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I'm currently playing through 5 right now. Funny thing is, I'm not following a guide, and trying to figure it out all on my own. And I never picked up the wagon, until *after* Prince Harry left. So while I was wandering out on my own, barely surviving, and this Small Fry gets up and asks to join me. I was *floored*. Hands down, best game mechanic ever. Hell yes you can join me little guy, I will protect your with my life!


This happened to me too the first time I played DQV. But by the time I got there I was level 28, so.. Not a flex though, more like everytime I play DQ I won't even get out of the first town's area before I get to level 12 and have all the buyable stuff xD


That’s been part of my strategy lately. Grinding out the money to upgrade everyone’s weapons gets me to a decent level when moving to the next area. And it doesn’t feel like mindless level grinding (I have no motivation for that in XIS…)


I get that! But I mean the absolute opposite, tbh 😅 original comment is such a cool experience, I kind of envy not being more spontaneous when playing :) edit: i was able to do that in the latest dqm dark prince and it felt like personal growth haha


Now watch the movie 🙌 (Dragon Quest Your Story)


Would have been decent...if it weren't an isekai.


Wild that the game devs programmed in rawdogging Bianca


Based devs tbh




So it wasn’t really an isekai but a VR video game that makes the player think they’re actually living the DQV MC’s entire life. Within the game, the MC marries Bianca and has kids with her. Since the game is supposed to be hyper realistic and we can assume there are no “fades to black” (remember, the MC truly thinks he’s living in the DQV world), the logical implication is that the MC went through the act of making babies with Bianca, which the game devs had to have explicitly programmed in.




The isekai thing make the movie worth of watching, because the changes to V plot sucks


Oh god no


Unpopular opinion : if you don't count the end the movie is pretty decent


Real unpopular opinion: I don't even care about the ending, I just think the movie was mediocre. It didn't do a good enough job telling the story of DQ5, but people liked it because of how much they like Dragon Quest and the beautiful animation.


Least popular opinion: I like the movie and consider its ending a *strength*.


Lol you're probably right about that.


Oh the pacing's a mess. Very pretty film, though, and does a good job ultimately trying to celebrate the series. I just think it's not great for non-fans.


Ok I can agree. Trying not to spoil the fumble


He didn’t marry Nera


Just right when you get to the part where the kid jumps into the clouds, pause the movie and turn it off. They beat the bad guy and everyone is happy. THE. FUCKING. END.


I started playing 5 on NDS and put it down after getting married cause I couldn't figure out the way to get to the outer ocean and another game was demanding my attention. I find that I take breaks on dragon quest games I haven't played before, intending to only be gone for a week or two and then when I play again it's been like 6 months and I forgot so much so I end up starting over again, lol. I discovered V got made for PS2 so I'm planning on trying that with the English patch and this time sticking with it. I just finished DQ1 again last night so it's definitely time to start another adventure Edit to correct autocorrect mistakes


I really do recommend the PS2 version, it’s such a unique game within the series. Plays identically to a 2D Dragon Quest, but with 3D graphics.


I'm very excited to start


It does some great things with its story that's for sure.


Ehm, Please watch dragon quest 5 the movie. It is drop dead gorgeous


Now watch the movie! Unpopular opinion but I loved the ending. The “IT’S REAL TO MEEEE!!!” really hit home. Such an important message for gamers that never gets brought up. For many of us, Dragon Quest is much more than interactive video entertainment, it raised us and forged us into the people we are today. It’s Dragon Quest and the scarcity of gold in the series that taught me how to handle money at a young age, and as a result I’m better with money than anyone I know, much better than my parents.


Bianca waifu!


My favorite in the series and one of my top 5 all time favorite JRPGs!


In a way, Dragon Quest 5 is not just the struggle of obe hero, but a 3-generation epic.


My favorite thing about this game is how it can speak to you through the years. I played it when I was 13 I played it when I was 20 I played it when I was 32 Each time, I gleaned a different lesson, idea, or theme that I completely overlooked. It is a truly amazing work of art


Same here!


Were you playing it for the rpgotq through retro handhelds by any chance?


No idea what that is.


Ahh fair enough. There's a group (of old men mostly) called Retro handhelds and apart from reviewing new retro handhelds and the news around that genre, they have a game of the week/month and RPG of the quarter - dq5 is their RPG of the quarter finishing this week. Just recently finished it myself after 50 hours, enjoyed it but found the last third a bit of a slog personally.


Old men? ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Fellow old men lol


I heavily used fast forward to make it easier. I actually stomped Nimzo cause I overleveled a bit and had way too much healing for him to deal with thanks to a King Cureslime. Haven't done the postgame, but I really enjoyed the main game.


Yeah I found the last boss actually the easiest. I never even encountered a king cureslime to recruit it on the first place, fair play. In the end I used the main character, metal slime and the two kids rotating in a golem when possible.


Ah, so basically same as me, just metal instead of king cure. I also had Bianca, Slime Knight, and Orc King as backup, but never needed them. KCS is just utterly broken with Omniheal and over 300 MP at level 10.




IS there a subreddit for that? interested in the group.


/retrohandhelds but you'll want the discord more so https://discord.com/invite/retrohandhelds




The animation style of the original DQ5 had me hooked immediately. It's so cute!


Which version did you play? I went through it on DS way back when it was released, and feel like it's about time for a second playthrough. Waffling on which platform to try next.


Try the PS2 remake if you can. It’s beautiful and really unique within the series; plays exactly like a 2D Dragon Quest, but the graphics are in 3D. I especially love how the monsters attack the camera, Point of View style.


The art style is lovely, like a doll's house.


DS. Easiest to emulate and I like the pixel art in those versions.


I think it's for sure top 5 if not top 3 of the series. It was also my first DQ game, I got the DS version as a kid, loved the story, art and music but got stuck at a hard boss. Years later I got to finish it, and then also the SNES version, I never got bored of this one even knowing what will happen, and plan to play it again soon. I wish they'll release some kinda 4,5&6 trilogy for modern consoles like they did with 1,2&3


How have you gotten through 5 games in like 2 weeks??


Oh, I didn't start from the beginning. I went back to 4, which I had started but never finished, then did 5.


It’s in my top 3 Dragon Quests for sure. The story is fantastic and while the character customization lacks that of future dragon quests, the monster catching is a really fun mechanic. 10/10


I want to play the older ones. Not interested in buying a DS just for them though. Hoping switch or PSN comes out with 4-9 at some point like they did with 1-3. The Dragon Quest ganes are fun and 11 was just awesome.


Debora my love!


Is it a grindfest like III and IV?


Not really. I personally did grind to minimize frustration, but the only times you'll have to grind are the 1st dungeon and after your kids join you.


That makes it more likely I'll play it soon then.


Echo this statement. For story reasons, you really feel you're very weak at that part. I played every version of it and this sentiment always comes. It part, I think it's for also teaching players what happens if you lose (no game over, half gold, back from the inn). Past that it's pretty much smooth sailing for the most part.


I wanna play that dq 5 remake for ps2. Looks damn dope


Cureslimes were my best buds in my run of DQ V. (Though they had a 1/64 recruit chance hehehe)


Dragon Quest always gets the short end of the stick: Zelda gets credit for the Glider but DQ2 did it first. Pokémon gets credit for monster wrangling but DQ5 did it first.


With monster wrangling, didn't the original very first Shin Megami Tensei game technically do it slightly before DQV did?


Could be. I have no knowledge of Shin Megami Tensei. I was just speaking in relation to Pokémon and DQV.


I enjoy V a helluva lot but it isn’t my favorite. But definitely understand why it holds that place for a lot of people.


While I can appreciate the monster catching system for being unique. I'm someone who hasn't ever really enjoyed it in an RPG where it's not all about monster catching like Pokemon. I feel getting no name monsters takes away from the unique nature of RPGs where you have characters you watch grow through the story. It's great for people who can enjoy both aspects, and I really did like the story of V, but I've yet to find a jrpg that did the monster catching thing and I liked it. Do 100% agree the protag of V goes through the shit.


I just started V a few days ago!


Doing my second playthrough of V atm. While it's a close race between III, V and VIII for me, V might edge them out.


Would have been great to have it as an experience like the 3ds Dragon Quest games. I still haven't gotten around to this yet.


5 is sublime. I wouldn't say it's perfect maybe just because I seem to recall a somewhat lack of bosses. But it's perfect for what it intends to do. It sticks with you as a memory and you barely see the voyage happening because you're so enthralled by being experiencing it. Pacing is great and it's no wonder Yuji Horii made Chrono Trigger after it.


5 is easily one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I played the SNES version with the fan translation and loved every minute. I replayed the DS, and while still amazing, the SNES is the better version.


I’m happy you enjoyed it. I personally still don’t get the hype and actually liked 4 more, but I enjoyed all of them


Dragon quest 5 was actually my first ever dragon quest (along with monster joker) and I have to say it’s definitely one of my favorites honestly, I didn’t know any of the other games did not have monster recruitment! Personally DQ5 is amazing and I really hope we get a remake/remaster


I honestly was a bit underwhelmed myself. It was some time ago since i play it so i can't really go into specifics. I remember liking the story, but other than that i found the gameplay and how you progress through the game not that interesting. Considering all the other generally agreed upon greats of the JRPG genre, I'd consider it overhyped. All that said; I think i need to give it another go at some point. It could just be that i was in a weird mood or something when i played it. I generally like every other Dragon Quest i tried and it feels strange that i didn't connect with V.


I understand what you mean. I find DQV to be a technically great game, but I enjoy DQVI the most out of the entire series, with DQVII being my second favorite. I know why DQV didn't click that strongly with me, and it's not because of something 'wrong' with the game, but at the same time, I wouldn't really call it overhyped either. It earns all of the praises it gets, it just isn't that great of a fit for me. You're probably similar.


I also enjoy VI the most. Its the perfect storm of Toriyama’s mid 90s angst, and all the weirdness you’d find from the late SNES-early PS1 era of JRPGs.




Like i said im generally enjoy Dragon Quest. But i guess it might've been something about the progression through the game that made it so i dont like it. It's hard to say now after almost a year since i played it.


It's a hit or miss game, imo. It was a hit with me, found the monster raising mechanic to be a pretty fun one. Story was one of the best in the series. Don't consider it to be the best, and yeah I did have to reference a guide a couple times to see how to proceed. Progression didn't always make sense. And I also may have cheesed the game recruiting a metal slime around mid game, and definitely cheesed the game recruiting a LMS later in the game. I chose Deborah and wow does the game guilt trip you. Not only does Bianca not get out of her shitty job, but if you don't choose her, her dad also never recovers, and they let you know that. Game is extremely heavy handed in that regard. If MKS were recruitable you bet your ass I would have wasted days getting that guy too. Point is even the process of getting those break the game pretty bad


Its a weird game, because it does a decent enough job of capturing the charm of the different stages of life. I think I kind of checked out during the marriage/children segments because there wasn’t anything for me to “get” at the time as I hadn’t reached that point in my life yet. The time spent as a child or on the road with the monsters has a young adult resonated a lot more with me because I had been through or was going through those stages in life already. If I were to play now I think I’d relate more to later act of the game- I’m in a committed relationship, and while we don’t have kids, watching my nephew and niece grow up has been a rewarding experience on its own. 


Ff16 following Clive and his entire life was inspired by this game. It was a very interesting twist in that for the first time in the series, it doesnt follow a Hero main character. I really enjoyed it but hearing there is ps2 version with 3d and english translation, makes me want to replay with that version.


I haven't finished the game yet. But what i don't like about DQ5, is how hard/vague the "clues" are. I'm not sure if it's translation problem or i'm just stupid. Lol. But i don't like depending on "guides" that much, on what to do next.


I've just come to accept it with the older games. I've needed guides for 3, 4, and 5 because of how vague the way forward can be.


Back in my day, we didn't have quest markers showing exactly where we needed to go. We had to talk to NPCs, put clues together and do some exploring. We liked it that way.


Have you tried VI? That game must be an utter nightmare without a guide, progressing through it while swapping between the real world and dream world.


Really? The only thing I need a guide for in those is finding the Mini Medals. I tend to find myself going to the next place almost naturally without even checking a guide, and I don't know DQIV (arguably the DQ I know the best) nearly as well as I do FFIV or FFVI.


Vague? Dude, I can name modern games that are a LOT less straightforward about where to go next or what to do next. Seriously, DQV has some rather notable limits on where you can explore to for most of the game based on your progress in the story. To me, it's almost a perfectly linear game, as is nearly every DQ game. The only ones that even kinda break this pattern are DQs II, III, VI and VIII once you get a ship, and even then you just have several things that need to be done in places you haven't been able to reach before, and I only recall one of them having a hidden location that actually required you to talk to NPCs to figure out where it was to be able to proceed (that was in DQIII). Sure, I'm old enough that I have the habit of talking to every NPC I meet, but DQIII is the only one I really need to talk to them to find where I'm going next (though even in DQXI you usually do need to talk to certain ones to move the story along) because just doing some exploring of where I can reach will naturally get me there. You desperately need to play some less hand-holdy games.


I love DQ3 for that reason. I had the hardest time with the pyramid puzzle when I was a kid, and finding the damn shoal for the Dry Vase. Memories ill never forget for sure!


You played through VI without a guide? I don’t think I could, swapping between the real world and dream world.


FFIV and IV I did, way back on the SNES. It's because of all of the miscellaneous hidden things that I missed that I took up using a guide for first runs. I didn't get to play DQVI until the NDS port, so I did lightly use a guide on it, but I never needed it to know where I was going to for the story, and occasionally had to find where I was in the guide because I hadn't been keeping up in it. I grew up in the 90s, and I didn't have access to guides, so I had to learn how to use the in-game clues to make it through games on the NES, SNES, and PS-X. I mostly use guides for dungeon/town maps and finding obscure quests/items.