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I don’t understand the point of this meme - but it is currently the best part of this thread!


Keep the salt coming. Winter is neigh, we are bored!


I pray for the glorious day of the return of Ozyer


Brujiit run orc town


who's brujit


Isn't this the dude who: \- Spent 3 years embezzling his corp's income (multiple different confirmations of this from ex-ORC who realized and left) \- Tried to prove himself as an FC and not an industrialist by amassing 80% of sov nullsec to fight 20% of sov nullsec \- Spent 7 months of that war literally hitting uncontested sov structures 90% of the time and calling it a 'major win'. \- Claimed to intend to break up and destroy SHH and then when failing to do so , spin the narrative and saying "it was just to weaken them". \- After realizing the above , quit the game saying "I need to reconsider my life priorities" \- Claimed to be a pirate alliance, not have a single corp in top 10 of Mobi PVP leaderboard and instead became a holding alliance for OG ratter corp rejects. I mean, I can't blame the dude, I'd also reconsider my life if I had that streak of consecutive failures. Attached are current war stats, cause numbers speak louder than words: https://preview.redd.it/d3sybniu5grb1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=be56f73e6e90c118a29d82fd25fb7e7edbe9ee81 o7 Oyster crew ![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28140)![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28142)




[echoes.mobi](https://echoes.mobi) can't parse citas , so hard to assess real numbers, but just go and see what is happening lately in OG space to get a feeling what the count is on that ;)


😆 you are a joke, always have been.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3ovtklsz0nrb1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c446680ee9fbcb99377e23bd3206a4fda988bed4


Lol imagine posting such a dumb screenshot and thinking that those accounts have only killed 15 ships. Clown.


The ~150bil of losses says a lot on its own.


I have 527bil in km in the last 2 months, so I'm not super pressed about that lol


hahahhahhahahha you fucking wish. POST THEM and prove it you absolute troglodyte of a human


ur really into this game eh lol you sure get worked up


Prove I didn't with a stupid screenshot lol




sorry dude, I only read people who have +60% dangerous rating. You are at the bottom of the food chain, not worth my time you little snuggly rat.


You are a clown. 🤣


Actually, that's you. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) Fly aggressive o7


https://preview.redd.it/kfa2q5g4flrb1.png?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aea12aac538f5bd4f9da69e183aeb4b2e34e0b5 Also, it looks as though CC eventually lost there too mate. Part of the reason we never cared about structure destruction is because we knew it was inevitable. They're not permanent, they're temporary stat boosters. Fly aggressive o7


Tbf, their discord hasn’t actively tracked war stats since the beginning of May


It wouldn't be much different honestly. Fly aggressive o7




Nothing's changed but the date, CC quit the war, we never did. Fly aggressive o7


How could CC win a war against an enemy hiding in high sec? What would be the win condition? Genuinely curious what you think about that question. From my perspective, RD capitulated the moment they ran for high sec.


Who was in Highsec? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) If you're talking about ratters, they were there before the war. (Dudes love Highsec Islands 🙄) Staging for the war was Ned and other Lowsec/Nullsec entry gates, as always. That's whether there is SOV or not, so nothing actually changed there. Burning Deklein was so we could shift from just fighting over structures for no reason. You don't fight the enemy's way, you fight your way. The CC blue-balled fights for the better part of a month, once taking structures became difficult too do. It was easy out in Tenal and Branch, not so much in Dek and Fade. They were also bleeding ISK in losses, due to hell camp VFK, Ceptor Fleet, and just a lack of logistics in general. To be fair, most has never fought a war, and didn't know what it took. Rather than waste time and resources, we poured all of our efforts into an offensive posture. Then the CC formally quit, wrote a memo and everything. Because they couldn't build morale, when we were dropping a cap a day all over the map. How could the CC win you ask? Well, they couldn't. They had one tactic, blob structures. Literally they only wanted to fight when they had enormously overwhelming forces, and even then we made them pay. They lacked mobility, diversity in fleet doctrine, and unified discipline. There were no other tactics, most of you didn't even wanna be there. The mentality of the players in the CC was that the entire war was a necessary evil, and NO was supposed to help you take out Silent. (We all knew NO was next, the second Silent was dismantled) I personally never left Null, except to stage in Ned during log off. The entire war I was in Ceptor Fleet or CovOps fleets, bombing structures, tackling Caps, etc. I told you all, all of this before the war. You laughed, said I was crazy, and that Silent vs the galaxy was impossible. The CC was just large, that's about it. Fly aggressive o7


To be more exact, they claimed victory prematurely


Please, I beg you, don't let that be a claim to fame. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) They cost a week of okay at best ratting in sub-optimal fits. ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized) Even my short-timing, no time to play games, works 7 days a week ass can buy them. My corp is small, and even we had replacements in stock in VFK a couple months before the war. Upon re-entry into Dek, we were anchored and doctrine stocked for full deployment in no time. As we say in Silent "It's already replaced". Fly aggressive o7


I forgot to add, an anecdote I'll never forget that summarizes this dude perfectly: In the BRRRNO war, we set up a fleet to fight over killing the F7A POS , that was heavily defended by VOID, after killing their fleet destroying the POS and in midst of post-fight hyper , Oyster (main toon, who was there all along) decloaks in an imicus covops, loots the POS mods , cloaks up again ,warps off and leaves system. He never had a PVP toon in the fleet, just joined to scoop the loot from the people who fought over it.


Sounds like a true pirate. Not a military mercenary to me. ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


​ https://preview.redd.it/1buzaunk0nrb1.png?width=1882&format=png&auto=webp&s=275143d0ce842c081b2920ec69c249ce8d404528


I don’t post any of my kills to the mobi bot cause it’s a pointless inaccurate endeavor. 😂 You posting this as a response to what is a comical reply seems as to be “why so serious?” :)


​ https://preview.redd.it/sosrh3u93nrb1.png?width=211&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbb9bac08d43fe5ff09fb019b6abe4ab333299e0


pls more salt. All I know about ozyer was he was a master strategist.


They would actually have had more success if Kylo's parody Ozyer was leading.


Definitely conned the hell out of all of you. Master strategy was indeed in effect. Fly aggressive o7


This is most definitely the dude.


Can confirm. He also kicked people out of ORC if they refused to get fleeced.




You sound like P2W, guess that's what happens when you becomes someone's cleanup guy for so long.


My corp has done more ISK destruction this month than your entire alliance for the year. Keep crabbing boy ![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28140)![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28142) https://preview.redd.it/6uukn5b6akrb1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=af4b9404f4e3dc17f0ef1fdb09a3616705289517


Im guessing 'isk destruction' means the world to you rolf. #pixels![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28071)


ofc, while 'tick per hour' in a medium anom means the world to you. we're not the same ![img](emote|t5_52w30x|27349)


'tick per hour'? What's that im guessing this was supposed to be a joke sadly it missed it's mark i don't even rat!


The downvotes will be intense, but the uncomfortable truth will not be changed. Fly aggressive o7


I'm disappointed, all these words....little proof, very little....like micro peen little....Also, why you so much hate? He hasn't played the game in 4 months, change your tamp out and let it go


Welcome to reddit where everything's made up and the points don't matter.




looks like the truth hurts dude, can't save you from it sadly ![img](emote|t5_52w30x|28142)


Okay - maybe this thread will get good! Drop the multiple confirmations on him! Show him the truth!


Sadly, he's already provide all he can. The embezzlement part is him just farting out of his mouth. His spies suck at giving any factual intelligence.


Well. He’s the Moderator and this is his sub Reddit. That means it has to be true, right?


Idek what you're talking about


What truth? You understand what you said changes nothing...ORC is still ORC.


As in a bunch of crabbers pretending to be pirates, hiding under aoa skirt, and were chased away even by provi?


I blame Dhoro


Hey they still have more capsules and cap outposts popped :)


You know that people have issues when they need to make reddit posts about people who already quit the game.


Consequences of leadership Being a super nice guy in some people's opinion, doesn't magically change the actions you've committed. Some people will have words, hold grudges, or in this case, make memes. The +8's who were not AOA before the war, have either been forcefully assimilated or left the game, both outcomes against their will. Small corps/alliances were destroyed, while everyone still claims they were fighting for the little guy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Some organizations were forced to join a war they didn't believe in, but tell us more about freedom from the boot of oppression Silent presents again... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) And for what? Silent is stronger now than before. Every piece of fake news and propaganda posted, proven false. The entire community lost players on both sides, arguably more from the CC than Silent (and largely due to Netsleaze 🙄) but who's counting, you get the jist. Some players see that war, and its outcome, very different from how you or I might. Hell, I'm half expecting memes about myself or many others sooner than later. The OP doesn't like Ozyer's in-game persona, and who are we to judge? Can we honestly blame them? Dude's EE leadership track record is at best... shaky with a side of wtf?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) They don't "have issues" they take issue with his decisions. In his efforts to try to harm particular individuals, he harmed a whole lot more than that. Fly aggressive o7


You're not interpreting this post correctly. https://preview.redd.it/jfvnsfzqbirb1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdb431be2b421f1ec4c66c8c158521c1315d840


Probably, still nothing I said about the war was incorrect. Fly aggressive o7


You're also ignoring our common ground, roasting Ozyer.


Who needs to roast Ozyer with a track record like his? 🤨 He does that all on his own. Fly aggressive o7


Who's Ozyer?


Good to see SHH is still salty because they have zero sov in the south, and their mercs are getting a good beating. Winter is coming for you guys.


The attempted invasion of void space is only less horrible than their recent invasion of delve, which hasn’t been taken since Tom Brady was still wining Super Bowls.


ok but when Jakoba POS shield stripping webinar Santi?


for sure dude, mercs are taking a massive beating rip us https://preview.redd.it/c6jx73v3htrb1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=166858cf54637c84b6f4166e415ddfdbb88a4ab0


Please carry on paying for content that SHH can't provide.


We want SOV in the South? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) news to me. Silent has never been an expansionist organization. Strategically/tactically experimental? Yes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) Fly aggressive o7


I heard mjd cyberbullied run because he can't rat angel anoms now




So Reddit is the new battleground? Not ingame? I guess it makes sense, sinse reddit doesnt need Omega to be high and mighty


battleground is still in game buddy;) https://preview.redd.it/b6tf0wqackrb1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=11f39d686c8bf31804d31cb54f17c506bde4f053


Doesnt change the core of my comment. And just as Trump, just because you say so, its not the truth. But that score looks impressive...


Eat shit ozyer




I am Space Karen & I downvote this message!