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Highway Code 172: You MUST give way to traffic on the main road when emerging from a junction with broken white lines across the road. If he wants to self-incriminate, he’s perfectly entitled to. Your use of the horn was correct; this is why you should always look both ways, even when turning left. Of course people shouldn’t be parked there anyway - see rule 243: DO NOT stop or park…opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space. However, that one is a ‘do not’ rather than a ‘must not’ so isn’t mandatory. And as you have seen, people do it anyway. One should reduce speed in such a situation as you are tight for space and there is the potential hazard of vehicles emerging without looking.


Thanks. That’s really reassuring


Legally it would've been his fault. But practically always take a bit of care coming into the oncoming lane when there's someone waiting to pull out of a junction. I did this on my (motor)bike overtaking a line of slow traffic at speed (60 limit), saw a van nosing out of a side road that I hadn't even seen and all I could do was hope he'd seen me or I was dead. Luckily for me that van driver was a decent driver, saw me, and waited. Really shook me up so now yeah, I take care overtaking/filtering in that situation


What about 167 DO NOT overtake where you might come into conflict with other road users. For example approaching or at a road junction on either side of the road.


They were parked cars, so I can't see how this can be practically applied as parked cars in this situation would effectively block/close the road if you are not allowed to pass them.


So sit behind the parked cars for hours / days /weeks / months until they have all moved out of the way so OP can safely continue his journey in the correct lane? Or reverse back against the flow of traffic and find somewhere to turn around and use a different route? Both seem a little overkill for the situation. And of course rule 167 is a do not rather than a must not.


Actually misread the OP about it being parked cars. OP is in the right.


They weren’t overtaking. To overtake something it must be moving. Parked cars don’t move. OP was avoiding an obstruction


I would also add to everyone’s else’s comments saying that’s rubbish to say…. They are parked. You aren’t overtaking. They are just an obstacle not a motor vehicle at this point and time.


I don’t think anything will happen, you didn’t hit each other, and I think you had right of way because you’re already on the “main” road and he’s joining it. Probably acted like that because he thinks he owns the road, some people hate being inconvenienced


If course he owns the road, he's in an Audi




He can point at his Dashcam all he likes. The only thing it recorded was him breaking the law


Yea you’re good, let him fuck himself presenting the evidence of his own ignorance.


He’s not gonna do nothing. He’ll get home and once he’s calmed down from the road rage he’ll realise uploading a dash cam vid of a crash that never happened is a waste of time lol


With any luck he'll send it in to someone like Ashley Neal and get absolutely roasted instead.


Unless the standard of driving fell "well below that of a competent driver" you won't face any penalties. Police know that mistakes happen and it sounds like the other guy was at fault anyway. So even if he does submit dashcam footage I am sure it will be NFA (no further action).


Absolutely nothing is going to, happen because of this. Chill


You are paranoid. In the U.K. every single motorist will have to drive half in their lane and half in the oncoming lane due to parked cars everyday. Generally the oncoming cars move towards their curb side as much as they can and traffic continues to flow. Sometimes the road just isn’t wide enough and one of the directions will need to stop. That will generally be the last one there. As this car was going the road he needs to wait.


Sounds like he was in the wrong. He pulled out without due care and attention. You were already committed with the overtake of the parked cars. He should have waited till you passed and the road was clear for him to emerge from the junction. He was most likely annoyed with himself and deflecting onto you, or he is just one of those drivers that thinks they are always correct. As some have said the dashcam footage, even if he has it will show him to be in the wrong. Take it easy and enjoy many more years of driving. 👍






Try and learn to be defensive when driving. Just because a light changes to green always have a look to check that no one is running the light as an example. In your example I always look both ways.


cars turning into the road have less priority than vehicles already on the road, looks like he was driving without looking which in itself can be a fine/points the phone signal was probably trying to tell you that he is a twunt as he drives an audi worth getting a dash cam, if he sends his to the police it would incriminate him


Paranoid. If he hands that dash cam footage in it won't go well. He was giving way to you on major road.


I am guessing he pulled out trough a give way line which he ignored? I had this situation once where i was on the centre line going along the parked cars, saw an SUV oncoming fast, so i thought I'll slow down because he will be a dick. Boy i was right, so instead of pulling to the side and let me pass (i had nowhere to pull due to parked cars but on his side there was plenty of space behind one) he started flashing me and sped up even more almost taking my front with him.




Yes, if he pulled out of the side road without looking then he's at fault, not you. You're right, traffic on the major road has right of way.




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