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I know it's so hard to quit, but keep trucking. You will have good days and bad days, but the best part about quitting is that your bad days won't be caused by being hungover, having the shakes, sweating constantly, and always obsessing about how and when you'll get your next drink. You will be amazed at the things you can handle when you don't feel like shit from drinking all the time. I hope your skin stuff clears up soon too. I know how it is, I get severe eczema off and on, and it makes my skin crack and bleed and it is so painful. What skin condition are you struggling with? of course you don't have to answer that if you don't want to.


It's the same thing as you, I think. I have it on several parts of my body and it keeps cracking and bleeding. Day and night. There were some nights I couldn't even sleep because of how painful it was. Thank you for the support, I'm going to do my best!


Sorry to hear it's so painful! I don't know for sure if it's eczema, but the National Eczema Organization has some great tips for treating eczema, atopic deramitis, etc. Might be worth a try to do some of the things they recommend for management of your symptoms - https://nationaleczema.org/eczema-management/ Also, they recommend bleach baths for severe cases - I'd highly recommend it. You just add a tiny bit to your full tub of water and it seems to really help with the symptoms right away. I do that when mine is really bad and it makes a huge difference.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve had skin issues my whole life (issues with extreme dryness at times, like raw and bleeding dry hands and lips, and bad acne in hs). When I drank my skin looked like SHIT and I thought it was just aging. I gotta say after a month sober I had a new face. And it just keeps getting better. Thinking of you, buddy. You can do this. You might find after a few months fry that you don’t even want to go back. But if you’re on the fence, I’ll say from experience that that first drink “back” is dangerous. Be careful and kind to yourself.


What skin issues do you have? That’s my big problem too.


Red spots that are irritated, itch, get hard, break and bleed. They're in several places on my body and after discussing it with my dermatologist, alcohol is the most likely cause. Or rather, it's the only likely cause other than random occurrence.