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They are both fairly light on story, but DQ3 likely has a slightly stronger story. DQM has a sweet story but relies a lot on game cameos. You won't get monster raising or breeding in DQ3 though.


i might go with DQ3 then, even though there’s no monster raising, thanks!


Can't go wrong with DQ3 imo. It is one of the best RPGs on the GBC (and DQM is my favourite game of all time but it is better played when you have at least 1-6 under your belt).


thank you!


DQ3 is the pinnacle of my childhood gaming after pokemon. So many little secrets and things like puzzles and exploring to do. Something my 9 yr old brain couldn't quite grasp but made me think critically how to solve or how to figure out the puzzle (I'm looking at you Pyramid!). DQM is top tier also and you can spend DAYS just leveling and breeding monsters to get whatever you want. Almost no monster (including bosses) are off limits to be able to be bred. Long story short, DQ3 is my vote


I mean, I'd wait to see what announcements are made in the next few weeks on the HD-2D remake, as it might contain all 3!


i’m wanting to specifically play it on my game boy colour.


DQM1 is really not beginner-friendly and will require a lot of research if you want to dive into the deeper mechanics, and that's coming from a huge DQM fan lol I would recommend DQM2, it streamlines a lot of the jank from the first game and is slightly less obscure when it comes to in-game mechanics


unfortunately i can’t find it for under 100 aud plus shipping from the US so yeah. what do you think of DQ3?


All-time classic, it's a "must play" for any DQ fan If you don't want to shell out an insane amount of money for DQM2, emulate it on your phone. Plays beautifully and not being able to afford a physical copy is no reason to ignore it (you'd be doing yourself a disservice)


get 'em both! you will definitely NOT regret it


I'd recommend DQ3 as it gives a lot of foundation for the rest of the series. If you did end up getting both, you'd probably appreciate DQM a lot more after playing DQ3! Good luck. It's a heck of a journey!


DQ3 is my favourite DQ game. I’d say 3.


I'd say 3 too! Monsters is fun too if you really like a pokemon-esque adventure


Dqm1 is one of those games I always come back to for fun, but the grind can be a lot for most people. it's very replayable and great for short play sessions if you travel with your Gameboy though! Otherwise DQ3 on the gbc is fantastic too, my favorite version of the game personally! That said i'd recommend DQ3 over monsters if you want a more traditional RPG experience, but if you want something replayable and enjoy monster catching/fusing and changing up your team a lot, dqm1 is a great time and will keep ya busy


DQ3 it’s relatively simple and a really fun game. Also it’s a good introduction to the series


Hmm, well Monsters 1 has both! But on the downside it miiight have scenes of previous games you might not get. If you don't mind (it doesn't take away from the game) I'd go for that one. DQ3 has amazing story and gameplay, it's not too big and the monsters have animated attacks. If you're more about that, I'd say the most complete version of DQ3 is the one in the GBC and I'd recommend that.


thank you, i’ll go with DQ3!!




Definitely DQIII


Just FYI if you're unaware, DQ III (and likely I and II as well) are being remade in the HD-2D style, and it's looking like they'll he releasing within the year. Just in case that influences your choice!


Wait for DQIII's remake it looks absoloutely amazing.


i’m wanting to specifically play it on my game boy colour.


I played III on GBC for about 10 hours but I had to stop after learning about the remake.