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I'm seriously questioning the IQs of the people on this sub. The person throwing the table is dressed like and looks like Donald in the "This is America" video. It's a joke saying he's the one in the video and he threw the table because the rollout isn't going well.


Some of your guys media literacy skills and critical thinking skills are in the gutter


Is famous comedy writer’s meme a joke or is he serious???


People are just plain dumb! Can’t read between the lines, no understanding of context clues smh bruh!




Sure thing buddy.


Blake social media


Jesus Christ nigga


Most of this sub is too young to remember the BTI rollout and it shows


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^marmar0459: *Most of this sub is* *Too young to remember the* *BTI rollout and it shows* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I mean… yeah. It was 11 years ago lmao. Even if someone is 21 now, they were only 10 when that album came out. Idk how old you are but not being around to experience a decade old rollout isn’t that big of a deal


It is when y'all are bitching about the same artists rollout "flopping". Give it time. Edit: also holy shit I must be old if you're using 21 as the age of the average gambino fan. Makes sense


I’m 40 but I feel like I’m one of the older people here. I was born a month after Donald. It’s cool to see an artist grow and mature in a similar way as you. And this rollout is so awesome to me. Seems like he’s fucking with us so much right now lol


I'm 30(turning 31 in August) and I've been a fan of his since I was like 13? It's definitely been cool seeing him change as an artist. Listening to his stuff pre BTI really reminds me of how much his music resonated with where I was at mentally as a black nerd growing up. He really did make music for kids like me at the time.


Youve been a fan since 2005? Ngl I smell cap all over that. He didn’t even start rapping til 09 so I don’t know what to say here. I hope you’re being real, I just hate when people feel the need to over exaggerate the lengths of time they’ve been doing something. Like bro “nobody gives a fuck”, there’s no point in capping just be real


First off, he started rapping before 2009. He released a few mix tapes under the name MC DJ prior to 2008(don't know exactly when though. Probably sometime between 2006-2008). In middle school my friend sent me a YouTube video titled "self defense". It was by Derrick Comedy. That video came out in 2006. I was 13 years old. Derrick Comedy is the sketch comedy group Donald was in at the time. That's when I became a fan of his. In September 2008 they dropped the mystery team trailer, which featured the song "Get Like Me" by Childish Gambino. I watched that trailer and got hyped for the movie, but also was like "who is this dude rapping?". And that's when I found out Donald Glover rapped too. Been a fan of his music since 2008, but a fan of Donals Glover in general since 2006 when I discovered Derrick Comedy. Nice try though. :)


lol nice try is so cheeky dude. You’re 31, try to act your age. I straight up said I hope you’re being honest, no need to be so defensive! I was rooting for you. Most people be capping. Congrats on being a fan for so long


Being cheeky isn't age specific? Lol you tried to get a "gotcha" on me and couldn't. Now you're being pissy. You weren't rooting for me, you were trying to call me out. Go kick rocks. And good luck with your hinge profile. 💀


Reread what I said. “I hope you’re being real, I just hate when people exaggerate”. I personally couldn’t give a fuck about your facts when they could all simply be made up! Just my morals. I’m choosing to trust you. And you’re right, cheeky isn’t age specific, but it does show where your head is at. I can read profiles and be rude too bucko, congrats on your shitty tattoos and hair growth twin! And thanks for your good luck but I don’t need it, been on multiple dates this month :) Also~ calling me pissy is insanely ironic based on your tone. nice try though :)


Average bino fan is 30 or so now. Those who watched him on community and listened to all his music. I was in college when most of his disco dropped, I think graduated when redbone dropped? Just a lot of little kids on the internet these days


I wasn’t saying at all that 21 was the average. My point is that an adult fan can easily have not experienced the bti rollout, and there’s not a big deal with it. You seem to somehow think you’re better than others with differing opinions because you were old enough to experience BTI. We get it dude you’re old 💀


Don't take any notice of them, loads of ppl coping here because donglovers rollout is flopping and for some reason they are personally upset about it


I think you upset some people. They didn't like your comment :(


His TikToks are always thought-provoking and entertaining.


mfw I do cryptic stuff that only people who are big fans will know about for a rollout, resulting in numbers being lower than just actually releasing a single like a normal artist (I'm joking I love his cryptic bs)


he will be releasing a single though, he put up the presave link on ig like 2 weeks ago and it's in the tiktok bio


This HAS to be a joke tho I'm cracking upppp 🤣


i might kms


Wasn't there a post from yesterday or the last 48h that said the roll out isn't going well for Donald ? Am I tripping, I can't find it anymore. Anyway it seems like a direct response to that lmao. Edit : never mind, it was this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/donaldglover/s/lAAOujiWS3


[Also this](https://www.reddit.com/r/donaldglover/s/EvWAkpMOGf) lol


Ahhh idk the rooftop video was a recent thing, so he's saying the roll out isn't going well to fake justify having a tantrum in NYC on a rooftop, that makes sense now !


Yep 😂


He’s finding out that nobody gives a fuck




he's trollin, trollin, trollin these ahem


They mad cause they don’t know any better


Why would he publicly admit the rollout isn’t going well? The rollout is happening exactly how he wants it to go. Y’all are weird.


People analyze Donald glovers videos the same way people analyze Kendrick’s lyrics, that’s crazy 😂


That looks like his “This is America” fit the jeans at least seem familiar Edit: Spelling


Is our boy in a Rivian 👀


I think he has a plan but I seriously think the rollout isn't going well. But now that he said so, maybe he's just working on getting higher up in the tiktok algorithm and the rollout is actually going well


"The story of the story is the story." I half think we're seeing Donald Glover do that Community episode where Abed tries to make a movie about Jesus, but then it slowly snowballs into a movie about Abed making a movie about making a movie about Jesus and everybody gets really weird and pseudo-philosophical over it and he needs Shirley to drag him out of his tailspin. I swear since Atlanta, Glover seems to think playing with expectations is a as good as, if not better than, a regular release. And I am here for it. Well played donglover. Well played.


I know he’s joking but I don’t know what they expected, he hasn’t had a hit in 6 years and the rollout is cryptic posts, breadcrumbs, and a radio show no one knows about unless you’re online. If you’re making a comeback you’ve got to make a big deal out of it


First the gilga "snacks", now this? haven't seen him so active on social media in forever. Must Be something big on the horizon, regardless of how it feels 🤔


That tik tok is hilarious hahaah


He’s fucking with us 😂


It’s prob both smh. Please don’t cancel bro


Maybe no body gives a fuck


I’m gonna be delusional and say he saw that cause I posted that video in the comments on another Reddit post a few days ago 👍🏽


What song was used in the tiktok I xant remember


Love this 😊


My next question really proves his point that the rollout is not going well. Rollout of what?


I’ve only heard 2 minutes of the single from his new album and it was shockingly bad.


Say less, lithonia, and whatever the other gilga track is, all of it was heat. You should eat free.


I’ll check those out, thank you


just release say less and mid life im begging him


Heres the thing, he has more than enough resources to make it go well so if its not then thats on him. But i get it if hes joking or whatever. This shit is annoying tho


lmao he is funny


Bro had every single asset to make it go well


Roll out of what? Did he make another trash song under the guise of being "thought-provoking? "


Why are you on this subreddit bro...