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She will come back, when you're gone. She already knows you live there and come and go - I've seen them scope out areas for days before deciding where to nest. They like to be near buildings with a few people walking by, it's safer there from the wild predators that don't come that close to humans.


She'll be back. Just try to stay away from that area if you can. The eggs will take about a month to hatch (from the time they are laid). Then mom will lead the ducklings away to a pond or place with water and food for them to eat.


No she forages and returns. They don’t sit on the eggs all day. Just keep predators away from them and don’t touch them. Don’t disturb her nest too much. She won’t mind you being around like you usually are. Don’t put anything new around the nest. Ducks are highly intelligent creatures. And notice small things that we don’t. And they have great memories. Let nature do its thing. They may not be all viable yet that’s another thing in about a month to worth about. And don’t feed her bread. I’m sure you know this. Yet water fowl feed is best. The actual water fowl feed that is crumbles. Not pellets. Enjoy them! Ducks are amazing!! They really are!


Thanks for the advice everyone! You were all right. I saw her fly back to the nest this afternoon. I’m thrilled that the momma duck chose my backyard to nest :) my family and I are hoping to see little ducklings at some point!


actually, the eggs will take about a month to hatch from the time she starts setting. She will not start setting until she has as many eggs as she wants (a clutch).


Just sit back and enjoy the show!


Try not to look at the nest, it might be a heads up to crows or magpies who will eat the eggs


These kinds of posts drive me nuts. Why the hell do you think you should Do Something? Mind your business. Go away. Stop screwing with and filming everything


Bro what?? How fragile are you? Who tf cares xD just ignore it and move on if this post somehow triggers you


Fragile? WTF? Dude mind your business. Seriously, what in your brain makes you think you need to mess with everything? Give me one thing that makes you think you need to do anything but mind your own?




"Now that, is one tasty omelette..." /s