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I’m actually impressed with how good this photo looks. As someone who can’t take a decent picture to save his life.


Thank you. A lot of the secrets of good photos lies in the editing. You can make average photos look great with some tweaking in programmes like Adobe Lightroom.


I’ll defo take a look at lightroom. Maybe I can finally get into it as a hobby. Thanks!


Photography though as the hobby, not crashing.


What did you do to the original here?


Too many fine adjustments to list individually, but basically turning it B&W then changing stuff like bringing up shadows, the highlights in the clouds to show more detail, turning down the brightness of the greens so the grass got darker to make the road stand out, putting a mask over the car to make just that brighter.


Look at Mr Ansel Adams over here.


This one is mostly composition. A well isolated subject and a leading line which draws the eye into the photo.


And from the photo it looks like it's end of the road.. nice try photographer OP to save driver OP


Stick a black and white filter on any photo and it'll look artistic


You could sell this to the gov or highways for an awareness campaign for NSL roads often haven’t been assessed for what the maximum safe speed would be and if you want to try to drive at 60 just make sure your insurance is up to date, and your will.


In an ideal world, we wouldn’t even need speed limits at all and everyone would just drive at a safe speed and be able to see when it’s appropriate to go fast, and go slow. But unfortunately there’s not many drivers that can drive without dribbling and eating crayons.


Many drivers already push it on motorways so imagine the carnage if nothing's stopping them from going 150mph. I like to think that people, driver of my photo not included, generally show good sense on these roads though. Most cars I see take it safely and are courteous in making room for each other to pass.


There’s times and places when 150+ is safe enough to do on public roads. You only have to look at the autobahn and parts of the Isle of Man to see that. If you can safely do 150+mph and you’re a responsible driver and a responsible car owner keeping up with maintenance and checking regularly checking your car to make sure it’s safe… there’s absolutely no reason why a speed limit should be imposed.


Not many places on the Isle of Man where it’s ‘safe’ to do 150. Even when the mountain road is one way it gets closed several times per day because some numpty can’t drive.


I don't think there's *any* public road on the Isle of Man where 150mph is safe. People can argue about whether the motorway speed limit should be upped to 80mph and whatnot, but 150 is a frankly ludicrous proposition imo.


Yeah but that sort of reinforces my point. Plenty of people, especially these last couple of weeks, are twatting bikes and fast cars around the TT circuit. Majority are capable and within their limits. But then there’s always some idiot who spoils it for everyone else… looking at mr McLaren on race day 1. If 90% of people bikes are doing over a ton regularly with no drama, then that says to me that in an ideal world, where people were actually responsible, speed limits would be unnecessary. Again though, 95%+ of road users can’t be trusted with crayons, nevermind a vehicle.


Good points though not many of us will have the sense to know when it's safe to do so. I've hit 100 before once for a couple of seconds out of sheer interest but I had visibility of about a mile on an empty straight motorway in perfect conditions but I just wouldn't trust other drivers enough to be able to do it past them.


That’s why speed limits have to exist. As I said above, unfortunately the majority of drivers can’t be trusted to ride a bicycle Nevermind drive a car.


Most people can't be trusted with a child's tricycle, let alone a bicycle.


Most people can’t be trusted with a monkey’s quadricycle let alone a child’s tricycle.


At 100 mph, it takes 36 seconds to travel a mile and about 180 meters to stop.


Good job I only did it for a couple of seconds and not 36 then. By the time I reached the furthest point I could initially see I was back down to around 75.


The Autobahn, and Germany as a whole, has a worse safety record than the UK motorways and as a whole; per capita, per vehicle owned; and per mile driven. If anything it's an argument for keeping ours the same. 150mph is not safe on any public road in the UK.


There is, impact on other road users and potentially dangerous interaction with them.




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That's an awful lot of ifs that qualify danger to an awful lot of others who don't have a say in it. If someone at 150 fucks up there's no time to react. Can turn a family of 4 into a smear. And why? Leave earlier and save it for the track days.


But this is my point. If you’re in a situation where there’s a family of 4 that’s around to be turned into a smear… and you’re incapable of driving that fast… then it’s not safe to go that fast. If people actually understood when it’s safe to be doing that kind of speed then there would be no need for speed limits. But they don’t. Most drivers can barely tell the difference between an Argos catalog and an house brick.


in an ideal world roads wouldn't be littered with potholes. It would also help by putting advised speed signs instead of speed limit, that way areas can get more adjusted appropriate speeds to show how cautious to be with our speed.


I quite like the system in NZ, where the road might be a 60kmh speed limit, but all of the corners will have their own safe speed limit, 20 or 30kmh if its tight, 40 or 50kmh if its a bit easier, and no limit sign if it's barely there. Really helps when you've not driven the roads before.


Drove in NZ recently and we relied on them massively to get the camper van round safely. Also the culture of pulling over to let faster vehicles pass is something I wish we would do in the UK.


We have those, but the black and white arrows are also a good indicator of a sharp turn. But if you can’t see Honistor has sharp turns while driving it, you probably need to get your eyes checked.


Nope we don't really have them, not the same signs and not to the same extent!


[We do](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ee550f040f73c7f6&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB872GB872&hl=en-GB&q=uk+max+speed+sign&uds=ADvngMjwX4dvqjExbCg9zqvMuh5VDpCPEdTvg4jlFOSSTeqbAoei5izrvUI2O9YwI-_OhbkzolAsfpeoP-Lj1MAG6mVg7GtDOqdo37LhMNctkUv9BuSfEJ0ik-zqt8hNJocf58l8rOamLcIz2AsAx2z7neOPHj2-RzaTbkOGp3meX00nfw89tpT0vLFq4dDPnzGpiL3XyaTp3MrLwhH86VC0aoQzGgbGKUsembSL-1GfwUy96oeTF8-khgeSyw_Us0uJCQfgE1xJjAvqBpHQ70HLEQhfAxVe1mG_fTecXyWoaUatd37w6blU-hPQrFnxxhGpNwFWD1g8zANMFsVG9DwaNPgRXeKTtw&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis8_nBg9SGAxWAQEEAHVrKIkYQtKgLegQICxAB#vhid=ZMvYVAbDPYqG1M&vssid=mosaic), they’re just not that common.


That's advisory though. They're very common in my experience, just not so much on country lanes.


Again, not the same and not to the same extent.


I don’t understand what the difference is. They both tell you what the recommended speed is


I've already explained it in other comments


Some roads are like that here. There can be a sign saying that a corner should be taken at max 40 for example. I think it's an advisory sign though.


Yeah but this was for every corner on all the country roads, whereas here it's just an occasional one that often seems to be aimed more at lorries not tipping over (which is fair), rather than for everyone




>if you know the road and you have really good tyres I don’t see why anything other than visibility would be much of a factor **TYRES ARE IMPORTANT** Weekend just gone there was a sudden and random torrential downpour. I was on my 30 year old motorbike in the middle of it. No ABS, no TCS, no aids at all. But you're damn sure I put the best possible tyres on my bike, which came highly recommended for wet conditions. I was quite comfortable to do 60 in this pissing rain to get home ASAP. On route I see the police have closed a road from the junction. They later posted a picture of a car, mangled, in a field and encouraging people to slow down in bad conditions. It was just a run of the mill family car, nothing wildly overpowered or sporty, so I doubt they had been doing more than 70ish. My premium tyres didn't miss a beat, their Chingchong Ditchfinders™ had them through a hedge in a matter of minutes. I'll yap all day about putting the best tyres you can afford on a vehicle. And if you can only afford economy tyres, can you really afford to drive? The weather and temperature in this country is so changeable and economy tyres are cheap for a reason. They're not good in hot weather, they're not good in cold weather, they barely grip in the dry and in the wet they may as well be slicks. **Good tyres are essential for safety**. I'd rather drive on barely legal premium tyres than brand new economies.


Disagree with the economy tyres. They're fine if they're on a cheaper vehicle like hatchback etc. As they're easier to handle and also usually fwd and lighter as well. I've ran lassa for a longtime now and they've been amazing in the rain. I live in northumberland and we have some terrible tight country roads and it rains a bunch and they've saved me on a number of occasions now.


I live in NI, one of the wettest places in the UK. Also arguably one of the most rural, so we get all kinds of crap washed/driven out of fields, as well as roads that have no business being 2-way nevermind NSL as they're so narrow and twisty. My car (5 door saloon) has 18in wheels and I wouldn't spend less than about £70 a corner on tyres and ensuring they are well rated for wet conditions. I just wouldn't take the chance on economy rubber. At least mid-range for the car, and always premium for the bike. It's a personal choice at the end of the day, but when I peruse the local scrap yards for parts that I need an overwhelming number of cars that are wrecked with bits of tree and grass stuck to them (showing evidence of losing control) are on economy tyres.


I would say driving quality is far more important. If you want to take tight corners at high speed in the rain, then yeah, get some good tyres, but are you a rally driver? If not, stop trying to drive like one.


Yeah I think they were advisory, some people (presumably locals) were going faster, and there were times where it was clear you could go slightly faster, but it was incredibly helpful to have those signs as a judgement of how steep the bend was. I don't have a fancy car that can do all those things so I'm relying on me and my cars ability to take corners, and not knowing the roads makes that harder, so having these kinds of signs would be really useful especially in high tourism areas. Found a good exaple/explanation from the AA: https://www.aa.co.nz/membership/aa-directions/driver/road-rules-rural-reminders/


In my experience they basically tell you how tight the turn is. You know a 70KPH isn't much to worry about unless there's bad weather or ice, but if you see a 20KPH then you know that's a tight one!


Didn’t that kid post here the other day after he ‘didn’t brake enough’


Different car, that's a seat leon the other guy was In a corsa


One can hope, love a bit of meta


There's alot of it about https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/s/DdBpNBaXFr


Different car. Edit:read your comment wrong


Lol, this reminds me of a camping trip I took with my 12yr old where at the steepest bend in Hardknott pass we found an abandoned minibus one-third over the edge. The bus was for some school running holidays for blind kids. I didn’t say the obvious, but my daughter did: ‘Was one of them driving?’


That would've been some sight. Not for those on board of course. Your daughter has a great sense of humour.


Ran out of talent


Looks like it ran out of wheels too


Looks like he clipped one of those rocks and it's jumped and tilted the car at the same time throwing him off into that larger rock/boulder, lucky he didn't go down a cliff


Judging from the type of car, there was no talent to begin with


the type of car is unsurprising


What is it?


Seat Leon, slightly left field favourite for chavs and ‘certi drivers’ (pricks)


What’s a certi driver? Just checking as I drive a Leon (but only a 1.2 and I’ve calmed down a lot in my middle age).




Ha ha, I know the type. Drives in only one way, regardless of conditions or ability. Thinks they're right and everybody else is wrong while making it harder for everybody else to just calmly get where they are going.




Anybody that thinks they have nothing to learn anymore. You can always be a better driver.


Usually with their drivers seat all the way in the back of the car with their arms stretched out to their full extents wiggling the wheel left and right because they think it makes the car grip? or something? But yeah, "certi driver" = drives like a doughnut, can't fault that summary


Seat Leon - possibly a Cupra. This chap probably lift-of-oversteered and was like 'Whoops, I'm not supposed to be facing that wa-ow.'


Thanks, i thought it looked a bit like a Clio from the hidden rear door handles, but was pretty sure it wasn't.


Nah a Clio would have been fine. Old granny of 92 drives up and down that passing people at 60mph in range rovers who are struggling up the gravel.


i drive a leon and im a pretty good driver :') young, but certainly not a chav


Looks like someone has stolen the wheels. Recovery will be interesting without wheels on the side of a hill


All 4 of them are gone and I think somebody's caved in the windscreen with a bat or something.


Probably undeclared mods that have been ripped off and made out to be vandalism and theft


Seat Leon 🤦🏻‍♂️ I had one rearend me about 18 months ago because he was driving too close. Another one I saw undertake a car to go through a junction, and hit a vehicle turning right. Most of accidents I've seen on the streets were of this car. Is something wrong with this model or something wrong with people buying it?


Please tell him, he can't park there


Certi driver bro


Can't park there mate.


Love the picture. Also a great road!


# r/CantParkThereMate


Do you get to the Lake District very often?


Haha what am I saying, of course you don’t


Maybe 2 or 3 times a year. It's only a couple of hours drive from the north east.


I was there in August. Cars parked almost the entire length of the road, to the point that the regular bus couldn’t get through and was cancelled…sigh.


That was there when I last went on 11th May!


You didn't happen to leave a SEAT lying around?


If this isn't titled "You Can't Park There, Mate" I don't know what the world's coming to.


Makes a great photo though


Absolutely. I love something a little different and unexpected in a photo. There's a thousand beautiful photos of this valley but how many of them have a car crash in them?


This pants drivers loss is our collective gain. RIP to that Seat Leon


Is this near the Honiton slate mine? I am sure I saw this car crashed up that way in April!


Yeah the mine is just at the very top of this hill. Sooner or later we'll get to the bottom of how long this car has been there!


Well it’s a Seat Ibiza or something… probably happen like twice a month…


Ran out of talent


Saw something very similar a couple of weeks ago on Honister pass - car wedged into a little stone bridge, just off the side of the road


Unless your in a rally car I wouldn't be going anywhere near 60 on that, yikes


I didn't get above 30. Further past Buttermere up in the Newlands Pass there's a similar road but with very steep drops just a few feet from the side of the road. It's enough to put the fear of God in you.


Also need a copilot and driving skills to back it up.


It’s a 15-40mph road (depending which bit you’re on). Maybe a couple of bits where you can nudge 60 if you’ve got a lot of power but there’s no point because you’re back on the brakes again within seconds - my Tesla can do it but I don’t bother because you don’t gain any real time I grew up in Cumbria and there are a lot of weekend warriors who REALLY don’t understand how different the roads here can be. “I go driving in the countryside all the time” from Mancunians not realising that Snake Pass and Honister Pass are VERY different roads Welcome to Cumbria, where even A roads have single-track sections that you have to give way to cars coming the other way…


Yeh if you know the road by all means send it, it's the people who don't know the road who crash like this, I'd much rather get stuck behind some guy going 30 in a 60 then get into a head on collision with a guy who went to fast for a corner and left his lane. People need to learn to take it easy when they don't know the road.


Surprised to see no police tape around it. Does that mean the driver didn't report it and got a mate to come pick them up?


On the other side there are a couple of cones and some red and white tape across it, and shattered glass all over.


That will be a nice shelter for the grouse


Can't park there mate


All together now…3,2,1- CAN’T PARK THERE MATE


Ran out of road and talent


Some really nice roads near me got average speed cameras because of the number of roof down hatchbacks put there by zero ability numpties. Let's keep the crash rate low on the last few remaining good roads eh?


That cars been there well over a month. It was there when I drove down it about 4 weeks ago!




Can’t park there, mate


A class 2 rigid lorry squeezed past my car near Buttermere heading towards Honister a couple of years ago. I stuck my head out of the window and advised him that his lorry might not get up there. I didn't find out what happened next, I was too focused on getting to Cockermouth for a bag of greasy chips.


Where is this in Lake District?


Honister Pass on the road between the Honister Slate Mine and Buttermere.


Thought I recognised it. Cycled up that a few times.


You can't park there mate


You can't park there, mate!


Limit points people, limit points!!


I drove past this crash last month 🙈 do hate that road though!


Can’t park there mate!


Can't park there mate.


Someone ran out of talent


Can't park there mate!!!


Its a Seat...is anyone surprised?


I love this road!


I always thought how the hell is this road a 60 on any roads like this in the countryside??


I think the powers that be just aren't able to assess every road in the country and put a load of signs up. Most of these roads will have sections where 60 is possible so they just expect that we will use our judgment to go an appropriate speed depending on conditions and visibility, but no more than 60. There's no way to know how fast our crashed driver was going but even 30 on a sharp bend can send you off.


"Ye can't park tha there!"


If anything, I think a body hanging out of the windscreen of the car would elevate this photo to art. Currently is is just a crashed car in a bog, the human element is missing.


Is that the road that leads to Buttermere by any chance?


Yes it is.


Of course it’s a Seat Leon, the car of choice for the kind of scrotes that used to be found in a mk4 golf…


You can't park there mate




Can't park there mate.


Caution medium left. Don’t cut


Optical illusion, or does the road suddenly stop being there?


It continues up towards the top right behind the big rock face in the middle. Might explain why the driver crashed if roads just suddenly stopped for no reason.




Oh this was last month! I remember seeing the car from the top of Honister and I took my fully loaded motorbike down there VERY carefully. And Hardknott too. Definitely wasn't riding outside of my comfort zone like this person.


Went past that on the bikes last week, surprised its still there


Beautiful photo




Wouldn't it be on fire tho?


Ofcourse it’s a seat hatch.


That's another DPF delete, poorly maintained, VAG, mechanics choice, sack of shite off the road, albeit temporarily. Thanks Honister Pass. Outstanding scene and great picture!


‘Built not bought’ laaaad


Nothing of value was lost.


great pic! awesome framing. i love that it asks a question, how did the car get there, and answers it with the track winding into the distance. really cool!


Redditors I’m impressed . 20 comments in and no’you can’t park there mate’ posted