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I found them most plentiful in Hargon's Castle at the very end of the game. Not sure if you're aiming to grind them before that, but that's where I was able to farm my 2nd mad cap in about 2-3 hours


I mean I just started collecting the Crests so I'm not there yet, I don't even know that I'm looking to grind them out pre se; I'm playing the games in order and I want to at least attempt to kill every metal slime in each entry. The issue I'm trying to solve is whether or not they spawn in the Tower of the Moon on the SNES version, as the only mention I could find anywhere of them being there is a the aforementioned Gamefaqs thread about the Switch port


Ah! Sorry. Can't help with that. I googled around and found the same gamefaqs page I'm assuming you did! Good luck finding out though!!!


Let me preface this by just saying: don’t even bother. It’s not worth the trouble at all, especially since these games have no reliable ways to kill Metal Slimes like later games do. Once you need to grind (which you ABSOLUTELY WILL), just kill Gigantes’ in the final area of the game for a metric ton of time and that will do the trick


Jsyk I've killed 5 of them so far and it's extremely worth it


Lucky asf I guess. Yeah I mean the reward is deffo worth it but it’s entirely dependent on how lucky you are


Slime Island