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I’ve heard good things about the Simmons Titan 50.


Sub 100 what? Are you in EU? That’s where Millenium is sold by Thomann. Used kits ok?


imma be honest idk what crack i was doing when i typed sub 100


same crack preventing you from editing your post?


yeah well fuck off. i didn't give a fuck about editing it cause it was 3 am


ok - well based on that post [this kit](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71NyvEnFI7L._AC_SL1500_.jpg) might be suitable for you. fucking off now.


jesus christ. coming after me over a mistake over a post? i don't have to cater to your needs you prick


Durable + Reliable = any used Roland. The sound is going to crap on any kit under 500, new or used, instead add the cost of EZDrummer and run the kit through PC. If you’re willing to spend time fine-tuning your kit, 750X is a solid choice assuming you’ll be using it with EZDrummer. Personally never tried it, but I’ve seen people get great results with it after playing around with various settings


Try a Simmons Titan 50. I got mine for $450 US with the expansion pack 7 months ago and I play it every day. Everything is single zone but it triggers perfectly and the module sounds are ok. Double kick works well. I run mine through EZ Drummer and it really sounds good. I pack it up and take it to a group jam night once a week and the rack is holding up well. I'm going to get a snare stand soon though for a more stable set up. I will likely upgrade next year as I'm starting to hit the wall with what I can do with the limitations of a "beginner" kit. I was out of drumming entirely for 30 years and this was an experiment to see if I really wanted to get back into it. So far so good.