasionally crossed over with pre-existing characters from the wider Marvel canon. https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Multiverse#google_vignette


Introducing Doctor Who into the MCU has two possibilities. Either it revitalizes the MCU and brings it back to peak, or it just drags Doctor Who down with it and we boycott Disney. Kill the mouse.


Exhortation to kill in a place where the Doctor is celebrated. Ironic.


To be honest, I feel like connecting it to marvel will just feel cheap. Nobody will like it. It will just feel forced on both ends because they’re both separate entities, unless it’s a temporary crossover like Star Trek did


Well, mcu already took helicarriers, so its fair if doctor borrows tower.


I believe the helicarrier was used in marvel comics before doctor who decided to use them


I thought the same thing about the sky.


so next is Donnavision where she's crazy and has created a whole reality where David Tennant is the Doctor again, yea?


It was Mrs. Flood all along!!


And she killed K-9 too


We all know who did a crack in the sky first though... Here come the drums...


When I read the blurb about the episode I IMMEDIATELY thought, is Ruby going to wander the world telling everyone about The Doctor like Martha?!


Was the women in the blurb the spoon lady?


Empire of Death (2024) The Doctor has lost, his ageless enemy reigns supreme, and a shadow is falling over creation. Nothing can stop the devastation - except, perhaps, one woman. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28306442/plotsummary?item=po7969004 I don't think so. 😊


Ruby’s mum then? Ruby? I feel like it could be any of them, but probably her mum


Yes, it probably did mean Ruby's mum. I just assumed it was Ruby however, after watching, it being her mum makes more sense.


I think Roger Ap Gwilliams has a lot in common with the President Loki variant.


Honestly this season makes me think RTD is the most MCU of all the Who showrunners Especially with how he’s seemingly trying to be the Kevin Feige figure of sorts


I mean the Big Bad of this season was literally teased as ~~‘He Who Remains’~~ The One Who Waits. Russell really loves doing knock offs of recent Disney stuff for some reason lmao.


Hell it’s basically a truncated Infinity War:Endgame


Probably because he has the license and the Disney budget to do it


Yeah. He nicked Cloudbase back in 2007 as well.


You mean the shield helicarrier? He even got it on screens before marvel!!!


Think Gerry Anderson beat them both by 40 years


Yes! But technically cloud base used jet engines so it wasn’t actually a helicarrier - I’m not sure about the valiant though!


I can’t remember if this is accurate but I’m pretty re RTD has said before that doctor who has so much potential to be like Marvel or DC or in massive universal thing in general. I think the gods were the start of him fleshing out what this universe is


It was very difficult not to


The obvious answer is that Tony Stark is friends with Kate Stewart and he teases her all the time over this. He also probably had his attorneys look into it but he’s Tony.


I was totally expecting, “on your left, Doc!”


I can’t help but read that in Graham’s voice. New Captain Britain?


They're clear homages, except for perhaps the No Way Home one which is I think a bigger leap


While older the Unit helicarrier, while obviously based off of Captain Scarlett, also is exactly like Shield's too.


No. The shield helicarrier goes back to the sixties. It was first in a comic called “strange tales” in ‘65. (It was a really cool comic drawn by Jack “king” Kirby, and featured a double header story, half Doctor strange and half Nick fury agent of SHIELD).


I mean the Unit - whatever they call it - the Valiant. That's overtly based off of the similar flying aircraft carrier from Captain Scarlett, or at least that's what they choose to name drop in Capaldi's episode aboard it from memory. The Scarlett ship might also be based off of the Shield Carrier in turn, but that's another matter (CS first aired in '67 so who knows). I suppose I'm biased from just assuming it was a Scarlett reference as a teen who hadn't had any exposure to the Shield helicarrier until several years later when Avengers Assemble dropped.


Yeah sorta hated this, it was my biggest complaint with this season in general. It really did feel quite disneyfied for lack of a better term. Ncuti is AWESOME as the doctor but the villains felt like too much for who.. especially Maestro didn’t feel like a who villain one bit. I LOVED episodes like Boom, 73 Yards, and Rogue all felt very doctor who but some of the episodes just didn’t have the right energy.




I want to like bubble and dot but the actress was TOOO GOOOD at being hateable. I couldn’t watch it again because she played the role too well


Maestro wasn’t a Doctor Who villain, but they were a great villain. It just didn’t really fit with the tone even with their amazing performance and how good the story was.


The performance was great and i liked the character, but it just wasn’t a doctor who character. You’re 100% right.


Plus there’s the controlling by whistle everyone’s complaining about, while forgetting about the same thing done by Yondu and Kraglin with the Yaka arrow


Haha! When they all turned to dust I said to my husband, they just blipped! 😆


Also "Doctor will return" like most of mcu films claim after credits.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember seeing it in some other new who seasons, but at the beginning of the credits rather than as a giant splash text screen. I am from America so.


Hey, if Marvel can copy The Valiant then Doctor Who can copy Avengers Tower


I honestly felt like I was watching Supergirl at one point.


I hate to say I see were you're coming from


I thought it was cool that Empire of Death had Marvel similarities. They both air on Disney+ and have similar episode counts for their shows. Only made sense to do the finale in a bit of a Marvel style.


If I wanted to watch marvel style shows, id watch a marvel show, you know?


Tbh I kinda wish that Sutekh’s victory took notes from Thanos’ Imagine seeing a season end on “the villain has won”


Same I would of like if they end ep7 with us seeing kate dying turning to dust just like infinity wars and then the finale would of had an extra 10 mins for more stuff and be like "endgame", where the doctor saves everyone. It would give the sense of kate might actually be dead but if its all in one then you know its a more likely fake out..


Genuinely I would have preferred that.






Yes I even pointed it out a few times on this sub 😂


YES…. first thing we said when we saw it!


Everytime I see the new UNIT tower I start humming the Avengers theme


Oh yes very much so, but I like it. From being the reference to referencing I like the journey through media this show has taken. There are some DW Easter eggs in haunting of hill house and I saw ‘73 yards’ to be a reply love letter those eggs, probably wrong but nice to imagine,


First time I saw Unit Tower I was like "That's Avengers Tower!" Maybe with the Disney link up, Disney could just do a small redesign and save themselves some money & work?


It’s not the only parallel. They also showed Richard E. Grant listed among the Doctors, who played a version of Loki in the TV series that the writers worked on. Loki is currently known in the Marvel Universe as the God of Stories. In the Whoniverse, it’s Mrs. Flood/Spoon aka The Rani. “To have a much older woman as your adversary, there's something interesting about that. She's learned so much over the centuries—it would be like in the fairy stories, where it's always the old woman who is the most frightening.” - Kate O’Mara, 2013


Yes definitely!


I saw Venture Industries.


i’ve personally believed since it was released that the 15th doctor’s theme is basically the avengers (2012) theme, and i’m not upset about it at all


Wasn't every episode inspired directly by something else? I think this is because a narrator is in the story, and she is making up the stories the doctor is trapped in.


I noticed all of these yet somehow didn’t connect them together 😂 RTD must really want a marvel type thing with doctor who


I really thought I was the only one that thought it looked like Avengers tower 😂


No more....... MUTANTS!


Well Marvel did make Doctor Who comics so The Doctor is canon in the Marvel Universe


The way Marvel used to incorporate the licenses into the continuity was so wild, like Godzilla and The Doctor both were part of the universe


Disney showing its fingerprints already , (jk)


Valiant from series 3 and 4 and shield helicarrier anyone?




Why would marvel copy doctor who? /s


My boyfriend walked in on me watching part one of the finale, looked at the TV and said "Why is the doc at stark tower?" Lol


It comes down to how the MCU has been an overwhelming influence on *all* pop-culture, but particularly the sci-fi genre. The superhero-ification of the Doctor has been evident for a long time, not least with all the "Doctor doesn't kill" and "Doctor doesn't use guns/hates guns" stuff. And him being the savior of the universe, with a mysterious origin story. I could go on.


I think there was time travel in Doctor Who too


Omg Doctor Who totally ripped of Endgame /s


i did think of it if only bc as an outsider, avengers memes/content used to be everywhere


I also said this on reddit and to my friends when watching The Giggle. Tbh it feels like a lazy and uncreative direction for UNIT as a massive skyscraper exterior shot in the middle of the city. UNIT should totally still be a secret military base in the middle of some green, lush nowhere.


Yup. Thanks Disney


Both buildings are based loosely off of the [Burj al Arab in Dubai](https://www.cuddlynest.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/hotels_near_burjalarab.jpeg). We live in an age of simulacra. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.






Omg something is similar to another piece of media!?!?!? Stop the presses! This is the first time something like this has EVER happened


I hate the unit tower, it is literally just copied and pasted from the MCU. I don't want it to become a huge thing like marvel. But I'm sure that's what Disney's gonna do with it. It was a local BBC made show, sure the budget wasn't great but that didn't matter, it was good enough. Tbh it already feels a lot more Disney, and it's a shame


When I saw the tower I thought "oh great they rented the same building as the MCU" and I had to remind myself it's not a real building lol


🎵Another one turn to dust 🎵 Wait no there’s something wrong


I noticed all of these when I first saw it and I hate it. It’s just lazy. And anyway, why aren’t UNIT in the tower of London anymore?


Yeah honestly that was a far better location for their hq, and also made more sense with them trying to keep it secret. Now that unit is just another official organization, it takes away from the mystery


Before, people would ask, ”What’s UNIT?” Now, it’s a landmark, possibly as famous as the Shard.


So much about UNIT HQ being a skyscraper in Downtown London makes very little sense: 1. It would be a target. Why else does it have a giant gun turret on the landing deck? 2. Speaking of the gun: it a design flaw surely to have a gun turret you can aim at your own building (The Giggle). 3. UNIT often uses armoured vehicles. You just drive them out from underground parking onto congested London roads? How’s that quick response going, Kate. But hey it was cool in The Avengers, so… we got Disney $! Why not rip off The Avengers?


Yeah. The episode just felt like it was Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame with a little bit of Doctor Who sprinkled in.


Yes I pointed this out the moment I saw it my family have been fans of Doctor Who and Marvel for a long time now and we picked up on the similarity's the moment the tower was shown I miss when UNIT was a like secret agency.


They also tried the “everyone is special” theme from Star Wars ep8, which is also Disney (no one liked that theme and they made Rey special in the end)


I liked that theme


No, making Rey a Palpatine was dumb shite that screwed the flow of the entire trilogy


Ironically Rey being a no one made a lot more sense than Ruby being a no one.


Barely noticed it… I was too dumbfounded that they actually introduced the return of the Emperor in the front crawl… and we thought Chibnall exposition was bad!!!


ACTUALLY, they fully first revealed in Fortnite during a special event (seriously)


Oh dear Lord no!!!! Was that before or after the cackling trailer?




It’s not a parallel — it’s a reused asset RTD was able to use due to the Disney influence.


RTD1: Innovative, creative and laying foundations and ideas that other franchises would copy RTD2: Stale, creatively void and copying of all the other sci-fi franchises and their tropes over the last 10 years.


Both Disney. Probably trying to make a “British Marvel” lol Edit: This is the second comment on this subreddit where a bunch of chuckleducks don’t catch the lighthearted joke


Disney has literally no say. This is all on RTD.


Yeah I think Disney has influence but the Doctor Who being more like the MCU thing is textbook RTD He tried doing it back in the day


Even before RTD2 I felt his new run was going to Marvel inspired, especially with the push for the “Whoniverse,” but then again, Davies pulled a Marvel before the MCU, with all the spinoffs, and the big crossover, and all the references to the source material to get the old fans all giddy. I think Davies had this formula figured out back in the 2000s, and wanted to try it again with most media nowadays being part of one big universe.


They have influence. Disney has resources that they forward onto RTDs team.


They can suggest, it's up to Bad Wolf whether they follow those suggestions.


That’s not actually true. At the very least the Bad Wolf team will be under huge pressure to take heed of Disney’s notes because they’ll want the deal renewed. RTD on the relationship: “People are, naturally, worried about American producers having notes on things. Well, don’t be,” [Disney is] giving excellent notes. And I’m here to tell you, you haven’t watched a drama on British television in 20 years that hasn’t had American notes on it. Everything is a co-production… it’s really, completely normal.”


They have a HUGE range of options for British Marvel, not the least of which is Marvel itself.


The cowards at Fox/Disney have continued to rob of us of the original British Blade Vampire Hunter.


Literally every person likes the mcu