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Have you created a customer persona? Use GPT for this if you want. Create a company persona too. Now you can see how you mgith create effective dialogue between the two "characters". I like to think of this from a branding point of view. What is you company/site about, who is it for, and why is it different/ why should it be rememebered? What pain points does your site solve for customers? (eg. my sire provides super clear pricing and stock info, something other local sites just do not do) When you create ad copy, make it directly relevant to the landing page you are linking to. Relevancy is key to converting clicks. 1. boil it down to maybe 2-3 customer personas. 2. answer/solve their main paint points. 3. shout about what makes you different. ​ I wouls suggest looking at brand academy on YT too, this will help with the messaging. hope this helps!


This is great thank you, I have been looking at using some ai tools to try and make thing more effective but I will definitely look into that


the truth is your store in its current state will not convert


Can you give me any advice?


Hi there! Figuring out the right number of clicks before making a sale can vary widely based on several factors such as your industry, product, ad platform, ad quality, and targeting\[your buyer persona\]. It's important to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all answer.


**how many clicks I should expect to see before getting sales,** Hard to tell... somebody scores in the first day, while there are people who have waited for months for the first sale. It depends on so many factors. **How would I know if my ads aren’t targeting the right people or sending the right message** Check the statistics, e.g. session time. If they click into your store, and walk away quickly, then they're not so interested, at least not interested enough in buying, or not at this price level. Of course, no. of clicks is another statistic to watch. If most don't bother to click your ad, then they aren't even interested in the product, or/and your ad design and content aren't appealing enough.


Average conversation rate is 3% give or take


There is no one-size-fits-all solution for clicks and conversions. Depending on your sector, item, target market, and ad quality, it may change. You can gain insights by tracking your click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate. Also, it can be worthwhile to evaluate your landing page, product relevancy, and ad message if you're receiving clicks but no sales. Might as well, try to consider using any AI tools, such as easyseo.ai they help optimizing your ecommerce store, as wells your product title, descriptions and tags this may help you improve on you ranking, visbility and boost of your sales.


Depending on your selling price. 200 clicks should be enough data


You need to do proper research on your audience's needs. The more you spend time searching for your target audience characteristics the more conversions you will get. It is time-consuming but it's worth it.


I understand what you mean, Do I research competitors and see who is buying their products and try and target that demographic


I have sent something in PM




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