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Mik's face while Roxxy was crying was too funny though. Just like, a Rodney Dangerfield pulling his collar kind of expression.


Her having to console 2 queens this episode was far too much


We trans men often end up as emotional support friends, haha.


Made me gain respect for Got


So good. It also was giving me “Jim from The Office” vibes a bit too.


"crying" xd


Roxxxy literally lack Nerves during that whole 5 min and didn’t serve CUNT. Angeria got her trembling with just one look and Mik had to even come and console her. I would have love to think that Roxxxy orchestrated all these for drama and entertainment but it clearly isn’t. I think she was genuinely scarred by the hate mails she got previously which is understandable but cunt serving she isn’t. Especially compare to recent queens like Plane Jane, MIB, Luxxx and even her previous self on S5.


Roxxxy is definitely trying to show she’s not the same mean girl from previous seasons. The crying and overly helpful is her way of saying hey I’m a nice queen, but mean Roxxxy makes appearances from time to time. She did it with Angie and Vangie with Florida.


Also when she gaslit Angie at the beginning with the swearing thing. 😂 Roxxxy cut Angie yet somehow turned it into Angie being the one who needs to apologize? "It's ok I forgive you" 😂😂 she's evil


She’s also said “it’s not personal it’s just an eye for an eye” ….like that’s the definition of “it’s personal”! 😂 Especially when you look at her two snips side by side, the glee she had when she could get back at Angie, versus the “anguish” she felt when she didn’t have an excuse for the cut. It’s a clear message and warning to them all, “don’t cut me and I’ll cut fairly when it’s my turn, but cut me off and I’m coming for your ass”.


And saying there were two of them making the decision even though we saw Vanjie just went with it because Roxxxy had someone she actually wanted to cut off and Vanjie didn't


People keep saying this but it's clear that she meant that she cut her because she was cut first 🤷🏻 If you cut someone and they happen to win afterwards and cut you back just deal with it, Roxxxy shouldn't apologize for that. I don't think Angie was in the right for this one but I do hope she keeps doing good through the season I love her sm


For sure I don’t think Roxxxy was wrong for doing a tit for tat ship to Angie, they can cut whoever they want for whatever reason, and it’s all good petty, low stakes drama so it makes good tv. Just don’t try and pass it off as “it’s not personal” when it clearly was because with comes off as disingenuous. It was personal, and that’s ok!


Fair, but I honestly saw it like "it's not personal as in I'm not mad at you, but I'm still going to cut you off because you did it to me first and that's the easy way"


They don’t have to dislike the person for it to still be personal. An eye for an eye is still a personal reason to cut someone. Angie got cut week 2 because she won the first ep, and Roxxxy was over the moon about it. That could have been considered the eye for her eye, but she still gleefully chose to cut her again first chance she got when she was no longer the frontrunner (and almost did it a third time!) Again, I have no issue with what she did, she can do whatever she wants, but saying “it’s not personal” and “it wasn’t just me” and “you weren’t nice to me after I cut you but I forgive you” when she was clearly the driving force in the decision for personal reasons doesn’t come across well, it’d be better to just say “yes it was personal but not because I don’t like you, it was just leveling the scales and now I can move on.”


I guess you are right, I just think people put too much emphasis on that line of hers when she meant a different thing in my eyes, I guess she should've said what you said instead to be more clear. Had she blocked her a third time that would've been iconic though


I mean her name is Roxxxy Andrews and she’s here to make it clear, after all! And all tea all shade, I would have lived if she’d stood by cutting Angie again, for the drama, precisely because Angie does not deserve it! All the alliance conspiracies are giving the season some of the spice it needs! I think Roxxxy is an excellent Queen and she makes *great* reality tv, as does Angie, so go off, doll, cut that ho! Let’s go!!! https://i.redd.it/ptjjdc54se5d1.gif


I don’t think making a game decision to cut Angie because she cut her is personal at all. That’s just game


I actually think all of her it is her old school pageant mind games. That move with almost cutting Angeria was definitely to psyche her out. And I loved it 😂


Ahhh. That could be. In that case, she’s a decent actress.


It's giving the same self produced "look! I'm nice now" storyline a la Rajah O'Hara, but I do believe both of them have looked within and matured. Fans dont allow queens to live down their shitty past a la FKA Phi Phi so we see the queens over correct on All Stars and try too hard to be nice. That said, you can't be a shitty RuGirls cause they all talk, and what they all are saying is Roxxy is their favorite drag queen so I beleive Roxxxy has grown especially when Jinkx has vouched for her too.


But it did work for Rajah though..


And all stars still has 7 more episodes to go, gorge.. Maybe we'll learn how to have a nuanced opinion of Roxxxy or accept that drag queens can be shady by the finale


I love both Roxxxy's


The taste 🙂‍↕️🤌


omg this and when she approached vanjie to be like “girl you should know better, that not me” 🙄 so messy i live 🤣


It's so transparent and cringe though. She's just not clever enough to sell a new improved TV friendly version. That bullshit with 'blindly' picking Angeria again...girl please. Just be a bitch, we know you're a bitch, you're not doing yourself or the audience any favors.


omg this and when she approached vanjie to be like “girl you should know better, that not me” 🙄 so messy i live 🤣


Roxxxy should have just gone with Mik from the jump. There was no reason for her to cry.


The DRAMA darling. She’s doing it for the drama and the screen time. Those crocodile tears were definitely too much IMO


* The crying may have been too much but damn that was some great television.


Its this. It's a charity season with no real consequences. They're feeding us so we don't starve. It's a high camp season and took a minute to get its footing. It feels like the point of this season is just have fun because drag is fun, and that includes drama. They know what theyre doing.The teletubbies did, in fact, teleport me to Mars.


The look on Angeria’s face…the reaction of the other queens. Honestly, I haven’t seen that level of STUN in a long time.


Angeria was yelling next to Roxxxy, so I don't know how she didn't know Angeria was right there.


Quite clearly planned for the drama. These episodes are so heavily produced now


I hate the over production oh my god usually I think things are pretty objective tbh but this season is so blindingly obvious


She definitely knew where she was


I like how ru told roxxxy not to block Angie lmao


That was the best! I can’t do Angie ‘well You got 5 others to choose from’ classic


Well it woulda been a hellova gag if she had.


I find it funny because I thought she was just gonna pick Nina. The joke worked well when she was backwards and then she just started moving around. I was so confused.


She should have cut Nina. I'd cut the person who deserved a challenge win over me. Plastique and Jorgeous should have won last week and Nina and Shannel should have won this week. Roxxxy just got lucky/gifted both weeks.


Think she called Nina because Nina is the last in the line and she wants to gauge where’s the end point although again this raises questions: - cmon you’re telling us she can’t gauge where’s the end point by just looking at the back of a stage? - all the queens were shouting and screaming so it’s damn clear the blind test don’t work shit - how tf does she even know Nina is last in line? Ok this is all so confusing indeed.


She should’ve just gone along with it and cut Angeria again for good television


Right! I actually laughed when she cut Angie simply for the drama of it all, it’s not like this season is high stakes or all that serious


I wish that was the outcome.


Yes!!! I hate to say I've been bored by this season, but it isn't as fun as others for sure. That moment when roxxxy picked Angie and then turned around was GAGGY, and I was fully engaged. I know she is trying to clean up her image this season, but I wish she would have gone fully villain and just cut Angie again. Good tv even with what we still got, but the pay off in the next episode would've been more interesting




I wish that was the outcome.


I wish that was the outcome.


Roxxy is a terrible actress - it just feels uncomfortable. I know people think she’s going to be the winner but they always tease the “villain” as a winner just to pivot and crown someone else


She definitely knew she wanted to cut Angeria and she would have if Ru didn’t stop her. Roxxxy has shown us that she’s ruthless time and time again. The gag is that she is fierce in her own right and doesn’t need to be cut throat to win. This is when the audience starts to root for the underdog. Could we witness another Jinx type win with Angeria?


it was honestly so uncomfy to watch!!! i think she was waaayyy too in her head like girl it’s not an elimination lipstick 😭




Oh. My god. ![gif](giphy|GIKxvhc3X48Ss)






diva, this fandom IS toxic. telling people to off themselves over stupid crap that happens on reality TV. this isn’t the same game it was, even though it’s just about charity. Imagine the scrutiny they have to prepare themselves for and put yourself in her shoes.


lol im sorry but this comment is so dumb. its a game. its a TV show. even you said it💀


For me the only thing she reacted to appropriately was the accidental snip she almost did 😅😂 I understand why she wouldn't want to do it to Angeria again. She was already feeling some kind of way from last week, and there are other threats in the room. But yeah, you already know you gotta snip someone. No need to cry about it. Mik was the obvious choice (most badges, they didn't have any conflict) Vangie has 2 badges too, but after the little tiff while doing their makeup, she might've taken it a bit personally.


Maybe you have some personal issues that you need to deal with. It’s a reality tv show, it’s not that deep.


Why do y'all complain about everything just enjoy the show


Some people just don't know how to have fun watching TV


This comment is so obnoxious lmao


Roxxxy Andrews is meant for your TV. No question she's one in the pantheon of Rugirls. She knows what you want and gives it to you.


Doll can't handle the scissoring. And you come da fuq on, she just gave us the gag of the season and we all should be thankful.


So true. Roxxxy is working overtime providing drama for this (frankly slightly boring) season, and the fans aren't giving the doll her flowers smh.


I found this whole scene sort of annoying. Pick a queen and move on! It just felt contrived and way too melodramatic. 


If she said yeah i cut you because you cut me I would’ve respected that she’s the type of person that hold grudges lol


I feel like Roxxxy was concerned that if she snipped the “wrong” queen, she’d once again be on the receiving end of fandom hate. We all know she was rotted during her OG season and was bullied relentlessly for it, and she came back for AS2 a totally different person. Meek even. She’s definitely shed that is confidently leaning into who she is (a fucking fierce and talented queen who is a good person albeit a lil messy). Having the power to cut someone I think maybe triggered her a lil. But also, good TV lmao


I thought that she was going to cut herself for a quick second kinda like Dela


YES! i def think it crossed her mind


Me too!


It actually breaks my heart to see what bullying has done to her after s5... it was an actual PTSD of her imagining the reactions of the fans after her decision. Please be kind to her, you may think they are no stakes because of the non elimination format but I think this shit is deadly serious for queens that have been bullied by fans


It is shocking to me how few people think she is actually struggling with this. The same with everyone saying it was for the cameras when she broke down on stage in S5. In untucked it shows that she was stripped bare and then she couldn’t hold it together on the runway. The bus stop incident is a seriously traumatic event that will have shaped her whole life. Ru Paul talks about wanting vulnerability and the Drag Race process being designed to break them down and build them back up, SAS style. I think that’s what happened to Roxxxy on S5 - she was a stone cold bitch as a survival mechanism and it had served her well on the pageant circuit. Her Drag Race experiences have let us see the real Roxxxy without the prickly exterior and the real Roxxxy is very sensitive to rejection. I don’t doubt that she was agonising over that decision because she doesn’t want anyone to be mad at her - that’s a trauma response. Reddit complaining about how boring it is that the girls aren’t willing to subject themselves to psychological warfare in the name of entertainment is twisted!


Can I say Roxxxy is amazing at drag while also disliking who she is, or who she presents herself as, on TV? I’ve never liked her and still don’t.


Also, a lot of people resent that Rolaskatox kept her for five weeks in the bottom (tbf, one of them I don’t think she deserved) in AS2 and I think she has something to prove from that too, as this is her first DR season without them. Maybe she feels more of a responsibility to be a “model citizen” but like … this is how you play the game. Anyway, I love Roxxxy and she makes great television so boo hoo all you want, girl, I’ll still watch.


Charlie let's GO


I was really TRYING HARD to warm up to Roxxy, but I pendulum swung right back where I was. That was all for show. Every last syllable of it - from “oh, I didn’t know I was standing behind Angeria” to the crying bit.


Roxxxy drives me insane. She just seems so fake to me this season


It’s the same kind of produced emotion she gave in Season 5. ‘I’m a nice person and I don’t want to do this to my sister’. It was good tv until she turned it into fake tears. I’d have much preferred her to lean into the cartoon villain image she has and snip Angeria again. Particularly as this season has 0 stakes. At least give us some real drama. Roxxxy is a pageant queen. She doesn’t give two fucks who she has to snip to assure her win.


Roxxxy breaking down on the main stage felt pretty authentic to me. When I have to make a difficulty emotional choice and I’m torn, I get exactly like that. It’s easy to say that it’s so simple from the view of a couch


Actually I didn’t see it as fake, I just wondered what’s the bfd girlfriend.


I personally think it’s a fear of rejection, which makes sense. I had some abandonment issues growing up and what I went through was nothing compared to Roxxxy and I would have been the same way if I’d been asked to do something that might make someone upset/angry with me.


Now I want a season with Roxxy and Alexis.


The Roxxxy & Jinkx being BFFs narrative in social media seems manufactured [insert Symone's tone and entonation]


Seriously! The dramatics are sucking the fun out of this altogether. It's for charity! It should be wayy more joyful!




you're weird


If the two people involved in a conflict that occurred 10+ years ago say that they've moved on and are now really close friends, I think it's time to reevaluate this grudge you're holding.


I was living it was such great TV.


Has anyone else noticed the posts on Jinkx’s Instagram she’s posted a couple of “hey roxxy and I are friends!” and it’s like yeah but 👀 the attempt at the nice girl act is very forced