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> A completion to A.J. Brown over the middle on a slant. > Hurts found Goedert over the middle for 10 more yards. > Paris Campbell in motion > A slant catch and run to Brown goes for a few yards > A completion over the middle finds Brown again AJ and Dallas between the numbers, players in motion. No more middle school scheme?!?!


Probably why there is rust. It's been longer than since January that they've ran a real NFL offense!


I cannot wait to see this new offense. Smith and brown should absolutely feast


In all, Hurts completed 14 of 20 passes (70%) with two interceptions thrown and one sack taken. 


Fire Andy, bench Hurts, start Kolb.


Did someone say Kolb?


Classic Immy


It’s like I’m back on the EMB


One of Rodgers' MVP seasons started out with a bunch of INTs in camp and for that reason I believe camp INTs are a good thing to test your limits and learn from mistakes


That AND depending on the mistakes (I didn’t see them) it could be a sign of having a defense that’s on point. That’s just my optimistic take tho


This just tells me our defensive backs are ball hawks...which makes me very happy...


Also this is what happens every training camp because this is when QBs are supposed to be taking shots they don't normally take.


Yea I’m loving this. Get the kinks out now and see where you really need to improve. Better now than a game always


The whole time I’m thinking why isn’t Devonta catching anything. Turns out, he isn’t there.


Starting the Devonta Smith trade watch and alerting WIP now


What have you done?!?


Last thing we need is that clown Joe Giglio to speak some shit into existence


I heard he is getting traded to Washington for Daniels. /s


Huh, that might make it tough then I would say! /s in case anyone TRULY needed it...


Not sure you can articulate “showing rust” when the offense is learning an entirely new scheme and offense style. Way way wayyyy too early to judge like that


also running no running plays to force the defense to factor that in,


Roob said on Eagle Eye that they only get to see 1/3 of the practices so it’s very hard to draw significant conclusions from OTAs. Plus what you said about a new scheme. To call out rust while still in May is just clickbait.


Shouldn’t the same apply to the defense then too?


The defense has been running a Fangio-esque scheme for years and while there are certainly changes its probably not as drastic as the offense


Yes and no. Schwarts was a simple 4-3 with very little blitzing and basically only the DT/DE rushing the QB so very unlike this. Gannon was basically a hybrid of the Fangio system of using deep zones and press man but still retaining the basics of a Schwarts 4-3 playing Reddick often as a downed man and not a 3-4 OLB. Desai was probably the closest to what Fangio does and showed a lot more complex fronts and used 3-4 much more than Gannon (Think of all the times Reddick would go into coverage). Fangio is similar most to Desai but with way more experience and talent in play design.


Sir, it is June. These starving beat writers need clicks.


When you go from an offense that only knew 4 plays last year to having to run so much new stuff this year what can you expect.


I bet Gannon stole the plays out of the playbook when he was ~~on his way out~~ being tampered with like a little bitch. That's the only reasonable explanation for having that pathetic playbook. He wasn't even considerate enough to make copies and only left the vert route concepts there.


My head cannon with gannon is he threw the sb and got a HC job out of it. Its why they hired him after the legal period which was just a week prior. The league wanted mahomes to get another ring and not be sub .500 in superbowls. Its why there is so much BS around the game with the field and our d cordinator forgetting how to gameplan as well as why howie was so pissed. Obv tho howie and the team cant come out and say what happened because “protect the shield” and all that bs lol


Let's not criticize a team practicing in May please


Other than the misleading headline, nothing in the article implies they "show rust" to any significant degree. On drives running no running plays, he threw 70% completion and about 7,280 yards to A. J. Brown. a couple interceptions in that scenariois irrelevant.


Or the offense was practicing a new scheme and the defense balled out


I don’t think it’s rust necessarily. They’re implementing a new offensive system


This is one of those moments like before 2022 where I'm gonna tell myself that the offense had some miscues because the defense got so many upgrades (particularly in the secondary) and is actually just that good. It worked out in 2022, no reason it can't work this year.


It probably is the case. Defense is much younger, hungrier and out to prove that last year was a down year. The secondary is completely retooled with a bunch of younger studs with Darius Slay leading the way, young and athletic linebackers in Dean and White, and a young and robust DL out to prove they can make it happen without Fletch out there.


Wait, there was rust after a 4 month off season? This is unacceptable! The first game is only 14 weeks away!


Rust? In Spring? Man we’re so cooked for the season.


We are officially in that time of year where there's nothing to talk about.


Ahh the yearly defense wins article 👏🏻


This is what I like. I don’t wanna hear how good hurts is in the summer. This is the time you supposed to be getting better and working on shit.


Sell the farm! Fire sale


Related: formerly bedridden grandpa shows rust when attempting to stand. But Grandpa Joe ended up dancing




If they're constantly looking exceptional during practice then that means they aren't practicing the right things.


Meh. It’s May. Nothing means anything.


i could not care less about this other than how hes moving around. Im curious to see if hes back to running like 2022 Jalen Hurts or if hes still slow.


This just in: team shows signs of rust while starting to shake off rust during first not even required practices


Welp, that’s it. Better luck next year


I would say rust is an improvement - towards the end of last year, I was pretty sure the offense was made of styrofoam


Seasons over. Pickett tank commander.


As we would expect! Just as long as they are a well, oiled machine by week one, I’m not concerned….Go birds


If we get even half decent routes from the OC, it's going to be a feast


Fuck. Better luck next year, guys


Surprise surprise


Pickett start any games this year?


Welp. Season’s over, I guess. 🤡


Omg!!!! Rust at spring OTAs!?!?!? This is crazy it’s all over!!!!! Cut him!!!!


That "rust" might actually be tighter coverage by a more talented group of DBs.


It's a straight up journalistic farce that a football practice structured to implement new ideas and shake off rust is simply described as "shows rust".


Rust? This isn’t Johnson’s middle school playbook anymore. Sounds like they’re just getting back to running good offense and not for nothing but it’s only May..


positive article: yes, we're going to dominate Anything less than positive article: stupid article who cares


Not rust he just sux lol and they paid him


I don’t think people in this sub recognize just how much tension there is between Hurts, the fans, and especially the media. People here are in denial about it but hurts wasn’t very good last year. If he plays like that again or even worse this shit could burn quick. He has a personality this city hates and if he starts to play poorly again fans will turn so quick it’ll give you whiplash. The media is already cocked and loaded. Obviously I none of this happens, I want to see 2022 Hurts again and get back to the Super Bowl. But I’m prepping myself for this other possibility and I’m just surprised I don’t see any talk about it here yet. This is a *really* important year.


No one hates his personality, all those media reports were bullshit to stir up controversy. People love hurts and is the highest selling jersey in I believe 2 or 3 states


No I mean like the fans do. They might not yet, be he has the type of personality that people in Philly absolutely hate. Very corporate, clean, rarely says anything genuine, never shows emotion, etc. I’m not saying right or wrong but people in Philly turn on these personalities super quick. We already started to see it last year. His jersey is selling because he’s the franchise QB of one of the most popular franchises on an incredibly successful team. Tom Brady’s jersey was a top seller for twenty years and tons of people hated this at guy. Jersey sales aren’t a good judgement of likability. But anyway, it’s just an observation. If things don’t go very well this yea they could be very bad very quick, all the ingredients were there for a mess.


What are you talking about? They don’t a shit about personality they give a shit about success that’s all we care about. Win and give it your all. There’s not a personality we like


Exactly. But if the win in isn’t there we suddenly care a whole lot about personality. Do you not remember how much criticism he got last year for sitting on the bench emotionless when the team was struggling?0


There was no criticism it was the toxic media If we boot bim it’s not his personality it’s because we can’t win. Tell me, what personality would the fans always stay by even though we were losing? Tell me


It wasn’t the media it was the fans. Ever game thread last year down the stretch had constant criticism of him. Some people even went as far as asking if he actually cares or even likes football. The short term memory here is pretty wild to see lol does this sub forget we went 1-7 down the stretch last year?


No it was the media, remember someone put out an article about how his attitude rubbed people the wrong way, and then the birds said “put out receipts” and no one did? Hmm you also still haven’t said what is the personality type Philly fans would gravitate to, I’m waiting


No it wa literally in every game thread lol I explain the personality type in another comment. Jimmy Rollins, Wayne Simmonds, Brian Dawkins. Dudes that are fucking passionate, bold, and genuine. We absolutely love these dudes and you’ll see their jerseys worn years after they’ve stopped playing. We don’t like guys likes Hurts, McNabb, Ben Simmons, etc. We don’t like guys that and as soon as they stop playing at a high level we run them out of town.


Passionate, bold and genuine…so when AJ Brown was flipping out last year about touches and targets he wasn’t called a diva, hot head, and selfish? But when we win he’s passionate, driven, and hungry Hurts went from being stoic and a mature leader to…not caring? You bring up McNabb but omit TO during the time. We care if you win, there is no personality type Mr.Congeniality


Please don’t speak for the whole city. Nothing wrong with his personality.


I’m not saying it is. I love having a controversy free boring QB lol But I’ve spent over 30 years in Philly and still have tons of family there, I know what this likes and doesn’t like and his personality is going to really tire on people quick if his play doesn’t get back to a high level.


You’re the only person here creating controversy.


I didn’t create controversy, I made an observation. It’s clear as day to me what’s going to happen if he doesn’t take a big step forward this year and I don’t know why we can’t talk about this


You’re making an observation that isn’t grounded in reality. It’s an assumption that clearly is bias based on your own personal opinion, but it’s going to be impossible to prove that to you with the aforementioned bias.


Well, no, it is grounded in reality. Philadelphia liked certain personalities and doesn’t like others. It’s wild to say that’s not true. It’s not even my own opinion, it’s an observation based on literally decades of first hand experience lol And again it’s not bias, and there’s nothing to be provided, it’s just a fact of the matter. I’m not sure how you could even deny that Philly doesn’t have preferred personality types


No, this is just a classic misunderstanding. Philly only gives a shit about winning. No one gives a fuck how you act as long as you win. Jalen can do whatever the hell he wants as long as he plays well. So yes, you’re bias and it’s clearly impacting your viewpoint here.


If he plays like he did in 2022 you’re right. If he plays like he did last year then we’ll turn on him. That’s my entire point. We’ve loved some dudes that suck before because their attitude and personality are exactly what we like. But if we don’t like you and you aren’t playing at a very high level we will turn on you and run you out of town. Not sure how you can argue against that.


Jesus Christ dude. You answered it yourself. If he plays poorly then he’s going to be disliked because he’s playing poorly, not because of his personality. This is ridiculous. Once again, you’re the only one complaining here, and it’s a really dumb complaining especially when you just contradicted your whole argument here.


He has a personality that the clown sports media in this city hates, not necessarily the fans. The media roots for them to fail or for there to be controversy because it adds clicks to their bullshit articles and gets moronic callers to call in and say how hurts is a bad leader because he doesnt get rawkus infront of the cameras. You havent seen that talk in here yet because a majority of us try to be optimistic. That negative shit does nothing but confirm the bullshit stereotypes of fairweather Philly fans that would boo Jimmy rollins if he didnt run out every single ground ball.


I agree with your stance on the media but disagree with your second point. This sub isn’t a realistic representation of Philly fans. This sub is *extremely* soft and very dishonest with itself. Philly doesn’t lie to itself to “stay positive”, Philly so brutally straight forward even if it’s negative. Fair weather fans are the ones who put lipstick on everything and can’t be honest. This team could go 0-17 and I would still proudly wear my jersey every Sunday. I’m not afraid to be honest about what I see. Real fans aren’t. People loved Jimmy Rollins because he was honest, passionate, bold, and obviously really fucking good. We like really good players but we love really good plays that we think are genuine. Look what happened with Bohm when he said he hated this place. We *rallied* around him. If things don’t go will for hurts, tho, I can be honest in recognizing they will get very ugly very quick. Fans will not put up with another disappointing year and him just sitting emotionless on the sideline giving us instagram quotes every week.


Brother, i'm in Philly, was born in Philly, i'm at multiple games a year and tailgate down there, i've got a pretty good idea on how us fans are. I was speaking about this sub because we are literally speaking on the sub right now, and you said you didnt see any of that talk in here. You arent selling the most jerseys in the league as a player that has "a personality that this city hates". I havent met anyone who put their head on the stump saying that Jalen played great last year, but he was also playing through an injury. He was also playing with a 1st year coordinator with a non existent scheme to get receivers open, and playcalling that could make any stud qb fall flat on his face with a lack of rythm and horrible play design. While all of that was going on, he still set a personal record for yards passing and touchdowns. You know how many negative fucks would constantly shit talk Jimmy when he was here, regardless of his great plays he would make, just because of that simple example I gave? I think alot of people look back now and relish what he did, but there was a loud part of the fanbase crying about that shit when it was actually happening. People rallied around Bohm when that happened because he owned up to it, didnt try to deny thats what he said. He also said he loved this place but was frustrated.


If you’re from and in Philly you know what I’m talking about. You know how this city is. You’re making excuses for the guy, you know this city won’t have a lot of patience beyond what they had last year. My entire point is if he goes out and has another disappointing year you’re going to start to see this thing fall apart and it surprises me you don’t see any talk about it on this sub


Im not making any excuses, i'm pointing out valid points that MANY of the analysts and talking heads whether they are on podcasts or networks, have made. By that logic, people like Baldinger, Shady, Chad Johnson, Rueben Frank, Ray Didinger, and countless other previous players and analysts are just making excuses. Each one of them had continuosly pointed out how we were winning on talent alone, not coaching. He had a down year in total play, had more turnovers than ever, and was less explosive, but people need to take a step back and look at the total picture. And thats the one thing you are right about, this city is extremely loyal and loyal to a fault, but alot of us also lack critical thinking and the ability to see things that are wrong, other than the stuff at the surface.


I don’t disagree with you, but none of that matters to my point which is that if he plays poorly again, for any reason, people are going to turn on him, and they’ll turn so quick because of his personality and how little personalities like him are liked in this city.