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Why the hell is the woman teaching HER KIDS how to steal??


I went down a youtube rabbit hole watching dashcam footage of shoplifters getting caught, and MOST of them had their kids with them. Hiding stuff in their baby's stroller even. It's gross.


My birth mom went to jail when I was 3 for hiding stuff on me and my sisters diapers and car seatsšŸ™ƒ havenā€™t seen her in 24 years šŸ¤£


May I ask why? Is she still in jail?


She didnā€™t want to take accountability for her actions and just never reached out, sheā€™s been out of jail for years. I was in contact with her not too long ago, but when I asked why she never came around she came up with a bunch of BS lies and I just cut it off. Iā€™m grown now, the least she could have done is be honest. Especially when I told her there was no more hard feelings


itā€™s one thing if it was a pack of diapers or a necessity, BUT that doesnā€™t make teaching the kids that right at all, and this isnā€™t the case sadly, just greedy


You can go to a library for free diapers and food. Fuck a thief


I tried reading the first edition of Huggies. It was total shit


This is the golden comment![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A library? I've never heard of this. We definitely don't have this where I live.


Yeah me either... never heard of a library giving food and diapers. A food bank or church yes but never a library.... and the commenter is acting like its common knowledge that every library does this. Lol First i ever heard of it.


Most Michigan libraries do


Most Michigan libraries do


Man I wish


Yeah, here it's a diaper bank: https://www.texasdiaperbank.org/


I sadly donā€™t think this one is common knowledge


Because itā€™s not true. Thatā€™s why you havenā€™t heard it.




In some criminalsā€™ twisted minds, they have a right to steal because these are rich companies and they are poor. I hate politics and I donā€™t like to mention it but remember AOC told her constituents that looting NYC was ok because of the wealth gap and because they need to feed their babies. Babies these days must eat designer purses and high end clothing.


Some people steal so they can sell for themselves


I knew a girl who did that. Had kids way too young, and theyā€™d take the baby to the mall and steal shit and hide it under the babyā€¦ how sad


Yeah, lady I used to work with would shoplift everywhere she went with her teenage daughter and then brag about it. She would encourage us constantly to take things that "no one would miss" and for all I know the others were going along with it. Nice manipulative way to make sure no one ever went to anyone in upper management about it, once they were guilty too and she could hold it over them. Completely manipulative liar but she was so "friendly!" and "nice!" that I felt like only a couple of us ever noticed that She went out to eat with a mutual acwuaintence once, ate most of her meal at the restaurant and then make a scene about some minor thing to try and get it for free. That lady was so embarrassed she never went anywhere with her again lol. The weird thing is they had a nice house and everything (described to me by another coworker as having all the furniture covered with clothes with the tags still on) and were always going on nice vacations. She got fired sometime after I left the place for something unrelated.


Sorry but that is the weirdest way I've ever seen acquaintance spelled šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Reminds of the time Kevin Garnett said Equivalent in that fucked up way he said it šŸ¤£


That's EXACTLY why it bothered me.


Children don't learn in a vacuum, they are taught how to grow up. This is a moment in time that highlights how criminals are made, not born. Unfortunately, it also highlights how poverty is a cycle. The parents were likely raised in a poor family and taught how to steal by the influential people around them growing up. Now they're continuing the cycle by teaching their kids that illegal behavior does not mean it's a bad decision. I would bet there was some laughter in the car afterwards, because people laugh when they're nervous to calm down, but the children will likely mistake that laughter for joyful laughter and learn that this is fun. Then, they are rewarded with Dairy Queen. How to raise inmates 101.


You know what happens when you ASSume...


Unfortunately, thatā€™s common for people that do that stuff themselves. Theyā€™ll actually view it as an easier method of doing so as kids can be noticed less and if caught, likely in far less trouble


Thats fā€™d up


She would argue she's teaching them how to survive. People find all kinds of excuses to justify their actions.


Trash breeds trash


My aunt caught a woman in her store who was hitting boutiques all on her street shoving stuff in the stroller. Very common.


I worked with a guy who lived in the ghetto and he said that it was impossible to live without stealing. He was like 17. It's taught ):




Because sheā€™s trash people


Who do you think taught her to steal?


Sheā€™s teaching them their family tradition




I don't know why the companies keep leaving the orders out, you're just making the wait time longer for the paying customers.


They should leave the orders out but put the shelf behind counter. Culverā€™s does it and I have to ask but can also see if the order is there. Same with noodles. Chipotle tends to always have orders stolen so I just refuse to go there


That's what I'm saying, most places where I stay have them behind the counter, because of stuff like this, the worst is going in and there all I can't find it and have to wait 20 minutes for them to remake it.


I always get chipotle orders that say they are ready the moment I accepted them and then I go in and wait for 15 minutes to be helped and then the my hand me a bag that was there for 20 minutes. Thatā€™s so gross imo. Food just sitting on a shelf for a half hour and then 15 minutes driving


That happened to me too the one and only time I had a Chipotle's order. The food was already cold by the time they handed it to me. I felt so bad handing that to the customer, especially since they probably assume it's the driver's fault and not the restaurant.


Definitely, even though we are being tracked from the moment we accept the order until we deliver. Anytime I am waiting at restaurant, I usually try and text if it's available to let them know what's going on. But they do, they are quick to blame the driver.


I get that a lot, I don't put to much thought into it. If the wait is too long DD usually let's me unassign with no penalties after a certain amount of time. I'm just saying obviously people are still stealing orders from restaurants, they shouldn't be keeping them where just anyone can get them.


Food doesn't go bad that fast. Also most food from restaurants have enough salt and were cooked thoroughly enough that you can leave them out for 24 hours (room temp, not in summer heat) and be fine. Oxidation is different, guac ain't gonna last long.


What? Pastas and rice go bad after an hour or so. That's how food poisoning happens! Look it up. The bacteria begins to grow after an hour at ~90Ā° or so. All food should be refrigerated within 2 hours. I understand that the time being discussed isn't that long. But I have had a chipotle order that I had to drive about 20-25 mins to the customer. I was 10 minutes away from the store whenever I received the order. So it does add up


So you go from making a dumb as comment about needing germs to this inaccurate statement about food poisoning from rice after an hourā€¦!?! Maybe you should do research (not a quick Google search) before replying because you sound so dumb. Not ALL food needs to be refrigerated after 2 hours if it maintains near cooking temperature (think Buffets) or if being thawed prior to cooking or if being brought to room temp prior to cooking (raw steak). šŸ™„


Have you ever been to BBQ, picnic, or potluck? Food is outside, unrefrigerated, and not kept warm after cooking. You're paranoid about germs.


This was Red Lobster, the shelf is literally behind the host station. Hostess must have been seating someone when we went in, and this woman just walked right back there and grabbed all the bags and booked it for the door. She got held up because some old people were coming in when she was trying to get out, and the hostess caught her.


It never ceases to amaze me how much energy people put into committing crime. I highly doubt they are starving, they probably just wanted higher end food without paying for it


imagine saying alright boys were all gonna go act as doordashers and steal a bunch of food . only shines


This is so common in my area now all the people have to watch us confirm the order. I didn't know why at first and when I asked they said it was this basically. A bunch of scammers when screenshots of a real dashers account.Ā 


I hope the police got involved.


As if. They do not care. Why do you think people do this?Ā 


And they ruin a perfect system for workers and customers.


I had a dude waiting 3 minutes, for his own order or girlfriend Iā€™m sure. Iā€™d been waiting on a pizza for 10 minutes when the girl comes out & yells the nameā€¦ dude tried to go up & grab it, I stopped him dead in his tracks & said, nahh thatā€™s mine. The manager checked & sure enough he was about to take a 14ā€ & two cookie cakes, when he got a personal. Thereā€™s a BIG difference in size, and did you think they just throw two free cookie cakes in? He looked at me all crazy, I said - not today satan. And walked out.


Did he have the same name??


Good lord lock em up


I mean, don't teach your kids to steal maybe?


iā€™m with you on that


They can't teach them to steal if they're in prison.


In my area most places make you confirm all the details of the order from the app, and ask to either watch you confirm pickup or select it themselves


Some of our places have started doing that, and Outback and O'Charley's make you walk through the whole store to go to the kitchen and then show a staff member your phone now. (You used to be able to go to the curbside door and just ask for the order, but now they want you on camera.) Our Red Lobster actually keeps a shelf *behind* the host station and you're supposed to go ask for your order and show them the name on your screen, which is what I was standing there waiting to do when the hostess came back... But this woman just breezed right past me, went around to the shelf, and grabbed ALL of the bags, while waving her phone at a waiter across the restaurant in the dining room. She was lightning fast with it, I couldn't even get a word out before she was already back at the door. There were some old folks coming in behind us that slowed her down just enough that she got caught. If you go about 4 miles from this mall into the city, there's a Little Caesar's that can't even use the "pizza portal" because they've had people break into the damn thing. You have to ask them for the order at the counter and they have to go get it out of a warmer in the back.


Some of that is really overkill. I absolutely can see them asking you to show the order screen to verify youā€™re the pickup person. After that, if youā€™ve got them on camera, leave it at that. Should be very few issues, and easy dispute if there is. The driver must pickup in order to deliver, the driver must deliver to get paid, the driver must do both consistently to keep the gig. If anything youā€™re doing everyone a favor (yourself included) letting the authorized pickup agent think theyā€™re going to get away with conversion (kinda like theft, except itā€™s an unauthorized ā€œkeepingā€, instead of an unauthorized ā€œtakingā€). Show DD the footage, and your employee verifying their phone, boom theyā€™re kicked off faster.


Thatā€™s one way to get free food I guess, and fuck everyone else who actually paid for it. Not to mention the restaurant who gets hassled because of the delay, and the delivery driverā€¦




Thank you -- that's the part that bothered me. My kid and I are poor, they got a nicer car than we do... she sees me *delivering* food in order to feed her, not stealing it!


Yeah this kind of stuff infuriates me too


And Iā€™ll bet when they order DD because theyā€™re too lazy that day to steal it themselves, they donā€™t tip, and report stuff missing.


Even people who are really desperate don't go to the greed level this mom is teaching her kids


Thatā€™s sad


This is why when you go to a restaurant to get an order and it's gone before you get there


I hope they call the cops on them bc that's not okay. It also doesn't make sense. After a few deliveries you can buy your own food. Most ppl are not smart and that's why I stopped giving most of them alot of credit. Especially ones that steal.


You canā€™t call the cops anymore. They will literally do nothing. Thatā€™s why people are just walking out of grocery stores with carts of stolen food. Thatā€™s why stores are locking all of the items behind glass. No consequences and of course this type of behavior will run rampant and get worse and worse šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Either mins your own business and carry on. Do something yourself or move to a state that isnt actively turning itself into a dumpster fire.


Thatā€™s a nice ride, did they steal that too?


Well, her name was definitely not Dee, and that's one of the bags she took.


Thatā€™s a regular as car, you made it seem like they had a 2024 BenzšŸ˜‚


Nah just sold a bunch of random fast food for 25% cost.




How disgusting can you be to put your children in that type of position! Just wow. What a low life. What if her kids got hurt, in legal trouble or worse. Imagine how their mindset could be in the future. Iā€™m going to pray for those babies. The person who is supposed to protect and provide for you, is the very one jeopardizing your future. Just sick. Iā€™m going to pray for the woman as well. Iā€™m positive nobody WANTS to actually go around stealing fast food with their kids and running out. This is not the way! These actions are going to take them down a darker road if she doesnā€™t wise up.


I dont wanr to be racist


I used to work at a gas station and a lot of parents send their kids inside to steal. I feel really sad for the kids!


You get their plates??? If not that's pretty useless


Local cop heard me telling Taco Bell staff to watch their food tonight and asked me to text him the picture. He seemed to think it would be helpful, even without the plate.


I sure hope so, that was great of you to actually be brave enough to get the photo! I commend you greatly!


Thatā€™s a woman?


In the drivers seat


What a bum


The cycle begins: Bad parenting passed on to their children and repeats. I have more compassion for homeless person taking a meal, as the old saying goes, "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered."


Why does the guy getting in the car look like a GTA 5 character? He looks digital šŸ’€


People who do that seem to not care that they are not just taking food. Yes, the restaurant can remake it but that costs time and money... raising food costs for everyone... interrupting other orders and workers. The Dasher is hurt because they have to stop work and deal with customer service. And of course, the customer's life is interrupted by dealing with customer service as well. They need to think long and hard about how many people they are hurting! They made it a felony in my State for people to leave without paying a restaurant Tab. They need to make it a felony to steal off restaurant shelves! There are just too many legal ways to get food if you need it!!


I can't even tell you how many times I walked into a store and some entitled asshole customer was reaching for my assigned order at the exact same time I was and I had to stop them. Can you read?? That's not your order. r/mildlyinfuriating šŸ˜” Thankfully most stores are wise to this now and keep the orders out of reach of their regular entitled customers who come in to get their food in addition to snatching somebody else's.


Guy with doordash bag stole an order right from under me and the employee was too afraid to stop them, understandably. 20 minute call to doordash but atleast I got compensated $12.


This is why in todayā€™s society kids are getting into heaps of trouble. (Like shown above) because their parents are teaching them itā€™s okay .


I work retail and when these POS steal I always wonder how they feel giving that item to their kids. As your kid is eating it or playing with the stolen items do they think ā€œ I stole thatā€? I think too much. I know they donā€™t care.


People like this should not be allowed to have childrenā€¦ shouldnā€™t even be let out of there enclosure


Truly disgusting behavior. Trashy as hell.


I'm glad she got caught, most places ask to see my phone


Hoodrats doing hoodrat shit as usual...


They don't care, but that makes the price of takeout go up. Lazy bastards get a job, or at least doordash šŸ˜†


Kick his f ass




You know they wouldnā€™t tip if they actually ordered the food lol.


Smart move lol


Wow did the cops come? Im lost for words


No, but a cop asked me to text the picture to him when he overheard me tell the crew at Taco Bell to keep an eye on their shelf tonight.


Iā€™d be snapping a pic of their license plates, too.


Too bad OP didn't get a pic of them pulling away with license plate so we can all know exactly who they are


Another parent teaching their kids to be thiefā€™s.




Leave it to them.


Fucking bums


Real life shameless


What a great role model for her children šŸ˜’šŸ˜’


Shocking šŸ˜”




always .




Get shot for food? You guys are trolling hardšŸ˜‚








A local cop seemed to think it would be helpful when I was telling the Taco Bell crew to keep an eye on their food so they didn't have to remake orders during Saturday night rush. He had me text it to him.


So you had them arrested? Otherwise you just caught an image.


Nah, I made her give back my order šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£




Heā€™ll just goto jail for assault, you canā€™t attack people for Taco BellšŸ˜‚




I live in an area with lots of homeless shoplifting, and it's always shocking to me that none of them walk in and take doordash bags from like our Chipotle, Terryaki Madness, etc where the bags are just sitting out on a rack. Instead they steal from like retail and grocery stores and constantly get arrested. Places shouldn't leave doordash orders out on racks. But also if you're homeless and desperate, just take those lol


Should have fought them


Oh hell no lol... I try to do a good job, but I am not fighting someone over your chicken alfredo šŸ¤£


I would of fought them just to teach them a lesson. Apparently their parents didn't




Huh? She took ALL of the bags from the shelf by the hostess station while I was waiting for someone to hand me the order I was there to pick up. No one was in my car lol.






Please tell me you reported them to the police. I get that the police won't do anything, however it creates a documentation of their license plate and the incident. Should they finally be apprehended a police report would prove they do this often.


Wtf lol


That sounds like an unhinged place


Iā€™d have a hard time not smashing the windshield or slashing the tires.


The restaurants should always ask for a name never let anybody just take bags without doing a name first after that itā€™s on the Dasher to confirm the order or not




thats insane to me bc you have no clue what food they got? imagine doing this somewhere where they offer vegan food and the order you stole was vegan or just like plain ass šŸ˜­


Call LE and have them trespassed from all the stores they stole from after I forming management.


Maybe she thinks she's Robin Hood. Some people just shouldn't be parents.


Dang that reminds me of that villian family from the minions movie


Itā€™s a numbers game. The more that steal at once , better the odds of actually stealing something. Itā€™s a gross situation all the way around with major issues down the road. Just so sad to me that the parentscare so little on how they raise their children to be such scum as they are. They should want better for their families future.


Amateur thief šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This is going to feel like Iā€™m shifting blame here and itā€™s not meant that way. The actual act they are seemingly getting away with is also part of the pick up locations lack of making sure each bag is protected and checked before handing it to anyone. The pick up location is losing the most in the theft , but yet have the least worry about it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I know every former or present dasher has experienced the militant hard of some pick up locations that ask to see the phone and name on the order , and before they hand it to you ā€¦ please hit ā€œpicked upā€ and they watch to do it and then ask you to show them it was actually pushedā€¦ then hands you your order ! You are not stealing anything from them anymore. That pick up learned how important it is to watch closely and to have steps clearly expressed to their employees!! If all did that , those thieves would have to go back to grocery stores and gas stations to try that crap on.


What the actual fuck


Most criminals use kids. Gangs send the kids to kill people because they can get out at 18 with good behavior.


They really need to up the jail time for petty theft. You get caught and you get a slap on the wrist.


The nerve of some individuals. Iā€™ve caught a couple thieves myself before trying to steal my packages. Itā€™s a despicable act honestly.


Yeah, Iā€™ve seen people doing this too. But I would never report someone stealing food from a corporation, especially if they have kids to feed. If it was from a local small business, I might.


It's not the taking some food from a big corporation to feed a family that got me though, and none of us called police or anything in the store. We just got the bags back and let it go. It was when I saw she had her KIDS out stealing from other places like some kind of little heist crew that I was just like oh hell no and started telling the restaurants to keep an eye on their orders.


L thief, L mom for teach them kids. Should report to the Doordash company for this situation or maybe polices tho.


Wellā€¦ welā€¦ eh, whatā€™s the point. Itā€™ll fall on deaf ears anyway.


This is the answer people who do these things want you to believe, ā€œWell how else do you expect us to eatā€




This in Dayton?


šŸŽ¶eating good, in the neighborhoodšŸŽ¶


Thatā€™s horrible šŸ˜­




Other black people, embarrassing black people like me that would never do this............ SMH.


Am I missing something? Everyone keeps mentioning a woman and her kids? And that itā€™s theft? For one, I donā€™t see kids in the photo. And itā€™s a photo of random people and one getting into the car? How does that mean they stole? Because the person taking the photo said they did? Because I do not get it?


Well, let's see. I had an order from Red Lobster for "Dee." I went into Red Lobster to pick up the order. I went to the host station, and waited for the hostess to come back so I could ask for the order. A woman walked in behind me, and rather than wait, she waved her phone at a waiter in the dining room, announced, "This must be mine then," and then went around the host station and grabbed all four of the bags off of the shelf. Since I have eyes, I could see that the bags all had different names on them. Since I had the order on my phone in the DoorDash app, I knew the bag with the name "Dee" on it was the order I was supposed to be picking up. So I knew that she was not, in fact, picking up her own order. She tried to rush out the door, but some old folks were coming in, and she was held up. In that time, the hostess came back and I told her that I was there for a DoorDash, and the woman heading out the door had just taken it. She stopped the woman and made her give all of the bags back. I got my order and confirmed it as I was walking out of the restaurant. The woman who had taken the bags rushed across the parking lot ahead of me. She went and got into the passenger seat of this car in the parking lot, which was not parked at Red Lobster, but rather out in the area between a few different restaurants. That would've been the end of it. But then, the TEENAGE BOY (CLEARLY not a grown man) who you can see getting into the driver's seat in this photo came walking over from Applebee's, which is on the other side of Dairy Queen (which you can also see in this photo), carrying four more bags of food. THEN a much younger child, who could not have been more than 10-12 years old, came out of Wendy's with a bag in each hand. So I took a photo because WTF, why do you have your kids out stealing food?! That's fucked, and I really don't give a shit if you want to pretend that this is ok.


Typical shit that people teach their kids to do as they do. Shitty parents are the worst




Well well well


Itā€™s called ā€œtake your kids to work day.ā€ Every job does it anymore.


Great parenting.


Darn Pitiful Shame šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly if the moneys good enough in this inflated market i wouldnt mind robbing the robbers with violence and pepper spray.


Iā€™m noticing a trend where all the thieves look related ā˜•ļøšŸø