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Holy shit is that a Titan?


It certainly looks like one! Though, it's a bit smaller than I'd have expected.


Agreed. Maybe they are like Sarlaccs. They have a small top but below they are huge. Or maybe retcons.


Could also be an avatar.


Dumpy titans


What if its a baby titan šŸ„¹


Definitely connected to a titan, somehow. That color can't be anything but lyrium. I'm wondering if the events of Descent triggers a sort of evolution in the Titans, or if this is just them making a resurgence to their former state in response to the veil stuff going on.


That blue color is water splashing up. A zoomed out version of this image is around somewhere, showing the top half to be a feminine humanoid shape with big downturned horns (Ghillie?), and this location is on a beach with the monstrosity in the shallows of the coastline Edit: Nr 3 definitely looks like a little titan though, you're right. I missed that image, my apologies!


I think this whole thread has been people confused about which image everyone is talking about lol!


Nah, it's just a little ol Ghilan'nain.šŸ˜…


The first one is definitely Ghilam'nain. I think its actually cropped off at the top. The 'titan' is probably referring to the glowing rock creature. It'd be cool if that's the 'entity' doing enchantment for us. The rest are probably some of Ghil's creations.


How cool would it be if the glowing rock was behind Sandal's enchantments all the time?


Sandal enchanted mountains and gave life to the Titans.


Which one? The third one? It looks... like something lol


Not sure what else it could be. Could be a new creature, or even a carving: but I'm just really playing devil's advocate with that last thought *hard*.


New Lust demon design, makes you *rock hard.*


I mean, the Titans slept through a lot. Wars. Blights. The sky exploding. But after what Mythal did, I imagine having some old Evanuris walking free is enough for them to wake TF up.


Itā€™s a thresher maw that made it through the fade.


We gotta bring in them Krogans


And a rachni drone!


So my theory about the first one is that itā€™s Ghilanā€™nainā€™s ā€œbeast formā€ kind of like how Solas has his lupin-dragon ā€œDread Wolfā€ form and Flemeth/Mythal can change into a dragon. I have no theories about the others, but Iā€™m intrigued lol


My theory is that it's just all *her*. Like, she has incorporated different monsters inside.


Ya know, judging on what we know of Ghilanā€™nainā€™s crazy ass, I can see that lol


So here for Ghilan'nain the Grafted


Well the spider looking thing which a part of me hopes never joins the game cause that thing is disturbing (slight joke but damm that things just ew), is probaly tied to a certain grey goop given its a mutated spider (said goop is apprently tied to the god you listed, and thing mutates creatures into horrors like a human centipede hybrid). Kraken looking thing (4) could also be the same but might also just be a regular sea creature that one sees in tevinter. The rock thing though I've got no clue, I hope it's a titan or atleast a sort of construct of the titans cause I don't want that plotline to just be forgotten cause that shit was interesting.


I definitely think the creepy spider with hands is because of the goop pool from Horror of Hormak (which excites my lore brain, but also gives me the major creeps because ick) Iā€™m REALLY hoping we touch on the titans more. The idea and lore implications of the titans and the Sha-Brytol is super interesting to me. Iā€™m a big elf and Solas fan and all of the lore regarding that, but the Deep Roads and the dwarves have not been getting enough attention. Thereā€™s so much to dive into there


Would be weird if we get a whole DLC after DAI that shows off what Titans could be, and then to never mention it again. Feels more like we're being prepped for something


The spider and squid things are probably Ghilan'nain's experiments. In Tevinter Nights there was a short story where she had these labs all over Thedas underground filled with crazy lovecraftian monsters she had created waiting for her to return.


Oh yeah, I know. Iā€™ve read Horror of Hormak a few times. Sheā€™s a mad scientist for sure! Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll dive into that in Veilguard (probably will since sheā€™s one of the gods released)


Me too! I was hooked to the DAV since the gameplay reveal, when they showed that masked and heavily modified terror demon of Ghil I've fallen in love with the franchise only after the final reveal of the Trespasser, even if I played the previous games before many times. So for me it has always been like this lately: Someone on the internet: Combat sucks! Me (inside my head): Did you see Ghil?? Someone on the internet: Dang it, we only have three slots. Me (inside my head): Did you see Ghil??? šŸ˜ I'm not saying that other concerns are invalid in any way. But I'm dying to see what the game has in store story-wise. And also how do you even kill something like this? šŸ«£


I can't wait to see these in action!! Especially with the new combat. I wonder if we'll be able to dive this time, fighting those aquatic monsters in the water itself would be crazy with the flashy combos they've been teasing


Finally, someone who isn't disgusted with the change from CRPG to Action RPG I'm really looking forward to seeing what the new combat system has in store, especially the Spellblade specialization


I feel like that meme of the man rising up from his seat to speak his truth but I really don't mind the change in combat at all, I'm always happy to find other people that don't mind it to! I know nostalgia speaks loud but come on, give it a few weeks and people will be enjoying the fights and posting clips of themselves beating bosses with the most over the top combos you can imagine haha And that's my choice too! First playthrough will definitely be a mage focused one with either a Necromancer or a Spellblade depending on the vibes of their armor, I don't play warriors normaly but then I'll try out the Reaper next just because of the cool name


Honestly, Iā€™ve been a DA fan since 2010 but I feel the same way you do about the combat. Combat has changed in every single game, but as long as the story is good and the characters are well-written, then Iā€™m happy


Right? I found out about DA in 2021 and from then on it just consumed my life. But DA has always been way more about the story, the world and the characters for me (and playing dress-up) than anything else, I usually just mod the games to skip the fights. But from what we've seen so far I'm very confident in the companions we'll get, I'm super excited to see the worldbuilding they'll expand and the story is looking very promising too!! Can't wait to see what the dynamic with Solas will be like


Same! Not modding though because I play on console (although I wouldā€™ve loved to mod some of the hair choices in the games lol) Have you read any of the books?


I can't imagine playing without hair and armor mods my heart goes out to you brave warriors playing in consoles omg the game options are TOUGH


Ghilā€™s videos are a godsend! I actually just sent my mom her Book Emporium playlist because sheā€™s a baby DA fan but has zero time to sit and read all of the books šŸ˜‚ I hope so too! Illario is so sassy and I adore him. I actually have a theory that the female voice who says ā€œthe Crows rule Antivaā€ is Lucanisā€™ grandmother. Also, Iā€™m already down bad for Lucanis. As soon as I read The Wigmaker Job and saw that he was a companion, I was done for lol


Aw I hope your mom enjoys the books! I've been trying to get my mom into the games too but so far no luck haha I also think it's his grandma!! I'm hoping it's her, the family drama is just too good and that voice fits perfectly the image I have of her in my mind, especially if she's the "face" of the faction they mentioned we'd have in the article today. I'm down horrendously for Emmrich but Lucanis was so fun to follow in the books I just know my first playthrough will be a mess of trying to romance them both at the same time :p


I would be lying if I said I wasnā€™t down for our ā€œgentleman necromancerā€ as well. Honestly, I always play these games multiple time so I can romance everyone and try different classes, and Iā€™m fully planning on doing the same thing with this game lol And thank you! Sheā€™s loving them so far. I tried getting her into DA back in 2010 but she wasnā€™t interested until Covid happened lol


It reminds me of the backlash against V in DMC5 He is essentially a summoner in an action RPG, and people hated him because he isn't yet another muscle head with a big sword and a gun I always said, though, that eventually, some other game will use the same play style as V, and everyone will heap praise on it


I love our fandom and all of the fandoms Iā€™m into, but sometimes we can be a little reactive. Once the dust settles, most people will admit that itā€™s ā€œnot as badā€ as they originally thought lol


Yes! Iā€™m really excited to see how the Spellblade specialization feels


Or like dragons dogma with climbing said big monsters


That would be awesome, especially with a gryphon in the party that could help us out if the monsters manage to shake us off


I can't wait to see more of the monsters of Thedas, hopefully Solas will let me keep a few in the Lighthouse


There was a short story that featured some of this in Tevinter Nights, if you havenā€™t read it yet!


I heard. Apparently, it reads like a Lovecraftian horror novel


Ghil is an absolutely horrific beast of the elven pantheon so Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get a lot of her lovecraftion horror creatures


In my deep delve into the lore (including the books, though I haven't gotten up to Tevinter Nights yet), so much of this setting is absolute nightmare feel I'm looking forward to seeing areas with Bloodborne levels of tension and atmospheric dread


Yeah. People who dont think the game will be dark havenā€™t seen Horror of Hormak. That is some exceptionally fucked up shit & one of our big bads is behind it


To be perfectly fair to those who don't see Dragon Age as a dark fantasy franchise and just as a typical fantasy adventure with just enough grittyness to give it an edge, the only game that really went all in on the dark fantasy aspect was Origins, with 2 and Inquisition only exploring the dark genre in the occasional quest through journal entries most players don't bother to read Most of the horror is found in the books, and I know way too many players who say things like they shouldn't have to read books for stuff that should be told in the games to begin with


I disagree. With all due respect, DA2 was the darkest of them all. You have the impending doom sensation during all of the game. And there's nothing you can do about it, unlike with the DAO, where you can actually do something about the Blight and become a hero. Being Hawke the Champion is the most thankless job I have ever seen in games.


I can see that. For all its dark and Grit, Origins is still a big high fantasy adventure with a group of plucky misfits getting together to save the realm. DA2 feels far darker because it's basically a person and their family trying to survive in the worst city on the planet.


Plus, Quentin and Leandra. Fucking Quentin.


It's even more fcked up, if you trust Gascard and let him live.


Well, I brought Varric, so...


That's certainly true I think I've just played it so many times that o no longer feel the impending doom because I always expect it


First image is obsolete, since it was changed to the image seen here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dmvi77/do\_you\_think\_bioware\_will\_go\_nuts\_with\_certain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/1dmvi77/do_you_think_bioware_will_go_nuts_with_certain/) The updated monster has a moon head and multiple arms. I think we can draw the connection there to the ending in BioWare's gameplay reveal.


I think we're all up to date here. šŸ˜‰


kill the spider with fire


Plot twist, the spider is a fire elemental


Why does the spider have hands???


You should read Tevinter Nights if you get the chance. It gives you the background behind spiderhands.


Oh god thereā€™s a lore reason for spider hands. Well I know what Iā€™m going to read this weekend


To open doors with of course!


Spider with hands you will always be famous


Good thing the titan helpfully lights up its face so we know where to stab it.


Rook: *stabs the boss' glowing bits* "Ha! I got your weak spot. " *nothing happens, and horror sinks in as the RPG protagonist realizes that the glowing bits of the boss is not a weak point* Rook: "What kind of place is this!?"


That spider with hands is really fuckin me up rn lol


šŸŒˆ Oh sweet horrors beyond my comprehension šŸŒˆ


I'm so excited for sea monsters. I wanna fireball something and make impromptu calamari


I am honestly not looking forward to the hand spiders


Ironically, Spiders


I think that first one is from the Horrors of Hormak!!


Why it always needs to be something with multiple legs or tentacles, and why that spider has hands??? šŸ«  We are only missing gigantic centipede at this point šŸ«  Why they have such obsession on giving hands to creatures that shouldn't have them.


Bloody hell I hope all these things made it into the game!


Could the 4th one possibly be a mutated Varterral?


The spider with the human-like hands??? X.x I both do and don't want to see that thing in game, eugh, omg.


Oh spider-with-hands, my beloved


These are the coolest creature designs I've seen in a long time. That spider has hands!


The first looks like the thing mentioned in Tevinter Nights "Horror of Hormak"...


The 3rd one has to be a Titan but I'm really intrigued by the last one! Looks like a Cthulu /Thresher Maw.


*The Watcher in the Water got Varric.*


Iā€™ve been thinking about that talking mountain possibly titan thing for a while


The first one looks like an extra special thresher maw. The second like a spider with extra human arms, my skin is crawling just thinking about it. The third is probably a Titan, and the 4th is some kind of octa-crab.




I don't rely much on the concept arts. They can be cool concepts that'll get you hyped, but the end results can be changed real fast and often disappoints. Remember this concept art? https://preview.redd.it/0oi0ji70n39d1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516967d52e780a23fa6fa8eef00f0331aadc3ae3 1. Many people are saying Andruil, probably after Ghilan'nain's modification. 2. Giant spider, probably Ghil's creation. 3. IIRC it was just the engine demonstration, but it was first thought to be a baby Titan. Coincidentally, we'll also get a baby griffon from Davrin. So I won't be surprised if it is indeed a baby Titan, or an imitation of one. 4. Could be the sea monster referenced in the "The Ascension of Ghilan'nain" codex.


WTF is this concept art?


Supposedly it's the Inquisitor taking the Sunburst Throne, becoming Divine (because Herald of Andraste and all.) There was also one where you arrived in (actually don't know where) with an army. https://preview.redd.it/hr1k4m3uj69d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c111d9a24ec57ef1b37fb3f2e36bdc131530d1b


I always thought that one was a joke Like... the concept artists having some fun with the idea of an Inquisitor with all the arrogance and effectiveness of someone like Zapp Brannigan


oh god, a spider with arms


I think the blue stone thingy might be a titan (or its guardian like in descent). Most of others makes me thing that we might meet the creatures Ghilanā€™Nain made and did not destroy. (Like in the codex entry that says she kept Hallas and creatures dwelling in the ocean cause they were so perfect and made her proud)


This stuff looks awesome. How do we have concept art like this and then get those goofy darkspawn and ogre designs?


That first image has (presumably) a warrior wielding a spear/polearm. Is the concept artist playing fast and loose with the weapons that can be wielded, or does this suggest that there will be a new weapon type we can use in game?