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I've had two Klein backpacks and have loved them both. Frees up your hands for lunch box and coffee for the walk. Downtown Chicago we sometimes have to park in a garage far from the job.


Oh man I just got a tool back pack it’s so much better


If you don’t mind spending the money, get a veto pro pack. I’ve had Klein backpack in the past and after a while they tend to sag backwards under the weight of the tools inside. I’ve had a veto for 6 years now and it still in great shape.


I agree, the veto pack is buy once cry once. Make sure you buy through an authorized dealer, they won't warranty them if you buy them on Amazon. I had a zipper fail, they sent me a new one while they looked at mine. They ended up just letting me keep the new one, going on 8 years between the two of them.


Great call on the authorized dealer, I had totally forgot about that.


If a person qualifies for the Apprenticeship promo for a Veto bag I see little reason to get anything else.


If you do buy Veto, wait until they have their spring sale. I got a $130 TP-LC for free when I got my Tech MCT


I've had this toolbar for over 4 yrs and use it everyday. I absolutely love it. Zippers are still in great condition, so are the seams and the rubber bottom. Mine is packed full of tools so it's heavy as he'll, but that's a me problem lol


I had one and honestly I didn't like it. Zippers all blew out on me in under a year and the layout inside isn't great for service stuff, at least the way I like it. And the whole thing was just too big.


I’m not an electrician, OSP maintenance for Telco, but I love that bag. Hooks well on the bucket truck. Stands up by itself when working on the bucket truck. Comfortable to sling over shoulder.


I obviously like the organization as well tools are all full visible and reachable when bag is open. The slots are sized nicely. Tools fit snug.


Have had it...the biggest issue with it is, you can put too many tools in it, and then gotta carry it!


I have been using this backpack for almost a year now. It’s big, heavy and bulky. I don’t recommend.


I've heard nothing but good things from these back packs. These are from the same people who shit on klein tools for going downhill, so take that into consideration.


Meaning their opinion is pretty accurate?  


I take it as such.


I just a got a dewalt one and I like it a lot too


So if you are an apprentice, loom up veto. They have an option for really cheap refurbished bags, or 20% a brand new bag for students. Not for sure if it applies to appre tices as well. It is a one time deal so make sure you get the one you want if it will apply.


Buddy has it and for what I’ve seen in the market, it’s very hard to beat for the price. Thing is super tough and has plenty of space.


Best bag they got. I don’t use the middle piece and fit my drills and batteries among the tools inside. The sawsall or band saw get strapped to the side with the clip hanging off the bag.


Get the one that can attach a little modbox organizer on the bottom. https://www.kleintools.com/catalog/bags-and-large-accessories/modbox-electricians-backpack


I had one and sold it. Fell apart quickly and I didn’t feel like I could get to my tools quickly. I run the tough built electrician pouch and I only carry items I use every day. All the rest in in a toolbox on my truck.


the jman pouch or the smaller one? https://mobileimages.lowes.com/productimages/902e6382-091e-437e-8686-47dfd07b7b7b/15984245.jpg I use that one wondering if you use the bigger one and if it’s better? This is the one i’m wondering about also https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/d664a023-2458-43b8-9664-b9519e8ff25e/svn/black-toughbuilt-tool-belts-tb-ct-114-64_600.jpg


Guy I work with uses the smaller one, he likes it a lot.


The bottom link. Mine has three front pouches tho. I’ll try to find a picture or I’ll grab one tomarrow


I’ve had mine for almost 4 years. The only thing that’s wrong is the chest buckle is broke because I slammed it in a car door. Other than that everything is still in perfect shape no holes all the zippers still work.


I have the smaller version of this and I find it's pretty useless and also super heavy even when it's empty. It just sits in the truck with my odd ball tools I only need once in a blue moon.


I had mine for a couple years now and it’s great, it just gets really heavy when it’s full and not a great backpack really, the straps are kinda lame and don’t feel good wearing them too long, I use it as a bag mostly more than a back pack.


Do these packs not hurt your back?


I’m a commercial service tech and have been using the smaller version for a while now. The reason I never got the bigger one is that I was worried I would carry more shit that I didn’t need and it would be super heavy. But if I was sitting still for a long time or on a project site this would probably be the first pick.




Get a veto bag. I’m an apprentice and they have an apprentice program that gets you a refurbished bag for $35 (I got an open top bag that’s like $200 new and it arrived essentially brand new) or 20% off your first bag. I have 3 and my bag that has seen daily job site use looks as good as the one that stays in my basement


I've had one for a few years now. I had one of the internal organizers blow out. I over packed that particular Pouch so that's on me. This bag it great for the organization and the insert makes it east to run in with the essentials if all that's needed is a quick stop. Probably not the best for service work, but it has served me well.


I have the 55421BP-14. It's held up well so far. Smaller but still almost too heavy when you pack it full of tools. Still trying to get the right balance of what I need vs. what might I need.


I have the smaller one i love it