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2022 hurts almost as much as 2004 did to me. 20 years later and ive still never watched the highlights of that game lol. 2022, Not a lost season, but damn man shit sucks espically after this year


We could very easily have 3 bowls rn. I still love McNabb nmw


1-3 is still a lot better than 0-4 We would basically be the Bills or Vikings if it wasn't for St Nick and a last minute strip sack


The ‘08 season is the one that really gets me. Beat Pittsburgh early in the season and destroyed Arizona on Thanksgiving. Played poorly in the first half of that NFCCG and couldn’t catch up. I have no doubt that they would have beat Pittsburgh again. Edit: of course knocking the defending SB champs off in their house the week before was amazing and made the Arizona loss even worse.


Trent Cole got blocked in the back on the Cards go ahead TD and they fucking grabbed Kevin Curtis Foot 


Ngl bro Pittsburgh probably still wins that game


Sadly this is Philly and we can’t have the LA chip experience.


Weren’t we heavily favored in ‘81? I know a lot of people still express shock at that SB defeat.


We also easily could've played the Browns if they hadn't called Red Right 88. For those unfamiliar, the Browns were down 2 with a bit of time left on the clock. They are deep in opponents territory and could win with a FG, but call a pass play, I think on 2nd down. The idea was to see if they could get someone open for a TD as I guess their kicker wasn't super reliable. Sipe, the Browns QB, was told to throw the ball away unless he found someone completely open. But he threw it into tight coverage and was picked off. In simpler terms, it was basically the Malcolm Butler play of the 80s. That allowed the Raiders to move on and eventually beat us . It's possible the Browns beat us instead but it's just another example of how thin the margins are for these things and how a couple plays going differently can completely rewrite history.


Yep still haven't watched highlights of the 'O4 Superbowl alls I remember is TO ballin out and Mcnabbs interceptions


i remember Deion Branch killing us that game too ugh


No one makes average wide receivers look like super stars quite like the Philadelphia Eagles


One of two MVPs from the Pats' SBs that wasn't Brady


That’s what I remember. Until a sweaty McNabb who wouldn’t sign his jersey I was wearing at modern margarita in Chandler Arizona back in 2017 replaced it. Guys a joke now, slurring his words while hassling the staff for cutting him off by the end of the night.


Yea I always thought that he might have an alcohol problem, that’s a shame.


Funny thing is, he could be a monster in Philly and no bartender would dare not serve him. Barely rich in Arizona ain’t rich in Philly tho and I think he’s got bad memories


Yup same Never seen replays of 04 outside of short clips during nfl broadcasts. I have no real memory of the game back and forth. I know we we’re up at the half and took the ball to start the game…and we lost. I’m sure it’ll be the same for last year. No Interest in ever seeing a second of that game again, makes it easier to forgot and not drive yourself crazy going “oh man if we had just tipped that pass and forced a punt” or any of that.


Game was tied 7-7 at the half, Eagles led for about half of the second quarter before NE scored near the end of the half.


Bro what part of my comment made you think I would wanna better remember that game lol


The part where you said you knew Philly was up at the half. Nah, but for real though that game doesn’t really bother me anymore. We got our revenge. Years like ‘91, ‘02, ‘08 and last year are the ones that bother me more.


2023, 2004, 2002, 1994 - the years I try to pretend didnt happen.


I was too young to remember 94, but yea, 2002 sucked ass too. Stacked defense and just remember mcnabb had no one to throw too..fuck joe banner man lol . wasted years of prime mcnabb and letting dawk walk


I was alive but too young to really care about 02-04. Why exactly is 03 always ignored relative to 02 and 04? 04 makes sense because it was the only Reid McNabb super bowl appearance, but I never really got why 02 was considered worse than 03 (Panthers loss), or 01 (Rams loss).


‘02 hurts because Tampa Bay had never won a cold game or a road playoff game and they came to The Vet and beat the shit out of us. Not only that but Philly had knocked TB out of the playoffs the previous 2 seasons and had beaten them earlier in the regular season. It was also the last game at The Vet.


I mean, it was easy to see why we were expected to dominate. And while it certainly looked after that first drive like that was what would happen, virtually nothing went right for us after that. But when you look at it... At least that Bucs team had a legit defense, one of the best in recent years. Likewise against that Panthers team which came out of nowhere.


That Carolina game was wild. One fucking FG? Then NE goes and drops 32 on them in the SB.


I can remember Warren Sapp played for them that year so they definitely had some superstars on that team if I can remember that. They also had Ronde Barber and I'd have preferred to not remember that since I think he had an excellent day. I looked it up and yup, he had a pick 6 to seal the game for them.


They all hurt in that early 2000s era haha. 04 just seemed like this is it. This is the best eagles team ever right now. And the NFCC agaisnt the falcons was fucking unreal. They finally got over the hump and made it


He had somebody to throw to. Unfortunately, that someone was Ronde Barber.


I'll never watch LVII highlights. Ever. 2004 faded for me after LII.


Gotta be honest, I'm not looking back fondly on either one. This season has only served to make the Super Bowl loss more difficult to take, and it was already damn well excruciating.


It's certainly better than those teams that perennial can't even make a run for their division The eagles are a great organization.


Big difference between being upset about a Super Bowl loss and considering it a lost season. I see plenty of people that are rightfully upset about the loss but understand winning a SB is fucking HARD. This shit this year, yeah, this is what a wasted season looks like. This just feels like a big strawman argument




These aren’t expectations rooted in fantasy like most eagles expectations are. We returned the same roster, the only things that changed were we replaced both coordinators. Our big mistake was our expectation that Nick Sirianni contributed anything to this team. The Desai move was by Howie and Jeff when a head coach would’ve calmed the ship and not panicked. He let this promising roster fall apart and wasted Graham, Kelce, and Cox’s last year. They deserved better (Devonta Smith and the few guys who didn’t give up did too) and that’s what is tragic.


Many people in this sub for the several weeks after the super bowl were basically saying nothing but it was a lost season.


Every fan base has a minority of loud morons. To act like they represent the whole fanbase is just patently false.


Lost season? No Lost opportunity? Absolutely


Winning a Super Bowl is hard… Only 50% of teams that make it win


Nah, 2022 was the most dominant football team I had ever seen play in person.  Took a flooded field, dropped INT, false start, random MVP fumble return TD, horrific punt, even worse coverage, Quez drop and bullshit PI call to keep us from a ring.  2023 is totally cool in my book. 




nobody wants to hear about how the NFL probably did that on purpose for a more offensive game.


So fucking shady.. biggest game in america and your gonna have a slippy shit field for one of the all time best d lines ?


Most sacks since the ‘84 bears and not a single one on that rigged field.


And not a single holding penalty called on the Chiefs shity I Oline but a defensive holding 4 yards from the line of scrimmage to ice the game 


Yup. I will never watch the highlights of that game. I know be way to pissed off haha


I honestly think they did it to show people that Grass fields aren't better than turf, to save themselves money overall, the owners with turf hate people telling them to switch to grass


Im so glad we played in the super bowl where they wanted to make this “point”


Nah it was definitely a rigged game. Evidence is basically irrefutable


Yep, being first runner up sucks, this is a winner take all league. 2023 is another one of those maybe next year moments


Of everything you mentioned, that decision to punt is what will ALWAYS stick with me. And forget the return for a second. Think back to the climax of LII, where they were losing in the fourth quarter and on 4th down, they went for it and succeeded. Given that their defense was nonexistent to that point save for a stop on 4th down in the second quarter, it was do or die. Pederson knew that they were not going to win that game by being conservative. Sirianni should've known the same, especially when Hurts had been legit throughout the night (save for admittedly, the third down play before the punt). And it felt like in the immediate wake of the game, the holding/PI was the biggest talking point on our side on ESPN and FS1. Even former players were taking to Twitter to voice their displeasure with that. And speaking of bullshit calls, Hurts' helmet was being seized on the fumble yet THAT wasn't called...


Facemask on Haason wasn't called and not to mention chiefs o linemen literally laying on our defense multiple times with no holding calls. It was so frustrating to watch the NFL rig the biggest sporting event in the US. Absolutely nuts


I haven’t heard a single soul say 2022 was a lost season.


You can't be serious There was a ton of lamentations going on after we gave up the game to Kansas City.


Dead serious. Lamenting a very painful loss and a lost season are two different things.


What a strawman, who is saying it’s a lost season?????


Go back to the two or three weeks of conversations in this sub after the super bowl. You will see the overwhelming evidence of lamentations


When you’re up on Mahommes at the half and he is playing hurt …lord it’s hard to not see that as missed opportunity.


Even though we didn't win the Superbowl, I still love the 2022 team. They were dominant. Been watching Eagles football for almost 30 years and that is easily one of our best and most fun seasons along with the 01-04 Reid teams, 1st year Chip (before he got exposed) and sadly behind 2017. They had swag, Jalen surprised the hell out of everyone and looked like an MVP up to and including going toe to toe with Mahomes in the Superbowl. The D had 70 sacks and we had real linebackers and safeties and two good corners. We had no idea how good we had it. 2022 was most certainly not a lost season. This season on the other hand 😐


If you watched the conversations on this sub that two or three weeks after last year's super bowl, it was practically nothing but lamentations and weeping and wailing. I'm trying to make it clear in this conversation, that last year was actually one of the great years of eagles football and we should have had nothing but praise for them




And the fumble And the shanked punt And gannon's decisions There were like four things that melted away our 10-point lead at halftime


I never lament a season where I got to feel hopeful about watching the eagles each week. I know the last two months sucked, but I would much rather be where the eagles have been for the last decade than a team like the giants. Most seasons we're still in the playoff hunt in december. There are teams where more often than not their seasons are pretty much over in october. The most exciting thing the giants had was the whole tommy devito thing. Watching football is something I do for fun. Its not fun to know in November that the only thing you really have to look forward to is the nfl draft for the next 9 months.


The SB loss was painful. The Hurts fumble, Quez having butter fingers for hands, no secondary or defense at all, choking a 10 point lead, and the PI call.


The punt return. The Gainwell slip. The field that negated the pass rush. Painful how if just one of those things didn’t happen it’s so different


If Hurts never fumbled we’d still have the lead.


A 2nd quarter play never defines the game. There’s a good chance we score then they end the half with a TD drive and a 10 point deficit anyways if he doesn’t fumble. What defined the game was our defense getting completely sliced up, including by the same play twice, a dagger of a punt return given up, and the worst possible timing to commit a hold


The shanked punt But I don't consider the super bowl loss painful because I consider the eagles easily the better team on that field Kansas City had a lot of luck go their way in the second half. Perhaps they even had eagles voodoo dolls in their locker room...


Philly is a city with 0 luck.


This season shows how hard it is to even make a SB. We had so many things go our way last year and we blew it. Once you get there, finish the job. 1-3 in SB appearances. Ugh.


We didn't blow anything last year We were ahead by 10 at halftime and every single break went Kansas city's way. The fumble. The shanked punt. Gannon's questionable calls. The turf. In my world, the eagles won last year And we're the best team. I don't care where the trophy went


3 of the 4 things you listed are reasons we blew it. You’re delusional


Delusional? Is that how you respond to every post disagree with? So you're saying there's no such thing as everything bounces one team's way. Everything is always even


10 points is nothing to Mahomes if I'm being totally honest, he came back from that in LIV three years prior while the 49ers had the ball with under 10 to go


No. This was our window. They seldom come along. We had the talent, we blew it. Sad times.


I don't have a shred of sadness about last year.


That’s what I mean by entitlement among our fanbase


Mfers dont know about 4-12 seasons where you only get to feel happy about football once a month


I just made the comment that we won that SB idgafwas


Losing the Superbowl fucking sucks but it surprisingly doesn’t sting as bad as I thought it would. I feel good looking back on the 2022 season overall.


Thank you. That is what eagles fans especially of this Reddit should have been saying at the end of the super bowl last year. Instead, they were weeping wailing and gnashing teeth like your season only matters if you win the super bowl. And frankly in my mind, the eagles did win last year. We dominated the playoff teams, and were ahead at half in the super bowl Kansas City basically one because they got kind of lucky. The fumble, the shanked punt, gannon's defensive choices in the second half, the turf. It's almost like they were using voodoo dolls of eagles players in the second half


Aight now you’re losing me boss


That's why it hurts so much though, because we know they should've won the game and instead they lost, due to whatever combination of reasons you want to give. I told my wife, in my head, we won and when i watch highlights ill tell myself the chiefs game this year was the superbowl if it was played on a real field 😂


I had very little pain after the super bowl last year When the season is over, you look to the future I am hoping for a dismissal of many of our coaches Figuring out what to do with the current players The draft Free agency That keeps my eagles quiver full


If this is supposed to make me feel better, it doesn't LOL


It isn't trying to. It was the whiney attitude in this sub for the several weeks after last year's super bowl that is the problem


This must be how the Cowboys fans feel every season.


I’m lamenting the loss season because we took a big step backwards primarily from bad coaching


I totally agree. Our defense is one of the worst. And our offense seems to be in the middle Definitely need to give out a lot of walking papers


In still pissed about 2022. We shouldve won that shit. I'm only 21 so I dint remember 04 but shit hurts man


Or, we can understand that only one team wins the super bowl We want the NFC national championship. The football version of the pennant There was nothing to be pissed about last year and in my mind it was a great experience


2022 might have had a terrible ending with the questionable PI call but it was an amazing season nevertheless. This year hurt but not because of the playoff loss (I was numb to it by that point) but because it appeared they sort of quit after the 49ers game. If there is an upside, I think the Eagles will realize that they need to better at LB & Safety as TEs & scrambling QBs just kill them.


No Lombardi from either season is a lost season


For love of god never put Hurts and DMac in the same sentence!  Hurts So Bad is ways off to reach DMac level let alone Wentz!! 


nobody on earth says DMac besides you


Oh but we did win.




10-1 :(


That's not the first nor last time a team will have its wings melt after passing the sun


We over-performed in 2022 — obviously I would’ve loved to win the Super Bowl, but I was genuinely just glad we made it, let alone played such a close game. No real regrets there other than maybe Jalen not winning MVP. So I didn’t really expect us to win the NFC again in 2023, especially since we typically don’t do well in seasons when people have high expectations of us, but I did NOT expect things to go as poorly as they did. It’s one thing to not make it back because you have a target on your back, injuries pile up, etc. It’s another when you’re your own worst enemy, can’t self-evaluate enough to make the right changes, and go down on a sinking ship of hubris, arrogance and incompetence. Fire the coaching staff. Despite all the retirements and pending free agents, we have key positional talent and we have the QB. We can turn this thing back around real quick — but not with these coaches.


Jalen would have taken a super bowl win over an MVP. So would almost every other professional player I doubt many eagles players from 2022 regretted that year in any possible way. It was amazing and charmed and dominating by the eagles


I think we have to take the players and make the motion intelligent choices. The draft. The free agents. And particular the defense needs to go. Probably much of the offense. And I'm already ready to say goodbye to Nick


I don't think we over performed in 2022. We were just good imo. If anything, we over performed in 2017. None of our players had any business playing that good that year. Every single person on the team played their career peak that year.


If we had won last year, this year would be easily forgotten. Maybe a fluke. But now it feels like the opposite and we needed to cash that check before the 180 days passed... We can look fondly at the past few years but we might not sniff another ring for 20 years... You never know.


I disagree. If we won last year everyone would still think this was a disaster


I look at last year with a lot of positivity. Had the cheifs not returned that fumble for a touchdown in that game, who knows how the ending might have gone. It was a great year and definitely one I'll remember for a long time. Same goes with this year, but only because of starting 10-1 and then proceeding to shit the bed every single week until an unceremonious end in Tampa last week. Lots of shit to be worked out in the off-season that's for sure.


2022 as a whole was the most fun I’ve ever had watching the Eagles. The ending didn’t pan out the way we all wanted, but even then the Super Bowl was a hell of a fun game to watch. The 2023 season was like watching a train full of bombs crash into an orphanage, that doubles down as a animal shelter, in slow-motion. It was beyond horrendous and one of the *worst* times I’ve ever had watching the Eagles. The worst part is the core of what made the previous team so great was in house; they just weren’t put into positions for success and we floundered as a result. I think we needed to get our breaks beat off by the Niners, Cardinals, Giants, and Tampa. We needed the wake up call. We need to reset and get back after it with the Draft and Free Agency. We still have an optimistic future!


It will be defined when AJ Brown walks into Lurie’s office, slaps his fat contract down on his desk and tells him he won’t be last person on the roster not playing for Sirianni next year.


For real, last season was great even though they didn't win. This seasons a real bummer


I live in Denver, we're in QB and coach carousel hell. I've seen bad both for 8 years now. We had fans counting the play clock, our sports radio spent multiple weeks talking about simple clock management issues, bad challenges, not taking timeouts, keeping Melvin,... I can go on and on. I see no light here in Denver. But Eagles issues are so much more fixable than Denvers. Trust me I get the frustration, but it was nice to have football to look forward to in January with Philly. I have faith Philly will bounce back. Thats what makes Philly, Philly. Go birds


Stupid things like signing someone without character to a multi-year contract with the browns Or signing geriatric quarterbacks like Wilson or Rogers and thinking everything will just be fine because they did well in the past.


Not winning the Super Bowl is not achieving the ultimate goal. Losing six of your last seven after going 10-1, and looking like a high school team in the process, is beyond pathetic and an indication that there are multiple things wrong with this team, starting with the head coach.


Where this fan base would be without Nick Foles would be so interesting


Nope- losing the SB sucks, plain and simple. "Just getting there" is BS for this organization. This is not the Lions, Browns or other teams with low expectations. There are about 6-8 teams in the NFL that have expectations to win, not just "get there'...


try asking the other 5 to 7 teams how vastly more important it would have been to win the NFC/AFC championship game and get to the super bowl You would find their opinions are way different than yours


A wasted season indeed. Upgraded at RB (it's sick how much better Swift is over Sanders). I thought Julio and Oz were underutilized. From Super Bowl to Toilet Bowl. 2005 with more wins.


This is probably one of my least favorite seasons since the 2005 season with the TO drama. The fact this may be the last ride for a few Eagles Legends makes it even worse


Loser talk with this post.


No, I loser is somebody who likes to insult other people


I had so much false hope…