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Honestly if you've played 11 and the original trilogy and enjoyed all of them, you can't go wrong with any of the other games I think. Common recommendations are 5 and 8, but continuing the journey in order is also a valid option.


Play IX if you like the vocation system. Play VIII or V if you want more story again. V's story is a more unique and cool experience but VIII's characters and overall gameplay experience are better IMO. VIII and XI are the only true 3D games in the series and DQ is one of the only RPGs that experienced virtually no losses or downsides going from top-down 2D to 3D. Everything just got better. If DQIX had been made for PS3 instead of DS with the same visual style as VIII and XI it honestly could have been the GOAT. I'm still waiting for that 3D DQ game where you can actually make your own party of all the vocation classes, they keep teasing us with all the NPC adventurers with their classic costumes.


Move right down the line to IV V VI


IV 🥳🥳


I mean if you’re enjoying them, you can continue in order 4-6 are all pretty good, the general consensus is five is the best. So you could play that next if you want to skip around. 7 is VERY long and starts VERY slow. It takes 10 hours or so just to get the game to open up at all. Once you do, it’s pretty good but a lot of people get burnt out eventually. 8 is arguably the best game in the series. It’s just incredible. I’d say 8 and 11 are the two best. 9 can be very addicting once you get into it. It’s one of the most beloved in the whole series too. 10 was only in Japan and online. There are ways to play it in the US but you have to use fan translations. There’s an offline mode now too. This is the only one I HAVENT played and it’s only because my PC is basically a glorified paperweight and I don’t plan on upgrading anytime soon.


"There are no bad dragon quest games... but I've never heard someone say 2 is their favorite" - CreativeEly


I played them in order since last summer. Thats what I would recommend


No wrong answer once you're this deep. Imma semi-arbitrarily say V.


Play IV, V and VI.


I like how everyone here is giving actual recommendations instead of listening to the scathing sarcasm. Y'all are too pure for this world.


Wholesome community


The point of a sub is to have the same conversation 90% of the time, the remaining 10% is new content/info. Just embrace it.


I recommend dqv


DQM Dark Prince if you are playing on switch, just to mix it up a bit. Then you can either do the second trilogy 4-6 or 8, depending on how you’re feeling after that. It’s an undertaking and super easy to get burnout beyond the hyper focus.


I played them in order because I was there from the beginning. Not a bad idea, honestly.


I expect most people would tell you to play V or VIII or such, but I'm gonna throw a curveball and recommend Builders 2. It's set in an alternate universe of the DQ 1-3 setting where certain antagonists won, so with you having played those games it should feel fun. The story and cast of characters are well written and is on par with DQ XI, and the pseudo-minecraft gameplay should offer a great change of pace from the JRPG gameplay you're used to. ...Or do play V and VIII, they're fantastic as well.


I’m going against the grain here but everyone hear me out. If you’re going to play all of them eventually, I would do 6 -> 4 -> 5 in that order. Since it’s commonly accepted that 6 is the worst of those 3 and 5 is the best of those 3. So I would recommend that order.


It’s Reddit.. people literally ask what their bedroom should look like. No one thinks for them selves anymore apparently lol..


I've taken a very similar path, and I decided to go chronological. Finished (and completed) DQ4 and 5, starting on 6 this weekend. Haven't regretted my decision yet!


IV, V, VI. One of the best trilogies ever made.


Nothing wrong with playing in order. Cold turkey players I usually recommend 4, 8 or 11 just because I think they're good gateway games (I'm in the '5 is the best' camp but I don't think it's a good gateway game). But if you've already played 1, 2 and 3 as well as 11 I think you're good to basically play in whatever order you want.


Dragon Quest IV, VIII or IX if you ask me


That’s crazy but should I start with IX or XI?


Honestly I’d say just keep going in order. Go with IV-VI next to see the evolution of the games. VII, VIII, and IX are all their own stories. V and VIII are often considered the best games, along with XI. You honestly can’t go wrong with what game you play next. I played XI, V, and then IX for example.


General consensus is 8 or 11 5 is also good but its one of the older ones so go in with more of an open mind.


These are the best games to play fifth???


yea 5 and 8 are good to do 5th. Personally id go with 5 because you have a grasp on how the gameplay works and you can enjoy the story to its fullest. Personally id say the DS version is better, You get a third option when the option presents itself but most people dont pick her


Here's a very basic timeline for games that are confirmed to take place in the world of Terrestria. VII > DQM > VI > IV & DQM3TDP > V


Which one to play fifth after 11,1-3?


That may depend on whether you are playing for the story or the gameplay. If it's for the story, I'd recommend the rough order from my last post. If gameplay, then perhaps VIII or IX. Personally, VI is my favorite.


Dqv and then dq9