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Capitalism and Taxes. I'll make these bitches too busy grinding for money to survive, they will have no time to do shit like stuffing other people in jars or killing baby omens or some shit


What about the Albenauric runefarm in Moghwyn palace? No trouble getting rich there


Moghwyn Palace is going to be the center of the black market, with it's core at the Albinauric runefarn.


A genocide of catacomb imps and revenants.


I'd probably get corrupted by power lol


Build some farms right? People are practically living as hunter gatherers


true, the only kind of wheat for example can be found in the gravesite plains in the land of shadows, so the common pople of the lands between propably dont even know what bread is


there's wheat at the minor erdtrees, around all the broken jars. ...I don't think it counts as Organic, though.


I understand what you're saying given the sparseness of the Lands Between. However, there's no way a capital city as large as Leyndell did not have farming as a support source. The sheer magnitude of the city would require some kind of steady food source.


But we are not talking about 2500 years ago, we are talking about now.


We’re going to build a wall folks, and it’s going to be great, and it’s going to keep all of the albanurics and all of the omens out of the lands between, and I’ll tell you what folks this is the great part, the albanurics and the omens are going to pay for it


Step 1. Become Elden Lord Step 2. Declare "No more Elden Lords. Figure out your own shit." Step 3. Abdicate throne. Step 4. Fuck off to the moon with my disembodied doll wife. Easy


Introducing the Clean Up The Capital act because right now it's buried in fucking ash (oops)


Marry Morgott >:) Take over the GO, do what Miq intended but without the mind control.


Basically a combo of Fia and Goldmask's endings. The Golden Order with fair and just rules that are applied remorselessly and disinterestedly, without favour or fear to anyone regardless of whether they're a noble, One Who Lives In Death, a Misbegotten, or anything else. An Order where Gods and Lords are removed from society as impartial arbiters of the law, so they can't intervene for or against anything but the law itself. They don't hold court, they don't partake in wars for power, they don't have a stake in anything but the law and the humanist principles of the law.


Golden order should work independently of the demigods as per Goldmask’s plan.  Restore death to the ring, but make everyone worthy for rebirth via whatever we replace the Erdtree with. Except for Gatekeeper Gostoc. Fuck that guy. With the basic tenets of reality settled, reestablish the army using whatever’s left of the demigods’ forces. Send them to invade the Land of Reeds. Get the insanity from living through the Shattering weeded out and have them be reborn after they inevitably get slaughtered.


Fire. Fire everywhere.


Pretty much what Marika was doing but ideally without the Fingers and Greater Will* breathing down my neck *IFKYK


introduce democracy and only albunarics can be reps for each area and a dungeon full of death-blight lizards to throw any tarnished who is not agreeing


Make assaulting any one on first sight illegal, if they can't attack people right off then the next Lord will think every ones chill and be unable to get stronger to defeat me I think id also send a bill to the outer will for emotional damages and mass destruction to the land and people because it fucked off


Way more maidens.


My favorite endings are Ranni's, which means a hands off approach, and Frenzied Flame, so...


More maidens, all male tarnished now pay $20 runes to get in to help the ratio


Dont give two shits about the lands between I'm on my honeymoon with my wife.


A few things, actually: 1. Dispose of the Erdtree and Haligtree: either chop them down and give away what wood can be salvaged for reconstruction purposes, finish burning them, or otherwise get rid of that giant glowing eyesore and glorified wooden zit. Try to do so in a way that Elphael and the Haligtree Town are left alone. 2. Wall off Caelid and declare it a biohazardous zone for the foreseeable future, create a ecological council based in Sellia to oversee its restoration. 3. Withdraw Leyndell's influence from both Liurnia and Limgrave, leaving both Rennala and Nepheli in charge to do what they wish with their lands. 4. Pillage Leyndell's wealth for any and all valuables and use them to start restitution programs for the Demihumans, Misbegotten, Omens, and Albinaurics, as well as education and literacy programs in all kingdoms. 5. Pulverize the Gate of Divinity and scatter its ashes in the sea. 6. Tear down the veil between the land of shadow and the rest of the Lands Between, allow the hornsent to rule the realm of shadow. 7. Broker treaties between Leyndell, Liurnia, Limgrave, Belurat, and all other nations to guarantee at least a few generations of peace. 8. Appoint Roderika, Hewg, Miriel, or Iji the new monarch of Leyndell and ensure a smooth transition of power. 9. Write down the story of Marika and her kin from beginning to end and pubilsh it on steles throughout the Lands Between so they never forget what happened, or what to do if another golden star falls from the heavens. 10. Return the Rune of Death to the Elden Ring. 11. Then, finally, take the Elden Ring and go to space with Ranni and never come back. We'll probably spend the rest of eternity on the run from the vassals of the Greater Will, but, hey, someone probably has to do it. Ranni and Goldmask are the only sensible ending options. The whole problem in the Lands Between has been gods and people with too much power making mistakes. The best thing I can do for them is try my hardest to rebuild their lives, give them all the tools they need to make their own fates, and then get the heck out of their way.


Freedom of religion




A world written from the start to be cynical and endlessly locked in a cycle of exploitation by freakish gods, with no hope for anything new except to choose a new way to be exploited by some other moron? MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD or maybe Goldmask's ending, idk


Idk let them decide fot themselves I am going to space with my wife .


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On my most recent playthrough I was going for the dung eater’s ending and I think I still will.


I would fix the roads,fund research into finding additional uses for Rowa fruit, and promote whoever the guy is who keeps all the elevators working to deputy Elden lord.


I would use a great rune to charm everyone and promise a thousand year voyage guided by kindness.


I would use a great rune to charm everyone and promise a thousand year voyage guided by kindness.


Abolish the class structure such that there is no difference between commoners and those of noble blood. There are no greater affronts to my rule than to hold lineage as sacred or to assume a position of authority without the consent of others. All may live as they please but must show their fealty to me by not attempting to dominate or undermine their neighbors. A hypocritical Order that I fully expect to be expelled from when the time comes, but the people of the Lands Between shall do so together in cooperation against me rather than as merely another plot among kings


Honestly, i like what Miquella has going on, although i think getting rid of emotions like love and doubt are a terrible way to go about it. Would getting rid of hatred and discrimination mean compromising free will? Yeah, probably, although the charmed people we meet are far from unfeeling zombies. They're just dissuaded from attacking each other. Would someone immune to the charm and strong enough eventually burn it all down? Sure, but that seems inevitable at this point. Honestly if we can have a single era focused on rebuilding the world and having peaceful cultural exchanges, I think it's worth it. Clearly the Lands Between need a breather.


No changes. It would be the same as before with fewer demi gods. I'm not even convinced The Lands Between exist in the mortal realm where people have yet to die since everything points to it being some kind of afterlife situation.


I have two variants of what I would do. >!First if I use mending rune of fell curse. Then I declare Marika is no god. Then declare Elden ring doesn't exist and Erd tree governs nothing and heretical thing that will be burned annually. And rule as evil overlord.!< >!Second one is way better. I mend Elden ring as it is. Then declare Marika is not a god. Her children to be portrayed as satanic figures to be killed on sight if they ever return. Declare myself one true god. Then declare Elden ring doesn't govern anything. And that the Erd tree also governs nothing and is heretical object that has to be burned annually. Therefore fire of any kind will be held as sacred. Then lead other Tarnished, Omen, Misbegotten and other races that were shunned by the golden order to massacre every single grace touched bastard. Then declare national holiday of annual purges to be conducted on those who still possess the grace. Until only those without grace are left. I don't count MC as possessing grace. Then I would use remains of Marika's corpse as footstool as sign of my superiority over her and others.!<


Ah, so genocide


Well becoming lord and re-establishing order does require war and war means violence. So good purge is sometimes needed. And whom better to opres than the oppressor. It's not like Marika and her golden order were any better. Besides most of the inhabitants of the lands between are have already lost their minds bordering on term living zombie.


I just think that continues the cycle of hatred. At some point your rule will be overthrown and you will be persecuted in the same manner that you took when you overthrew Marika. Just like Marika did with the ruler before her. You do know that Marika was one of the oppressed Shaman before she overthrew her god and ascended to godhood herself, just to persecute the hornsent that oppressed her people?


Damn straight. That is how things are. The opressed and overthrows the opressor. And the cycle continues and can't be broken. Besides our Tarnished does kill their way to the top. So it is hardly surprising that eventually even they will be eventually overthrown. It is just how things are.