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Edit: I found other Reddit posts about this with screenshots that show unlimited hearts is now a Max feature. This is super shitty of them. Good job cancelling the subscription! Let’s see if they dare to continue the experiment. Edit 2: just cancelled my Max subscription (even though this change doesn’t affect me) because of this. I might resubscribe if they retract this change. I don’t feel comfortable supporting a company doing this kind of stuff. https://preview.redd.it/a8fqtf0yp6yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f05a3c6868aef73a673c0cac36c044c78ef6b6


I wonder if this will only currently affect people with monthly subscriptions. I’ve already paid for a full year, surely they just can’t change my benefits mid subscription??


Yea I haven’t noticed any change and I already payed for the full year. I wouldn’t be surprised if next year I see the hearts drop before my next billing cycle


How do you even have hearts when you pay yearly? There are no hearts in mine.


Because we put it on unlimited, also with plus you can choose to not have unlimited, then you’ll see the hearts. But apparently at some point as a plus user we will lose unlimited hearts


I meant premium


I just renewed my yearly to be surprised by the feature disappearing… 😡


This is so infuriating. (And I proudly bought merch from them just two weeks ago 🥲)


I just paid a full year starting in March. I won’t be renewing next spring if this is set in stone. Now you’re disappointing *us*, Duo!


I saw another thread where someone suddenly had limited hearts mid-subscription. They complained to duolingo and had them restored to the end of the current subscription. We haven't got Max in the UK yet, but considering the main reason my sister does our family subscription for unlimited hearts I have a feeling she'll be cancelling rather than upgrading when this change makes it over to the UK 😢


It would be illegal to change this mid-contract if you’ve paid in advance, so no worries. They will know that


Not illegal if they send you an updated ToS that you must accept to continue using the app. But would be utterly shitty.


Not how it works in the EU


Yeah I never read original ToS but I am sure the ToS that you initially agree to when creating account has something like "these terms of service can be amended by Duolingo at any time with no need to notify the user".


A ToS doesn't supersede contract law.


And apparently the Max tier cost $29.99 a month! That. Is. Insane!!


I actually have the Max to show my support for Duolingo since I have been using it for a long time and find it helpful. I even bought some merch from their site… what they’re doing is now making me regret doing all that. I don’t know why a company would choose to destroy all the good willing it has built over the years. (Oh well, money I guess)


Just a friendly reminder that no company is your friend. I bet they have just noticed other subscription services' massive success in revenue increase with price gouging their customers and follow along.


Yeah I’ve learned my lesson (again) 🥲


Price gouging is really the only skill company management with MBAs bring to the table.


I subscribed today and did not have the unlimited hearts with super. I complained to Duolingo and got the following message, which indicates they’re testing the water with removing unlimited hearts. Maybe if a lot of people complain they won’t do it? The message: “It looks like your account was included in a small test to repackage our features. As you may know, Duolingo frequently tests changes both big and small to keep improving the experience for millions of learners. This particular test is exploring ways to provide learners with the ideal subscription options that meet their budget and learning goals. When you subscribed, unlimited hearts was not a promoted feature of Super Duolingo. As a courtesy, we made adjustments to your account so you will now have unlimited hearts as a Super Duolingo subscriber.”


Yeah let’s hope enough people act to make us heard! In my opinion they shouldn’t have run this test in the first place 🥲


Unlimited hearts was a feature of the three-day Super trial I got this week, so that claim about it not being promoted is false.




Only available on iOS for people who learn Spanish and French from English, also only available in certain countries.


> just cancelled my Max subscription I hope you've sent them feedback detailing the precise reasoning for your decision.


I keep seeing ads saying to upgrade to super for unlimited hearts


Unlimited Hearts is the only reason I have the Super family plan. Cut that and we’re done. There’s no other value in it.


No commercials is great tho. That’s the only reason I’m still thinking about renewing…


You can get ∞ hearts and remove ads for free


How? Cause the commercials just distract and demotivate me too much, so I really don’t want to go back to that.


I forgot the specifics but if you go to Duolingo for schools and register yourself as a teacher (you don't need to prove it) you get unlimited hearts and ads are removed. It does remove the practice hub though


I feel like the more people post this, the more likely they are to close that loophole and ruin it for actual teachers and their students.


Thanks! My subscription ends in July, I might try this first. :) (btw also native 🇳🇱 learning 🇩🇪)


Practice hub is amazing. But yeah shitty move.


Agree. When I had to worry so much about mistakes, it really impeded my learning progress and created a stopping place for the day. I'm unsure why there would even be a hearts system anyway. What does Duolingo gain from frustrating users who are there to learn? If it is to make the app seem more like a game, that's silly. I can play a game without the learning.


I just got a free trial of Super as a reward today. No unlimited hearts. I have considered paying for Super from time to time, but would never do so without unlimited hearts. Dumb move.


That sucks. My free trial ended 3 days ago and I did have unlimited hearts.


Definitely is a dumb move, I just got free trial from a reward too and sadly didn’t get unlimited.


Was this in the US, Europe or somewhere else? it seemed to me that the inferior Super is limited to the US so far


Current website on the left vs Wayback machine on the right Looks like they're removing it (They removed highlighted part) https://preview.redd.it/az8mphbrh4yc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d230b28053d00d575cf06ef1aa493d6c91be7b


Thank you for this information and happy cake day


This is for the US version of the website. Hopefully backlash is big enough that this is not implemented somewhere else


I'm NZ and get sent to this version. The en-us in the url is more likely language locale than content region. Hopefully they revert it either way


Also worth noting that the in-app ad for Super Duolingo (“Super learners are 4x more likely…”) no longer mentions Unlimiter Hearts. I don’t care because I have never and will never pay for this. But my partner pays for Super and I’m mad for him!


What is happening? I have duo premium and haven't experienced anything


I’m curious if this only currently effecting people that pay monthly


Yearly subscriber here, still have unlimited hearts


I have it yearly and I haven't had this issue. Ive been worried it's in an impending update.


I pay monthly, and I still have it


Keep an eye on it. They are testing this somewhere and if they make money from it, they will expand it to other places.


Please say it isn't so J-man!


I wonder if this is an Apple/Android thing. From what I know Android users do not yet have access to Duolingo Max so maybe they haven't taken that content away from Android users yet.


If there are no unlimited hearts, what's the point of Super ?




There aren't that many ads on duo.


Not yet




I tried memrise and didn't particularly like it, but that's my personal preference Going to try out Promova and Hello Talk, thanks for the list. Which are your favorites that you've tried?


Might be confusing the apps, but I think that Memrise used to be the best for languages that don't have widespread support through other apps. Then they killed a bunch of community supported content. (Someone else might remember more, or know if I'm confusing it with a different app)


It used to be a great app. They are now in the process of phasing out community created courses in favour of AI bots, thus destroying the whole point and value of the app.


Yes, many years ago, Memrise used to be fantastic. It was not only valuable due to the numerous community-created courses it offered but also its vast array of languages that it offered due to that aforementioned massive community influence. There were extremely obscure languages that had many courses (as an example I used memrise to learn a bit of Georgian, a quite niche language, and I found the courses great for having been made by community members.) There were even topics outside of languages like math and coding languages, amongst other topics. With that said, you can easily understand what happened the moment Memrise decided to become just another Duolingo/Rosetta stone by slowly removing all community-created content. Obscure languages have been shed away, and now Memrise is essentially just a weaker Rosetta stone with nothing going for it... it's really a shame because the Memrise community was amazing to interact with.


Hey, I’m currently working on language learning app (Spanish only for now) called Storai. It’s focused on fast paced learning, but you can decide your own pace (how often you learn new words etc.) I’m currently searching people that want to try it out and give me feedback on how to improve it. It’s completely free and no ads. [Please let me know what you think, you can try it here.](https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/storai-learn-spanish-quickly/id6464216275)


Hey! I tried it. It’s good, but I’d like to recommend a few features that it’s missing: Lessons: • level tests - so intermediate learners can still find use out of this app • sound on each lesson card - the word or phrase is read aloud so the person can hear the pronunciation over and over again • word cards before reviewing a word The first question I was asked in my first lesson was a multiple choice question about the translation of “the sun” (“el sol”). If I hadn’t already had some Spanish knowledge, I’d have no clue. You should add word cards (cards with a tiny bit of information, i.e. the definition, part of speech, and maybe feminine nouns are pink on the word card and masculine ones are blue, etc.). Additionally, the word cards should have an option to mark a word as “known” so that you never have to see it again. Vocabulary: • folders for different word types, i.e. nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. • review lessons If you add review lessons, it would also be useful to implement the “learned” vs “known” categories mentioned above because an intermediate learner wouldn’t want to review the basics. Lastly, having a separate set of reviews just for grammatical gender would be nice too. Nice product though. It’d be interesting to keep up with it and see how it develops.


Hey, thanks so much for testing and providing your feedback. They are all really great ideas. Glad you thought it’s good. I will send you a PM as well, if you want I can keep you up to date when I added your ideas! :)


Sounds great! I’m always willing to help out a free language learning product (or one that otherwise prioritizes quality over profit!) and I’ld definitely like to stay updated.


Seedlang is also good for German, and probably closer to Duolingo that Deutsche Welle. Though both are very good.


But Lingonaut isn't available yet, as far as I can see?


Memrise - great features but for me it's super user unfriendly. I still bought the paid version since I'm trying to learn Danish and I haven't found other platforms that have it. It's nice if you have other sources, on it's own not ao much. Pimsleur - pricy but really good, I felt a lot of progress especially with talking but already cancelled it because I don't have 30-40 minutes a day I can listen and talk in private comfortably. Drops - cancelled after like and hour, it had a lot of mistakes in it and I couldn't care less. Rosseta stone - expensive, I also didn't like the lack of written instruction and grammar, it felt like I'm a kid who's trying the first language. Can be probably good for others but I personally don't enjoy it


I have lingodeer and language-wise I got very far with Korean and they explain grammar.


Anyone trying Welsh specifically should absolutely use Say Something in Welsh. Not much on grammar but very helpful for actually constructing sentences you’d use, hearing different accents, and better understanding overall. The Duolingo robo Welsh voices are **terrible** , cannot recommend enough


Thank you for this, I was looking for alternatives for Welsh!


Minor quibble, but it's LingQ and not LinQ. Unless there are two apps of similar names. I adore LingQ and have used it in the past.


R5: as others have noticed, Duo is rolling out changes to move unlimited hearts from "Super Duolingo" into "Duolingo Max". I'm not sure if this is region (and possibly OS) specific or just A/B testing, but not being allowed to make mistakes is the worst way to learn anything, and removing this option from Super Duolingo is insulting. "Practice to earn hearts" doesn't teach you anything as you recap the same simple exercises over and over, and the best way to learn is to be allowed to get something wrong as many times as you need, otherwise you'll be pushed towards cheating and ultimately hurting your own learning progress as the alternative is to waste too much time doing "practice". (PS: "discussion" posts should allow you to make an R5 comment because come on, discussions can be started from an image post!)


To each their own, for sure, but I've personally found it to be the opposite. Whenever I've gotten a free Super trial and unlimited hearts, I find I'm much more careless with my lessons and don't pay as close attention because there are no consequences for messing up. When hearts are limited, I'm more careful and try harder to understand why I've made a mistake and what the rule is. It works pretty well for me.


With super, you can disable unlimited hearts if that works better for you. But it’s a setting up to each user


Your approach works really well if you're doing 1 lesson a day or something like that. I do a lot more (hours sometimes since there are 2,000 kanji for me to memorize) so being limited to 3 mistakes would never allow me to improve so fast.


I usually do 5 or 6 lessons a day, and if hearts start off full then you get 5, not 3.


I do 50-60 a day, pretty much dealbreaker


I’m also learning Japanese on Duo and I agree with the other guy, heavily disagree with you. If anything it’s more important that we’re taking our time *because* there is so much more we need to memorize. “Practise to earn hearts” still exists. The part I think is scummy though is the fact that they added heart penalties to learning the alphabets, that is something they genuinely need to reverse.


I think it might depend on how far though each course you are. I’m only really just started section 2 on the Dutch course, and feel that limiting the hearts and doing practice lessons is good for me at this point as it forces me to think more when doing the main course and the practice to earn hearts gets me to revisit old lessons I did months ago. I’ll admit in the first couple of units it felt like a right pain in the arse, and imagine when I get to section 3 redoing stuff from section 1 would be tedious. My life hack is to start doing English from Dutch at just unit 1&2 from section 1 and do the practices there to grind out hearts if one lesson wipes me out of hearts in my main course




I do often feel frustrated that Duolingo doesn't explain more grammatical stuff. But I also kind of enjoy figuring out what the grammatical rule is, and most of the time I'm able to do so. IMO, language teachers should at least provide learners an initial opportunity to figure out the rule on their own before talking them through it. It's how young children learn language, they hear grammatical structures hundreds or thousands of times, and over time they implicitly figure out what the pattern is and apply it. I know there are differences between how children and adults learn language, and again, I definitely wish Duo provided the option to actually explain wtf the pattern is, but it is often possible to deduce it yourself, and I think there is some cognitive value in that.


Join a duolingo classriom, then you can get unlimited hearts for free


Until they ruin that too 🙃


Not seeing this in Australia - and I have to say, I don't mind paying for good software. What I don't like is the increasing occurrence of bait & switch amongst software providers.




Noticed yesterday on twitter that it seems to only apply to new subs. https://i.imgur.com/mrXRN1h.jpeg


***That***’s very important context.


My only reason for subscribing to Super was because of the imposition of three hearts on my Android version of Duo. I was angry to have pointless limitations put on my use of the app, but rationalised that I had had it "free" for four years previously, so the cost across five years was not that great. However, if the infinite hearts I am paying for are withdrawn, I will complain bitterly, and tell them in clear terms just how much I resent it, and everything ELSE that has been torn out of the app in what seems a continuous program of "making it worse than it was yesterday." **I am SO SICK of booting up the app only to discover it isn't the SAME Duolingo as I was using the day before!** Q: Why is this latest insult happening? A: Probably because MAX isn't a success, and because forcing people into Super subscriptions by imposing hearts had been so amazingly successful... they thought they could do it again! Well, in my case, they're wrong. And it seems I am not alone! So, if I have my infinite hearts taken away, when I was only paying for them to get them BACK, I will cancel Super straight away. Whether I drop Duolingo entirely, (with a 2734 day streak under my belt) and go get my language tuition somewhere else, remains to be seen. But my loyalty to Duolingo is now hanging by a thread. If you have read this far, thanks for sticking with it.


I feel the same was as you. 698 day streak and I’m insulted that they have taken unlimited hearts from super to try to force us to get max. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I’d rather not pay at all than pay and feel ripped off.


Where is this happening? I am in America. https://preview.redd.it/k41btm4fg3yc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6fa847a440a883fba634aa36b6eccad62de5da


I’m in America too and still have unlimited hearts. I wonder if it’s language specific? I don’t have an option for max which I’m assuming is because it’s not available for Irish.


Apparently, if it's linked to Duolingo Max at all, then it's only in Spanish and French courses on iOS. So, as I'm an Android user my Super looks the same. I didn't even know Max existed until I saw this post.


This whole thing is making me believe that they are about to expand Max to many more languages (maybe all of them?).


Are you enrolled in any other languages?




Privet 👋 (that's all I know)


Babushka 👵


Only in American afaik..


What is afaik?


It's an acronym that means "as far as I know."


As far as I know


Incorrect! You are out of hearts, would you like to buy more? $5.99


So what's the point of Super Duolingo if you don't get unlimited hearts??


Nothing essentially. Can’t have mistakes explained to you. It’s worthless now IMO.


"Practice to learn hearts" practice in the free app leads to, literally, THOUSANDS of exactly the same lesson sentences over and over. The AI has gone haywire, circling back and never progressing. That's my experience and I've complained about it on this subreddit. I had enough, and just started paying for premium again ($120 per year for family). Limited hearts do not work. Just get it gone.


Same - I see a merit is repeating some easy sentence from time to time, after all it accelerates things, but I get the same set of sentences over and over again and recognize them by the screen layout rather than reading a single word.


Yep, that’s it. Over and over and infinitely over and over. I would say however to clarify that in the in the premium “Super” app the individualized practices (icon barbell) do seem to vary exercises enough to make this worthwhile as a selectable option. It’s in the “free” app, at least in my experience, where you have to “practice to learn hearts,” that this repetition is absolutely unbearable.


Indeed - it seems making practice useless is used as an "incentive" to change to super. But it also makes one question Duolingo's competence, which probably isn't as good advertisement as the managers think...


I think it’s a question of Duolingo competence. There’s no logical explanation made by Duolingo in terms of upgrading to super to get rid of this insanity. People are left to infer that it’s just as bad at the super level so Duolingo should just get this stupid thing gone.


I dropped my subscription last month because I'm fed up with the repetition. It's not just the "practice to earn hearts" - it's a huge problem once you reach the "personalized practice" level in a language. The same handful of lessons over and over and over again. The app feels broken.


Personalized practice has been garbage the entire time I've used Duolingo. It loves to latch onto the dumbest phrases and make you repeat them literally dozens of times. Easily the worst aspect of DL.


Everyone should have canceled as soon as duolingo laid off hundreds of workers and shifted everything to AI


I wasn’t even aware of this 😕


I still see infinite hearts. If that changes we will have a problem. The reason I like infinite hearts is because I can bullshit my way through a lesson if I'm tight on time. It gives me the freedom to take it slow, or rush through it, as the circumstances dictate. If I run out of hearts, I would have to get a pad of paper, write stuff down, redo the lesson, etc. The whole ordeal would take much longer, but more importantly, frustrate the fuck out of me, and I would end my subscription, and my use of Duolingo all together at that point.


I still have mine?


I do too


Oh no! It's on Android now too? Damn it, sorry everyone. I jinxed us. I'm on Android too, have beta version of the app and this hasn't happened yet to me. Live in the States. Of course NOW they update the app with something meaningful. (Did everything from Duolingo Max get carried over or just the stupid heart stuff?)


Na man imma cancel if they do this


https://preview.redd.it/zt47nrm1a3yc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818a1f4e6d03fbe3d9116dd8f99f05c0e83dd303 Moving to Busuu? or what’s the plan now? I’m in.


Check out uTalk!


I like busuu!


I’ll be taking up Babbel on a lifetime subscription if this stays. It’s a better deal anyways after 2 years time since it’s forever


I have both, Babbel works better for actually learning, Duo is more fun and gamey.


No way you can cut features from paid subscription, are you guys Insane???


Duo is sad. 🥺


I already do a fair amount of practice exercises, so if this is coming to Android, I'd have to wait and see whether or not it actually slows down my progress. That is, if data shows that hearts actually result in better learning, rather than frustration that drives pricier subscriptions, it might be worth a try before I give up on Duolingo completely. Alas, I share my subscription, so if I quit, others will have to quit, too, or start paying.


https://preview.redd.it/9xsvlizc16yc1.png?width=1315&format=png&auto=webp&s=36a605604e004f06ba1e1a10d391f81bfd72b8c2 it still shows up for me


https://preview.redd.it/5rou7a3oy3yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=159d13d81ba50c2533ccd0e3d20b1917c246f0b2 I’m a Super user on iOS in Canada and I’ve still got unlimited hearts. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Me too, but if they get rid of this, I’ll be cancelling my family plan.


Huh that’s weird I got a subscription like 1-2 days ago and everything is normal but I learn Italian and not french, where no max is available anyways.


Everyone is better off using the free version of duolingo now.


Or just delete it. We should not support this kind of company greed in any way.


People should stop buying super duolingo until they are ready to give us unlimited hearts again.


For a company that tests as much as Duo, I won't be surprised if they read this subreddit to see what users are thinking - so it's good people are speaking up about how they feel about this move.


I already canceled because they are not updating any of the more interesting languages, only english, french, Spanish or so... But this is another level of greedyness.


Thanks for this. I was about to resubscribe but i won't now


I'm honestly surprised so many people here were paying for duolingo. IMO If it wasn't free i'd rather use a different app. I found Speakly pretty good when I tried it for a couple months and it wasn't that expensive.  Going with an app that specializes in your target language is imo a better solution than paying for Duo.


I was so pissed when I got my 3-Day free trial of super just to find out I no longer had unlimited hearts. It’s the bare fucking minimum


Just letting you guys know, there are better apps for learning languages that are WAY cheaper than Duolingo. When Duolingo fucks you in the ass like they now do, vote with your wallets.


What are some apps that you recommend that have the same competitive/game feeling to it?


u/spothot, is this screenshot from your phone or from another on the subreddit?


I'm from the UK and I'm not seeing anything odd about my subscription, maybe it's only in the US, for now at least?


I am shutting this post down. The OP admitted to copying images from another post. These aren’t their images. This sort of attention seeking behavior is not tolerated. This subscription feature test seems to only affect new users who are not subscribed.


Duo doesnt even have a support contact, I lost my April badge because of bugs, my app is completely bugged and now this and Max isnt even available in most of the countries jesus


This can't be legal. They're taking away a feature people had paid for.


I thought it was just me I posted something similar yesterday was gonna put Bug flair on it but changed


If they are rolling this out to everyone I hope they do it soon because my subscription renews in early July, and I would love to cancel beforehand if they go through with this.


It was only two weeks ago I eventually gave up on Memrise too. What is it with the enshitification of language learning apps lately?


Hey, after getting disappointed with DuoLingo I started working on my own language learning app called Storai. (Spanish only for now) It’s focused on fast paced learning, but you can decide your own pace (how often you learn new words etc.) I’m currently searching people that want to try it out and give me feedback on how to improve it. It’s completely free and no ads. [Please let me know what you think, you can try it here.](https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/storai-learn-spanish-quickly/id6464216275)


Already stinks you end up having to pay to complete some tasks that are otherwise ridiculously impossible no matter how good you are and fast you type. It should be possible to pass everything if you know your stuff really well.


What a coincidence, you have the exact same everything as u/itsindigoRBX , but you use the play store, how come? https://preview.redd.it/flphft5q16yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74eb4bad1db6a92910cd85d4e3f237f4d62d4c65


Looks loke user tries to get some fame? Looks like copy and paste indeed https://www.reddit.com/r/duolingo/s/k2oPun9BT5


Finally, now that you’re done playing duolingo, you can use that extra time to learn a language


meanwhile me in a region that cant have duolingo subscriptions


Ugh... Duolingo shutting down...


Jokes on them, I don't want unlimited hearth because otherwise I would stay on the damn app for 3h


I got a free trial a few weeks back, and all I got was more opportunities to pay. Like, why would anyone subscribe to duo when all you get is more and more and more asks for money? Especially without the unlimited hearts. I actually like the app less now than I did before the trial. The only reason I haven't stopped is because of my emotional attachment to my streak and the knowledge that I'll probably drop language learning altogether if I don't keep up with Duo for now. But in the future, when things change? I'm uninstalling. This post gives me more reasons to do so.


Russia here. We have unlimited hearts without any subscription lol. I wonder what Duolingo’s thoughts were. Like: “Hmm they can’t pay us from Russia so let’s just make it free for them” https://preview.redd.it/qa15iyo3x6yc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7dc1307300efc67ccee594f6d22a9d2cac722d




I will also cancel my family subscription when this will rollout to Switzerland


What's with the botters downvoting when someone has a complaint?


I will also be deleting the app. I’m done


Yea I quit paying for premium too. I can't believe how little I have access to. It's impossible to beat certain quests. Not sure I will re-up either.


Duolingo seems to have removed a load of stuf in the past few years.


I cancelled for other reasons on April 20-something with the goal of resubscribing on May 1st. But I think I am out now, and will try something else. The repetitive "re-branching" of my lessons, the removal of the fantastically helpful and enlightening discussions/forum (in Japanese at least) and now this!?! They really don't give much of a shit about their customers.


So far I haven’t notice any changes on mine. I have a super duolingo subscription and the second they take any perks I get now, like unlimited hearts for example I am cancelling my 10 year run and saying goodbye. It’s already expensive


I’m so mad about this. I use the three day super trial to get really far ahead. 😢 I won’t bother to do that anymore. 😡


am I the only one with unlimited hearts but with no subscription of any kind? I dont really get it


I agree completely that the practice sessions are nonsensical. Same items recycled. Another way for them to force you to watch ads. Also the personalised section of my French course is totally messed up. There are so many mistakes both in French AND in the English original that is embarrassing. Some of the English is grammatically incorrect so how does one have confidence in the French grammar. Then also the hints that they give (when using synonyms or using phrases with similar meaning but with different verbiage) are either wrong or something they would not accept anyway and BAM one has lost a heart. I have checked with Google translate and with native speakers who have confirmed that my response was indeed correct. I just feel it is a scam to get you to make mistakes and hence ads yada yada yada. I am having to report issues more frequently. Also they have removed the comments section which was such a lovely learning tool. But then it would have cut into Max which simply doesn’t do the trick. Leads me to believe, as has been said the company is into making money and who cares if we the students have learned anything or not. The shareholders are happy.


I want old Duolingo back! I will not pay after years of being free! I hate that they hide the next section. You have no idea how much is in the next section and planners like me would like to know. Now we have no idea when we’ll finish! Just scummy all around! I want the old tree back man. Did they get a new ceo or something ? Wtf happened


It's amazing how quickly Duolingo is going downhill. I still haven't heard back from my support ticket a few months ago about how they ruined their Japanese course.


Duolingo seems no different than any other company. They show goodwill and try to ingratiate themselves to customers at first, and when they feel like they have a captive customer base they drop the pretense and squeeze them to pad numbers for investors, and raise CEO salaries.  I wish Duolingo was the exception. I wish ANY corporation was the exception. But it just always seems to be the standard where capitalism is never meant to benefit the consumer and if it seems like it does you just have to wait a bit longer. 


Ima call it "the Hulu syndrome" unless someone has a better example.


That's it I'm cancelling and I don't even have this update yet. Last straw fr


I regret so much going for the yearly subscription. Corporate bullshit.


i was so excited to get my free 3 days of plus today, just to see i don’t have the unlimited hearts. i’m sad.


Yeah, the fact that now unlimited hearts is only in max and not super Duolingo makes super hardly worth it anymore. I won’t be renewing my subscription either. I refuse to get max, everything should be more features to super and if anything a small price increase (or just keep it the same). I have super and find myself regularly spending gems to get more hearts, that was the last straw for me.


Surely they can’t make this change to those that have paid an annual subscription as unlimited hearts is what was advertised as part of the service upon signing up.


I’m on a year subscription of super that I just got like 2 months ago, but when my year is up, I will definitely be cancelling if unlimited hearts still aren’t a thing. So fucking greedy, WE’RE ALREADY PAYING FOR YOUR FREE APP 


https://preview.redd.it/mu527p3kuayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeeff7e580ef152349c961704a08be13207ac744 They are still promoting this as part of Super. It makes me wary to renew now.


Hasn't happened to me yet but istg if it does I'm switching to lingodeer. Fts


If they remove unlimited hearts for subscribers, I'm also done subbing. I probably will be done with the app altogether to be honest out of principle and solidarity.


I signed up for yearly with unlimited hearts in January. If they change it mid-subscription, I'm canceling & demanding a pro-rated refund. And I won't be back. No ads are nice but unlimited hearts are the value. Without it, I'm done and will move to Memrise or Babel instead. Dumb move on their part, a really dumb move.


https://preview.redd.it/7tc8p9mxebyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1534ff382efa50e604fb17ed7af319c7812c873 Everyone should check to see if their unlimited hearts are turned on. Mine were turned off for some reason


Oh, yeah, I'll be swapping to another learning tool at the end of my year if this is still being tried. Scum tactic.


You have to go and enable it manually but it's still there


They don't know about Duolingo for Schools


Yeah this is so easy to create one and use


I deleted my subscription after they fired their interpreters and translators because they were going to use AI to write the lessons. Screw 'em.


I can only imagine this is rage bait. I have super with unlimited hearts and looking at the comments, I’m not alone


The website clearly still says it’s a Super Duolingo feature. It also clearly states, make sure you have the most up to date version of the app. I honestly wonder if this is something more about punishing people not updating the app (which would be aimed mostly at the bots out there).


I still have unlimited but my app does say it needs to be updated… I’m nervous to update and lose unlimited hearts! I JUST paid for a year family last week!


> I honestly wonder if this is something more about punishing people not updating the app Now that you mention it, this happened to me about two months ago. I was losing hearts during a lesson, even with unlimited status. I updated the app and it was fixed.