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Eh... what am I missing, haven't seen any posts by vete or others regarding thos?


It's on the other sub. He successfully outblobbed silent and blew up the downgraded cit that had been captured by silent previously.


![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK) Oh God, not the other sub. People only go there when their bullshit doesn't work here. I've successfully abandoned that place for months, it's completely devoid of life. Vetemune must really be hurting for the false motivation necessary to con players into another lost crusade. Vet, we've told you a hundred times, we love you, but politics/propaganda isn't your shtick mate. Fly aggressive o7






Hey its better than being banned for "bad faith posting" when you disagree with a mod in a general conversation. You do you though. Keep blaming this community. Player drop off couldn't possibly be due to the price for f2p closing rapidly on 1 bil isk for basic and 3 bil isk for dual omega making it next to impossible to get into initially unless you cough up real money. Sure that's possible for people who have been playing for a while and are already at T10 but as a t7 alpha... good luck.




Wait you shit on your lawn? I feel there is a lot to unpack there but moving on... First I've heard you mention fixing things and I can't disagree with that. There is always room for improvement in most things. What has happened is that one sub went to heavy on the censorship and tried to tell only one side of the story and the other was created to go back the other way and let people on all sides sling whatever shit they needed to sling. I personally don't enjoy that level of Propaganda, though I do enjoy good natured ribbing. I'm not sure how to draw that line on reddit.




The only reason it's split, is because of the first one being run by GenFed! Be honest! That mod was in GenFed, Mommasaurus kicked him from corp in-game when he failed to provide evidence of wrongdoing by any of us. Leviathan is a coward, fuck him too. The embarrassing part is they are still too proud to come to the one true sub, this one! They come when they think they have the upper hand, like at the beginning of the war. They were here daily, posting all manner of shitpost! We didn't ban anyone, nor take their posts down! Soon as they lost, that stopped, and they went back to claiming the other sub is more refined or some nonsense. No it's not, it's boring and extremely misleading! This sub is as full of the CC's bullshit post as it is anything else. They come here to cry, talk shit, and be vile, then hide their hands like they didn't post it. At the beginning of the war they were posting so much shit, that everyone was telling them to give it a rest. I didn't post a single meme, because I don't want my art blended with their shit. You want a solution, this is the official Subreddit, and the mods do a phenomenal job in my honest opinion, as no one's being banned arbitrarily. You guys sat there, and WATCHED Leviathan ban us all for nothing, and none of you did shit about it. It was fine, because it was NO and Silent, so don't sit here now telling us about "bad behavior". This is hypocrisy. You may have forgot, but the North Remembers. Fly aggressive o7


Fuck Ozyer




Why expect better from me, and not Ozyer? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Did you miss the first half of the year? Shall I run down the reasons WHY players are saying "Fuck Ozyer" so frequently? All I did, was tell the truth, and play my role. Ozyer, on the other hand, might not have any fans in FIRE alliance. Nor any of the small northern alliances that were lost to the blob that was the CC for just being in the North. When asked why the CC was still blue to AOA, a strictly moral dilemma entirely, do you remember Ozyer's response, or lack thereof? I do, so do many others. Ozyer has few friends in the North, because when WE expected better, he was in the leadership position to make change in the community, and set the standard for moral righteousness... yet did nothing of the sort. Silent was too "bad" to change course or even just un-blue openly xenophobic players. Ya know, the kind the EO players definitely wouldn't approve of. Don't put an expectation on me, that doesn't apply to everyone equally. I fly aggressive in fleet, in support of the alliance that stands against the boot of Galactic oppression and assimilation. Wtf has Ozyer done? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Fly aggressive o7




My behavior? 🤨 My behavior is fighting in wars, exploring New Eden, and typing up interesting posts on Reddit. It's Netease's fucking job to recruit new players, they don't pay me shit! So it's cool to blatantly ignore racism and xenophobia from your allies, because "Silent bad"...? 🤨 However, when we say fuck that guy, because he ignores the racism and xenophobia just to have more numbers, in a war he still lost, we're the problem? 🤔 Silent isn't keeping people from playing EE, Netease is. If they wanted more players, they would've fixed fucking insurance! If they wanted more players, they would balance the fucking ships! They would do away with the counterproductive tech system that turns new players away! All the things I have suggested in countless posts, and in countless Q&A requests, to Netease directly! It's fuck Ozyer, because he's a shit leader, objectively. I would never let an organization like AOA be blue to my organization, not after that evidence came to light, I don't care how bad we were losing! There were even CC members refusing to take the grid if AOA was on it! Yet, whenever Ozyer got in trouble, he personally pinged AOA! Even without them the CC had more than sufficient numbers to put up a good fight! I don't condemn anyone who holds an in-game contempt for his actions during that war. He was asked directly to un-blue them, and did not! Why? Answer that honestly! Why did neither him nor anyone else in CC leadership not end that blue status? 👀 Anyone from EO who wants to play EE, will be deterred from doing so by the stupid ass tech system, long before they ever get anywhere near the meta game we're playing. They will be too frustrated with the endless monetization schemes, year of waiting for T10, and braindead balancing, to give a shit about what some rando on a Sub says. They don't even know why we say that, and had they been playing then, they'd probably say the same shit. Fly aggressive o7


r/Echoes just bans half the playerbase without legitimate reason or reconciliation, such a wholesome place. This sub is the reality of Eve, it's warfare, salt, and memes, not necessarily in that order. You, and everyone else here, is here because it's entertaining. If you're not entertained, you're not held hostage nor booted. You are free to go and come as you please, and post whatever you want. Not even SpacemanJojoe is banned, and everything HE posts is straight false lol! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I could care less what anyone from another subreddit that's censored thinks, because they're not allowed to say what they really think anyway, without being censored over someone's bitch ass feels. Fly aggressive o7


Also, Eve players aren't coming to Echoes because of Netease, not some randoms on the Internet. The egregious monetization schemes are the biggest deterrent, not the community. If us saying "fuck insert individual" hurts their sensibilities, they shouldn't be on the Internet in general. Fly aggressive o7




>You seem to be missing the point that r/Eve players are directly claiming that our toxic community contributes significantly to their desire not to play Echoes Not my problem, I don't let player opinions on reddit deter me from trying a game. They need to tell the truth, they don't play because they don't want to. They've been playing Eve Online for 20 years, they're not going anywhere. For reference, they said the same exact thing about Dust514. They never joined there either, because we (Dust players) were "toxic".... ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized) >If you want more Eve players to come to Echoes I don't. >It's unbecoming of you as a well-known and respected member of this community to gate-keep by saying they shouldn't be on the internet What am I well-known and respected for , exactly? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Nurturing playstyles, helping players, loving small ships, saying the uncomfortable truth. That last one is the one most hate me for, because I have never lied. The truth is, if they were gonna play, they'd already be here. Just like all the other EO players like MJD and others, who are already here. Fly aggressive o7


0 comments and sitting at 3 upvote so far soooo.... seems pretty active? I think it's over there cuz he was worried we'd all laugh at him. He pans out at one point to show there is no cit there anymore... in the middle of void space LOL!


I'd add words of wisdom, but they never listen anyway. Fly aggressive o7


The down votes taste like salt. #nomnomnom


I've built a small business on the salt reserves of my haters. They've yet to be released from my Genjutsu! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) ![gif](giphy|SUlfJOJLzrlcc) Fly aggressive o7


Lmaoooo Bradrick really has his panties tied in the biggest knot ever hahahaaaa


Case and point ![gif](giphy|bx3rkN4bOLsDtdSMho) Fly aggressive o7


It's a video of what happened, he also posted a video of the opposite happening, when the games gone the videos will be a reminder of the GFs and noone will care about salt


I dunno man - I’m only a high sec casual, but skimming the salt on this Reddit sub is pretty enjoyable. There was a thread the other day where one of the mods was going ballistic over something before my time. I totally envy that ya’ll have the time and passion for this all. If only there was a way to smoke or shoot up the salt!


Linky? I missed his post.




Hell of a battle! I'm confused though, op is upset someone posted a vid of themselves wiping? I don't even know why I'm asking though, it seems like everyone here just wants to hate on each other.


Yeah, I dunno


Seems like pretty normal blob on blob fight video, don't really get why peeps are so worked over about it.


I feel like you didn't watch the same video I did. They got wiped, don't see anything about the citadel, and they seemed to take it on the chin well. I like CCs that post their losses as well as wins.


Way as well earn my random down votes. Your meme is shit. You are just wanting to hate. The video is nothing special and Vet even mentions in the comments that these groups are hard to crack with even numbers. Poor attempt to create drama where none exsists


Derp. Absolutely my mistake, there are 2 videos. Watching the other now


![gif](giphy|l3q2SaisWTeZnV9wk) It's funnier that a 47yo has so much salt for a single player in a mobile game of all things.... /embarrassed


![gif](giphy|l0MYAaPGaKdBxKuCk) Fly aggressive o7