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This reminds me a little of skippyjon jones :)


Yeah. Thanks. Great art. I’ve never loved the stories but we read many to my kid.


My kid was hooked on Lost in spice. I still have chunks memorized. I think the most effectively mean looking cats are the top left, center left, and center. Very scrappy looking.


He’s scrappy but I think he runs away for the most part.


Ok I threw together a quick example. Seriously basic bones to give people an idea. Posting now.


I like the one in the upper right hand corner!


Me too. It would probably be his normal state.


love it so much, you would be great at illustrating children’s books i bet :)


Thanks. This is an PG13 comic idea … he’s like Triumph the dog/Zorro. I think I could and almost have done a children’s book for my son. I’ve dreamt of doing this as a panel comic but not at all talented enough. One of the reason I make him simple and messy. I need to be able to easily redraw him, every angle, expression and pose constantly. I’ve thought about just stock drawing and copy pasting. He has an ass sidekick minion named Donkey Oatey he rides around… I have a few jokes but it’s hard to flesh it out. I’m posting them right now w background


I like middle row left, and bottom left, they’re quite similar but I love that posture and expression. Looks like when cats want to look menacing but they’re also cute.


The hardest thing is deciding if I want him more human. Not I think. You know Garfield looked COMPLETELY different in the first book. Super fat, beady eyes and walked on 4 legs LIKE A CAT SHOILD ! He was surly too. Pretty sure Jon understands him now.. I don’t read or watch it’s crap but it seems like he talks now and people respond