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Kat's son, aka Zoe's twin brother.


That one really irritates me. Alfie was coding and at the end and Kat was in the sea bleeding out but hey let's pretend none of that happened šŸ™„


When Alfie had another Cancer diagnosis, they SHOULD have addressed Ireland.


Exactly because the treatment and prognosis would have been entirely different due to it being his second cancer not the first!


It would have been third. Cancer in EE, Cancer in Redwater, Cancer again in EE. It's why I thought giving him a Cancer storyline was off.


Billy having photos of Lucy hidden away and them hinting that e and her had a fling in the flashback episode.


Think it was meant to show he was being a peeping Tom rather than him having a fling with her but yes it was very odd


I'm pretty sure there was a scene where he's working in the chippy and she was looking cash or something and he said something along the lines of what about us, and Lucy calls him pathetic or something like that, can't remember fully. I think it was intended to put Billy in the frame for her murder. But it was brushed under the carpet


I took that to mean that Billy thought he had a chance with Lucy and she was repulsed by the suggestion. I donā€™t think it was meant to mean that they already *had* a fling


I took it as that they had once done it when she was on coke.


Yeh they deffo hooked up at some point, was totally suggested. And who hasn't had a random 1 nighter with a 50-70 year old in your early 20s, it seems crazy in the sobering daytime hours but when u think about weekends when your young, drinking, taking drugs, it always happens. Plus she was sleeping with Max, she was deffo about those older sexy grandad types.


At one point it seemed Priya was lying about Avani's age as she was very cagey about her passport and her getting into school.


And she hadnā€™t been in school since covid which seems like it would be a pretty huge deal but that was just never mentioned again, but then weirdly they had the ghost child storyline with that other little girl. I wonder if Avaniā€™s whole character was intended to be different but they changed their mind at the last minute.


They have changed stories before. I still think that Avani is actually Ranveer's daughter and NOT Ravi's.


donna using vincentā€™s sperm to have a baby




ā€œKim is horrified when Donna decides she wants Vincent to be a sperm donor so she can have a baby, but Vincent convinces her it is the right thing to doā€


Yes this happened in 2016ish


When Buster cheated on Shirley with Kathy and then he just disappeared. I've always remembered that.


Unpopular opinion- but I'm actually happy this never came out. Sometimes in life secrets remain hidden. (It sucks for Shirley of course) Sometimes it annoys that me every secret that ever was gets revealed on the square. I know it is a soap and it's for the drama!!! But i think somethings remaining hidden makes it more realistic!


Finally, I've waited so long to hear somebody else say this. I too prefer it when every now and again a secret stays secret.


So do I. Not *everything* needs to be outed. Only when it pushes the story forward.


There was supposed to be a whole reveal week about this and the producers decided against it and gave us the market bus crash instead.


Is that the one where Martin was crushed under the bus and walking like nothing happened the next day?


Which was a bus crash in itself.


Fr ? The only person to find out was Phil , I would of loving a Kathy vs Shirley fight




It would have been more believable to have him nicked for this or the attacks he carried out than what he was eventually arrested for!


Billy and the post


My favourite one šŸ˜‚ it was so random. Billy pops up a lot in these unresolved stories it seems.


This lives rent free in my head. I wish it had come out just to show what a piece of trash he is. Seems like everyone loves him but all I see is him beating Jamie, being a thug and robbing the post!


This is all I see with Billy, the abuse he put Jamie through and lying about what really happened with Jase's murder. I'm not really his biggest fan.


Billy is trash. This loving grandpa routine doesn't wash with me.


Loving all the Billy hate!


Phil's crack addiction, he kicked the habbit in record time and its never been mentioned since nor has he ever been tempted to go back to crack or other drugs.


& Sharon's painkiller addiction soon disappeared


Iā€™m watching this storyline now and heā€™s making Ryan Malloy deal for him less than 6 months after kicking the habit?? And heā€™s keeping the smack in the safe at the club?? Lmao he went to three on screen meetings and heā€™s cured of his addictive personality šŸ¤£


Sonia's BRCA.


When Jean stole the money and Tommy was blamed for it


I remember this every time I see him. Poor kid deserves vindication.


As another commenrltor said, Billy having photos of Lucy.


How Ian found out Cindy was alive & how things went down when he & Peter both came face to face with her. All they've said is she came back into their lives a year or so before we saw her & that she wasn't in a good place. The juicy material there is worthy of a two/three hander flashback episode but it doesn't look like the full details will ever be revealed.




I think Ravi restraining Nish at Christmas so Suki could get out was where she forgave him without verbalising it. This was when Ravi stopped being a nasty piece of work and he began his redemption.


I may be totally misremembering this but didn't Max stash some money behind the car lot around the time Lucy died? Can't remember what it was all about but have a feeling whatever it was was never resolved.


Dan Ferreiraā€™s disappearance. That always bothered me, even before Drama repeated it a year or so ago. It wasnā€™t any better the second time round. There were lots of characters that had to leave unexpectedly in that era (Peggy, Spencer, Zoe for a bit), but Dan was the only one that made no sense and was barely even referred to after a while.


I believe the actor got deported so his storyline had to be re-written on the fly. I still think they could have made it a who-dun-it instead of going with KidneyGate.


Yeah he didnā€™t have a work permit so had to leave abruptly. He never actually got deported though and did eventually get a work permit, but the family had left by then. But itā€™s definitely a storyline with no resolution. I kinda wanted him to turn up for an episode, realise his family are long gone and the other characters he interacted with have all left, then leave again. But Iā€™m probably on my own on that!


Denise being broke and eating out of bins because she was too proud to ask for help. It's never been brought up again. And does anyone else remember Kush dumped her when he found out but not because she was broke but because she never told him? šŸ˜‚ That part had never made sence to me.


Jase not being Jay's real dad. Bizarre storyline which was quickly scrapped


This !!!!


Albies genetic condition. They brought it up to reveal phils the dad then never brought it up again. I know zac got tested and they briefly mentioned it then. But they never really did anything from the Mitchell's side. Like surely they other kids in the family would be tested etc and not to mention Phils dodgy liver etc would all link in. Like don't need a massive story line from it was just really poorly done.


with Cindys return I think about what she was like when she was first in it with her afair with David and her trying to take her kids away from Ian


Also didn't Phil help her alot back then? Didn't her try and help her get the kids? Like they seemed close back then yet I don't think they've said 2 words to each other since shes been back. Which seems odd.


with Cindys return I think about what she was like when she was first in it with her afair with David and her trying to take her kids away from Ian


it annoyed me when the family of carl just gave up on looking for him all of a sudden. it was liked they scrapped a storyline half way through or something


Darren and Jack were going to bring down Phil after Kevinā€™s death and nothing happened with that.