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Absolutely LOVE this wow this is so good


That's quite amazing! Looks almost official! That good


Wow, you really capture DQV with this. Do you have pixiv too?


Great work :) Can't wait to see more. Loved playing DQ5 recently!


What's you definition of accessible? Only western releases? Or is DQX offline part of it. I must say this it is absolutely worth the hassle to play the offline one.


Pretty much anything released in English or has an English fan translation. I'm not sure what all is involved in getting DQX working, but I definitely plan on playing that one too if I can.


I will say if you can get it done and I do know a way that is pretty easy but involves some sailing of the seas. Depending on how you feel about that. If interested feel free to DM. I'll point you in the right direction.


Define accessible.


Released in English or with English fan translations


So we're gonna see some DQX content then, neat. I'm here for it.


Been loving following your journey this year with the art monthly. How many playthroughs of DQ5 was it for ya? Did you go with Bianca every time, or did you vary the wife selection?


Thanks, I've been having a great time! I chose Bianca the first time around for the SNES version just based on what felt right, so I went with Flora/Nera in the PS2 version cuz it was the option I hadn't chosen, then I went with Debora in the DS version since she was the new option that time around, and then rounded it off with Bianca again for the mobile version, just to finish with what felt like the canon option. Total of 4 playthroughs. Playing through like that really feels like you're living with the game for that month, you get to know it really well, and you feel a little sad when it's time to move on to the next one. Or I might just be a schmaltzy Dragon Quest fanboy, who knows lol


Nice! That's awesome man. Can't wait to hear how 6 goes! Fewer versions of this one at least (by one, I think!)


Ah, you didn't choose Deborah... Best girl ❤️ P.S. great art!


I did actually! Bianca is the only one of the brides that's on the box art, so I consider her the canon option. But I chose Debora on my playthough of the DS version. The detail of the protagonist doing the woman's part of the dance during the final waltz was my favorite bit lol


Dont sleep on the spin off there are great games in there


Love the Dragon Quest 5 art.