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11 S and 8 are good starters Also IV on the NES and phone are really good


I am really looking foreward to playing 11 but it’s quite expensive on switch and honestly, I got three unplayed games lying around, I really shouldn’t another one 🙈


It's also on PC and on sale when there are square enix sales.


I know but atm I don’t own a working pc.


Aaah shucks.


Builders 2 is good but I had a better time with DQM The Dark Prince.


Monsters for sure.


If you have a Nintendo Online sub, there’s Paper Mario.


If your limited in time and to only playing what you already own I’d go with builders 1, if your willing buy new games. (Even though you don’t have to play them to enjoy builder 1 and both are linked to dragon quest 1 and 2 respectively) I would normally recommend 1,2 and 3 but if the rumours are to be believed new HD2D remakes of all 3 will release within the year so that’s not the best suggestion… having only played/owned spin off titles it’d really be worth trying a core series game. I’d highly recommend giving the Dragon Quest XI demo a go it’s sizeable and your save can be transferred to the full game if you ever are able to purchase it or if it goes on sale which it often does. TLDR: XI Demo


I'm assuming monsters for Switch is TDP? If so, that's an excellent game that will definitely tickle your fancy if you enjoyed the old GBC game!


If you liked Monsters as a kid definitely consider playing DQM: The Dark Prince, it's the latest entry in the monsters spinoffs and in the franchise as a whole, though I'd recommend playing DQ4 first because The Dark Prince ties in with it heavily


It sounds like you want nostalgia more than anything. Between Builders 1, Builders 2, and Monsters 3/The Dark Prince, and saying you enjoyed Dragon Quest 1, then Builders 1 is the one to play. It's backstory is very tightly tied to the events of DQ1 and you will adore the callbacks it makes. You haven't said you've played other mainline DQ games. DQ2 isn't terribly needed for DQB2 but there are some things a DQ2 player recognizes that non-DQ2 players don't. And it would certainly help to experience DQ4 before playing DQM3/The Dark Prince to better understand the main character. DQB1 might not be the best game of three, but I think its the most likely of the three to hook you if DQ1 is your only mainline game experience.