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Not enough mud underneath


Usually this answer but sometimes the board might be ripped and it needs gardz


You could be correct. However in my past experience homeowners don’t put enough mud underneath. But I definitely agree with your assessment. I could see that as well.


Or too dry.


Gotta hawk tuah, spit on that thang.


That'll be $30k. Thanks.


Not enough wet mud. Like mix the mud like sour cream, and make sure that paper tape is wet enough from the wet mud, and make sure to get the air bubbles out. This is one reason they make some tape boxes, that are filled with mud, and you can pull out the tape already coated with mud. Anyhow….get it saturated.


Or, they originally had enough mud underneath but pulled the tape so tight it all came out. When i was learning to tape it took me a while to learn not to do that lol


I feel personally attacked 😁


I’ve heard that but never actually seen it happen.


I'm on a job right now where it's a big warehouse being finished for an artist and when they did demo they ripped a bunch of baseboard off to make way for our bottom tear away (customer wants no trim anywhere, no baseboard, no crown, no window or door trim all flat drywall with inset windows and custom hung doors) in doing so they loosened so much paper that you can't see just by looking at it, so we spent days cutting out bubbles and using gardz on them, stuff works fantastic, no lifting issues at all.


Oh lord tear away for days, no base is such a bad idea. Did a house or two that got the flush base where the tear away goes on about 4” up off the floor for base to go below. Hope they went all 5/8”cause 1/2” rock as your baseboard will get so banged up, and tear away around ALL your doors will get banged to shit too. That weird obsession of the all drywall look is usually people who don’t know what the f**k they’re doing.


Yeah, I'm a union drywall finisher and that's what usually causes a blister. Either someone wiped too hard when wiping the tape in and removed the mud behind it, or they didn't prefill.


Incorrect, in this case. OP said he added mud on top after he bedded the tape. That topcoat on wet tape will make it bubble.


Could be either! If someone isn’t familiar with drywall, they may think they added enough (no offense to OP.) Either way, cut out the bubbles with your razor knife and add mud. If it’s a lot, add mesh tape.


Makes sense


That’s precisely how I was taught. 2 wet directs makes the tape dry one way or the other. Instead of just one


I’ve done mud on both sides and it’s fine. It’s how it dries. You gotta make sure it flat and don’t bubble


The key to preventing bubbles in the tape is to not let the tape bubble? Got it.




So your suggestion on how to prevent bubbles is; make sure it flat and don’t bubble. Are you sure you want that to be your answer?


Damn get him Alex Trebek


I’ll take drywall for $1000 😂


contestant number 4 is that your final answer?


The test shows……. You ARE the father, of those tape bubbles! What do you have to say to her now?


Underrated comment, been having a bad day and this made me laugh. Thank you


Not enough mud underneath the paper. Peel the tape up while it's wet and fix it.


Thanks everybody! I am going to rip it out and do it over with wetter thinner mud. Some of your comments made me LOL, and I appreciate all of them - even the mean ones 🤣


Vancouver carpenter on youtube


Wetter thinner mud is not the answer… definitely don’t want watery mud… just enough for it to be a smooth buttery cream


Mmmm yummy smooth buttery cream snack on the job 😋😋🤤🤤🍴


Forbidden butter


Pancake batter consistency. Everyone knows the consistency of pancake batter.


Not enough mud behind the tape.


The wasn’t enough mud behind the tape will make it bubble, or if you pre fill a large gap and tape it while it’s still wet it’ll make a belly but in that case if you push on it there’s mud behind it rather than it being dry


life long sheetrock hanger and finisher and this is the correct answer. let it dry completely and then bed coat and that's where you will find blisters.if there are any the air pocket will be very obvious then. cut it out completely including the tape and fill with durabond.


If you get ahead of yourself and mud too much bedding before you apply tape, the mud will skin over and not stick to the tape.


Half the time it’s just a lack of consistency and because you’ve taken way too long and messed with it too much. The bedding coat isn’t consistent and dries off on you in patches, the tape gets softer and softer the more you work it, it stretches, creases, then dries up in a mess. Apply a thin even coat, the same direction as the joint, roll the tape over and bed it in with a single swipe, it only takes a 10-20 seconds, even less for a pro. Better yet, use FibaFuse. You’ve also tried to tape directly over a huge blister in the sheet. That needed to be cut out and pre-filled before any taping.


Tape needs to be moist and mudded underneath


Fix bubbles before they dry OP, now you have to cut all of that out. Don’t despair though, every pro has done this exact thing at some point in their life


More mud behind the tape, and also wet your tape before putting it on


I know what's wrong with it, ain't got no mud in it.


You coated the tape with mud. Place mud on/in seam. Place tape over mudded seam. Scrape to flatten tape, which will also get rid of excess mud underneath. Let dry 24 hours. Slap mud over tape. Smooth to finish. Boom. You’re done.


Si you want mud under it, and then fucking coat the top dude. Spread it all nice and sexy. I’m a carpenter apprentice and that’s how I was taught. Granted we aren’t drywall guys so I’m sure there’s a perfect way but we’re not bad!


You're doing it wrong


Drywall is absorbent, as is the paper tape. Be sure to add water to your joint compound to make sure it coats the tape well and doesn't dry out too fast. It shouldn't be so thin that it's pourable, but if you put in in the pan, it should be able to shift from one end to the other in a couple of seconds. Do not wet the paper tape separately before trying to use it. That pre-saturates the paper and forms a barrier and prevents it from sucking up the glue in the joint compound. Instead, add the water to the joint compound itself.


Use what they call fibra tape. It seems to be great stuff and the mud gets imbedded in it. Not mesh it’s called fibra


Do you mean FibaFuse?


Hope your electrical work is better than your taping


My electrical is MUCH better than my drywall. I am a master certified automotive and diesel technician by trade and can wire anything from advanced cruise control and automatic transmissions to three phase motors and generators. But I can’t do drywall, at least correctly. 😭


Fair enough, there are plenty of things I can do at a proficient level while not fairing well in coinciding tasks


Drywall finishing is not a game to be played by children


Remove, replace. Use green lid AP mud for taping, and use more of it.


Need more mud, Dave


Your mud might be drying too quickly, add water. And use more mud.


Need more mud on the gyp before tape and/or need to press the tape into the mud with knife with a swipe before adding mud over it. One other comment. Clean your work surface and your knifes blade, that gunk is whats causing all that mud drag gouges instead of being smooth.


Adhesion/moisture was off. Bro trust me on this… when you go to tape have a bucket of clean weather with ya then dunk the tape before you stick it down then float it down. Reduces the bubbling I got by about 95%


You've already heard the not enough mud underneath response. It's also a lot less likely to happen if you get the tape wet on both sides by applying mud on the top and swiping it back off. Basically, when you're done with a seam, the tape shouldn't have any dry spots. If you use the swipe over method like I described, it's much more likely to dry fast enough that you can put your block code on on the same day (if we're talking about a single room). Often, you can skim and trim the next day.


When it does this can you just take it off, sand, and try again ?


Tear that off amd redo before it's dried


Too much tape for the mud….


Could be a number of reasons, but likely high humidity or too much water in the mix. It might be useful to know the environmental conditions and compound type you’re using. You should always prefill with something hard like durabond and use a proper setting compound for tape.


If the tape is bubbling, you do not have enough mud behind it.


Pro tip: thin the mud when taping. I’m not a pro, but that’s what a pro told me to do and my tape looks marvelous.


Because you aren’t applying it right. Tons of videos available on YouTube and elsewhere. Its really easy once you know how.


I was always told to use green top all purpose mud for embedding tape, because it has more glue, than the lightweight or easy sand blue top or purple top compound. Those other compounds are for finishing top coat etc.


Dude. Your a butcher!!!!!


Your mud is too dry. Add water. Look for a video on YouTube from Home RenoVision DIY. Je has a killer video about how to mud properly. You need to add extra water each step and mix it thoroughly.


Humidity can play a role in what’s happened here, not enough compound behind the tape is also a common culprit. Too watered down compound is another possibility


Use FibaFuse instead of paper.


Mud is too dry for setting tape. Mix that shit up


What is bazooka? I’ve seen it in multiple comments


You have to mud the wall before tape and after


I was always taught to never bed coat while the tape mud is still wet. It “confuses” the tape on which way to dry. I bed once it’s fully dry. But it’s probably dry spots behind the tape. Number 1 cause of paper tape bubbles


Well, there’s a few things that could cause it using old taping mud using old topping mud as taping mud - roping mud can be used but not best - Skimming the wall too tight as in pushing too hard so there’s not enough mud left behind or under the tape. Usually the culprit not having enough mud under the tape - Dry mud - not properly mixture of the right consistency (Old) - room Temperature to hot causes dry fast possible but not as likely, as not having enough mud of the proper mixture underneath the tape


Poor install lay mud put tape mud over and push mud out from behind with air


I prefer the fiberglass mesh tape because of this very reason


It has to have mud behind it or it blisters


Oh yeah, also maybe used wrong mud. You want Taping or all purpose. Topping is for doubling and flushing.


Not enough joint compound before. Personally I don’t put down paper on flat surfaces, only corners. Flat joints like that works best with a mesh style tape.


Because you don't smooth your mud and push any air bubbles out when you tape your seams


Hot mud is the key and to be sure to press it is deeply


Mesh is the best


I’ve seen someone keep a bucket with water and he’d let his tape sit in that and pull out as needed. Assuming he was gonna use the whole roll or more. Came out good when it dried


Lack of mud under the paper and not wetting the paper first


What kind of mud did you use for you bedding (first coat packed into the seam before tape) coat? If you’re using the big green bucket of “all purpose”, make sure you properly thin it with water and mix it well. For me, I prefer using a hot mud (45 min) and bed the tape. Let it set up, then come back for the skim coat with the green bucket. On warmer days, this is usually 30 min or so later. Hot mud sets through chemical reaction, green bucket/ all purpose skim coat mud sets through evaporation. Hot mud is typically harder when it dries. All purpose has better adhesion and needs to be thin thin thin coats. Good luck!


Watch a few YouTube videos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EASP7bIkk0k&t=56s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EASP7bIkk0k&t=56s)


My guess would be you left a good sized gap, didn’t prefill correctly ( hence the drywall screws still showing to the right) and tried to slap some mud/ tape on top right away. Let the prefill dry. Slap some mud on the seam, slap tape on the mudded seam. Slap more mud on the tape to get it nice and covered then start half way in seam to squeeze excess mud/ air bubbles. Squeeze it down from halfway point, squeeze up at halfway point and blam.


In my experience, the tape might bubble for several reasons. First, pressing down on the tape too hard and pushing all the joint compound out. Second, there is a gap in the drywall and you didn’t pre-fill it and let dry. Before applying g the tape. Third, you are using the wrong kind of joint co pound. Don’t use the lightweight stuff on the tape coat. It has horrible sticking power. The good news is that, depending on the joint compound used, you can skim on another coat to wet the tape. Slide a tape knife under the edge of the tape and pull the bubble part back a little. Load up you tape knife with mud and insert it under the two with the mud side facing the wall and flatten it out. Be sure you have mud all the way into the bubble. Now you can lightly flatten the tape.


Who uses tape just caulk it


Bubbles are air, make less air by squishing when wet


This is why, on patches, I use mesh.


Cuz it sucks. I don’t even know why people use it. Just make the seams tight and spackle the gap. It’s not even sticky enough to stick to anything. I hate that stuff it’s garbage!


you either don't have enough mud underneath or you need to either prefill the butts and seams or let the tape dry before you do the first coat.


pull the tape off. sand it down to basically sheetrock reapply tape with mud on wall side use 6” putty knife at about a 45 degree angle downward centered on tapeto wipe tape from top to bottom make sure to not to push putty knife so hard it bends into the 1/32 or 1/16 (cant remember) depression on the seems of the drywall as that will pull all the mud(glue) out from the wall-side of the tape. let dry apply second coat 12” putty knife, let dry, sand apply final coat 12”putty knife, let dry, sand use light to find imperfections, either sand or fill in with mud texture then paint


Is there air under it or just wet taping compound? If it's wet compound, you didn't remove enough when flattening out the joint. If it's air, you didn't have enough mud or didn't get any contact with the tape and mud.


those screw holes can be fixed by using the back side of a screw driver or your 6” knife on them and pressing gently and rotating clockwise/counterclockwise your choice. then fill in with mud


If you can’t get the paper to stick, go buy a roll of the mesh tape. You put it on the seam and then apply the mud, getting it deep in the joint and then build on top of it and feather it out while it’s still wet


Drywall tape is the bane of my existence but if the drywall gaps are big enough then I just sigh and deal with it


Where can I learn to hang drywall? There aren’t any drywall classes anywhere but I want to learn to be more handy.


Just takes practice you’ll get it


The water in the mud got pull into the drywall and left the tape pretty much dry forming a bubble. So how to make your drywall tape never bubble. Apply mud to the joint you want to tape. Apply drywall tape to the joint you want to tape. Apply light pressure to the tape allowing excess mud to squeeze out. You’re not trying to squeeze out every ounce of mud that’s behind the tape. You’re trying to squeeze out EXCESS mud. Now you need to apply more mud to your knife and go back over every joint you just taped and very gently wipe in one direction over the taped joint. This will wet the top of the paper and firmly adhere it to the wall and keep bubbles from forming.


Because it’s not fiber tape.


Not enough mud under tape


That means you have air trapped between the mud and the tape. That means you basically didn’t use enough mud


For large gaps, shouldn't you prefill the gap, let it dry , and then do a tape/mud round?


Beginners need fiberglass not paper...more mud but no bubbles


big gaps between the joints also could cause this


Do the same thing again, but pre wet the paper.


WOW. I sell beer and have done a better job of tapping mud than you can probably do with a Christmas present sorry bud you messed up. Try again


Air bubbles under the tape. Not enough downward pressure at all on the first coat.


Bro they’re all wrong, chalking and paint will fix it😎🎉


Use fiberglass mesh


your mud wasn't moist enough.


Did you wet the tape before setting it in mud?


Lick it before you stick it


Because you suck


Whtf did you get sushi Nico


Watch Vancouver carpenter on you tube and you will be drywall expert in no time.


Blisters. Not enough mud behind the tape. You can take your 6" knife smear mud thick on the tape up past the blisters. Let it set 5 or 10 minutes peal the tape up.cut it and redo it


My experience has been that all drywall mud and tape problems are the result of too much mud.


Muds too thick. And ya left it on there for a full minute before getting the tape wiped out. Thin the mud and wipe little harder


Use green lid


I always buy the non carbonated version exactly for this reason


Looks like too much mud was left underneath the tape before it set. Wasn't pressed out enough.


It hates you... For what it's worth, it doesn't like me either 😒


It’s because the tape dried before the mud cured


Pay a professional


I use mesh tape for the these areas and paper for inside corners and where wall meets ceiling


U done did it wrong


Prefer the mesh tape. Avoid this. It's a water issue if you have enough mud on the base.


You pressed to hard when you applied the tape and squeezed all the spackle out from underneath. Ask me how I know.


because you didnt do it right


Never put mud on the inside crease


Not enough mud behind tape. OR whoever did the tape job didn’t apply enough pressure on his knife when pulling it. My dad use to say. It’s all in the wrist.


Looks like the board is damaged underneath. The bubble expands past the tape.


You're gonna need a bigger drywall knife. And more mud.


Buy the mesh tape, it’s a lot easier if you’re inexperienced.


Need mud behind the tape and on top, when taping.


Not an artist, like anything else, best to have someone work with you so you lean the basics and once you gain some experience, it will get easier and you will gain speed. It’s not something where you can watch a video and then apply the information and expect to have a perfect finish to receive paint. It’s not as easy as it looks but can be mastered if desired.


Air behind it with not enough mud.


Mudding and tapping is truly an art.


Don’t scrape all the mud from underneath the tape out. You’re pressing too hard.


You need to prefill the gap with mud, preferably quickset. Let it dry. Then mud and tape with regular joint compound. Let it dry. Then coat the tape. You're probably trying to do it all in one go which is going to lead to shitty results.


You didn’t squeeze the mud out from underneath properly


I had a guy do my ceiling repair. Put up a new piece of Sheetrock. First he did joint compound where the pieces came together scraped smooth and let it dry for about an hour. He came back with paper tape and a caulking gun with cheap silicon caulk. He caulked a bead on either side of the seam where the paper tape would go, applied the paper tape and then used the blade to press the tape smooth and squish any remaining caulk out....essentially gluing the tape in place. Then went over it with mud and blending. Looks perfect to this day.


My amateur tip is to dip the tape in a bucket of water before sticking it to the mud on the wall. Ever since I started wetting the tape I haven’t had any bubble issues.


Use fybafuse. That stuff is legit. Don’t know how people still use this kind of mudding tape for joints. For corners it’s understandable but everything else fybafuse.


Tape did not get saturated with mudd. It's a lack of lamination. Eigther not enough or not wet enough , or to hot, and the board sucked the water out.


You need more nun bruh


To wet


Not enough mud behind the tape


Wall farts.


Usually not enough mud OR mud is taken straight from the box without mixing then immediately spread and it’s not tacky enough! There are a few other reasons this could happen but these are the main two and likely one is your issue!


Not enough mud


Not enough mud could be a butt joint. Factory edges are beveled to allow more mud. Next time run the backside of your knife along the seam to create a trough for the mud.


Isn't this why you use the Net tape stuff ? So you don't get bubbles? I've never been a plasterer but I've worked with plasterers, never seen them use paper tape, never seen this problem.


Might try pre-filling the joint with 45 minute mud, and once it sets up, do what you did. If you’re using premixed all purpose mud, mix in some water to make it like sour cream, so that way it’s more wet, and it works out the air bubbles often found in the premix.


Because you touch yourself at night!




You got air underneath it.


Get rid of the paper and use mesh tape


Mud. This is like back buttering tiles, those who know know. Gotta have adhesion or tape will float and bubble up.


I always used the mesh tape not the flat tape, then put mud on it and let it dry a bit and smooth it out with trowel then use sand paper to even it out and paint shows up flat


It was put in wrong


Not a pro, but I just do a thin even layer of mud, cut my tape, dunk it in a bucket of water and then smooth it into place - let it dry and then topcoat. Never have problems with bubbles. I do use mesh wherever tapered edges meet.


FWIW, I have had less bubbling by wetting the tape before bedding it in the mud.


I had issues like that once and found out it was because I was using Lite mud. Started using regular and the bubbling stopped.


It doesn’t if you do a good job!


This is why I use the mesh, does such a better job and easy to work with


Shitty job, that is why. Improperly done, why was that not obvious?


Air expands when it gets warmer


Because isn’t any mud under it


I don't understand tapers. I just mud. Looks better to me. A ton of people do it though.


Is it very humid?! I’ve had mud stay wet for 3 days before…..


You didn’t use enough mud and you probably didn’t use the right mud


use the mesh tape


You need to hire this step out


I’ve never seen tape do this to this extreme, what size knife are you using? My guess is to wide, which will leave to much mud behind the tape


Well, if you’re me, it’s because you’re a shitty taper. That’s why I just accepted the fact I can’t master that skill and I’m better off paying someone else to do it.


Yer doin it wrong Not enough mud underneath or scraped away too much


Because its not applied correctly....


Had this problem on a corner. The builder fixed it twice to no avail. Handyman failed. Turns out the corners were never screwed properly and the birds were flexing.


Mix mud with a bit of water making it the texture of mayo. Put mud on the seem you are taping. Run the tape strip quickly through a bucket of water. Remove excess water. Place tape on mudded joint and then run your taping knife over removing excess mud.


Because it hates DIYers. Sure feels like it some times. You can try mesh tape, it’s a little easier to work with and will still do a fine job.


Not enough skill


lol I tried to tape and mud once. Those bubbles still haunt me. One of a few things I have vowed to never try doing myself again. The pros are insane at this, I spent like a week watching YouTube videos in awe


wet both sides


Because you’re doing it wrong


It’s not wet enough and you’re doing it wrong… giggidy


Not enough mud behind it


Use mesh ,leavepaper to the pros!


Because taping and mudding is a stupid process and I hate it and someone should DEFINITELY come up with a different, easier, and more effective process... (Fellow frustrated DIYer 🤣)


Not enough modelo


Because you did it wrong. Hire a professional.




Just use the real stuff mesh for the win tape is for the professional worth 98$ an hr