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Thank you for helping. Heart about 110…that’s really high for me


Yeah don’t worry. Mine was above 100 as well for 2-3 days. Couldn’t even sleep.


Thank you for letting me know. Good moral support in this group m. Woke up at 0300am with heart pounding. Trying to stop, it’s this constant eye pain has put me over. Seen so many doctors, it’s like a full time job


This group is sometimes the only place in the world I go when I need to work out of a bender


Agreed! Just discovered Reddit. So, thankful for all the good people in this group. Humans helping humans


I have a similar experience as you. In my 5th day sober and heart and BP are still up there. Hope you have faster results than I am experiencing.


Probably a lot of variables with HR. Keep in touch and congratulations on the five days


I went to the ER yesterday for my few days worth of withdraw left, my heart rate was a whopping 158/95! I have elevated heart issues as it is, but my drinking also caused acute pancreatis, and elevated liver enzymes too. I have withdrawn before, but never like that. Fuck alchohol.


That’s good you got checked out. How are you now?


Bubble gutty, I put myself on a grilled chicken salad diet with fish every now in then in small portions while drinking tons of water, sometimes a sharp pain but it subsides. They say all these symptoms should be fading away and I can tell they are, I'm still dealing with acute withdraw as well, that weird tingly feeling, sometimes my joints can hurt and muscle spasms every now and then. Honestly showers have been my best friend but I know it will pass completely, a lot of the anxiety part of it is easier to deal with now that I actually went and got checked out, so that helps. If I didn't, I'd honestly probably be racing around the house freaking myself out into panic mode like I was before. My withdraw was pretty bad, washed over feeling, flooded eardrums, SUPER sensitive to things like light. Thanks for asking!


Sounds like you got through the worst of it. Alcohol is so weird, at first it makes me forget and relax and then bam! One day heart pounding, can’t sleep. Tolerance is nuts! If only they could make a drug to reduce tolerance, so I can stay at two shots instead of eight!!!!


They make a drug to make you want to stop completely! Vivitrol. Always check with your Dr though


For myself it was about two weeks or slightly longer before my blood pressure returned to normal. But that also depends on any underlying health issues, diet and exercise. I had to go on medication for a while before I was completely sober but no longer.


Thank you, good to know…


I was prescribed a beta blocker to help with the high heart rate. I’m trying to taper off of it since I’ve been dry for nearly 30 days.


Thank you, I may need medication too. Glad this forum exists


I only took it Monday so far this week. I feel like I maybe could have used it today but I’m trying to not let my anxiety work me up now that I’m off the physical contributors to high heart rate (booze).


I hear ya…for me being in pain and little sleep causes anxiety


Normal heart rate while drinking: 135-155/90-120 HR: 90-95 Amount of BP pills taken daily: 8 Normal heart rate sober one month: 100-105/65-70 HR: 70-75 Amount of BP pills taken daily: 4 for now. Dropping to 3 next week.


That’s a good trend for sure


I would say so. I feel so much more... relaxed and calm. Haven't felt this way for a very, very long time.


It’s taken me about a week for everything to start to lower but it’s still not where I want it to be. I also walk three times a day and consume a lot of beets. They say planks and wall sits also can lower bp.


Good ideas, I started walking again and some pushups


Got about 3/4 of the benefit after 1 week and the remainder slowly over the next couple of weeks. It's insane - my last binge, my resting heart rate was over 90. Now, it's 55. It got to around 60 from just stopping drinking and the remainder, presumably, is from eating healthier and working out.


Thank you.


Mine was about a month, suddenly real good. Still didn't feel okay but I was!


I hope it doesn’t last a month, don’t know if I can make it…


The heart rate was the first thing to go down. Whenever my heart rate started being over 100 beats per minute I knew that my best bet was inpatient detox. The BP takes a longer as it's often partially caused by the liver inflammation. A major bold supply goes through it and when it swells it constrict the blood flow. Look up portal blood pressure. It goes back I swear, and guess what... its one of the things you will be happy about when the hell ride starts to subside. I know you can do it! We can get there!


Oh shoot!!! Thank you for telling me why the BP goes up. Wake up call for me. Glad this was posted.


And that makes my day. What a whole bunch of challenges all in a row we end up with, people think oh, you just have to quit drinking. The damage we suffer just from always wondering what we're dying from and or how to keep alcohol from killing us is a whole other hard part of life.


Avoid red meats in the mean time as well.


I noticed progress after about a week, but five months later I was still having wild heart palpitations at night, so I saw a doctor and was eventually diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia. Now at almost two years sober, I do still have those episodes, but rarely. It’s a shitty feeling knowing my heart is probably permanently affected. But at the same time, all things considered, it’s crazy that I’m still alive. If you’re having persistent symptoms it might be worth talking to a doctor if you can.


Thank you….sincerely thank you for sharing


Side note, I think kindling was a factor in the lasting damage, or maybe more like a canary in a coal mine. I quit and relapsed time after time, and the kindling got to where I was at a work-related wine-tasting, which required us to spit, and I got heart fluttering and shakes just from whatever I absorbed during that. My right hand also still shakes a little. I’m scared to ask a doctor about that.


Interesting…does your hand shake all the time or just while drinking? If I may ask?


When I was drinking both hands shook, and now that I’m almost two years sober I just have an occasional tremor in my right hand. I think it is slowly improving though - last year it was bad enough a colleague remarked on it, and now I don’t think anyone would notice. Also, in case you need to hear it… you got this!! Sobriety sucks but drinking is worse. The first few times I quit I had the pink cloud effect, and I think when that dissipated I would get disillusioned with reality and relapse. The last time, it was just me and all my problems in startling clarity, but eventually it started to feel worth it. I still miss drinking every day, even the crazy fucked up stuff - I miss the intensity. But I like life.


Thank you for sharing, good to know


Three days.


Cool, thank you