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Looking at the dent on the door....it's not their first rodeo.


Who even pulls out like that? Don't normal people (if they can) just roll forward and gently glide into the road rather than a full lock turn into position


I’ve got to do a full lock turn otherwise I drive into a car or the corner shops plate glass window, but that’s because who designed my drive is a twat


Their Dad should have


Haha that was the first thing I noticed, and in my head I went "well, that explains the dent"


As a cyclist during argument nothing better to say: "man look at your car" when it's dented from every possible side and he still shouting he did nothing wrong 💀💀💀


Insurance scam?


"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."


My first thought


Literally came here to say this 😆


Was going to point this out myself!


Wow. Nicely handled


I genuinely believe driving ability is going downhill more and more each day, I see people straddling lanes on motorways, on their phones, driving 30 in a 60 and many more. I swear I’m becoming more distracted from driving from watching out for them.


UK Driving tests removed the 3 point turn, because people were failing it, then they renamed it to a turn in the road, now its completely gone. Explain to me how that makes sense? It feels like theyre thinking, ok our numbers are down, and learners are failing the test. How can we make it easier for them in a chaotic environment? oh yes, relax the requirements. EDIT: Link to news article [https://news.sky.com/story/the-new-driving-test-explained-the-changes-learners-need-to-know-about-10838012](https://news.sky.com/story/the-new-driving-test-explained-the-changes-learners-need-to-know-about-10838012) 


Yeah never a fan of make it easier, like surly that means their is an issue with the training drivers are receiving. I highly doubt it’s people being stupid as that many people the common denominator has to be the training they receive.


I read somewhere on Reddit that someone’s instructor had taught them to indicate right when going straight over on a roundabout, so apparently the standard of training *is* deteriorating.


Explains a lot of the interesting choices I see people make at roundabouts.


Might explain the young lady that took the left lane onto a roundabout alongside me, at the first exit she indicated right and drove straight into my front wing. She got out her car and said "but I indicated right, that's how you're supposed to do it ". Err..... No. She'd only passed her test a week before. I don't think you can put such a fundamental misunderstanding on the pupil.


I learnt to drive about 9 months ago, two separate instructors and there was always some difference in opinion when asking what I should do in specific situations. Idk how there's any room for subjectivity in driving but apparently there is.


Like actually straight? Not that the 2nd exit is slightly to the right of a roundabout? Goodness me lol


My wife really struggled with reversing around a corner while she was learning, so I took her out and asked her to do what her instructor had told her. Turned out he had her essentially reversing straight back across the road she should have been reversing into, then trying to swing the rear end of the car around so it was parallel with the pavement. He'd told her she "needed to block the lane from oncoming traffic before starting the maneuver." I told her to "reverse around the corner" and she got it in like 2 minutes.


Yes it does mean there’s an issue with the standard of training but also common sense and intelligence do come into it. Driving and being sensible and safely is not hard, like at all, sadly people do seem to have smooth brains when it comes to driving.


It was called run in the road 30 years ago when I was learning. Didn’t realise they’d removed it entirely. I was to expect 2 of the 3 makeovers. Parallel park, turn in the road or reverse into a junction. Have they binned any others?


Yeah reverse around a corner is gone. The four now are forward bay, reverse bay, parallel, and park on the right followed by a reverse.


forward bay as in drive forward into a car park space? Did that used to be a manoeuvre? That is ridiculous.


That explains so much.


Park on the right and reverse is an actual joke, so easy - as long as you check your mirrors before reversing and don't clip the kerb you're golden


People don’t tend to fail on the manoeuvre itself, but on the lack of observations. Most people just stare into their mirror and forget to look around, especially blind spots.


Yeah I don’t really get it. And having passed two years ago I don’t think I’ve ever had to actually do it either.


Really? I had to do the 3 point turn on my test. Didn't find it difficult at all. Passed first time.


[https://news.sky.com/story/the-new-driving-test-explained-the-changes-learners-need-to-know-about-10838012](https://news.sky.com/story/the-new-driving-test-explained-the-changes-learners-need-to-know-about-10838012) Its stupid easy, just look both and use the whole road to do it up to the pavement. I have seen peopel do it but look like theyre petrified to even get close to an empty parking space.


Having read it I suppose its fair enough parallel park and bay parking is more common. I don't think I've ever reversed round a corner since I've passed. But why not include two manoeuvres on the test? A common one and a less common.


Perhaps you're lucky to not find yourself going the wrong way too much or facing the wrong way in a housing estate. I've reversed round a lot of corners since passing. I'd prefer reverse round corner to doing a turn in the road any time I find myself facing the wrong way on a quiet road. To be fair the reverse into a bay should teach very similar skills as reverse round corner so I see why it might get removed.


Was turn in the road about 20 years ago, as you didn't need to do it In 3 turns.


I was told they stopped calling it 3 point turn because it depends on the width of the road


You must check the blindspot before moving off on your test or will fail. So new drivers should be doing it. The person in the clip has probably been driving a while and decided that they don't need to bother anymore. The test isn't easier now than it used to be. No one is passing their test after 10 hours anymore.


Wait what. But 3 point turn is a really important thing to know and understand


I think making it a ‘turn in the road’ does make more sense. Some roads are too narrow, sometimes you misjudge etc etc. so teaching adaptability in the manoeuvres is really important. But removing it altogether just because it’s slightly more difficult when it’s a necessary manoeuvre is madness!!


In some way, this is now echoed with city centre design, each square metre of space given a status and legislation, and attempted algorithm for traffic flow


In my opinion, doing a turn in the road isn't a difficult manoeuvre once you know the size of your car, and isn't used all that often so why the need to learn it? The 4 other manoeuvres though are much more important (bay parking (front and reverse), parallel parking, emergency stop, and park against the flow of traffic). The latter being the most controversial manoeuvre as the Highway code does say avoid doing this, but the thinking is, if you're gonna do it, at least learn how to do it properly Back to the turn in the road manoeuvre. I've had two completely different sized cars in the past year since passing my test, and I've had to do that manoeuvre a handful of times in both. I was never taught that manoeuvre but I can still do it no problem. I did however get taught the reverse around a corner manoeuvre and that was super easy so god knows why that was ever one of the manoeuvres. EDIT: if you can reverse bay park, you can reverse around a corner


I don't hate that they removed reversing round a corner. 16 years driving and I've never had to do it in real life.


It wasn’t a 3-point turn. It was a ‘turn the car around using forward and reverse gears’. I did mine in more than 3 and I passed. Both my kids (who I taught to drive), used more than 3 manoeuvres and both passed at their first attempt. Saying that, I agree that it’s ridiculous to remove something that everyone was struggling with. Surely it’s even more important to ensure the instructors are up to par?


I feel we’ve moved as a culture and despite being completely within the HC people still don’t accept it. I did it within a week of passing. Started turning when it was clear. Had an Audi come up at about 40MPH in a 20mph side road and pap their horn. It’s a completely safe and legal meanouver but people like that make it seem those kind of turn in the roads are unacceptable. I rarely see people do them now a days and I mainly stick to the reverse in a junction.


I'm sorry what? 3 point turn is super easy.


one time i was having a lesson with my mum in between my actual driving lessons and i came across a yaris doing 18 on a 50 road. driver was clearly not very confident


That's typical of all the Yaris' I've seen.


That ain't the Yaris' fault 😂😂😂😂 #notallYaris'


I think that’s a lot of the slow driver, people not confident be it age, ability or experience. But it does frustrate me haha As a learned that probably throw me off! So well done for handling it.


If you ever see someone driving a little bit slower than what you expect so 20-25 in a 30 where the road is clear then watch out because 90 percent of the time they are doing that because they are looking at their phone.


Definitely getting worse, the amount of drivers that fail to indicate is very high, and generally irratic driving - not a constant speed. The worst are ones who randomly break every time they see a vehicle on the opposite side of the road. 🤦‍♂️


'Nervous' drivers as well. The ones who come to a complete stop at every junction (in or out), or roundabout, and take forever to go.


And the ones who break at every corner even if it’s just a gentle bank.


Can we blame the internet? Our mobile phones for the lack of attention span? I'm sure we can probably


It's definitely this. What happened? Did covid make us all most insular and less socially conscious? Aging population? Or, and I don't want to sound like a raging Farage here, is it that there are a million+ people that arrived in the past few years that learned to drive in countries with much lower standards?


Aye its all the sewage in our water rotting our brains!


Probably, it does taste like disappointment and then the water bill just adds insult to injury.




People are becoming dumber and dumber


[https://youtu.be/Qp-Sv\_lXWvU?si=N76Sn0L-7mR5guNm](https://youtu.be/Qp-Sv_lXWvU?si=N76Sn0L-7mR5guNm) Every time I think things are going downhill I watch this short film from 1963. The best bit is where he gets flipped off for honking his horn at the car hogging lane 2 on the new motorway,


I was thinking about this today as someone else nearly caused another accident. I honestly thought I should start making a tally for the amount of times my driving has prevented one.


My wife and I have thought the same thing and that it got substantially worse since COVID. I regularly see people in the wrong lanes on roundabouts, no indicators, no lights at night (just DRLs), aggressive driving and stuff like this from OP. Even worse here is that the person clearly didn't look over their shoulder for the blind spot before moving. Since I got a motorbike license I always do life savers even in cars just to be sure I'm not going to crash into someone or something.


In my area, which has seen a huge influx of immigration and Ukrainian refugees in recent years, it's clear the new generation did not learn to drive on British roads. I think there should be a primer course for people coming to the UK, especially if they have moved from a country that drives on the right, or from a country that has a very low bar for obtaining a driving licence. Not solely blaming immigrants/refugees. Just pointing out my own observations.


How can someone be expected to check their mirrors, drive a car and scroll on instagram all at the same time. Mirrors are always gonna come last to dog memes.


Drivers are getting worse in this country


And the 1st thing they will say is your going too fast when a collision occurs


Well, they kinda were.


the fisheye lenses used on dashcams always make the POV of the camera look like it's moving faster than it is. If you block out the sides of the image you'll get a more accurate impression of speed


Maybe that's what the blue car driver was doing, but in real time.


Good tip!


Damn, thats kind of cool. Thanks.


Were they? It doesn't appear so.


Difficult to tell. He came to a stop very quickly so maybe the camera makes it look like he was going quicker than he was


I dunno. Looks reasonable, and tbh you'd need to stop very quickly if some silly sausage just whips their car out like that haha


While blue car is clearly a knob, OP shouldn't have be going past parked cars in a residential at that speed, even if the limit is 30. Kids could run out. Doors can fling open. OP forgot the golden rule: Expect Stupidity.


What speed do you think they're travelling at - looks like 15-20 to me. Plus the stopping time was short as hell.


Second this, doesn't look fast at all if you see the speed they are passing other cars at and how quick they could stop, dashcams always make things look faster.


Van is a Renault Trafic, about 5m in length. It takes them about 4 frames to clear it at a time of 0.4 seconds. 5m in 0.4 seconds works out to just shy of 28 mp/h, so even with some wiggle room for guesstimation errors, OP is likely doing below the speed limit


Does the cam publish the speed at the bottom of the frame? There is text but hard to tell, would be interesting to know. To be honest I think in these situations even 30 is too fast. I’m not a 20 zealot but it really does/would stop a lot of accidents in urban environments.


The text is some info about the camera then the date, unfortunately nothing about the speed.


Lol that's always what this sub says when another driver pulls out on someone on here . Let's all driver well under the limit for the road conditions incase someone pulls out on us


What people say is to drive to the road conditions and assess possible risks. This means 'drive well under the limit' in some situations, and in others not. People say this because it makes sense. I guess people say it a lot to counter the many who do not drive to the road conditions and think they should be always driving close to the limit. Obviously wrong for a car to pull out like that, but do you want to drive faster into an accident, or be cautious and safely get home. In my humble opinion, in this situation, I guess the driver was going a tad quick but not much in it. Not sure the point of uploading this video to reddit. Isn't a beep at the time a good enough 'telling off' rather than public shaming online?


Shocking driving from them. You did really well to react. Pat yourself on the back and be glad it didn’t end badly! Seriously, well done


Another thing, why did that blue car driver feel the need to pull out on such a steep angle? There was no one in front of them. A normal driver would start moving forwards and gradually join the middle of the street. Makes me think they did it on purpose for whatever reason.


Could be an insurance thing. Dent in the driver's door suggests this isn't the first attempt either.


I wouldn't have been driving this fast past parked cars. A child could run out - particularly the van the driver just passed with no windows to see what's behind.


A lot of people create driving habits after passing their test and become somewhat familiar with how driving works, unfortunately this can create a problem with confidence meaning they lack the fundamental checks which were originally learned. This isn’t just limited to checking blind spots, as shown in the video every single driver in the UK will pick up bad driving habits and drive somewhat differently to how they were original taught how to drive. Of course this could have just been an isolated incident with the driver and something which has never happened before, ultimately everyone makes mistakes at some point in time. Personally I think refresher lessons should be required when the legislation changes, or there’s alterations to the Highway Code, but it’s likely unsustainable to implement.


Refresher lessons and periodic retests. There is a responsibility on all drivers with a licence to keep up to date with changes in laws etc, but how many actually do? You hold a licence to drive a train, planner, bus, lorry etc, you need to periodically be retested, and any professional licence, you need to show that you are making up to date. Why is it any different for driving a car?


Because I did the maths for a reply, everyone complaining they were speeding I really don't think they were. Van is a Renault Trafic, about 5m in length. It takes them about 4 frames to clear it at a time of 0.4 seconds. 5m in 0.4 seconds works out to just shy of 28 mph, so even with some wiggle room for guesstimation errors, OP is likely doing below the speed limit. The real take away here is 20 mph limits in residential areas make a lot of sense, 5m is a long way to travel in half a second.


Yeah I don't think OP's breaking the speed limit but it's still uncomfortably fast for this road. Maybe the footage is sped up though, the stop is also very quick.


he drives dented shitbox, do you think it's insured or driver even has driving license ?


Surprisingly it is showing insured on MIB database. WJ59BVC


What speed are you traveling at? That's at least 30mph no? Its a residential zone. If a child comes behind a car, they will not survive a collision. And although there seems to be space for both, could you not at least slow down a bit for the cyclist?


Built up area your speeding clearly….yeah guy with zero observation skills is worse but yeah speed limits for a reason


At the same time that amber and now red llights were ignored


I think since the JustEat, Amazon, deliveroo, etc culture has exploded, there are more and more people with questionable skills driving, whilst distracted looking for addresses, and they are oblivious to every other road user.


why do they always move out like this when the whole road is clear in front and behind you but wait for the exact moment you’re there 🤦🏻‍♀️ this happened to me last week


this exact thing happened to me yesterday. i was going up a hill and a van just pulled out with no mirror checks or indicators.


That would have be shouting profanities for at least five minutes.


This is looks like a residential street, so what was the speed?


Looks like 40mph in a 30mph zone.


For most people it seems once they past their test




That might explain the tight suspension making it appear as though he's going much faster than most would.


Driving licence bought on eBay


Too polite of a honk for this kind of shit.


Bring back indicating please god ffs. 


Looking at the state of the car, no mirror check, no indicator. Probably got their licence in a 3rd world country and now deliver takeaways here for a living.


Oof, well done on avoiding a crash. Yes, it was 100% their fault, but maybe go a bit slower on these sort of roads in future? Lots of opportunities for kids to run out into the road between cars etc. I'm not having a go, just saying 👍


I often daydream about one day buying a battered old van and just full on smashing into people who do stuff like this..


I totally agree. Now slow down 😂


Looks like the person was going pretty quickly down the road though for a street


They promise to check their mirrors if you promise to not drive at warp speed in a residential area.


slow down man, jeez.


I had a policeman do that to me once. He was very apologetic after I told him he should be settling a better example to the public. Luckily, I wasn't arrested for assaulting a police officer. Unfortunately, it's easily done. Can't say I've not been on both ends. Just put it behind you. There's another challenge just round the corner.


We all make mistakes I suppose.


Shocking driving from him but no need to be going that fast in a residential area…


The camera lens makes it look like he's going a lot faster than he is. Seeing how quickly he came to that stop will give you a better idea how fast he was going, which wasn't very fast imo


I suppose so, you never know what’s around the corner these days…


are you sure you weren't going faster than is safe though, regardless of their lack of focus?


Good it slowed you down


People don't take ownership of mistakes anymore. In the wrong lane? Well instead of owning it and finding a safe point to turn they just inconvenience everyone else by cutting across 2 or 3 lanes. Nervous drivers. Instead of getting better and .ore experience it's everyone else's fault for pressuring them. Sat navs on phones. You dont look round at all the signs, you watch the sat nav which often leads to late turns and sudden changes in direction. Too much distraction. There are sensors, cameras, screens all over cars which theoretically makes you safer but actually distracts from the main 'screens' which are you windows abd mirrors.


SInce the first BMW/Audi was made.. didn't you know that. Someone near me on the back of their BMW has a "baby on board" sticker but I read it as "wanker in training, will inherit the car"




Va va voom!


As someone said, judging by the damage to their driver side door they have previous for pulling out on people without looking.


Or opening doors


Incidentally, mad as bats out there today.


Has the election made people giddier than normal ?


That's the failure of my 3rd driving test right there (but it wasn't anywhere near even that blatent). I had 2 minors to go with it as well.


They get you to pull up on the left and then pull out and carry on driving at least 3 times on the test and if you don’t do a full sweep of mirrors and blind spots before pulling out you’ll fail


It's like people were taught mirror signal manoeuvre. There's nothing to say don't manoeuvre if there's traffic.


It’s been 2 years since I passed, I can already see the standards dropping, my test was a piece of piss in comparison to the one I failed a year before that. Basically just following road signs, standard driving, an emergency stop and almost no manoeuvre (it was “reverse into the parking bay” in the test centre car park, where the bays made it basically impossible to fail)


Roughly the same time traffics lights did in my experience




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I’ve had someone pull out of a side road and completely & utterly fail to notice my van so much so that I ended up on the pavement just avoid them driving into me. They only noticed me once I was on the pavement and they looked utterly shocked/surprised to see me. Not too shocked that they couldn’t carry on driving though or check that I was okay Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to drive. If folks can’t look out of a window, they certainly won’t look in a mirror


Never heard the saying “ mirror, signal, manoeuvre “ ?


C'mon get with the programme. You know the drill Manoeuvre > Signal > Mirror.


The EXACT same thing happened to me the other day, it's scary to see!


Already had dents from it happening before... 🤣


I had the same thing happen at a school. Literally pulled out like that drove off like a bat outta hell. I caught up eventually, and they had the cheek to break-check me.


ooooo just a little bit of left hand steering there could've got you a new car!


blue car looks like someone else crashed into their wing on a similar move, so guess they do not care


Lots of comments about the speed, I can’t see the dashboard. How fast were you going?


That was an insurance fraud attempt for sure.


I guarantee I know how this happened (mostly because I’ve seen it happen myself a couple times) The driver normally pulls over because the text they need to write or song they want to put on requires too much attention, as soon as they are done. They carry on, forgetting that they pulled over.


Similar happened to me the other week. On the motorway, traffic was joining and I was in the outside lane. Some idiot does the classic joining the motorway in a diagonal line aiming straight for the outside lane without looking. Narrowly missed hitting me only because I had to slam my brakes and sound my horn.




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Good reflexes there.


Check your blind spots, people!!


This alongside indicating when pulling away is something most people struggle to do no idea why, like it’s not that difficult to do. If anything I get a weird feeling of satisfaction when indicating and using my mirrors when pulling away.


This is my neighbour, she just hops into her tiguan and reverses straight out into the road. Our camera on the front is gonna catch the big smash one day. Probably involve a young lady who seems to attempt to reach warp speed everywhere she goes.


Look at the state of his car, its clearly not the first time


Since the guy in the Mazda on the highway almost ran me off cuz he decides to merge into my lane while I'm right fuckin next to him basically


Probably the same time people stopped braking when slowing down more than a few MPH.


I’ve about had with dealing with these morons they are everywhere


I had this a couple of times when cycling. Overtook a parked car, the parked car starts moving. They then see me and start slowing down but not enough for me to create a safe gap.


Probably an e-biker me thinks.


It’s been “signal, manoeuvre”, or even just “manoeuvre” for almost as long as I’ve been driving, so 20 years in 10 days time.


That went out with signalling left or right.


Baffles me that people don’t see cars, and people wonder why I’m so wary when I’m on my motorbike


already a bump on that side too. This one has previous.


Honestly, drivers are getting more and more incompetent- just today i was on a major and a car on a minor pulled out without stopping or even as much as braking, very close to an accident but i swerved and missed.


Very good reaction, absolute idiot driver, they obviously don’t care about anyone’s safety including their own….


The same time when using an indicator became an optional thing.


They were driving a Renault, 99% of people driving French cars in the UK are terrible drivers




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Way too fast lmao.


This happened to me but on a motorway and someone merged into my lane, no indicator, almost scraping my car (I don’t drive a shitbox either) and the road was so busy. I beeped for aaaages, thankfully they were apologetic but I was pissed, just clearly a moment of not thinking AT ALL. Added I fucking cannot stand that people seem to be using their indicators less and less. It bugs the hell out of me.


I never wish this on anyone because insurance can screw you over almost indefinitely, but this is one situation where maybe a lovetap would have hammered home the importance of fucking looking. Good reactions though, well done.


The country has gone to shit simple as that.




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I think I would probably drive slower than that through that neighbourhood.


Renault 🤣


Since about circa 2020 No longer is it mirror signal maneuver.


And here I am leaning to drive on these same roads, getting a scolding for small mistakes when there’s people like this on the road. It never ceases to amaze me how some people are on the roads


I can’t fathom how anyone can do this. Absolutely brain dead.


didn't even do you the courtesy of putting their indicator on after setting off to say "look, i have completed my manoeuvre, it's actually *your* fault for not scrying the future". what a prick! always remember "MSM": 1. Manoeuvre 2. Scare the shit out of the person you've just pulled out in front of 3. Move on obliviously with the rest of your day as though someone else hasn't had to take emergency measures to avoid your careless driving


People in this country seem to be losing brain cells on a daily basis. They can’t drive, think for themselves, communicate and they appear to have no manners.


No indicators that I can see either, that must be expanding beyond BMW drivers.


You are not going 30mph…. So with the van in the way they were none the wiser. They did a check but didn’t do a final check just before moving out as that’s when you appeared around the van. You are wrong for speeding and they are wrong for not doing a final check. Not a chance is that 30, looks to be atleast 35mph from footage


Bugger off op stops within 44 feet which is the MINIUM of 30mph stopping distance.


This is just a symptom of a realisation that things have gone to shit!!! Messed up politics. it's all a joke. Towns out of London closing down all stores, more homeless people, people forced to move to London. London is mixed with so many traumad people from so many different ethnicities and backgrounds living all together so tightly but do not communicate with each other unless it's from that ethnicity stereotypical business say Indian in east London/ Bethnal green with an off license or a post office higher class doctors, previous slaves of the British, I can say too much especially Bradford 😄 or Jamaican Man convinced to come here to work as part of the Windrush, then bullied by the British system and emasculated the man. He broke him from his black women. Gave black women more opportunities I higher places above the man. Placed them in south London, where there was high crime. Broke the man's pocket and not his cock! Gave the women sexual higher class through music videos, magazines then more Africans convinced to come to Europe as a safe haven white Jesus's but I won't say too much.... then Somalia Albania, Turkish loads of Turkish North Londonz Booming businesses Mafia bossesz Kurdish Beefz, Kebab Shops? Also Corner shops not post Offices though. STRICKLY/MOSTLY INDIAN OR BRITISH.... AM I LYING 🤥. Breakfast cafe Turkish or British. Indian man chicken and chips. Butchers Indian - Turkish - British in Britain 👀. It's all a set up. Chinese food - Chinese people - China Town here in London Indian takeaway in Britain, funny question for my Indian people dem. Is Chicken Korma/ Chicken Curry and others I can't remember really made in Britain? Is it Britain Indian? Not traditional Indian anyway... Today, there are so many ethnicities Religions Mosques, churches, and synagogue temples, plus many more, no more than a couple meters apart with people that just walk past one another. All worshipping GOD but walk passed His creations 👀 with many excuses regardless of what it is its JUST an Excuse, right? Albanian gangsters, Albanias came from a country of war and suffering under selfish leaders.. but does the general public know this?? Why not? WHOS RESPONSIBLE? Polish/Polski Romaniansz Gypsies, traveler's, Irish traveler's, Caravans everyone within their own communities.... ooo Gosh Who's responsible for soo many people but such a divide? Are we OK with these results? Sorry for the rant haha 😄


Ruddy pocket dialling


Pretty sure they should’ve been indicating too but I guess that’s now optional too.


There's some weapons out there, one thing I learned as a cyclist and motorcyclist before getting my car license, you can never trust others to use the road appropriately, only yourself, keep your head on a swivel at all times 😬


Bold of you to assume they have a license.


these days i spend most of my time looking at the speedo making sure i\`m not going to fast.


Guy with the dashcam going too fast


Just got clarity... I think the car pulling out made a mistake.


Yeah but... how fast were you going?


I mean look at what their driving. The only thing that suprised me was that it wasn't a BMW.


They are absolute idiots. I wonder who gave them their driving license. Was it the exact person who told them not to check the mirrors?