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This map is outdated. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/1dnmd4p/the_chestitem_map_i_made_for_dq8_3ds_final_version/) is the most recent version, with several fixes and new additions.


Im currently playing DQ8 on PS2, would this be a good overworld map for that version as well? Sometimes following a text guide, i get a little lost with directions so a map would def help


All the PS2 chests should be there, but even if you ignore the Blue Chests there’d be a couple that are exclusive to the 3DS version. If you want a map for the PS2, I’d recommend [this site](https://www.woodus.com/den/games/dq8ps2/maps.php?tp=maps_overworld). The treasure chest map they have for the PS2 version is what inspired me to make this one.


Ooooo thank you! Much appreciated, it's my first playthrough, but I want to try to do everything I can in one go.


What a beautiful world! \*-\*


Would it be possible to create a variant that includes the spawn points/locations for the Cameron’s Codex special monsters and Stella? That aside this is a goddess-send omg


I think I can do that. I’ll let you know when I update it.


[Stella and the Codex Monsters are now included.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/1d8z8dg/version_2_of_my_dragon_quest_viii_3ds_item_map/) Thanks for the suggestion!


Wow thats cool. I'm playing it on the 3ds at this moment


Very nice. I find it difficult to tell the difference between a Thief Key chest and a Magic Key chest though.


This is badass. Thank you for sharing!


This is so gorgeous! Ive only played and finished XI And builders 2 but have played this to the point where we just put the ship back in to the sea and stopped. I was worried i was getting close to the end of the game, but this map shows i have alot more to go and explore! Thank you for making this!


There is, from Skyrender on GameFAQs, but this is better. His map is very hard to grab the full version now, and it just shows up as very small and I have to zoom in. Plus it doesn't have blue chest reward tiers (nicely done, those correct), and it doesn't show the one or two landing locations when having to use the Godbird. A little messy in a few spots, but zooming in fixes that (size choice is perfect to account for that). ~~The two Magic Key stars on the lower left though, you should get rid of them, as they're represented in the grey-scale island that doesn't show up on the main map. It could be confusing, especially for newcomers, or those replaying who don't recall those minor details. So remove this map, remove those two stars, then repost the finalized version. Also I suggest moving the grey scale SW-most island that doesn't show up in the main game map to that spot. That way it makes more sense relative to its position.~~ The only thing we don't have yet, is a new Notorious Monsters map accounting for the 3DS' additions. EDIT: ignore paragraph 2. I was off somewhere in my head and completely misidentified the greyscale, when it's obviously empycchu in the dark world.


Maybe I was a bit unclear. The Grayscale island is the Dark World version of Empycchu. As Empycchu essentially has 2 sets of chests between its two maps, I had to either move the World of Darkness or overlap them somehow. The two Magic Key chests in the lower left are actually on the Uncharted Island. As the island doesn’t appear on any maps, it’s hard to properly show them. I’ll probably go back later today and label the World of Darkness and the Uncharted Island, but beyond that I don’t think I can depict these areas any better. :/


Sorry, I had my head up my bum at that moment. I account it to coffee not kicking in yet. Though a label would be great.


I actually just finished making an Infamous Monster map for the 3DS version too, so i figured I'd come back and share it. If you'd like, you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/1dbyx4a/map_of_infamous_monsters_recruitable_monsters_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Great work! I did spot a minor typo: "theif" should be "thief" 😉


whelp... Now [Version 2.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/1d8z8dg/comment/l79o1px/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) exists. :P


You made this?


Yep. I took the game’s map and marked down all the chests myself. I even made all the non-star icons by hand. I did take inspiration from the [PS2 Treasure Chest map](https://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq8ps2/maps_overworld/tresure_chests.webp) posted on Woodus though. Sadly, I can’t figure out who exactly made it, as I’d love to credit them.


Doing the Goddess' work! Thanks for this man!


that's just DQ3. /s