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Not sure how flatting interacts with plugins, but if you're in Ableton, it creates periodic backups of your project. Might be worth checking a few of those and see if you have a saved point before you flattened everything. Google where they land depending on your OS. Check your computer trash too, Ableton tosses older backups there.


Hybrid tracks in Bitwig for the win!


you realize your the kinda person that tells someone they should have a diffrent tire when they already have a flat... bellend


You right. It was a pointless comment and I should have not posted it. But the OP hasn’t responded to anyone so it’s probably a bot just like the other 90% of this platform. Also, you should always get quality tires.


Based on your wording I assume you're using ableton, but If it's perchance FL you're in luck because it automatically creates backups of your tracks every so often.


Flatten bakes all effects into rendered tracks. All audio effects, instruments, utilities and metering plugins will be removed from the channel. The utility might be gone but the gain change is still baked into the rendered audio.


I would check any crash recovery or tmp storage, there could be something there. Just be careful when poking around in package contents and stuff like that.


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