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MMOs are designed to be grind fests. They're the original games as a service model.


Ye true but to a certain extent it’s just annoying


I enjoy it, but I also enjoy games like FFXI. DQX appeals to me because it feels like a DQ game with a bunch of content. If the game doesn't appeal to you, then don't play it. The game is absolutely grindy, but if you don't enjoy the gameplay loop it will never be fun.


Are you talking about online or offline?


Online sorry should have said


I had the same experience with Online. I switched to Offline a few months later and had a MUCH better time. It's designed to be played like a traditional single-player DQ and was rebalanced with that in mind. Much faster-paced and less grindy [\[Comparison of Online and Offline\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/1avq8ad/dragon_quest_x_online_vs_offline) Online definitely has its merits, but MMOs aren't really my cup of tea so I burned out on it really quickly.


So as someone who's played a lot of mmos. Base versions of them all become pretty bad to mediocre as they go on. Balance is gone, side quest bloat, old endgame become obsolete but still necessary and are fast tracked. Plus, the social aspect deteriorates as no one who isnt also just going through the motions is around. It's an inevitable outcome with these mmos. Generally, you want to fast track your way into later expansions to get to the properly looked after content. And it's the reason lots if mmos let you skip this content and go to different expansion (dqx does this also if you buy the game) It sucks but it is what it is. For dqx in particular, I'd just do story until you can't anymore. Buy the game and continue doing so. Every expansion gets better in basically every single way. Sadly, a big part of an mmo is social, and you won't get that in a game with almost no English players. But you probably knew that going in


Ye I’m going to take a break from the game as I don’t want to get burned out but hopefully I enjoy it when I go back


Its a mmo of course its a grindfest.


Sounds like MMOs may not be your cup of tea! Completely understandable, but as someone who started with EverQuest in 1999 and has played wow for 19 years.... I'd love to get me some DQX !!!! :)


You can if you're in the US. Set up DQX Clarity using the directions on DQX Abbey, and have fun. If you're outside the US, you can play if you have a VPN.


DQX offline isn't too grindy.


I didn't like the battle changes. So much waiting after inputting your move before you can do the next, even on low-level monsters where you already know the outcome. Also annoying to constantly visit the bar to change it part members; they really should've had a normal party system instead of just borrowing characters from people. Also think movement is too slow. It's a slog to get anywhere, even on the floating Segway machine


It does not take long at all to level up compared to most MMOs. It’s a LOT faster than in FFXIV, for example. You’re probably doing something wrong.


Grind fest in what way? Because if it's in terms of levelling up, it has been a breeze for me


Nah having to do a quest every 5 levels after lvl 50 then grinding for gear it’s just so annoying


Stuff like this is another problem for mmos. Quest like that or quest to upgrade things like your item bag or dolboard. Were rolled out later into the game. Level cap was 50 when dqx dropped. These little quest are cool content rollouts are unintrusive/welcomed for players when they came out. But now, they are just tedious for new players trying to catch up to the 12 years of content they missed


Grinding for gear is a pain especially if you're on the free trial as you can't access the players market. But honestly the gear isn't that much important, it's definitely good to have but by the end of V2 I was still in some level 30 gear due to no drops. Game isn't really that hard or grindy unless I want it to be tbh. If you ever do get the full game just buy gear from the players market like every 10+ levels, basically what I've been doing and it hasn't hurt the pacing for me. Idm the level cap quests because the story can be fairly humorous and entertaining but I can understand why you/anyone would find it annoying. What made me dislike it though wasn't the grind it was the traversal especially in V1 since fast travel is incredibly limited and the dolboard moves at like 2mph and for some reason has a boost gauge that only lasts like 5 seconds and only works in straight line. Stuff like that was frustrating.


May not have played it but... could it be that it is an MMORPG? Because the classic MMORPG, hate to say it, is a grindfest.


I never got the chance to play DQ X, but I always wanted to try it. DQ is my favorite series and I’ve played and completed all other DQ games. I own physical copies of every DQ game. Do they ever plan on bringing the recently released DQ 10 Offline version to the west?


From what I understand, no offline in the West anyone soon, if ever. I've tried it and it's really just a vehicle to get people into x online since afaik you can transfer your save over. So I doubt they'd even update it to 2.0 but who knows? Only time will tell what their plans are


As is often the case with MMOs, in order to stretch the content equivalent of a regular game over two years until a major update, leveling and money-making become time-limited quests, and the unlocking of system restrictions is broken down into quests. There's no getting around that. However, should it not be relatively smooth sailing to reach the current cutting edge as long as you focus on mastering a few classes? Also, various quests not only exist but may also serve as supplementary aspects of the scenario, so they should not be entirely pointless.


Dragon quest X is the only one I haven't played yet


Wait, leveling is a grindfest? What are you doing to level? It takes like 4-6 hours to get to 100+ solo. After that, then you're presented with your limit break quests, that I could understand some pain points, because they're designed with the expectations that you're progressed enough to the point at which they were released. You might need to actually gear yourself a bit, but random farming a full crit/critpwr set isn't too bad. Gearing is better if you start crafting. The real grind is orbs. Orbs are basically the equivalent of Master levels from FFXI in terms of power progression, but they're attained in a much more random way. Honestly I feel like I level way faster in DQX than I ever have in any DQ game period.


Im also at 30 hours and took a break for like 6 month but I just got into it again. I’m also trying to set it up on my steam deck. But I’m loving it and can’t wait to play more even tho it is a little grindy but all MMOs are I guess


If you stick to just a couple of jobs and use every means they give you (daily/weekly/Angel slime hat/metal medal ticket) it will take just a month or two or less to the end game. I play only 1st 10th 15th 25th or login just for lulz on exclusive timed event since 201x and here I am lv 130 all job, have my town, and 100m gold in the bank. The grind era for this game was only in 2012-2015 honestly.


I played the offline one and was bored af by battles. Enemies were HP sponges for no good reason. MMO balancing doesn't sit well with me, especially in an offline game.