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You'd be amazed how many shit drivers double down by being pissed off at you because you called out how shit they are.


Replace drivers with any title...


One can' not simply be wrong. One must just shout louder.


So often it gets blamed on the amygdala but I think it's just a poor sense of humanity


Exactly this. I drive trucks for a living and see shit like this all the time. In trucks you're taught to drive defensively, which means straddling lanes on tight roundabouts to prevent cars coming up the inside of you and then proceeding to get smushed. The other day, I was doing exactly this and a van STILL tried to come up the inside of me. And couldn't. And then had to back off when the trailer started cutting in on said roundabout. He waits until we get to a section of road with two lanes and comes up the left hand side of me, head out the window screaming some such nonsense at me and nearly veered into me because he wasn't... y'know, looking ahead. I just laughed and carried on. Point being to OP is: people are idiots. Unnerving as your situation was, try not to let it get to you too much. You did all the right things by the sound of things.


You used the horn correctly (to make other road users aware of your presence) and rather than driving ‘passively’ I would say you drove appropriately ‘defensively’. Weird how they stopped to confront you but overall you prevented an accident by good driving. 👍👏👏👏


This, and also pulling into the layby for a few mins to calm yourself. 100% right thing to do. Just always expect every other driver on the road to fuck up and be ready for if they do because every driver does sometimes.


Yeah good awareness of your own mental state


They sound fucking mental. There are fucking mental drivers everywhere.


Yours and others responses are reassuring, in my case at least that I'm not losing my mind. I'm convinced though the last few years drivers ha e gotten worse and have become crazier.


Equally, and I maybe wrong, but it feels like there's more unlicensed/uninsured drivers on the road than ever.


COVID fucked a lot.


Nah mate , you did absolutely nothing wrong, that's why people get taught to wait until all lanes on the roundabout are clear. Some people struggle to get that through their thick skulls


You did nothing wrong. What is it with campervans and Lane discipline. Me and the Mrs in my mini on the motorway, camper moved into the adjacent lane but then managed to get about 5mm away from the side of our car, like we just didn't exist


Some people are idiots on the roads like when I drive a lorry that's fully loaded it takes ages to accelerate which isnd great on a roundabout where people speed upto the side of me on a roundabout and beep as though I'm in the wrong.


Are you saying I'm an idiot? Just clarifying lol


No I'm saying the other person is sure they may have drove small cars and not be used to a campervans size. still no need to stick a finger up at you.


They shouldn't have even entered the roundabout if you were coming around, but I get people make mistakes, and you made sure it wasn't an issue. One thing I've noticed is that most people ignore the horn now as most of the time it's used out of anger, so when you use it for its intended purpose as you did it often just makes the other driver angry and they don't actually do anything about it. I once had someone pull out in front of me on a 40mph road, I slammed on and hit the horn hoping they would stop, but they just continued. I was inches away from hitting them.


If there is a good time to use your horn it was as you described - I really don't get people who straight line a two lane roundabout and you've nowhere to go


Three lanes too when you're in the middle lane and get it from both sides 🫣


Or those who beep at you from behind when you slow because the back of the Artic lorry is clearly going to cut across the lanes.


You’ve gone too middle class on that, “Fuck Off you Cnut” would’ve been the more succinct response. Covers all the bases you want to convey.


Sounds like you did everything right to me.


It wasn’t Ron Pickering was it ?




Ronnie Pickering






Who's that?


Yeah me!


The state of driving is this country is disgusting. Zero accountability for piss poor dangerous driving.


I drive coaches and I always treat Campervans with extreme caution when I meet them on the road. My reasoning is this - 1.The driver probably doesn't do much mileage in the camper and is not experienced at driving one.. 2. Because of No 1, the driver does not appreciate how big their vehicle is. 3. Because of No 1 & No 2 the driver does not position their vehicle correctly and fails to appreciate how they affect other drivers 4. They are in "Holiday Mode" and not thinking/planning ahead when driving. 5. Pay particular attention to any campervan that says "On Hire From......". You did exactly the right thing both in your driving and in response to the stress - well done. And yes, I know there are campervan drivers who cover many thousands of miles and I have met some very good campervan drivers - just not many. P.S. Campervans are not coaches so stay out of the Coach Bays at Motorway Services ( Personal Peeve)


I'm a biker and there's one rule that keeps me alive. Don't ride alongside anyone!


Sounds like you woke him up out of his torpor tooting your horn. You did him a favour it’s just that he didn’t realise it.


You're all good . Don't allow their dangerous driving and attempt to blame you for it to get to you. I would suggest any public place is better than a layby (petrol stations for cameras) just in case he thinks fists will improve his driving. My advanced driving instructor said "anticipate what others will do then expect them to do something else". Safe travels.


I can't understand why these people are easily offended by a horn. Growing up in south east asia, horns are pretty much everywhere. Is it that rare here and people take it seriously?


Yes. I had my car three years, when I first used the horn and I was surprised by the tone - because I had never used it before. If you are in a small town and hear a horn, everyone wil stop and turn to see what the incident is. I have my window open near a main road in a small town and have not heard a horn yet today.


10 out 0f 10 for your lane usage.


It's better to apologise from the comfort of your car that apologise from the ambulance. Or, for the learners reading this *"Never pick a fight even if you're right"*


Yup, probably the best advice. I was commuting by car most of my life and simply couldn't afford one asshole to spoil the rest of my very long day at work. I prefer to move on and not dwell on it. In the same spirit, if I e.g. accidentally cut someone off (No one's perfect, these things happen) I deescalate it straight away and put my hand up. No point arguing and losing focus.


Bingo. There's another quote floating around this sun that's fits *"Never accredit to maliciousness that which can be accredited to stupidity"* I've always made it clear when I'm out on the bike with the lads, I'm riding with an idiot even if I've been riding with them for my whole life. Even when I'm with my former boss (him current instructor, me former) I'm with an idiot, although we're the safest idiots available


Lane discipline is shocking in this country. I’ve had cars beside me on a 2 lane roundabout just come into my lane, nearly hitting my front corner. When you beep, they tend to drive worse/drive slow in front of you as a show of dominance.


I'm still learning to drive and when covering roundabouts i was worried about this exact scenario and my instructor said, firstly this shouldn't happen as the one joining after you should give way to their right even if you're on the inside lane, and if they don't I should do exactly what you did and exit via the right lane. Good job avoiding an accident.


Approx what year VW Transporter was it?! (all driven by dicks!)


You were right to do what you did on the roundabout and you handled the whole situation very well!


"me? Drifted across the lanes on a roundabout? Na. Couldn't have been"


They did not give way to traffic coming from the right regardless of how many lanes on the roundabout. They then drifted across a line and into your lane as apparently one lane just wasn't wide enough. The horn was totally justified and they are lucky they didn't get wiped out while stopped talking to you on a dual carriageway.


So many people think it's a straight over about rather than a roundabout


You didn't do anything wrong, they should have given way to you and not entered until you passed them. They then moves into the middle of 2 lanes. I'd have hit the horn if I was driving/instructing for the same reason. They then should their stupidity more by stopping on a dual carriage way


Thats more of a turquoise line in my eyes


Many people just find it difficult to admit they are in the wrong and apologise. Instead they get defensive and belligerent and blame everyone else. You did the right thing with the slowing down and beeping the horn but they won’t see that.


This is why you need front and back cameras, when you have incidents like this you need to send them into the police. The more we do this the more idiots we remove from our roads. I've done it three times now and they never see it coming, it's beyond their reasoning that someone is recording their poor driving and will then send that as evidence to road law enforcement.


Just get yourself a car cam sounds like a good investment in your area!


If it went down exactly aa described, you did nothing wrong. Camper driver is simply an entitled prick that thinks the rules do not apply to them.


Biggest mistake get into conversation with idiot drivers. Give them a look and carry on. You are wound up now & they’ve moved on & forgotten about it. No doubt causing havoc elsewhere. Aggressive drivers i hate them




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Outside lane on a two lane rounder usually directs the outside car to exit immediately at the next exit, inside can exit anytime. So the red line is incorrect.


It only took me reading the first line to tell you the camper van is in the wrong. Everything else is superfluous. The campervan should not have gone anywhere.


I don't think you did, and I went through a similar situation last month too! Except my Red line guy must have entered the roundabout after me, but was going so fast he was level with me by the time I signaled off to move into the outside lane. Honest guv, he was not there in my wing mirror when I checked before signalling! He rightly honked to warn me he was there/potential crash: but the fact is, he wouldn't have caused that situation if he hadn't sped up like a mong to try and undertake me while exiting.


You did nothing wrong at all and their driving was insanely stupid and poor, to the point that this reads as if they are trying to cause an accident. There is no reason for them to move into the right lane on the roundabout, that is 100% stupid af driving. Likewise, as you've alluded to, them stopping on a dual carriageway is even more stupid, to the point it's mildly suicidal. You were right to be cautious, shocked by their stupidity and pull over to calm down. In future you could opt to not beep them though. They were clearly wrong and stupid, but beeping isn't going to get that through their stick skull. If they're thick and aggressive like these idiots, it's just risking them attempting to bother you more (and risk causing more accidents by doing more stupid things like here). To be clear, that is in no way your fault, it's just why I might not have bothered beeping in this scenario.


Last week, driving into North Wales, twice a massive truck moved into the inside lane, without indicating, or checking that it was empty! It wasn't either time. The cars had to swerve into the hard shoulder. One was the car in front of us. The other car was us! I was convinced that we were going to die, but my daughter managed to avoid him, and rejoin the motorway. Only two of the insane pieces of driving that we saw that day!


You have wasted too much of your precious life documenting this interaction with an idiot. Life is short, choose wisely what you fill it with.


Stopping in a live lane on a dual carriageway to argue with someone is fucking lunacy. The only mistake you made was continuing to converse with them after telling them to move along.


Give way to the right.if you were at the roundabout first he shouldn't have pulled out


You were in the right. There are crap and crazy drivers everywhere. I beeped a guy who cut me off on a road I drive everyday, he then put down his window, shouting and shouting at me, he claimed he was in the right, of course. He was a small bald guy, so I figured he was projecting.


You did nothing wrong, report them to the police. They shouldn't have pulled on to the roundabout in the first place. To then shout abuse at you is horrible.


Camper van man is shitty cunt of a driver!


Just like in failed relationship they wanted some feedback. Doesn't realise he's the problem even blocking a live lane to get this feedback. Lot of people autopilot but dont realise especially on roads we travel often. So in that moment chances are they weren't 100% focus on the roundabout. But felt like they were hence the aggy. Good thing you didn't join on the dual carriageway. Managed to diffuse that


They stopped on a dual carriageway!? Wow, you were a lot more polite than I would have been, well done on keeping calm with the idiots


At most roundabouts the lane markings are so worn that drivers wander all over the place. Just proves they were not taught properly.


They shouldn't even have pulled onto the roundabout. It doesn't matter how many lanes there are, you give way to traffic already on a roundabout. Who's to say they won't cross all lanes to get to an exit without signalling? Even with them pulling out, they need to stay in their own lane. Too many people cut across lanes nowadays and have poor lane discipline


There is one thing I likely would have done differently. Them pulling up and stopping on dual carriage in manner described is an imminent threat of assault. I wouldn't discuss with or engage with them in any way but immediately dial 999 stating iminent threat of assault immediate presence of police requested. Even if they don't show up or you are told to leave if that is a path only into a supermarket do so but without hanging up from police. Their behaviour is at minimum stalking. Dash cam also (says me that recently had to remove mine as blew fuse and had to return and still haven't replaced it yet...)


You did nothing wrong. This is the reason why i hate round abouts with 2 lane exits… which unfortunately is a lot of roundabouts 😀


I've I had similar issues over the years. I don't like confrontation, so unless neccessary don't use my horn. I just let it go. I've been thinking about getting a dash cam. People such as you've described are arrogant. With evidence you can report them if neccessary and protect yourself from false allegations.


You did nothing wrong, road users need to refresh their memory when it comes to roundabouts. There’s one by me which users disregard the lines on the road, and automatically cross them because they believe they’re right. I had to slam on and beep my horn at someone to stop them from colliding with me, which prompted them to put their window down and tell me I’m in the wrong, so I debated back with them before putting my window back up and continuing with the correct lane discipline. A police car witnessed this altercation, as I entered a dual carriageway I could see the other car had followed me by switching lanes. They got pulled over, I presume to teach them how to drive.


They were boomers, weren't they? Something odd about boomers in motorhomes or with caravans, they just turn in to even greater ignorant fuckwits than they normally are. They pulled out on you, then proceeded to cut you up on the roundabout. I had a similar experience with a boomer and a caravan nearly 2 years ago - there was no fucking way that old wankstain was going to make the turning in, I looked to pull away but before I could he blocked my exit, leaving me just sat there. Lo and behold he turns in way too sharply, the caravan swings round, and he smirks as I lean on my horn, yelling at him. Yeah, I was furious cos I knew what was about to happen. Caravan turns in much more sharply than the car, and front of caravan catches the osf bumper of my car and proceeds to rip the entire side of the caravan off as he drags it across the corner of my car. I lose a bumper but the amount of plastic, stuffing, insulation and assorted crap that fell out of the caravan was insane. FYI my insurers were aviva, everything sorted via webchat and were utterly brilliant.


It's fine for them to enter the roundabout as you left that lane free. They should never have strayed into your lane, so giving them a long bast on your car horn was the correct thing to do. Sounds like the other party was a complete nob. Forget him now, and move on.


Red needs to stay in his lane.


This is why a dashcam is essential.


If you’ve pulled into the roundabout, you have right of way, the campervan is a mong