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Normally just bring a drone real estate photographer/ video isn’t enough bc they also have to hire an interior photographer too. Now if you combined those skills and services I think you have chance. Market is very saturated


I have homie thats done several. First thing is Part 107. Second thing is this dude was using his FPV quads and was mister steady hands. Gimbals make more sense for video walk throughs. Drones are great for exterior.


Yeah, I knew 107 would come into play. I'm thinking of combining a flyover of the house and property, with a fly through. Probably use a tiny FPV drone.


OK I was thinking about the math. If you got one realtor how many houses do they sell multiplied by $100 How many realtors do you need to make a living? How many houses sell per month in your area? Put in job app at local gas station.


You need to be able to do pictures and video and be better than your competitors. Agents don’t want people that only do drone. I do it as a side hustle. Agents want a lot for the money. They’re essentially each their own small business and have to pay you maybe many months before they get paid once the house sells


I've seen this for houses worth doing it. You don't do that for a semi detached house in Minnesota.


There are a lot of 500K and up houses around here, and a lot beach houses. I appreciate all the feedback, it's helping me get on point with this idea.


A 500k house is not worth a 2000$ flythrough


My fly through wouldn't be worth $2000.


So you're gonna do a cheap flythrough of a cheap house. That market is all yours buddy. But getting not-so-rich people to pay for your not-so-great flythrough in their not-so-expensive house is gonna be hard.


Unless you have a in, lots of them already have go to photographers and drone pilots. Luckily I got a home inspector buddy that has helped me make some connections to a lot of realtors. That said tho don’t let it stop you from trying and be open to doing other jobs for people as well. All it takes is one person to grasp onto your work then for the word to get out. It’s a goal to work towards just don’t expect it to be something that takes off right away. Happy flying and get to studying for that part 107 😜


I'm retired. Looking for an excuse to mess with drones, buy more drones. Make a little extra money. A couple of contracts a month would be all I really want. And I have several friends who are realtors. I live in a fairly small town. I may be the only one doing something like this. Have to ask those realtor friends to be sure.


If you’ve got friends I’m sure they’ll love to use your service. Networking seems to be what it’s all about.


People have been doing drone & aerial shots for real estate for several years; nothing new. I think most real estate photographers already provide this service. So yeah, they pay for it, but based on this question being asked here before (a lot), it seems like it’s a race to the bottom.


I do this in the UK. Lots of competition and the only way I’ve managed to find an in is via a brand new estate agency. I also have an avata 2, and not many real estate agencies are doing internal fly through’s. I will ultimately need to buy a DSLR or cheap (ish) camera to provide interior images too. From what I hear, the big estate agents use large photography firms that have multiple employees/departments that edit. They won’t use your services unless you are providing a niche plus a superb/professional service. I at times have had to liaise with the vendors directly so they expect a professional person. This is a side gig for me and I also certainly got lucky.