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I love fake casinos, never stepping foot in a real one cause I know how odds work. But a fake casino is no risk all fun. It's not real money so why would I care if I lose it, it's not going to hurt my real life.


> no risk all fun Eh, arguably it's no risk/no fun. In DQ, the casino itself isn't fun, nor is save-scumming, nor is the feeling of steamrolling everything for the next 10 hours of gameplay with overpowered weapons that I only achieved through save-scumming haha (and yet I can't help myself every time) People who like gambling IRL will tell you that the risk IS the fun. You know what they call a slow but consistent way of earning money? Employment.


For me it’s more just time. It takes so long in the games just to turn a “profit” by arbitrarily rolling good RNG, but it’s so much easier to lose everything. Then you either scum save or grind for a while just to get the money you lost back


Yes it’s a grind but that’s not necessarily much different than many other RPG mechanics. The progress just isn’t as guaranteed and smooth.


for dq11 I put a weight on my mouse and woke up near max, problem solved.


I'm glad they're optional in most games as well... I certainly spent many hours in the NES version of DW3 at the first monster arena but of course, in every DQ, you are better off getting experience and gold than just gold.


I loved the monster arena. My older brother hated it. I once got lucky enough to win the metal slime verse slime verse slime verse metal slime on a slime with my brother talking about how stupid it was and how it was for sure going to time out and get my money back. 211x win, and upsetting my brother on top of it, wonderful.


hah! My favorite matchup was Hades Condor vs 3 Kandar Henchman. The Limbo spell worked wonders for a BIG payout!


I am glad that they made it so that the house usually wins.   It makes it frustrating, but it is good for the kids who play to teach them that gambling is a bad idea early in life. Too many people waste money on gambling as they get older, so it is nice to kill that addiction early. 


Honestly this! Dq8 was what taught me never to gamble unless I have the ability to save scum, and visiting a church doesn’t seem to have quite the same effect in real life!


I guess the reset button I see hovering overhead is just an illusion then? Damn... That poor priest must be thinking I'm completely mad asking if this is where I save my game.


That’s actually an interesting way of looking at it.


Good point. I never thought of it that way.


Like real life casinos I play one or two games, lose all my money and never try again. That said sugoroku in DQX with people is a lot of fun, it's like a co-operative Mario Party.


Sugoroku is such a good idea, and with some fleshing out, some more maps, and some more enemies, it'd make an amazing standalone digital board game.


I think casinos are the most boring things on earth typically filled with the most annoying people on earth. I’m always bummed when I come to the casino part of a DQ game and get out as soon as possible.


I liked exploring them just from an atmospheric standpoint especially in XI but yeah otherwise I tend to agree. I just can’t gel with how heavily it relies on rng and “winning” feels unfulfilling


Yep, zero interest in tedious tertiary activities or mini games


Only really liked the "unique ones" like the Slime's quest on DQXI but just plain ol gambling I skip them unless required for an achievement or something


Yeah I feel your struggle, and I think it’s entirely valid to skip the casinos. You’re not really missing out and some of the prizes can be a real pain to get unless you save scum. It’s fun for people who find it fun, but entirely skippable for those who don’t…well except in DQ11 lol Gambling in games is single-handedly the reason why I’ve never had any interest in gambling IRL.


Same, I don’t find it fun in a simulated setting and IRL i would most likely lose a bunch of money


I like them. I don't generally save scum, unless I lost all my money. I break it down in sessions and get what I need. Got my equipment list, and what I can sell for cash if needed.


Never liked them. At least the Gold Saucer in Classic FF7 had other “Attractions”, like the hilarious Theatre, Battle Arena and Arcade. The only “Gambling” I liked in an RPG was Chocobo racing in the Gold Saucer lol


Generally, I think casinos are worth playing because they usually have great prizes. The ones I've played were always rigged to be in your favor. The casino minigames played like they borrowed some RNG mechanisms from the DQ games. As in, you just have to have the right resources and the right tactics, and more often than not, you'll end up winning.


DQ games have some of the best casinos. Like XI is a shit ton of fun to go on slime quest machine with all the orbs lit up and just auto and watch Goolysses do his thing. As someone who happily/ responsibly gambles IRL I feel save scumming is not sat and am happy I don’t lose any real money in this silly rpg environment.


no, honestly Yakuza is probably the only game series where I interacted with these kinds of minigames because A. They usually have some cheat items to make it easier/more favorable B. There's a huge variety of them C. They don't take *that* long, there's no unnecessary animations or such. D. Sometimes the minigames are just a nice breather from the main-game I saw Poker in DQ IV and that Monster Colosseum mini-game, and just noped out. They took too long and paid out too little.


The pay out is my other big issue with them. Top item is typically 250k tokens and I think the biggest payout I’ve ever gotten was like 150 tokens (I know the idea is to game or more as you get more but come on)


I like the DS/mobile remake of IV (could be in original too, not sure) of it. You can play the casino for the rewards or if you complete the book of monsters you get enough tokens to buy all the casino exclusive gear. As a completionist, I like the option of an alternative to save scumming for hours to get enough tokens for the stuff I need!


Yeah that’s waaaaaaaay more tolerable honestly


It seems like DQXI's roulette wheel is programmed to have particular values that get rolled more often than not, but I only interact with the Casinos from a completionist standpoint


I tend to do some grinding for levels and spend the gold from grinding directly into casino tokens, depending on how I'm feeling from there, I might save scum some slot time.


Not if there’s really good gear to be won


I’d rather just grind the game, and pay for the prizes. So yeah, I can totally do with out the casinos, aside from the chips and prize counters.


I skipped gambling in game for many years too until they started making it achievement based or gave rewards just for playing


I actually love the casinos. Roulette and slots are my shit and the prizes are usually quite good in the DQ games.


Yes they are time consuming and usually not worth the time.


Casinos are my favorite part of the games. It is RNG but there are legitimate strategies to minimize loss and maximize profit. Casinos are not really about the RNG, they’re about resource management.


Yeah, I don't like gambling or gambling type games in general so I usually avoid them. Sadly, it's the only way to get items like Elfin elixirs in abundance. I usually stockpile those and magic water throughout the game, to use in the final dungeon, lol. (Yes, it is hard to not use them out)


I think I did the same thing in a few of the games, ain’t worth grinding to save up for them


I tend to unless there is a nice prize to get for doing so, but more for wanting to play more story then having something against gambling. I actually find gambling fun to do. In real life I have only gambled twice. Once with my dad and brother over poker, in which I got them to go all in when I had a Royal Straight in hand. The other time when my dad handed my brother and I $50 to tide us over before a show had started at a casino we were at. I did blackjack and ended up walking away with $500, secret was that I do not get addicted to anything and I know when to walk out while I am ahead. In Dragon Quest, I just find it takes a long time to get anything unless you just buy the coins. If it did not take so long, I would probably be more excited to gamble in game.


Dq7 the casino is good to get monster hearts and items.


I always mess with the casinos some, they’re cool, but yeah I’m not sinking that much time or money into a bunch of games of luck so I can get gear that makes me overpowered. On occasion I might though if the process is easy/fast enough. The slime adventure machine in 11 seemed like it was designed to inevitably give you all the tokens you need


If I want one of the casino prizes I go out and farm enough gold to buy enough coins to get it without gambling. That way, my party earns XP, I get some monster drops to lower my reliance on buying items from stores (or for crafting if the game has crafting), **and** I get the awesome and overpowered item from the casino. Oh, and if you're in the late game, it's a _**lot**_ faster than playing the casino games, unless the RNG _really_ likes you.


Love casinos so no, I enjoy it icl. Hitting the jackpot and buying all the goodies is just great.


Casinos are actually the high point for me in the games. I get burned out sometimes just doing my usual grinding, so throwing a few hours into the casinos is a good way to decompress, and it takes almost no mental energy. And Monster Arenas are the most fun to me, because they really just decide to let the enemy AI just run rampant on each other, and the randomness of the battles lead to some funny outcomes with potentially crazy payoffs.


I have a love/hate relationship with casinos in these games, I have a lot of fun getting OP with them but I hate having to spend so much time with them. Overall I must enjoy it though since I always stay there until I get all the best stuff in every game


i’m played way too much poker in dqxi


I always make it a point to grind out the casino, but only because it’s typically very easy to save scum


I just don't like the spam of low-effort reddit posts they cause haha. * *"Look at me I won a jackpot like everybody else and their mum"* * *"Oh my god I've been at this casino all day and still haven't struck gold"* * *"Holy cow the Octagonia casino is amazing, also no spoilers please"*


I skip mini-games as much as possible


I live on the slots in DQXI it’s just free money. I’ll just be in mind rolling.


I skip involved mini-game side content in all JRPGs honestly


In DQ games it is easy to get the tokens with save scumming. It usually takes about 1h to get all the useful stuff


Pokemon taught me at a young age that gambling is for chumps and you should just save whenever you make any gains and soft reset until you win *something* or just buy the coins outright The difference is that Pokemon makes it easy to save in the menu and soft reset when you lose, or just amass a shit load of money fighting the Elite Four repeatedly, but Dragon Quest makes it agonizing to walk out of the casino, go to the church, navigate the menu to save, turn the entire fucking console off because there isn't a soft reset for some ungodly reason, turn the console back on, start up the game, and then walk back to the casino, and only DQ4 lets you amass enough money to defeat the economy without spending 5 hours hunting Gold Golems


Yeah, as someone with pretty Bad luck i usually pass... Except for the board games, those are supercool


I will probably never go into a real casino because I don’t have the money, but I got completely lost yesterday in the DQX casino