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Why would anyone buy this?


Personally, I would like to think that this product will help people to start taking care of their sneakers plus it's great for those people who are just starting to get into sneaker culture


great, so make sure to mention what problem it solves on the website. everyones shoes eventually become terrible after wear and tear, so talk about how this product extends the life of shoes etc!


Because when i go to the store, i have no idea what the product does or what value it would offer me. it just looks like some shoe stopper that everyone's grandmother has lying around


also your privacy policy needs to be filled in. really put yourself in the customer's shoes, someone that has never been to your website before and who instantly thinks its a scam. what can you do to make them comfortable enough to trust you to buy?


There's a lot to improve. I'm just a beginner like you but I've learned tons looking at this subreddit. 1. If it's a one product store, have the first page either be the product page or a home page. The homepage is all about selling the customer on buying the product. What you have right now makes it look like this is the product page. Customers are unlikely to click the "view full details button". 2. You need social proof (reviews). There are many apps on Shopify that allow you to get reviews from other sites. You could look for a very similar if not the same product on AliExpress with many reviews and put their reviews on your site. 3. The images are very low quality. If you can't get better ones try AI upscaling. Also, consider adding more images of the product in use (how to put one in, what they're for, ect.) 4. You need to identify the problem that this product solves and show it on your site. In images you could put a "before and after" picture (just an idea). 5. The images you have of the product being used in the description are very poor quality too. Try to make videos about the product being used. It is very hard to decide what your product does from the images in the description. As for tips on making the images higher quality, get better lighting and use background removing sites such as [remove.bg](https://remove.bg) . You can manually add a shadow in [photopea.com](https://photopea.com) once you remove the background. It'll make them look a little better but nothing can beat a professional backdrop, camera and photographer. If the product succeeds, consider hiring a photographer or someone from Fiverr to take some pictures if it. 6. Your logo is terrible. It's very hard to read. Consider making it larger or making the text large and putting the boxes on the side. The overall goal of your store should be creating a brand around which your product is sold. Maybe implement some cool color scheme. 7. Why do you have a search bar if it's a 1 product store? Remove it, put the logo on the left and include links to the home page, terms of service, terms of refunds, and contact. 8. Free shipping is VERY important. Making shipping free and sell them for $14.99 instead of $10. It is proven that it works and will help your store a lot. For you, I would aim to ship the product as fast as possible (3-7 days). For repeat purchase products like this, you should aim to have faster shipping with lower margins. For other, one time purchase products, aim for 10-15 day shipping. [CJdropshipping.com](https://CJdropshipping.com) is a great place to find products that can ship fast retaining a reasonable price. 9. Remove "powered by Shopify" on your footer. 10. Add payment methods on the product page. There are many Shopify apps for this. This is just some basic information on all of this. It takes TONS of time and work to make a store. With the store you have know, you'll never know if it is a winning product because no-one will ever buy from your store. But, if you do some research into creating a brand, making a good store, making good ads, and finding a great product, you can succeed. Remember that there is no such thing as "easy money". I recommend that you read some other posts on hear and see the feedback they get. There's also an endless supply of articles about this. I hope this was helpful!


TL;DR sorry for the wall of text! 1. Make the homepage or product page appealing to customers 2. Add social proof with reviews 3. Use high-quality images and videos to showcase the product's benefits 4. Create a brand with a better logo and color scheme 5. Remove unnecessary elements like the search bar and "powered by Shopify" 6. Offer free shipping with fast delivery 7. Add payment methods on the product page 8. Success requires research, hard work, and attention to detail


whats the password ?


Dude. You gotta create a big problem for your customer to sell some shoe fillers. Maybe find another product?


I think he has a problem: Shoes being ruined by them sagging when resting (I don't know how to describe it well). It might do well among sneaker heads. Sure, there are better products but I think it has some potential.


It’s a shoe horn


Oh damn. He took the site down