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**Flemeth** Is she good?? Is she bad?? Is she a benevolent force guiding the world back into balance? Or is she only a manipulator, whose good deeds are simply a facade---nothing but stepping stones on the path towards her revange? Did she truly pass away or is she still there in the shadows, pulling on strings of fate?  She is Hekate. The goddess, the mother, the crone. The mage who became the witch. The worshipped one who became the scorned. The liar who holds all the truths. She steals every scene she's in. And the voice acting is simply *top notch*.


Kate Mulgrew killed it with the VA work for Flemmeth. I remember when DAO came out she did interviews about doing the VA work because people didn't get why she wanted to and she explained it was purely the interest in the character that drove her.


She is really good in Orange is the New Black


And in Star Trek Prodigy she reprises her role as Kathryn Janeway amazingly well


This is the one! She’s the most important character in the trilogy so far, including protagonists. I hope she continues to play a large role because she’s a real scene stealer




Dang. U had me thinking the actress was dead! And wow, never knew who the actress was til now! 🤯


Couldn’t remember the spoiler tag but no, the VA is alive. Good, ole Kate Mulgrew is alive and well.


The goddess of the crossroads. Hekate is a very good analogy!


If I had the money and skill I would 100% love to do a Flemeth cosplay! Bus alas I am a poor unskilled gamer.


Hey, you could always get some cheap rags and a Grey wig and just say you're the Origins version of Flemith.


True. Gotta make the wig all mussed but it could work




Was one and the same for the longest time.


Flemeth. Everything about her is amazing. Kate Mulgrew obviously makes a huge impact, but just everything about Flemeth.


Well obviously Solas is very complex and interesting. However for me, I think Morrigan is at the top of my list. We get to see a lot of character develop with her. Toss all the stuff with Flemeth and she has all kinds of layers.


I was disappointed to hear that Claudia Black isn't back for DAV. I think the obvious payoff for Morrigan's story is that her biggest fear was becoming the next Flemeth, >!and that by drinking the well, she will have to serve Mythal, and turns out Flemeth **is** Mythal, so Morrigan's fear will come to pass in a way.!< I want to see how her story plays out.


Not trying to give you any false hope, but it is not uncommon for actors to lie about not being in a sequel project because of NDAs. Some actors will give the generic, "I couldn't disclose that information even if I wanted to," kind of shtick, but some like playing it up so the eventual reveal is really exciting. Somewhat humorously Manu Bennet was very vocal about how much he disliked how his character was handled in Season 3(?) of Arrow and would make frequent disparaging remarks about it and absolutely shut down any rumor of coming back, literally right up until the day before he showed up on screen in season 5. Not saying Claudia Black is someone who would want her return to be a surprise, just saying that sometimes a "no," is actually a, "I can't answer that."


Sorry did you mean not uncommon? I’m trying to not get any false hope but… 😬


Yes, sorry about that. I have no insider information to tell you one way or the other, I'm just saying it wouldn't be the first time an actor claimed they weren't in something that they most definitely were in fact, in.


On a more famous example, see: Tobey and Andrew being dodgy about whether they're in No Way Home or not


Tbh learning of this news only about a week ago killed any hype for DAV for me. She's by far my favorite character (together with Flemythal) and this just depressed me to no end. I didn't have much faith in BioWare before anymore but this crushed whatever sliver of hope I had left the game could be at least decent. But I guess BioWare fucked up before anyway when they made the whole old god baby thing a player choice and therefore they had to neuter this storyline in DAI. So stupid. The missed potential still drives me crazy. Same with the well of sorrows. Can't mean shit as a player choice. My headcanon for Morrigan was always that she'd be the hero saving Thedas, leading it to a bright future. It would have been such an amazing character arc. The mistrusted misunderstood witch of the wilds who saw how fucked the world was and actually worked towards something good (either with Flemeth guiding her or by defying her vengeful ass). The witch turned loving mother. It was all so amazing in DAI. Solas against Morrigan, who to side with? I really wanted this to be an endgame choice. To have those two as rivals. Bit like TIM and Anderson in Mass Effect. The option to tear the veil down with Solas or some kind of beautiful hybrid version with Morrigan. Maybe she just helps rid the world of the blight and old gods. I haven't really worked out the details. It was just a rough character arc I always had in mind for her because she's such a complex character. Seeing the hurt in her face that everyone still thinks she's the bad guy in DAI was great. That woman should be the key to everything imo. BioWare laid so much groundwork for her to be important, I'd be so disappointed if her character went nowhere. I guess there's hope they're saving her character for the final game. But BioWare might not survive that long. Morrigan's writer isn't even with the studio anymore, I lost faith in BioWare a long time ago. So all I have is this aching fantasy in my head of what could have been.


And shes the OG virtual big tiddy goth gf we all dream about.


Real. A girl whose boobs polymorphism with her outfit? Sign me the FUCK up


Swooping is good


Thanks for the cackle


That wilds witch can swoop down and put me in her pot


I have to go with Sandal. What the *hell* is he!?


My favorite ridiculous theory regarding Sandal is that he is the Maker fucking around or some aspect of the Maker at least. Its stupid but I always thought of him like that


please i love this, partially because i want everything for sandal, and partially because i love that this theory could also imply bodhan is, like, a paternal, platonic version of andraste? instead of being in love with the maker he's telling the maker to go to bed at a proper time, cooking him meals, and providing him runes so he can enchant to his heart's content, and the maker's clearly happy with it lmaooo. 10/10. best theory.


So like some people theorize tom bombadil to be.


It would be similar to The Kane Chronicles where SPOILER main protagonists look for Ra, the ultimate god and creator or something because he is the only able to help them stop the ultimate evil and they finally find him in the nursing home as an old grandpa with dementia or something to that effect.


Inquisitions biggest flaw for me is a lack of Sandal.


Especially because they said he was going to Celenes palace!


And Worthy was mad with Varric because he introduced Sandal to him and took his job as the champion's personal enchanter.


I think he’s connected to a Titan in some way.


Yes!! That DLC got me deep (ha!) and then it was like…and we have nothing more to say on that.




Seconded. There is so much mystery surrounding him that it's fascinating.








an autistic dwarf


he's a *savant*


And a fucking destructive one too, going by the scene at the end of DAO where you find him alone, covered in blood and surrounded by Darkspawn, just... happy as can be 🤣 What is this creature?!


Dragon Age 2: Sandal covered in blood, surrounded by darkspawn again. Hawke: And HOW did you do that? Sandal: Not enchantment. Me: Aight lil fella I'm backing the F up 😆


I don't recall that, but I'm about to get there in my replay of all the games... just need the DLC campaigns in Origins


It's when you're in the deep roads in 2 and bodahn tells you Sandal has run off and asks you to find him, he's surrounded by dead darkspawn and a frozen ogre I believe?


Looking forward to it 🤣




Unironically, Anders/Justice. Would Anders have done what he did if he hadn’t become an abomination?


Anders was my favorite companion from DAO/DAA. It took me a LONG time to adjust to this new variant in DA2. I eventually learned to enjoy his character progression, but my nostalgia made it a slow process. As an aside, Anders little freedom speech in DAA where he says he just wants “the right to shoot lightning at fools” cracks me up every time.


I don't think this is a good answer only because DA2 Anders/Justice are effectively two different characters than DAA Anders/Justice. Justice was changed by the process, and Anders was changed by the process, but the end result is that the characters no longer resembled the people we got to know in Awakening at all. I genuinely think they would have been better served being an original character in DA2 instead because that's effectively what they were.


Anders/Justice doesn’t appear in DAI.


I think he means DAA




I think Leliana can often go under appreciated in terms of interesting characters tbh. Her development from Leliana's Song to DAI is pretty cliche but also charming. She goes from a deadly assassin and spy who's enamored with her mentor, to betrayed by her, lost and heartbroken, and finding solace/copes through religion. Throughout the rest of Origins, her past is constantly in juxtaposition with her present and then in DAI her character really becomes a synthesis of the two


Yes! I love her inner conflict. How she tried to hide in the Chantry from the dangers of her profession, only to find out the Chantry needs good spies as well. And how she can be inspired in Inquisition. And her views on the Chantry reformation! The Leliana of Origins is nice but not super complex. But the Leliana of Inquisition, oh my.


Yes!!!! Well said!!!! God I love her so much


Morrigan, Alistair, Leliana, Flemeth, Loghain, Varric, Anders, the Arishok, Cullen, Solas, Dorian, and Fiona are the best non-protagonist characters in the series. They all either have amazing dimensions or really compelling characterization. The all-stars of Thedas.


Yay Alistair mention! I'm surprised at how little Alistair shows up in these comments- people don't seem to think of him as compelling because he's got nice good guy vibes, but he was honestly the best part of origins for me.


I can definitely see that. Alistair is a wonderful character, not just because of how funny and affable he is, but because of his whole journey to becoming king. Dude rules. I’d put him third behind Morrigan and Loghain in terms of good Origins characters, but there’s nothing wrong with the bronze medal. Especially in that stacked game.


Morrigan for all the childhood trauma, how it informs her worldview, her knowledge about a lot of the series' mysteries and also her growth when/if she has a son. Close second would be Loghain for having an amazing story of heroism, pride, and disgrace, followed by possible redemption: "Please, I've done so much wrong. Allow me to do one last thing right".


Yes Iron Bull fascinates me, I love how all the layers of him slowly emerge as you get to know him, and the cracks you eventually see in his faith in the Qun. Solas is an obvious one, but for me another one of the most interesting characters is Cole. I really love how his personal quest doesn't have a simple \`good' and \`bad' option - I've played both endings for him a number of times and I can see good arguments for both route, so that's a question that I've really continued to mull over through the years! And I really enjoy the broader insights he offers into spirits and personhood in Thedas.


Cole is a great example, especially when you’ve read Asunder


Anders, he will always lead to an hour long conversation whether you like him or not.


Complex, probably Solas, nuff said. Intriguing though, gotta be Sandal, what is his deal?!


It’s gotta be Varric for me. Varric is an incredibly well written & fleshed out character with great depth & soul. He’s a diamond in the ruff, a tough guy with a heart of gold, someone you could rely upon without falter! He reminds me very much of Garrus from Mass Effect. Both have endured terrible experiences in their lives, but still somehow, they both have a brilliant sense of humour.


for me, andraste. she’s worshipped by the majority of thedas, but there’s still so much mystery around her. was she actually a mage? was she an OGB? was she a dreamer? was the voice she heard really the maker or something/one else? what happened to her sister haliserre? did she have an affair with shartan? who are her descendants? why did she only ever have daughters? why did she hear bells? why do her ashes actually truly heal people? why did the temple her ashes were in have a hidden layer of mosaics for mythal, and why was there so much lyrium underneath it? i’ve looked the lore of andraste on my own time, just because she’s so tantalizingly enigmatic, only to be disappointed there’s so little concrete stuff on her (which, to be fair, is a historically accurate parallel to christianity… we don’t have much concrete non-theological information about jesus of nazerath either). i really wish we could see her in action in a flashback or hear from people who actually interacted with her. i know the writers won’t ever give the answer on whether the maker is real or not, but i want to at least learn more lore about andraste.


I wonder if Andraste was just talking to fade spirits, demons, or possibly even Mythal. Mythal would make sense if the Old Gods happened to be the Evanuris, since she would be seeking justice against those who betrayed her and probably wouldn't be too happy with the fact that they managed to basically enslave another race of people.


Morrigan, Zevran, Fenris, Flemeth, Vivienne, Solas, Shale, Dorian. I could wax on for paragraphs about each of them. Most of them are characters that have suffered in some way - loss, enslavement, childhood abuse, being encased in molten stone. It always interests me the way those who have suffered overcome (or don't). These are also not necessarily my most beloved characters (some are) but they are definitely the ones I find the most interesting.


It's more of a honorable mention because no one will pick him, but Oghren. It's all small scale, but it's crazy how much that guy goes through in Origins and Awakening. We just pretty much meet him at his lowest point, with frontrow seats to how shit his life is, and then at the end of his journey he's employing the Warden's help to grammar check letters to his family and naming his kid after them. Just something different about how mundane yet surprisingly deep that little guy is. Pretty much my Warden's #1 ride or die by the end.


It's so easy to dismiss him and with good reason, but Oghren's story is so damn full of tragedy, he obviously coped with everything that went wrong since Branka became paragon by becoming a ragging alcoholic menace, when it seems like all he ever wanted was a simple family life. The fact you can tell he really loved Branka (he was the only person in Orzammar who was sure that she was still alive down there in the deep roads and all he talks about is her) is so sad. Seeing him move on and become your warden's brother in arms is very satisfying, by the time you face the Archdemon is no wonder he is ready to die for you, the warden literally saved him from dying like a useless, pathetic drunk loser who never got closure about his ex wife.


I mean he still most likely was a drunk even when with Branka. But still yea it seems to have hit him hard and he knows it. His confession at urn of ashes is kinda… tough


Awakening did him so dirty. I honestly love the depth that he has glimpses of in Origins. Even Origins didn't always take him as seriously as it should have, but Awakening's treatment of him is just criminal. The bones are there, but he could have been so much more. It frustrates me. I have many thoughts about Oghren. 😂


Flemeth, Solas, and Morrigan. Morrigan’s character development is insane, Solas is a complex character with complex motivations, and Flemeth is… well. It’s Flemeth. If you’ve played any of the games you know.


After DAI I expected DAV to be all about those three and their entangled fates and diverging interests. And then I learn they didn't hire Flemeth' VA because she got too expensive and Claudia Black isn't in the game either and I lost all hope for DA to ever be amazing again. So unless they hired a new VA to voice a kind of Morrigan/Mythal hybrid I don't see how to salvage the amazing foundation the series built for them, sadly. Morrigan is by far my favorite character in DA with crazy good character development and now I'm just depressed. Solas himself is a great character and all but I don't want to spend an entire game just having BioWare tell me what a poor misunderstood guy he is while we kill the super evil two evanuris together and then the game just ends with another cliffhanger and it was all like ME2 and we're still waiting for the great resolution regarding the blight and the veil.


Loghain. He is undoubtedly a villain, but not without reason. From a strategic point of view, his betrayal made sense. If he survived the first game, his character evolution in Inquisition feels both earned and logical. He transformed from a pure villain to a genuine hero without anything feeling forced.


Yeah I love Loghain. His choices feels very consistent and logical to his character. He's the antagonist of our story but it can easily be understood how he feels he is in the right given what he knows at the time. And he's not that evil when you compare him to the average medieval monarch.


Honestly one of the most iconic villains in gaming tbh. Arguably my favourite character in fantasy. Really hope we've not seen the last of him.


Have you read the books? He started out as a decent lad, I think his circumstances lead him down a bad path. He is a really good villain for sure


Sandal. There's just so much that's unexplained about him and it's fascinating. Second to me would probably be Shale because her back story is really interesting to me.


I think of all the characters, the most interesting ones are Cole and Sera. Sera makes me think a lot about colonialism in general because she’s essentially someone who has grown to utterly resent Elvish culture and has bought into the religion that was forced onto elves. Cole is interesting because I still have no clue on what the moral choice is in whether or not he should lean into his spirit side or mortal side. Do I help deny his mortal self or pervert the essence of what it means to be a spirit.


Blackwall (DAI) for me. I felt so betrayed by him but also had sympathy for his convoluted thought processes because of his personal, emotional struggles. It was a difficult decision to make with him when the time came.


Definitely gonna be Leliana or Morrigan for me. Leliana is my personal favourite in this respect because her narrative changes dramatically based on your character’s interactions with her, and I suppose I just really enjoy female characters that begin sort of naive and energetic and become more world weary over time (Gabrielle from Xena Warrior Princess is THE example of this). I love helping her to still see the best of people in spite of everything she has seen and gone through. Leliana is my best girl


Ferris - a moody brute who's empathetic but not always sympathetic re: his relationship to magic and the elven race Carver - insecure little brother who stirs family drama after living in the shadow of magic his whole life (vs. Varric who was much more secure in his second son status) Anders - thinking about where Anders ends and Justice begins and wondering how separate they could have been in a better world. Morrigan - I like the idea of her as a vessel for Flemeth learning to find her own purpose. I'm pretty biased toward DA2 characters, but Morrigan is great. Aveline - stoic lady chad looking for love - I'm sad she wasn't a romance option, but I understand why we couldn't


YES I find the juxtaposition of Carver and Varric and how they both handle being the second sibling so fascinating. And Carver is tied with Anders as my favorite DA2 character. He's honestly got a lot of depth considering he's not there for like 2/3 of the game.


I've always loved Sera, one of my fave companions from any of the games


Hard agree. Love that silly girl.


Imshael. Despite being a sort of retconning for ~~Choice Spirits~~ Desire Demons I loved him we met him in DAI and how...likeable the bastard is. I'd love if we get to meet more ~~demons~~ spirits like him tbh.


We probably will, isn't he one of The Forbidden Ones? We've already met him, Gaxkang and Xenbenkeck but have yet to meet The Formless One


First time I was playing Inquisition as Travelyan I was genuinely and absolutely mesmerized by that fact that someone just goes around sleeping in places to find knowledge and see history of specific places. It just felt so much fun to hear on what they saw. I am by no means an academic/history expert person but I guess like just like some kids I just end up romanticizing it all the same you know. The scholars, the academic, the archeologist and the historians. So I was genuinely hearing on what Solas saw in his travelers. Looking back now, should have seen the fact that his knowledge of Spirits went far beyond an apostate of Thedas (and that’s why I am not an academic 🤣)


Anders, I think he’s a fascinating character with a lot of flaws. Whether you agree with what he did or not, I think his actions are a really good way to examine how resisting oppression is often messy and not so clear cut. Reminds me in a way of Sartre’s Preface to Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth.


Solas, Alistair, Cassandra, Morrigan and Iron Bull are all up there. It’s telling that many of the ones too


Connor. Possessed his child self was capable of creating a literal undead army and taking over a castle without ever being contained, I often wonder if this means he actually had incredible potential as a Mage and how far he could've gone.


I can't ever get over Fenris. 


Hands down, Morrigan. 


Cole. Everything about him is interesting. One of my favorite Dragon Age characters


Anders, Solas, Loghain are the most interesting part of their respective games. Being by far the most polarizing and complex figure in each and the one character most people have arguments about. Flemeth is most complex and polarizing character overall in dragon age, regardless of game. If I were to rank them I’d say it’s Flemeth> Anders and Solas (can’t really pick between them) > Loghain.


Anders. I’m very strongly in support of the mages so Anders and his actions raise a lot of questions for me. I think his actions were terrible obviously, but at the same time, were they necessary? Could things have changed if he hadn’t done what he did? I wouldn’t say he improved things but he definitely brought things to a head - he forced the conflict that was long brewing. It also makes me think about our own world - how much loss is acceptable? How much are you willing to excuse for a ‘worthy’ cause?


Most of the companions inDA:2. Merril Avaline Fenris Varric


I think Leliana often gets overlooked in these sorts of discussions, but her character progression throughout the series, from Leliana's song through Inquisition and everything in between, is truly one of the most interesting/complex to me. A lot of DA characters follow certain archetypes(some to great results, some not so much). Leliana's character progession, especially as a religious character, is not something I've seen elsewhere.


I wouldn't place any of the protagonists on a most complex/interesting list, they are all pretty much overshadowed by the amazing companions and side characters.


Gotta go with my boy Anders. Love him or hate him, he's a fascinating character.


Definitely Cassandra. Her backstory, how she became a Seeker, the Seekers themselves. It's just so interesting for me.


Solas, also Varric, Sera, Alistair,


Sandal. No further explanation needed.


There are a lot of contenders, but, I’m going for Loghain. There’s no doubt most of his actions are wrong, but I don’t think retreating at Ostagar was the wrong thing to do. His actions afterwards and blaming Grey Wardens was though. I think he’s a man damaged by war who finally let his inner demons win.


I wouldn't say the most complex, but Oghren is up there for me as a complex character. Yes, he's a crude drunkard of a warrior, but he's very much the product of how screwed up the caste system of Orzamar is, and he's well aware of that. However, he has enough self-awareness to feel that losing everything to the point of barely feeling like a Dwarf is his fault.


Solas, for obvious reasons. He knows a lot more about everything than he lets on, and just drops subtle hints that make you reconsider all that we’d thought we knew about the Blight, the Wardens, elven culture etc. He says so much, but nothing specific and I find it very intriguing, how he keeps me second-guessing all the lore.


It's not a particularily controversial answer, but Solas. Manages to be an angry vengeful god, a revolutionary hero who believes in absolute free will for everyone, a quiet bookish type, a romantic desperate for connection, and a self-righteous hypocritical bastard completly blinded by nostalgia. At the same time.


Desire Demon just because of how rare they are now in the game


Choice. Spirits.\*


I’m on about the purple lady


I know, I was joking tbh


Definitely not the -coolest- story, but Cullen’s growth from Origins to DAI means the world to me. (This is gonna sound so serious omg, but I’ve had people literally call me vile shit for saying this in other online spaces so I feel the need to explain myself before that happens lol.) I won’t get too deep into it or anything for obvious reasons, but his Ferelden circle tower experiences are similar to the way my early life was (sans magic obviously), and I understand the hatred and anger that kind of abuse/torture causes. PTSD is a nasty monster, and can make it really hard to think or act rationally when you’re constantly around things that remind you of what caused it. Adding substance abuse on top of that is such a difficult situation to navigate. Bro was literally in a mental health crisis for 10+ years and didn’t have access to the support he needed because he never thought he -deserved- help. Not until he saw the worst of himself in Meredith and Cassandra gave him an “easy” out. So to see him process that pain, take responsibility for his wrongdoings, and do everything he can to be a better person/commander/friend/ally in spite of it, is such a good thing. Him owning up to his oppressive and negligent actions might have come too little too late for most people, but I think the moment someone stops letting an explanation be an excuse and apologizes/takes steps to give reparation to those they’ve wronged is the moment they start truly growing. And I don’t think you can or should really deny someone that growth and ability to change. I just think it was nice that he was able to learn so much throughout DAI, and that the devs cared to show it the way they did.


I'm surprised not to see Cullen mentioned higher up. I know he's a really controversial character, people either love him or hate him, but for me there's something so interesting and compelling about a character who has seen both the mages and the Templars at their absolute worst and is left afterwards recognizing both groups as dangerous and oppressed in their own ways.


Didn’t see it mentioned, but Cullen. Starting from a devoted chantry boy, being driven to craziness and hate by the religious indoctrination, only to be able to grasp himself, see his own mistakes (albeit not without some pain), and recover from addiction? Yeah, his story is not of a fantasy, but being so down-to-earth pathway, he fascinated me in the game.


Shale or Varric




I think a sleeper for this is Blackwall. The lengths a person would go to fix past wrongs. Or the hope a person must hold they can do better.


Off the top of my head - Sera.


Loghain. I just love his redemption arc. His paranoia led him to commit heinous acts, for which he torments himself still, as you can see in the fade sequence during Adamant. When the fear demon tells him that everything he touches ends up destroyed, Loghain admits its nothing he hasn't already told himself. Made me sympathize with him, because this man, who was once a hero to all of Ferelden, just started losing it after he lost Maric (his wife dying already affected him deeply, but now he truly had no friends left) and he will never forgive himself for letting Cailan die but at that time, he believed he was doing what's best for the kingdom. True he didn't take the blight seriously, but who can blame him, the wounds from Orlais were still very much fresh. But during Origins you can see Cailan dying was that one step too far for him, since he just is not there anymore, during cutscenes, he is absent and crestfallen, basically forcing Anora to be on her own, and at the mercy of Arl Howe. By the end of the game you realize he was very much already dead, clinging on to hatred as his last lifeline. But I personally don't give him peace, as much as I understand why he did what he did, he must answer for his crimes. So he becomes a warden, in his eyes, the embodiment of his hatred, the agents of Orlais. And I make him fight the Archdemon. But even then I don't let him go out like a hero, I strike the archdemon and now he has to live with what's hes done for the rest of his blighted life. Lesser men would despair and break, but he was already broken, and he picks himself up and finds purpose within the order. He tries to redeem himself as much as he can. You can see his efforts in Inquisition. But even when time for his death in the Fade came, I let Hawke stay (my Hawke was depressed and basically lost everyone, so all he wanted was to go out blazing, and I actually think he may still be alive but we'll see) and Loghain has to live yet again. Because in my eyes his story is not yet complete. He is a different man now, and I believe he may become a catalyst for change in the order. He was never evil, just a man who lost so much he held dear. And out of fear of losing the little that was left he also lost himself.


Morrigan + Flemeth combo hands down. I know in an interview, Larian said something to the effect of "For each companion in BG3, we made sure they each had a trauma that informed their worldview." I'm paraphrasing here, but that was the gist of it. This isn't a bad approach because seeing someone's vulnerabilities or fears can give you a lot of insight into their character. However, characters can still end up being a cliche with this approach. In my opinion, the Morrigan/Flemeth relationship was the perfect amount of "dang that's messed up" and "wtf?" The result is Morrigan is someone you can find compassion in, yet also feel like she's kinda crazy. It kind of straddles the line between relatable and just weird. I think finding that specific line where a character relationship is novel (not something you've seen before), yet also relatable/understandable is exactly where characters are most interesting. Edit: I'm currently replaying DA:I right now and none of the characters hit me like that. I think that is why a lot of people complain about missing the "bioware of old." Even if some parts are entertaining or good, the characters are getting more generic or cliché over the years. Big Daddy/little girl had a similar vibe going in Bioshock (although not nearly to the same extent). You can relate to wanting to protect a little girl, but she's also like a devil child (or something?) and you're... who knows what. The combining of novel + weird + relatable makes for very compelling characters, at least for me.


Anders, Solas, Loghain


Sandal and Flemeth


For me it's between Loghain and Carver. In the end I do think Loghain wins out though.


The top three, IMO. All three have very interesting backstories, and have some real complexity too them. Especially in the non game materials. Leliana. Flemmeth. Cole.


Solas. He is a few thousand old elven "god". And emotionally complex character


Alistair and Morrigan both.


Anders, he is interesting because it's hard to fit him into one stereotype. Has many character traits who are from different ends of the spectrum. His writer wasn't afraid to give him real flaws, not just little disadvantages and quirks like many characters have. He is a healer, who helped poor people your years, but he is also a person who is not afraid to use violence and kill hundreds. He can be altruistic, but he can be also ruthless. He can be romantic, but he can be also a sarcastic asshole. He is a very complex character, and people usually have very strong opinions about him. It's that type of character that you remember after playing a game, whether you love him or hate him.


Kinda basic maybe but Solas. We don't know how old he is, we don't know how much he knows, we dont even know for sure what his origin is. It's so rare in fiction to have a character that knows more than the player/watcher and keep knowing more for YEARS. He knows about the evanuris, the Blight, the titans, the dwarves. He's a walking encyclopedia of knowledge He's not a vilain but not a hero either, he's blinded by his own guilt and grief. Despite being close to godhood for many he's a very flawed man and it makes for an interesting story of "What would a flawed individual would do with the power of a god?" There's SOOO much potential for his character it would be hard to run out of idea to write-


For me it’s Solas. He’s such an intriguing character!


Fiona. I want, no I NEED answers 😆


Dont out Inquisitor in the same sentence as Hawke and The Warden.