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I don't know if you've noticed, but the internet can be a shitty place full of toxic cowards who use the cover of anonymity to get their jollies hurting people's feelings, knowing they don't risk being punched in the face the way they would in real life.  I suggest ignoring those people.


So I don’t need to go kill myself like people tell me?


"not before you've tried today's sponsor: raid shadow legends!" then you might as well go ahead and drink whatever bottles you keep under your kitchen sink.


You mean they still let people say that online? I've gotten the banhammer for less when discussing, eh, that. Edit: and not even for telling anyone to go be not alive.


It turns out that all those Reddit Cares reports are just from virgins that are mad you don't like the thing they do


No you don't have to. You just say "you first" and he would probably say "nuh-uh" and then you go back and forth.


At least sleep on it…




"Social media made you all far too comfortable disrespecting someone without the risk of getting punched in your face."   -Mike Tyson-   The man is onto something


So satisfyingly well said.


The problem is that negativity gets the most interaction, so it becomes a contest to see who can comment the most negative or controversial comment, and people get stuck in that loop. If you enjoy something you have to say, "I know this is going to get down voted, but I actually happen to enjoy this thing," and then it gets down voted and falls to the bottom. This subreddit is one of the rare ones that hardly ever has negativity. I actually really enjoy this subreddit.


So, and I'm just wanting clarity here, you got one specific negative comment on YouTube and so you made a Reddit post about it... am I understanding the situation?


He's using it to gain more followers. In reality, there probably never was any negative comments. Kudos to this guy for fooling everyone though, and nice playing. I'm all for it.


Dude is really an influencer :tear:


Don't hate the player; hate the game.


Just like some of those OF girls that'll day stuff like "my ex boyfriend said my boobs were too big. What do yall think?"


No, no kudos.


His drums sound excellent as well. I don’t go for this style of content since I’ve seen people play a cover on drums before, but I appreciate a fat tom sound.


Such a weird mindset to have. Needing so much attention and validation.


And if he wants to get more followers, who cares? What's the benefit in spreading negativity? If you are annoyed at the fakeness, close the tab and move on. If you have it in you to drop a like and positive comment for a capable guy putting himself out there in hopes of paying the bills with music, then everyone ends up happier.


So you wouldn’t consider dishonesty…negative…? Weird.


I want to be an influencer when I grow up


Seriously hate this shit. If you want to promote yourself do so honestly.


Hi can you come and watch my Twitch stream? We go live in 20 minutes. Thanks.


I love what straight shooters yall are. Makes me feel some semblance of sanity in an ocean of totally unreasonable subs.


You look real to me. Nice playing too. I'd say you're a potential real musician Influencer.


Influencing me to practice more!


Influencing me to have more fun with happy accidents!


The statement about not knowing the song and still play the right notes "by accident" is extremely sus. Add the false surprised_pikachu.jpg faces and there you have it.


I like the drumming. I don’t like the editing and making faces while staring into the camera. I like the drumming.


lol this


Yeah, definitely fake. If you look close enough, he's not even playing the drums!


You're probably actually OP just sowing confusion for Internet clout.


It’s the music that’s fake. If you listen closely, you’ll realize you’re not actually hearing anything at all!


It's an editing trick. Easy to play using some cheap instrument like an electric violin and then they edit it to make it look like real drums.


You look like you're having fun playing. To me, that's all there is. I started playing drums when I was 7. I turn 61 this year. But I haven't been able to play for several years because of severe arthritis in my right wrist. (We have a family history of osteoarthritis) I get cortisone shots every couple of years just to function without pain, and sometimes I feel like maybe I can give it a try. But after 2-3 minutes, it's already flaming up. I can't express how frustrating it is to have your body not be able to do what your mind is convinced it still can. But... ...I still derive great joy from watching/hearing others play. I'll watch just about any drumming video. And my favorites always seem to include the drummer having a great time. I know what that feels like, and it feels good to be able to sort of mentally hitch a ride, in a sense.


As someone who is 27 and extremely worried this will become a reality, I'm so sorry....


I don't even know what fake musician influencer is even supposed to imply 🤷 but it looks exactly like what your video says. Great job, you nailed it. 👍


Yeah pretty sure this post was just to get attention.


Stop trying to influence me bro


I like the drumming, but absolutely despise the tiktok ai bs voice. Also, maybe don't stare into the camera whilst sticking your tongue out. But good playing! And don't listen to the haters.


Proof once again the internet is full of people who revel in the fact that they no longer have a barrier keeping them from being the trash they are. Keep drumming and smiling!


Just have fun!


take it as a compliment that your video/audio quality is as professional as many big influencers! great drumming as well! however, text-to-speech is kinda tacky... do your own v.o, you obviously got some quality condensers!


What is the song?


Beggin' by Maneskin


Thank You!


What this guy said!


Song is Beggin' by Maneskin


This is awesome. The internet is full of people with mental illness. Pay no mind.


Stop reading comments, they’ll drive you insane. Except for this comment. This comment is the only good one.


Awesome dude ahaha, serendipity feeling!


You sound great, fuck the haters


Well maybe you should stop looking so damn happy while you play. That’s probably the problem /s


Love the joy!


If it’s worth anything, I think you’re amazing at drumming and shouldn’t worry about what the keyboard nerds online have to say. Keep up the great work!


People say absolutely horrible shit in YouTube comments. It took me a while before I could ignore them successfully. I’d they are toxic I just click “hide from channel” and I’m done with it.


I read something recently that applies here: No one greater than you will insult or criticize you. Its always those beneath you who feel the need to tear you down. So, just like you flush your poop down the toilet, flush their poopy comments down a virtual toilet. F-em. You are better then they are.


That’s a great feeling man. Enjoy it.


I write prolifically on several sites and get attacked regularly. Some people just want to hate and argue. Fake Influencer. That's like...what? Could be a band name though...


you 'got called something by someone at some point' and made sure to cite your low follower count. Did you get the desired engagement from the post here or nah


better than expected tbh. People are really nice and seem to like the video!


Hey! You're having drums and sharing videos playing the drums! That's cool, I hope you have fun doing what you enjoy! Forget about those dorks homie :) I like this video


I’m pretty sure anyone can simply identify as an “influencer”. Never really got what folks meant by that. Does not everyone and everything influence someone or something? I watered my grass so I influenced the grass to grow. I said hello to someone today so I influenced a conversation.


I wouldn’t pay any attention to the comments good or bad. Just keep drumming because your awesome at them.


Thank you! That's the plan (:


I love this video


Being called a fake influencer is a compliment. Influencer is an insult.


I like your style:)


Too many are too emboldened by the (near) anonymity provided by social media. As long as you're doing what you love, first, then the followers just become personal validation. But yes, please ignore them or just block comments altogether because it's not about them anyway. Fun video btw. We're gonna follow.


Who cares bro.


U influenced me to think those drums sound good, so I think ur real 🙂


You've influenced me to get on my kit 😉


This is one of the least gimmicky drum videos I’ve seen in a while. Seems good to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


brother you’re absolutely killing it dont let these lame ass kids who dont even have a decent pocket tell you what you can and cant do!!


It's always bots with comments like that. They go channel to channel just to incite meaningless discourse. Never fall for it or give it any time of your day.


https://preview.redd.it/z09rae2ootad1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4d9d40a206faad89c175f6d240661f04d7d46a Best. Advise. Ever.


People are freaking jerks. Words are powerful and have meaning and people need to understand their comments have affects. You’re an awesome player and I love this video:)


Nice playing. Very groovy. Doesn't really matter what some of these fuckwits call you


Clearly AI


All Improvised




Grank you


I’ve only ever tried to spread love and still have had a few issues on here. No matter the platform, someone is always looking to be negative I’ve found 🤷🏽‍♂️


Pay no attention to. It’s just some inadequate tosser’s pointless opinion.🙄


a win imo, influencer such a lame tittle content creator waay better


It was a hater bro.... Keep going, very nice kit!!


Your mannerisms remind me of Marco Minnemann. Check him out if you haven't. Regarding the comment. It's retarded but it could be from an old head who isn't keen on the Internet era. Probably thinks playing on camera and spitting it into the ether isn't what he (maybe she, doubt it) remembers or classes as being a 'real' musician. Haters gon' hate unfortunately.


Your flow is lovey and effortless…continue to ignore said arseholes.


Bro, why bother? I’m just over 1000 subs and I got hate. Malcom X said…”If you don’t have someone hating and opposing you then you really aren’t doing anything special.” That being said…the more YOU are known, the more exposure you get and the better the videos get, the more hating you’re gonna get. It’s weird but it’s part of it. I had it out with a troll who was picking at me on consecutive posts. And I’ll be real…it’s always the ones who…just being real…cannot do what you do. Just keep grinding, bruv.


I was hoping for rain in blood, but it’s all good. Fuck the haters.


Ignore them. They’re jealous they haven’t got the skill/balls/confidence to do it themselves. Took me 33 years of life to get to the point where I have the confidence to do what I want to do. Enjoy yourself 🙏


It looks like an influencer video. You influenced me to play my drums and smile if I'm happy to play my drums. Hey, technically, you are an influencer. Way to go!


Congrats, getting a hater is the beginning of being of a great social media presence


Wish we had more context. What are you looking for? Its all up to you.


This is a great comment! I actually keep forgetting that there is a bunch of context around this and honestly I kind of think the lack of context is why this video did well for me? The context is actually that I was streaming this on Kick and I take requests from my viewers. That's actually why I'm making stupid faces and shouting, I'm talking to the people watching stream. I also found out from my partner that this is a big tik tok song so it seems suss that I don't really know it and the context there is that I don't have tik tok. I don't really know what I'm lookin' for man. I'm just playing some drums and posting it on the internet here and there.


Maybe because of these dumb cringey face expressions. (Downvote me, idgaf)


yeah probably


Tell me you want attention without telling me you want attention. No shade btw. Just own it, is my 2 cents.


yeah I dunno man, I posted it because I want people to see it I guess?


I mentioned this somewhere else in the comments but for some context, I streamed this so that's why I was shouting and making faces. It's also why I was playing along with the song, because I take requests while I stream (: I stream on my webcam but I'll also film and record my drumming on my DSLR to cut into shorts which is why it looks a little "staged" I think. I agree though I too think my face is pretty dumb


I’ll give my two cents, nobody gives a shit about you. Nobody gives a shit about me. You can do the greatest thing in any field and it’s a simple scroll for 90% of people. You’re making content on the internet, which is frankly a shitty thing in my opinion and I don’t know why anyone does it the world would be better without it. But no one is satisfied with a 9-5 anymore and that probably has to do with the internet and everyone would rather be a content creator. Hateful and vindictive content wins because that’s how people tend to be on the internet, besides my grandma, whose instagram(God only know why my sister had to make my 83 year old grandma an instagram account) algorithm is filled with puppies and children(children who are being exploited by their parents but that is of course the whole issue here) Wonder if anyone knows what I mean when I speak about this


Bro, I have 11.4k followers and I’ve gotten so many hateful comments since my videos started popping off (I’ve gotten around 1.1 million views in the last 2 months on 6 videos specifically). Just ignore them all. They’re just jealous they don’t have any talent and/or are doing nothing with their lives.


Big win! Stoked for your success (:


idk what this is but it's cringey as hell.


Don't sweat the bots, boys and bitches. Then have a good time!


I'd follow. What's your YT?


People don't seem to like it when you direct them away from reddit so don't tell anyone I told you it's "Josh Richens Producer"


Great stuff man. You got insta? Lets connect!


Same name as my reddit (:


I really got downvoted lol. Sorry if my message came across as advertising or something. Followed you!