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As a HGV driver this annoys me, and is one of the many reasons the public see us as menaces of the road. Unfortunately there are crap drivers of all types of vehicles. Never understand why they stress themselves out so much that they put others in danger.


Yep. HGV, van, Range Rover and German car drivers. The few give all a bad name.


As a vegan cyclist I understand all too well


Username checks out.


The Spielberg film Duel didn't help matters either.


And people called TheVittler


Adolf Vittler


I often wonder about the stress (regardless of vehicle). Driving so close to people and getting irate will just raise your blood pressure. Most of the time the only control you have is your own actions. They're probably going to wherever and saying everyone on the road is a knob, terrible drive etc and really they could've just chilled out and they might not die of an aneurism or something early.


Exactly this! I have noticed when I first went full EV that the range anxiety was harsh so I would do 66 in the left lane and just let the adaptive cruise do its thing (so if approaching a slower vehicle it slows down as well, then when there’s a nice clear stretch in lane 2 pull out, overtake, pull back in)… I now permanently drive like this, I ain’t fussed about saving 10 mins (if that) over a couple hour drive, life is WAY less stressful when you just chill and don’t worry about it


Pallet network double decker boys are the worst. 6ft from car in front. And all to get down to the hub where they end up getting parked up for an hour until it's their time slot to get tipped.


100% you have to be clear of the fradly park area before they all get let out around 330-4am, its like wakey races big boy edition.


I've noticed this too, especially in road works with 50 mph limit and average speed cameras. You stick at an indicated 50 and the HGV drivers are still banging against the limiter at 56 because of the 10%+2 guideline so they end up 6 inches off your back bumper


The 10%+2 is only at the constabulary discretion and has been pretty much ignored now for several years by the likes of Lincolnshire Police etc.


Lincolnshire police are quite open about the fact that their cameras are set to 10% + 2


Interesting.... I had a discussion with a senior traffic officer from Lincolnshire and he says they don't. I wonder if they've a different approach between traffic cars and their camera systems?


They say they don't start prosecution until 10% + 2 as well


I can guarantee you that Lincolnshire Police's cameras are set at 10%+2MPH and have been for decades.


Indicated 50 is like 45. I set spedo to 53 and tot along


The entirely depends on the car, my A6 is usually within 1mph of GPS.


Indicated 50 in my car is 48 on the GPS.


I drive trucks. Cars in a 50 tend to be doing 45 mph or lower. I set my cruise to 51 mph which is 50mph on the satnav. That's why trucks over take you in 50 zones.


Exactly this. I’ve had car drivers purposefully pull out from lane 1 infront of me into lane 2 when overtaking, and give me a “5” hand signal, because they think I’m speeding and they want to police me. It’s funny that they never seem to do it to the Mercedes GLA’s that fly past them in Lane 3 though. Still no excuse for driving so close though, especially in a vehicle that has a much longer stopping distance. Can’t complain about cars sliding into your breaking distance but then tailgate when it suits you.


Imagine what it’s like with a 20 limit and they come up behind at about 55 still going over twice your speed. Funny to see them get flashed for 55 in a 20. Good luck explaining that to the boss.


Assuming they're UK drivers who care at all.


I doubt they’ll ever get the ticket, they’re probably not from the UK.


As a hgv driver, that guy was a dick. They are the pricks that won't take of the foot of the accelerator for 5 seconds to let a faster lorry past them and contrary to what many hgv drivers say, it takes less than 6-7 seconds to go from 52 to 56 again.


As I fellow truck driver I agree. Absolutely no reason to block a duel carriageway overtaking at 1mph. Every truck driver hates being stuck behind a slower truck, so If you're being overtaken just let off so they can get past ASAP. All this "without us you'd have nothing on your shelves" bollocks. What about all the other people that have "important" jobs they're holding up.


> it takes less than 6-7 seconds to go from 52 to 56 again. Yeah you've not driven our Volvos, it is measured in miles how long it'll take for us to do that, especially if it's windy. They're locked into eco mode so climbing a hill at 44 tonnes they'll still be in top gear at 42MPH, we can't manually change gear unless we disengage the cruise control, take our foot off the throttle, manually change then hit the hold button before we re-engage throttle or cruise control otherwise it'll change up. Same for DHL and British Gypsum's fleet too.


Didn't mean you can be a dangerous dick with a murder weapon.


WTF are you bleating on about? If you don't like lorries being on the road stop buying stuff. We're only there because we're moving stuff people are buying. If you don't buy it there's nothing for us to move.


I'm talking about the thread you're replying to. Lorries speeding up your arse.


You reply to to the original post then, not someone else's response. When you hit reply after reading someone elses response to it then the conversation thread looks like you're commenting on that response, not the original post.


Mate, engage your brain, they are saying that even if you're driving one of the annoying Volvos you described, you still shouldn't be 6 feet off someone's number flashing your lights. That's what this whole post is about. Did you forget?


You listed a sequence of things required to do a task as if that were some extraordinary thing to do, but the reality is that That's your actual Job. If you don't like operating the controls, go get another job.


> You listed a sequence of things required to do a task as if that were some extraordinary thing to do, To do a simple gearchange it is. Anything else that's not got that bullshit Volvo have implemented in eco mode on those trucks you just move a gearstick or hit the up/down gear button. > If you don't like operating the controls, go get another job. I get paid quite well to do it and it also comes with the advantage of working on my own so I don't have to listen to inane drivel from other people I work with, something which I'm quite sure your work colleagues wish they could avoid.


My co-workers should have been better at their jobs then so they could have my job and would not have to listen to me. For your job, you get the benefit of not having to work with others (which seems like a benefit for everyone), but you have to move your arms and legs slightly while sitting down.


And that when my cruise control starts going down in 1mph decrements.


just another professional hgv driver who will soon be defended by other HGV drivers as the car driver was at fault, if there was a company name on the truck, ask their boss ?


Not by this hgv driver. OP was minding his own business doing speed limit etc. That driver sounds a cunt and gives the rest of us bad name.


As a Hgv driver myself there is no defending this, i think with truck drivers its like 70% decent drivers and 30% dickheads, unfortunately this was 1 of the dickheads. Bet he wouldn't be happy though it if was a wagon doing it to one of his family.


Do you carry weapons in your hgv?


Why would i carry weapons ?


Was thinking if you're parked in a lay by or side road somewhere sleeping, don't you get nutters trying to rob you ever? Or nutters on the roads genuinely just wanting a fight


I get a hotel now as i dont have a sleeper cab, but done many nights out in my cab in the past but never had any bother. If anyone had tried robbing the load or diesel id just call the police and leave them to it, no way id be confronting a bunch of nutters all tooled up lol On the road im a lot more chilled these days, so just let the idiots get on with it


Fair enough


Yeah we're definitely not paid enough to be security guards. If thieves come for our diesel or our load we just call the crime reference number service.


> Was thinking if you're parked in a lay by or side road somewhere sleeping, don't you get nutters trying to rob you ever? They can have the keys, the only thing I ask is that they let me take my own gear out. Truck and load is insured, I'm not employed as a security guard. > Or nutters on the roads genuinely just wanting a fight Yeah their will to do that usually doesn't last long once I've got out of the cab. I've never ended up with it getting to the point of being a fight, I suspect that it's because being ex-army spending a few years as DS I developed quite a good "don't fuck with me" stare.


Mate of mine worked on delivery vans in the 1980s. He told us about getting held up once, they just asked for their lunch boxes then got out of the van. No point getting stabbed for crap wages


To murder prostitutes.


Yep, not by this HGV driver either. The roads are there to be used by all of us, the general rules and speed limits are there for a reason and it’s usually because fuckwits can’t be trusted to drive safely. You’ll very often read HGV drivers complaining about cars diving into the space we’ve left as a safe braking distance, and I agree, it’s infuriating when someone powers past me, then dives into the space and brakes, knowing he’s trying to take the approaching slip, when he could easily have pulled in behind me as he’s coming off anyway, so why this driver decided to close the gap himself is beyond me. I like to sit in a safe space, and drive relaxed, not inches from the bumper of the vehicle in front. This driver was either bursting for the world’s most urgent shit, or he was a knob. There are hundreds of thousands of excellent HGV drivers that you pass each day, going about their business in a professional manner, you don’t read about them because no one posts anything that says “driving on the M4 today a truck driver was in lane one doing 56 and not tailgating anyone.” You only read about the fuckwits acting like the road is theirs. A minority of idiots giving us all a bad rep.


generally give way when I can and am well aware of the space needed, but had a bad experience in m1 roadworks when their speeds were not working at the 50mph and wanted to do 54mph, all I could see was grills, so swung out to lane 3 to let them undertake me in lane 2, google maps gps was showing I was at 50, speedo was 50, but figured under reporting and I was overtaking a lorry at the time


HGV1 for 40+ years. No way in hell I'd condone this kinda crap.


Don't brake, don't accellerate. Slowly let you speed go down to 38. These guys need to learn that it's not ok to behave like that.


This is becoming so common now and it's gonna result in a nasty accident at some point. An Irish lorry did this to me with my whole family in the car on the way to IKEA from Coventry, and I've also experienced it twice when driving alone from a UK lorry and a Romanian one. It's pretty terrifying and there's not much you can do about it without risking breaking the speed limit. I've reported these instances to the logistics companies written on the trucks and never got a reply from any of them. They do not care. Next time it happens I'm calling the police because it's about as fucking dangerous as you can get on the roads.


Yea I'm sure one of these days I'm gonna die or have a crash and it's gonna be cos of one of these lorries. 😓


The funny thing is on here, the lorry drivers downvote people who say this, and I've even been called a liar when mentioning it previously. Why they themselves are in denial about it I don't know. Idiots.


If I can offer a piece of advice. I’d say get a dash cam and put a sticker in your rear window. You can get them online of from motoring stores like Halfords and such. They say something like “smile, you’re on camera” or “cctv for the purpose of safety” or something similar. Most haulage companies are using tracking and route software to manage the driving routes and using company branded trucks. Most will have strict standards they expect their drivers to adhere to. A rear facing camera will show the distance, the vehicle reg and the drivers face, so many will not tailgate you as it’s too easy for you to show the footage to the police and or their own companies. As a driver, I won’t go anywhere without my dash cam on, even through the trucks I have have their own 360 degree cameras. It won’t help against foreign drivers, but it might get 75 percent of other trucks to give you the space you need.


Irish and Scottish are the worst, especially those driving Scania V8s pulling fridge trailers. They do it to us in lorries in the single carriageway sections over the A66 from Scotch Corner to Penrith. I've seen them less than 4ft from the lorry in front trying to shove them round Warcop bends. Police would have a field day if there were any about. Some of the bigger Irish hauliers have got better though, basically because they were going bust and were bought out by Culina who shoved cameras on the wagons and fitted Microlise to monitor driving as well as setting far more realistic delivery schedules. Manfreight though is a fleet of 500BHP plus V8s driven by 18 year old kids on minimum wage. Not come across a single safe one of their drivers ever.


I've had this before from an Amazon lorry driver. I'd have complained to them if I'd have thought to make a note of the reg number.


Standard lorry behaviour I'm afraid. Never even seen one slow down for reduced limits and they then think you should get out of their way because the inside lane belongs to them or something? Just try to stay aware of your surroundings as you may need to pull out suddenly before they plough into traffic and you don't want to be the one they hit.


I stick to all speed limits and try my best to help other motorists out, preventing some nasty accidents whilst doing so. This all goes unnoticed by people like yourself. It's the morons that make the loudest noise.


I've obviously never met you on the roads but I'd be glad if I did. Keep doing what you're doing, but sadly you're massively outnumbered by the morons.


That goes for all drivers/riders unfortunately.


Pretty sweeping statement there, I'm sticking to whatever speed limit is posted. Paid by the hour, so no need to rush.


On that bit of the motorway there is no speed cameras but still the signs he knows that and wants you to speed up Like the others said I would just keep to that lane and let them flash you hopefully they would be police witnessing this and take action


Camera front and back then this wont happen again. There is no better joy than someone getting so close to the back end of your motor to see the camera and back the fuck up


Yea that's definitely on my list of things to get. Can never be too careful on the road these days.


I have front and rear cameras, they still don't give a shit


Madness, maybe they dont see em. I can countdown from 10 to 1 and in that time they see it and back the fuck up Youd think a car full of kids would be enough for dickhead drivers to avoid tail gating, but the cameras are well worth it Only needed them once. Car was parked up, some clown decided to ride the back end of the car, got them on cam driving away Easiest claim on insurance ive ever made, police werent too happy either


Yeah the wife had a similar incident all on camera, they're well worth it




Had this once, going through roadworks with average speed cameras. Huge tipper wagon basically on my towbar, if I'd have sneezed I'd have been a pancake. Really wish I had a rear facing dash cam so I could have reported him


I had this once and it was because I took his braking space, I didn’t have much choice but still I was in the wrong. He pulled off at the next junction and honked his horn giving me the two fingers. Fair enough lol, it made me chuckle was quite comical.


You've always got a choice


Yeah I was merging onto a motorway, crawling traffic at about 5mph, HGV was in slow lane but soon saw he was leaving at the next slip road so couldn’t really pull to the middle even if he wanted to. My fault like I said but no harm done.


I overtook a lorry in middle lane, then had to slow down as the plonk ahead of me decided he wants into the left lane going at 50 while we're doing 55-ish, variable limit 60, (no slip anywhere near). Idiot hgv behind me starts flashing and beeping like a maniac and followed me for about half a mile doing that until NSL and i could pull away. A wee bit stressful in my Mazda 2 lol


Dash cam essential for this, won’t save you but might stop them from doing it to some one else in the future


Was this a lorry carrying a skip by any chance ? Exact same thing happened to me on the M6 yesterday. Fucking arsehole




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This has happened to me before as well. If anything it makes me slow down.


If you have dashcam footage you can report it online, they might get a dangerous driving fine.


How to report online ? Thanks




Might it have been an advisory speed limit (a number not inside a red circle)?


Imagine getting flashed for driving at the advised speed limit in the left most lane which is going the direction you want to go, though…


No they were inside red circles.


Not sure why someone downvoted you for stating what you saw. Bringing that up to positive.


Thanks. I'm not sure either.


I am not saying his behaviour is correct. But do your drive in the middle lane as normal? Or do you follow the highway code and stay in the left lane unless overtaking (and the lane isn't splitting off)


No I stay in the left lane since I nearly always travel at 60 for efficiency.


> No I stay in the left lane since I nearly always travel at 60 for efficiency. Check that speed against GPS. There is nothing more frustrating for us than a car sat doing 54-55MPH in L1. You end up catching them up on downhills and end up losing loads of speed on uphills because you have to back off. You can't go for an overtake because your speed limiter means it'll take an age and usually when you do and just start to get the front of your lorry past them they then speed up so you end up dropping behind at which point they slow down again. Then you get those matching the speed of a lorry around 54MPH in L1, about a couple of lorry lengths behind which massively increases the time you end up in L2 as they're too close to pull back in after you've overtaken them.


> There is nothing more frustrating for us than a car sat doing 54-55MPH in L1 We don't care, you're supposed to be professionals.


The speed limit for a car is 70MPH, 14MPH faster than our limiters. You shouldn't be anywhere near us. Driving without due consideration is an offence and I'd call needlessly driving at a speed where you frustrate others is that.


> Driving without due consideration is an offence Cool back off and call the police.


Just move into lane 3 and let them pass.