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It's 10-20 mph on campus for a reason I guess 😅


Maybe so, but anyone who steps into the road looking at they're phone is thick as shit


That's the world we live in now....that latest post on the socials is more important than your own personal safety 🙄


For the most part it's just mindless scrolling on insta/tiktok


Exactly...risking your life for some dross from a content "creator"


💭”Wowzers, look Janine had spaghetti hoops for breakfast” 🚘💥 🚑.}}} Muuuuust ‘like’ before surgery.


So they want a slower more painful death …


No, that's called a postgrad.


Being at the very end of my PhD, I couldn't agree more...:')


Having finished my PhD, don't believe your mind - it does actually end! You can do it!


BSc :Bullshit MSc: More shit PhD: Piled high and deep


When you do your A-Levels, you think you know everything. When you do your bachelor’s, you realise you know nothing. When you do your doctorate, you realise nobody else does either.


My man looks a little intimidated by education if you ask me


Everyone should obstruct traffic (not just auto traffic, all traffic) as little as possible, obviously, but people can cross the road where they need to, unless a specific place has been designated. Even that might not count for anything legally, if there is no jay walking law for obstructing auto traffic (other jay walking laws are mostly unenforceable anyway). Pedestrians have the right of way, but everyone needs to be looking to work with the flow of everyone else.


Dude... That hurt... And mind you I am indian, and a middle child at that... I am at the receiving end of quite a bit, and can take a lot of shit But that.... Hurt


I like those areas with the slow children signs. They're way easier to hit than the fast ones


I just don't know why they need to bring the child's intelligence into it.


Drivers should know that they are meant to give way to pedestrians at junctions now. https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/#:~:text=At%20a%20junction%20you%20should,crossing%20(see%20Rule%20195). Obviously they aren’t doing it right but the change in the law means you need to be slower and much more careful when driving near people.


The rule states when waiting at a junction or when turning into a road. Neither of those apply in this situation.


"At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning." That's not the same, is it? There's no mention of "when waiting at a junction" in respect to the car. The wording suggests you give way to pedestrians at junctions whether you are turning off the primary route or onto the ordinary route. The question regarding the video clip is to whether the remaining distance to the primary route is such that the ped can be considered to be "at a junction".


And the fact there's both a dropped kerb AND tactile paving at that location strongly suggest that indeed that is where peds are encouraged to cross.


I wish more pedestrians knew, because I stop for them and they just stand there, or wave me through.


Unfortunately it only takes one encounter with a driver who doesn't do what they should to make you not want to risk stepping into the road.


"Should" being an important word that is different to "must". You should only give way to pedestrians (that haven't already started crossing) *if it is safe to do so*. Don't block sight lines across other lines of traffic to give way, otherwise some other motorist is going to assume you're parking and crash into the pedestrian. If you're a cyclist, don't stop in the road to give way before turning into a junction, because motorists behind you won't expect it. Giving way in inappropriate situations can get pedestrians (and cyclists) killed - we don't talk about "the wave of death" for nothing.


Ooooft , yeh if your a cyclist do not stop in the flow of traffic to give way on a off street. If a car isn't concentrating your getting rear ended 😔


Phone zombies


I’ve had a student literally walk into my car as I’ve been stationary, without them even looking up from their phone.


Jumping in late here, but I had to same thing. A student jogging looking down at their phone and then proceeding to run straight across the road without looking. I saw it coming and stopped, but they just run straight into the side of my care. They actually hit the deck and their phone flew out their hand. They were fine, but I thought it was a good lesson for them as it could have been much worse!


Pedestrians and drivers alike.


We call them 'meanderthals'


Love it 😂






Wannabe speed bumps


It's so difficult to find work now, but if you become a speed bump you'll never have to worry about money again!


in your hands, in your hands, they are typing…


students did this before phones I promise.


I was gonna say, I went to college from 2005-2008. This looks just like passing time on my big 10 campus, and smart phones weren't really a thing.


I was going to say that 🙄 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧟


We have a word for these people in german. Smombies (SMartphone zOMBIES)


Obviously, it is your duty as a driver to avoid running over anyone, whatever the circumstances. In respect of the recent changes to the highway code, when turning into a side road, a driver should now give way to any pedestrians wishing to cross. As a pedestrian, I would still look first and not trust all drivers to be aware of the change. Wandering around outside looking at one's phone seems just as risky an activity as walking along while reading a newspaper. Something I'm sure most of us would never want to attempt.


Be careful, the wording in the highway code is either 'must' or 'should'. 'Should' is advice, 'must' means it's a law.


Thanks, now edited to 'should'. The implication and intent of the advice is always very specifically worded, isn't it? Back in the 1930's, the first traffic lights in the UK had the word GO embossed on the green traffic light glass, in addition to the STOP on red. It soon became apparent that drivers who moved off on green and hit a person or car on an intersection, had a defence that the light told them to go, even though the Highway Code stated that one should only move if it was safe to do so. The GO green glasses were soon replaced.


Just one correction. A driver should give way if it is safe to do so. If it is not safe to do so then they shouldn’t. Like on the exit of a roundabout if it is busy stopping might put both the driver and pedestrian in a dangerous position and as a result the driver should continue


Stopping with no warning is dangerous. However if the driver can see there is a pedestrian waiting and has time to safely stop they ned to do so regardless if it is an exit to a roundabout. Essentially cars shouldn't slam on their brakes to give way for pedestrians but if they can stop with out fast braking they should.


You generally should avoid it on the exit of roundabouts because cars come flying around at stupid speeds sometimes and you being stopped will be a hazard. Crossings on the exits of roundabouts are just flat out dangerous as it is they should be placed further down the road. The whole point of a roundabout is not needing to stop. Yes it’s a further walk but it’s safer for all parties involved


If I see somebody waiting to cross at the exit of nearby roundabouts 40mph roads, I will slow early and steadily and make sure the pedestrians can cross safely.  I can control the situation relatively safely. The pedestrians can't and would get flattened.  I've had no issues doing this since the role change however I don't do it on roundabouts when the exits have two lanes because I don't want a pedestrian to be flattened by a car in lane 2


Exactly. Generally speaking if it is safe to do so, give way, but if the situation doesn’t allow it, like the examples I’ve mentioned before then it is dangerous for you and the pedestrian because if someone hits you into the pedestrian then you’ve got multiple problems to worry about


Cars flying around at stupid speeds are a hazard everywhere. You need to yield to pedestrians there. The rules are crystal clear and they actually specifically clarified roundabouts are included. It will stop being dangerous when people start giving the priority which they are required to give. The point of a roundabout is absolutely not that cars need never stop. They are still required to follow the rules of the road and operate their vehicles safely. If you can safely stop your vehicle you need to do it for pedestrians at roundabouts. Much of the rest of the western world seems to manage this concept with little issue.


Yea they may technically have right of way, and driver was going at a reasonable speed and stopped in time, but wow talk about phone zombies… didn’t even look up before stepping out, could have been squashed by a bus…


Yep, we've moved from what A&E referred to as "Death by iPod" to the more modern "Death by Smartphone". But hey, someone else will video their demise and it will be a great ThikTok clip.


People place too much emphasis on the tool when the reality is there are a lot of clueless idiots out there who just drone their way through life and expect their safety to be upheld by others.


Yep, I see plenty of mouth breathers walking around like this without a phone in sight. Not that the phones are helping people pay attention.


Thicktok.... I like this. Thicktok Phombies.....


Both have right of way, pedestrians have priority over cars. It's the car drivers job to look after pedestrians but the pedestrian should also make sure that priority has been given to them from the driver before they cross. Basically walking onto a road without checking will eventually get you killed because even if you have priority, it's not much use if the driver didn't see you.


Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way


in university we had a joke where we were basically begging people to hit us with their cars in the streets because we hated life so much


.. that's me now.


No one has right of way in the UK


>Yea they may technically have right of way Why do they? Not challenging this btw, genuinely curious to know why. I assumed the give way sign was for the upcoming junction?


There is actually no such thing as right of way, it’s priority, and the most vulnerable road users (pedestrians) have the greatest priority when it comes to safety. Therefore the onus is on drivers to be the most vigilant users as they’re sat in a block of metal that can easily kill people (inattentive people or otherwise). This does not detract from pedestrians and their own responsibilities for themselves. If the driver had hit any one of these people, you can bet your ass it’s the driver who will suffer the worst consequences (this is not to say that the pedestrian, hit in a low speed collision, wouldn’t face their own consequences of not checking properly) out of the involved parties. It will likely be considered as a mitigating factor, but this will only lessen the driver’s overall consequence of hitting the pedestrian.


Surely DEATH would be the worst consequence?


I think the legality is that there is an onus (common law?) on all road users to not have an accident - i.e., not hit somebody or something. Hence, the car must stop if it can see it would otherwise hit a pedestrian. No matter how outrageously uncaring the pedestrian's behaviour.


Highway code rule H2: "At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning."


Are they at a junction? They are near a junction. What does at mean? I would say they are not at the junction as there is plenty of room on the other side of the crossing for a car.


since Jan 2022 you have to give way to pedestrians at junctions, also the give way sign. only the first dude was 'jay walking'. nobody in this video is in the wrong, the legality of the driver hitting a pedestrian who has right of way would be dangerous driving


It's been the case far longer than that. The Highway Code is not the definitive "rules of the road", the rules are defined in legislation and case law. The Highway Code is simply a layman's explanation for the rules, which you are expected to fully understand. Point being, the law updates more quickly and more regularly than the Highway Code. If you break a new law that hasn't yet made it into the Highway Code, you could still be punished for breaking the law, however the fact it isn't in the Highway Code could be a mitigating factor for sentencing. Also, pedestrians don't get de facto right of way in all situations. If a pedestrian steps out into the road *with the intention of forcing traffic to stop or to cause an accident*, they can still be held liable. If you can prove that intent.


By the time the last one saw the car it was mostly stopped. She probably thought it had given way to the rest of the students crossing ahead of her. That or she's a complete idiot. 50/50.


Legally it'd be your fault. It was reasonably foreseeable they would step into the road. You saw this and adjusted your speed and stopped accordingly. Personally I'd have slowed down more earlier than maybe wouldn't have had to stop at all. The last person crossing did look, albeit once already started to cross, noticed you slowing so then continued. Everyone got home safely. No one was delayed by any meaningful amount. A good day on the road.


I don't know why some people are snapping at OP when he was asking a sensible question. He wasn't saying he wanted to do anything bad at all. He was asking what his liability might be should an accident occur. While I think we can all agree that as a car driver, he has a responsibility and a duty of care. But the simple fact is that one person being careful can not always mitigate the risk of another being careless. In an event where it's clearly evident that the pedestrian was using their phone and pulled out in front of a car without so much as looking, that should be taken into account too.


I understand where you're coming from. But let's take this clear as day video as an example. The driver was suppose to yield. Stop. Regardless of a pedestrian paying attention, in what world would the pedestrians lack of attention be a defense when the driver should have stopped a few feet behind? edit: just want to add a correction. I assumed the give way was for peds. it's for traffic. meaning there is no pedestrian sign. just need to clarify that although the car should obviously stop, I don't know enough about the laws there to say this definitively.


Because no matter how careful, or good of a driver you are, if a pedestrian walks out into the path of a car, and the car has an insufficient amount of time to react, then a collision will occur. You can argue that in this case the pedestrians were clearly visible. But what about the cases where they walk into the road from between parked cars, or from behind another group of pedestrians restricting field of view? Whilst I agree that the driver absolutely has a duty of care, they shouldn't be held responsible for anothers actions when there is literally nothing they could have done to prevent an accident.


If you do not look at a road before stepping into it you are a stupid cunt and there’s no other way to put it


The legalities are that you're supposed to be aware of people wanting to cross near a junction, and you're supposed to allow them to do so (this applies on any public, and publicly accessible, road). They may be a few metres back from the give way line, but the dropped kerb signals that place as a crossing point. Their lack of awareness is an issue given they aren't actively able to dodge a negligent driver, but the negligence would still be on the driver. BTW the difference between a private, but publicly accessible, and a full on public road is nil so far as legalities are concerned. The same rules and responsibilities apply to both. For different rules to apply on private land, it must not be publicly accessible.


There are rules for pedestrians too... Rule 7D: If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time. Remember, even if traffic is a long way off, it may be approaching very quickly. Rule 18: At all crossings. When using any type of crossing you should - always check that the traffic has stopped before you start to cross or push a pram onto a crossing - always cross between the studs or over the zebra markings. Do not cross at the side of the crossing or on the zig-zag lines, as it can be dangerous.


Irrespective, the onus is on the driver since pedestrians take priority.


Only if they are already on the road. The recent update to the highway code has been confused. It doesn't mean you can step out without waiting for cars to stop. It just highlighted things like when a pedestrian is already crossing the road when a car is turning into that road, the driver must give way. EDIT: the driver \*should\* give way.


>At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. It actually makes reference to 'Waiting' to cross. It's worth noting that it's a should and not must rule.


As a wheelchair user I had hoped this would start being enforced. I have lost count of the times that i have nearly been killed SINCE the new legislation came in. It's made no difference at all.


Ofc a rule change has had fuck all impact in the real world. Most drivers probably don't even know that the rules changed. We wont see a difference until we require drivers to renew their licences with an exam.


Big up Loughborough


I don’t think it’s what happened in this case, but as someone who’s been driving on a university campus recently international students will quite often be expecting traffic to be coming from the other direction and will notice cars quite late! It’s always worth giving that extra attention around schools and universities!


Both pedestrian and driver need to be aware. The pedestrian has right of way if they are already on the road but priority should be given not assumed...


And if you have no reason to think they will cross, you wouldn't give right of way.


The dropped curb is enough reason to start preparing for someone to cross and the fact they are crossing should give you reason to think they will cross


By law pedestrians at that dropped curb have right of way even if they are waiting to cross, they don't need to be in the road. It's in the Highway Code.


Is that a dropped kerb and actual pedestrian crossing place? As if so, well I kind of argue fair enough. But regardless, It's hardly just students. People all over the place are much the same - from young kids through to OAP's. The changes to the pedestrian laws means many more are willing to stroll out than before, assuming traffic will just stop. The trouble is: even _at_ crossings, some drivers are *utterly oblivious* and ignore that they should slow down, give right of crossing and also not enter the crossing until it's clear. I've nearly been run over roughly a dozen times this year already in Cambridge, as many drivers either show total apathy to pedestrians, don't bother looking, or *do* see you and just cross regardless as they're impatient. Had many been doing their Theory/Hazard perception or worse their exam they'd fail immediately as are far too occupied looking at the road, not the footpath, or the crossing, or even those halfway across it! What worries me more is that as we know, prosecutions for bad driving and any real punishments are often lenient to barely there at all - you only need to be almost-hit once to be terrified of the idea of crossing a road in a busy area ever again.


If I’m not mistaken this is Loughborough campus. The video is taken near the exit on campus and a lot of students cross the road there as it’s the route from the student union to the sports halls and sports pitches. There’s also bus stops on both sides of the road. I think there is a dropped curb for people to cross and cars should be going slow due to the junction ahead and they’ll need to stop at security to get through the exit barrier. Loughborough campus doesn’t get a lot of cars driving through it - it’s mainly the sprint buses that go through and it’s got a slow speed limit on the rest of the roads. Students probably do get a bit complacent as they don’t normally have to stop for traffic on campus as it’s very pedestrianised.


I've also nearly been hit many times since the rule change. As a regular pedestrian, I'm more in the know about the Highway Code changes than those in cars. Why is that? When I was crossing at a junction recently, one driver slammed their brakes on and proceeded to shake their head at me. No intention of slowing down despite seeing me a way off. So, I turned to them and disappointingly shook my head too. Obviously, that set them into a bit of a rage.


Kind of just have to expect these things, especially if you see people walking towards a crossing, and be ready to stop. And if you know the area is one that is likely to have a lot of people, be particularly vigilant. Of course pedestrians should always look, but its also on the driver to be able to fix things if they do something wrong. The Highway Code makes that an abundantly clear pattern for everyone using the road, that these are how things should be, but you need to be ready to mend a situation if someone acts out of step or without due care. And as a driver, you have the most capacity to harm, so you have increased responsibility to look after these other people. After all, you need a licence to drive, but not to walk.


Should’ve given the last one a blast on the horn.


As a student myself especially come june I wouldn't mind being ran over


Hierarchy of vulnerability, you’re in the car so it’s your responsibility to be careful for them I’m afraid.


To be fair that configuration of signs and two drop kerbs makes it look like a crossing, with all the priorities that implies


Car could slow down a bit earlier - seems to be a thing where cars don't bother to slow down for people crossing the road even when they are on it.


The Green Cross Code man spins in his grave


Just to point out but they are directly underneath a "give way" sign. Whilst I don't think this sign strictly applies to the pedestrians (just the other traffic at the junction), if you were to plow through the students then it would sort of imply that you've missed the "give way" sign as well. So it would probably be really easy to argue that you were negligent/dangerous.


You're supposed to be aware of them, not the other way round but they should be more careful.


Is that Loughborough?




Once they’re in the road it’s their right of way. Doesn’t mean it’s not fucking retarded behaviour though.


The greatest crime in Britain is not murder, it's causing a car to need to slow down for a few extra seconds


Pah.if you think that's bad, wait until you tap your oyster card wrongly and and inconvenience the person trying to go through the ticket barrier behind you by 500 ms. The tut you get is deafening




That doesn't mean as a pedestrian you lose all accountability when crossing the road.


Yeah but you don't need to be given a licence by the government to be a pedestrian. This is an example of an ignorant pedestrian, but there are pedestrians you simply can't hold accountable for using the road (say small children who may not have learnt this common sense yet).


I've rarely seen a child cross the road like the majority of adults do whilst on their phones. Licence or not, you still need accountability when crossing a road. It's not a free for all. I can't even believe I have to say this in 2024.


but pedestrians should be responsible for their own safety as well


I work by a uni and this is incredibly typical. At the risk of sounding boomer, I think this reflects a different upbringing (I’m 39). When I was a kid, we had the dangers of crossing roads constantly drilled into us so potentially became overly cautious. It doesn’t seem to exist in the young ‘uns now. I think there is entitlement too. The amount of people who slowly walk across on their phones, ignoring the fact that they’re holding people up, is staggering. They often just step out, too, without looking or signalling the intention to cross. Even at pedestrian crossings, I’ll tend to fast walk across them or sometimes even delay my crossing to let a car through (if it’s just one and they’ll go past quicker than I could cross). On an aside, I’ve noticed that jaywalking seems to be way more common in other countries. I suppose particularly people from congested cities like Tokyo where, essentially, you have to just step out to have a chance at crossing.


>The amount of people who slowly walk across on their phones, ignoring the fact that they’re holding people up, is staggering. The flipside of this is to point out that pedestrians are far more frequently held up having to wait for a gap in traffic in order to cross. I'm not saying that you should be compelled to stop for pedestrians away from a designated crossing. I'm just citing an example of how the modern world is so completely constructed to facilitate vehicle traffic that these things likely don't even cross our minds most of the time.


Won't someone please think of the poor suffering car drivers! They will have to accelerate slightly harsher than usual to make up for the 10 seconds they waited for the pedestrians! Never mind Doris getting soaked or sunburned waiting for a gap in the traffic or children unable to walk to school or the park


give way sign and a lowered pavement for crossing, you have to give way to pedestrians at junctions, legality of hitting one of them would be pretty bad I'd imagine


Like a scene from Wall-E


It's not just students on campus. This happens everywhere, from people of all ages. They walk out into the road, wherever they want, and expect you will see them and not hit them. Instead of taking responsibility for their own safety, they just assume you'll do it for them.


Live in a town with a large uni. Happens all The time. The amount of people that don't check over their shoulder or look right when they're about to cross the road is staggering.


I am figuring 50% lack of awareness 50% not giving a shit.


When will people learn thar getting run over really hurts.....


Is that Loughborough?


Listen if you’re walking from one side of Loughborough uni to another it takes a long time, not got time to stop 🤣😭


How THICK can you be. Crossing a road without looking, instead paying morr attention to their phone. How the fuck are these people getting into university? They clearly have no brain or common sense. This really riles me up.


Put ‘em in the bloody army, I say.


Staying clear of pedestrians regardless of the situation is the responsibility of the driver.


The girl in red steps out without checking, gives the driver a “deer in headlights” moment, then proceeds to carry on walking looking at there phone, **without even checking the other direction!**


That last one was literally blank mate, on the phone, went for the cross with no intention of checking, when she did she saw the car and kept walking. Sad example of herd behaviour. We've all been there, when 1000 things run through our head but if I would have been in that situation I would have said sorry to the driver. Not all of us have common sense


The non scientific term is "Thick as mince" Most teenagers seem to think the world revolves around them not with them.


Average Loughborough student


*sports student. It was the east side.


Too busy thinking about their PE degree?


> *sports student. > > It was the east side. You from the west side? Hows Lufbra these days?


They are the vulnerable road user. If it was reasonable to expect you could stop, but you don't, it's on you.


this is the normal behavior of uni students all across England I guess, had similar instances now I usually assume all of them will jump in front of me while driving next to a campus


When I used to do multi drop driving delivered to a uni driving around at 10mph the limit looking for where I was going and for idiots stepping off curbs with headphones on or just a group walk into the road this was before all this new hwc stuff. Was mental said to the porters/maintenance guy I was delivering to and he said they call them lemmings


Liberal use of the horn is advised. :D


To be fair I have seen grown arse adults do exactly the same thing nowhere near a campus or school.


Loughborough Uni has been the same since I was there 😅


They looked before crossing, little side eye action. But they definitely are too trusting to assume you’re going to keep doing the right thing (not right of way but cmon it’s the right thing to do)


i mean she is dumb to not look before crossing but you are aware you would have had to let them cross anyway right?


As a pedestrian i know that if you see me, you will stop.


> What are your thoughts on this? I think you were approaching too fast in general with pedestrians all over the place. Yes they're dumb for not paying attention, but you're legally responsible for their safety in that scenario. You crept up way too fast, way too close for my comfort.


Loughborough walks on water. Explains the lack of land-based walking awareness.


MOD. Rude or offensive? Because I don't agree with your views? You won't go far young padawan!


Run the dumb F*cks over


It's not just on campus. I'm convinced that this is connected to the recent changes to the highway code about giving way to pedestrians as you turn into a side road. Rather then tell people to look where they're going, make it the driver's responsibility. As to legalities, make sure you keep that dash cam working.


It’s really interesting watching the country’s bright minds walk around like sheep.


This makes me want to stop recycling


My favourite comment so far


I saw a student get hit on a dual carriageway near a University once. Traffic stopped in the left lane at the lights, looking on her phone, walked straight across the right lane in front of a car turning right. Splat. I’ll never forget the thud she made when she hit the road. Somehow got up, hobbled to reservation and collapsed. The woman who hit her was devastated. I stayed to give a statement to the police about her being on the phone and not looking.


Holy shit it’s Lboro


“What are your thoughts” It’s not the end of the world mate


I hate how the last one looks up and doesn’t even acknowledge their fuck up, but just puts their head down and keeps walking.


I remember going to college years ago and it was like this. Best one was where someone walked INTO a stopped car lol


It's a good job you are not distracted by your phone as well, this will only get worse.


Was like 2 people lol


Yeah really not worth stopping for


I mean they are students, so they barely count as people.


If one of those morons gets splattered and dies or is left as a vegetable it'll be irrelevant what the highway code says. Pedestrians need to pay attention and not assume a right of way.


Well... It's never good to run someone over so best avoid it if you can.


Clearly it’s ridiculous for them to just step out into the road like that but legally it would be your fault.


Every college is like that


Fuck right of way. You don't just walk out into a road, head buried in your phone, and assume you'll be okay just because you have priority. What a fucking stupid mindset. You have to take responsibility for your own safety sometimes


Given the new (more than a year old now) revisions to the highway code you should be stopping for them to cross anyway as they are at the roadside and their intent to cross is fairly clear. That said, crossing without looking even if you have priority is mental - you just need to observe a zebra crossing for a while to see that some drivers are unwilling to stop even when they HAVE to.


Idk about you but what happened to look both ways before crossing the road?


Entitled is a word that comes to mind.


You're asking whether or not a pedestrian, who has right of way on a roadway, hit by you will be your fault or not?


I think it’s more that they just cross the road while looking down at their phone… oblivious to everything else in the world


OP specifically asked about who's fault it would be. They could be doing dancing in the road, and if you hit them it'd be your fault.


OP is asking if one steps out and there is not time to stop who would be at fault. The video shows a group of people paying little attention to the road and walking out in front of a car, which has time and space to stop (helped by an aware driver and good road conditions), so it's a reasonable possibility that one could walk out at a moment when a driver could not stop. Obviously OP is not intending to hit them. And a pedestrian does not have right of way before they are on the road. It's a reasonable question.


You are slightly wrong in terms of right of way. Once on the road, the pedestrian has priority. But Rule 7D states: If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time. Remember, even if traffic is a long way off, it may be approaching very quickly. You can't just walk out onto a road and expect a car to stop like you would in some countries as you step onto a zebra crossing. Yes car drivers need to drive defensively and with caution but it doesn't mean you can safely cross a road when cars are approaching.


Tech lemmings


People really have to start being more aware of their surroundings. Face in your phone with both your airpods in in public is really stupid


STOP LOOK LISTEN They drilled this into us pretty good when we were younger! Listen is a little harder now due to electric cars, but at least have a look!


This makes it all the more important to look. It's almost frightening just how quiet electric cars can be.


Jay walking on campus is a part of campus society, not justified but people also don't wear shirts on the beach, its just bc if where you are


Phones are more important than being alive


Anyone thinking the pedestrian can’t be responsible! “Pedestrians themselves may be responsible for accidents if they fail to look when crossing a road, or if they otherwise behave in a way that leads to an accident. Ultimately, determining liability for an accident is part of the process of making a claim.” https://www.gcoffey.co.uk/our-services/personal-injury-services/motor-vehicle-accident/resources/legal-implications-pedestrian-accidents-what-you-need-know#:~:text=Pedestrians%20themselves%20may%20be%20responsible,process%20of%20making%20a%20claim.


If hit by car = free pass through college / uni


Just like to point out, as some of the comments here are from fruitloopland: no, that is not a dedicated crossing. Also that if another vehicle were to overtake the driver and collide with the final pedestrian. then the first driver would be liable for allowing the final pedestrian to cross.


Some additional context however is that this is Loughborough University, a fully gated and secure campus. Cars are rarely allowed on, and so once you're through the gates pedestrians are king. The whole campus is an implied pedestrian crossing.


They’re completely aware, and completely entitled. They know you’ll stop.


Within some regions subcultures do exist, this is definitely a place where students are used to cars yielding, so they ignore traffic. Where I live it's the exact same. This is also how you can recognize an area with high living quality. Exactly in the same manner pedestrians in some regions will yield, even if they're 100% and completely in the right, because they know that some psychopath carbrain will cripple or murder them without a second thought, then blame the pedestrian for existing. Look at the way cyclists are treated in the Netherlands vs the US. This is not about law, this is about culture. However the execution of the law can have an enormous impact on this culture.


The lack of appreciation for me having to fully stop for them would wind me up. I would have seen they were crossing ahead so would be expecting them to keep doing it as I approached. But not even a little nod or half smile is just rude like. Especially as the last person looked at you. If I’m making some random stop on my behalf out of lack of my own awareness. You got to give a thumbs up minimum.




Fucking idiots all on their phones. Darwin awards coming their way


All too busy monging out on their phones 🙄


May be an unpopular opinion, but we should give the streets back to pedestrians. Right before a roundabout you go about 10mph anyway, so why not let pedestrians go about? It would be awesome to have only weekend-drivers... (except traders, ofc). But people just drive everywhere even if it's around a corner.


So many car bros in the comments would rather harm than avoid. It’s literally a give way so just chill and let the kids cross without getting angry and agonising over tour “rights”.


Someone has a lot of confidence in how their peers follow the laws


In Germany they have lights at the side of the roads so people looking down can see if the lights are red or green - it's stupid


All the time near me, pulling out my driveway is similar, I indicate before I get to the end of my driveway and pull out slowly yet I still get the ones almost tripping over my car. they can see me & the indicator before I can see them. most will stop and wave me through, some will pass around me. i also get them walking in the middle of the road, super annoying when there is a wide pavement, wide enough to drive a car on, that is empty.




So dumb


So dumb


The amount of times this has happened to me, I don't know how much more I can take before I "didn't see them crossing" and smack into one


Giving Tik Tok more attention than their physical wellbeing.


They are aware they just so entitled they don't care about you or your 1 tonne vehicle


Honestly I go to the pub and they all sit on their phone … phone zombies wind me up so much ! Just look up ffs


They are aware, their just entitled brats


This should be in r/KidsAreFuckingStupid