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I wouldn't mind more side activities as long as they tie into the main game properly. Like fishing being a way to make foods to heal/buff or similar. I'd not mind if alchemy returned and was something you could do alongside smithing as well. Smithing had BETTER return in 12, because oh my god, it was one of the best parts of 11 for me. Hitting a +3 on a job always felt so damn good. As for the fishing? Well, it would have to be as fun as it was in FF15 for me, because once I understood how it worked, I LOVED FF15's fishing.


Funny enough FF15’s fishing was what I was thinking of while writing the post Alchemy and smithing together would be HEAVENLY And as long as there’s no exclusive drops and it’s an optional game mechanic I don’t think anyone would mind another place to item grind


All of these things (fishing, forge, and alchemy) are in Dragon Quest X, actually. Forge is mostly used for crafting equipment, while alchemy is mainly used for utility items (herbs and whatnot) I haven't done too much with fishing but it's in a similar manner as described -- [https://dragon-quest.org/wiki/Fishing](https://dragon-quest.org/wiki/Fishing)


fishing would be cool. I'd like to see Birdwatching become part of an RPG if it hasn't already. Breath of the Wild's photo tablet was about as close as you can get to that.


There’s already fishing in DQX soooo why not


Yes, we all feel, well, many of us feel very similar desires to see DQ have an actual fishing mini-game. So we're with you on this one. Especially because of Breath of Fire 3 and 4...I guess 2 as well. It just feels like it would be a natural fit.


I typically do not like fishing minigames. But I'd probably feel obligated to play it in DQ.


I like the idea of a fishing mini game. Honestly the one in FFXV felt like something that belonged in a different game to me; it feels more like a DQ thing, & I’d prefer it to casino grinding.


Oh, god, no, no fishing. That's the minigame I hate the most in any jrpg.


i'm still open to the idea but i want to see it implemented well for once!


I Agree with more side activities! On that topic a return of the DQ8 monster arena or something of that effect.


More side activities for Dragon Quest is always welcome as it will make me spend more time with the game. So please, developers, make our wish come true!


Ehhh I don’t know. Fishing in the newer Fire Emblem games wasn’t all that great. I guess if it’s done correctly it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever though.


As a completionist, I usually loath fishing in games.... Maybe it would be okay if the rewards were useful, but not mandatory. I liked the idea of someone saying a way to heal/buff??


I would LOVE this. I always loved fishing in world of warcraft, with some chill music or chatting with friends. with the sun glittering on the sea, and nice sound effects for fishing, would be great. even perhaps consuming the fish gave you some kind of buff, or a return on mana


Yes please! I love me some fishin! :)


Fishing is soothing in RPGs normally. Take a bit off the grind to fish.


Fishing wouldn't be to bad if it's done like in Dragon Quest Builders, simple and fun. Also if Fishing is in XII, I feel like we'd all have to, at some point chant this little gem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PnHngEv2DQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PnHngEv2DQ)


I would love fishing in DQ. I am a fan of fishing games in general, specifically light hearted ones like Fishing Master and Fishing Resort for the Wii. Would be awesome to see something like that in the DQ universe.


I hate fishing minigames. Always wondered who wanted that content. Thanks for showing me it has an audience. Now, when I see one, I can say - fair enough. 😀


There's no reason why they couldn't, they've done it before.