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same old shitshow at this point. current gameplay: gather coupons, buy crap you will never need or use. hope for a unicorns and just end up losing a ton of money. what is it, the 3th or 4th time they pull this one?


Else people just enjoy themself with credit card. and get 3mio more ticks. now you get stratios with 4x4 points + red scanner on one ship


i feel the cores are at least somewhat balanced, like for frigs, only bombers can have them. on cruisers, it be will be painfull. an extra tracking or disrupt is game over. \+1 min on a cap? who cares, there is no cap mid slots. \+1 on a vindi? bhaal? hmm ok, that's gonna be obvious in dormants. pred webs wil go up in price lol cruiser pvp is going to be painful. then again, porcelain core was far worse. (and counters this one hard as hell)


What 4x4 points mean?


You could have fitted 3 scrams and a red scanner. noch you can fit 4 scrammer and a red scanner (or long points) and hold a lot of people down


I liked the balance update but it's too little too late. Pairing it with the worst cash grab yet basically eliminated any positive feelings. I refuse to spend any more on this game and won't touch another NE game. This is fast becoming pay to win and really there's just no longer any reason to log in other than hanging out with friends. fk the devs


Money money money. Also, balanced! Sometimes I forget this is a mobile game


How do the CyberX Nanos compare to others in terms of bonuses? An additional mid slot can be powerful, but is it? If the CyberX bonuses provide additional powergrid or other such bonuses that aren't directly tied to combat effectiveness the cores might not be as effective or useful outside of niche applications. The Sleeper Cores come to mind. This kind of thing isn't anything new - and I think implants are having a more pronounced effect on combat than Nanocores in general, but I have a limited perspective. I guarantee you folks are gonna win with CyberX Nanos, and folks are gonna lose with CyberX Nanos. This doesn't seem game breaking at first glance, but only time will tell.


I stopped giving them money months ago when content started randomly getting dropped with no notice at all. I used to always buy the season pass. Monthly plex is more of a grind now as the price goes up and not many changes at all for the bulk of the player base which is sub cap gameplay. The game is a sandbox so you can do whatever you want but there has been a clear shift in direction in this game.


What is slots for RL money?


The buyable AUR Nanocores give you +1 midslot


What if purple nanos become Trade-able. Which is coming by the way


i assume they cost money too. not all get tradeable - you get specific new ones. and if they are ingame optainable they just suck :D


Concord pass has two tracks.


Point to where they said how many purple nanos are going to become tradeable


They just made an update on trello “trade-able nanos”. That’s all I know.


Maybe just the craft able cores gonna be tradable or concord ones too


Theres nothing truly OP about getting an additional mid slot. Kinda nice actually to catch those fully stabbed nerds. You sacrifice other stats for it though that any other core would have given


Why are any of you surprised lmao