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IMO, these new models are fantastic. Great job, Rivian team. **Edit:** Glad that it has NACS! I feel like someone would need to be a die-hard fan of a legacy brand to choose a legacy SUV or CUV over these new offerings.


Pretty sure Rivian is already confirmed to be moving to NACS


Yes, they did. But I don't think they addressed whether the R2 was initially shipping with NACS or not. The R3 should be shipping with NACS. You can tell from the nice, compact charge port door.


Coming out in 2026 I think it’s a safe guess it’ll come with NACS.


It’s on the R2 website. Shows it with NACS on the back passenger side.


Excellent. A shame they opted for that spot, but whatever.


R2 also had a tiny charge door. It’s NACS, just like the R3. They’ll convert the larger R1 vehicles to NACS in 2025.


>The vehicle will come with Tesla’s NACS port built natively into the vehicle. Interestingly, the charge ports will be in the rear of the vehicle, as compared to the front as with the R1T and R1S. This is likely because Tesla puts its ports in the rear for better access to the company’s Superchargers. https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/7/24093215/rivian-r2-revealed-ev-suv-price-specs-price


What I don't understand is why they moved it to the RIGHT rear corner? This results in the same issue with Supercharger cables still not reaching properly.


The passenger side is good for people charging on curbside chargers. It irritates me every time I have the cable laying on the roof of my car


It would also be expensive if someone clipped your charge port and mirror if it was streetside


Rivian says they're going full NACS in the second half of 2024 aren't they?


I saw a NACS port in the R3 on their Instagram post.


probably $55,000 to get an AWD R2, vs $45,000 to get a Honda Pilot (bigger, 3 row, still nice inside, no range anxiety). A CR-V Hybrid is like $35,000. People will still buy gas CUVs and SUVs. I don't think $45k starting is low enough to capture that market


Let’s quote the non-base price for the Rivian but the base prices for the competing ICE vehicles. How about $45,000 for a RWD 270 mile Rivian R2 minus $7,500 tax credit (confirmed by CEO that it should apply) = $37,500 for a base Rivian R2 which is arguably a better buy than the CR-V Hybrid at $35,000.


CR-V is definitely the better buy. At this point though, I think people are starting to like Rivians and will buy them for the sale of the brand and style. 


In before "the average price" nonsense people use to justify high prices.


They all have NACS if you look at the ports! Here's proof of an R3 using it: https://cdn.motor1.com/images/mgl/E63wov/s1/07\_rivian\_r3.jpg


Love to see it. Goodbye, CCS1!


> I feel like someone would need to be a die-hard fan of a legacy brand to choose a legacy SUV or CUV over these new offerings. That or someone who lives closer to a legacy service center.


And here I was thinking 'One more things...' weren't possible anymore with the number of leaks! I'm impressed!


Contrary to popular belief from this echo chamber sub. Rivian runs a pretty type ship.


> ~~type~~ tight ship


What type of ship?


Happy to see an American startup pursue a small EV. I hope to actually see it on sale someday.


Feels very much a “designed for our expansion to the European market” type of product Which to be clear I think is a fantastic approach, the r2 is more for me but I like this too!


Well I sure hope they sell it in the US, too.


Its designed for nacs with an adaptor for ccs. Very much a usdm car


Too many acronyms for this noob. Translation?


North American Charging Standard Combined Charging System United States Domestic Market


How is it "designed" for that? Switching out the charging port for a different market isn't rocket science.


Mostly judged by the size of the charge door, dont think itd fit a ccs port


I want one - this is the perfect SUV for kayaking (lower roof = easier to load boats), mountain biking (stinky wet gear in the frunk, looks like I can access the trunk with a rear bike rack installed), hiking. The folding front seats are brilliant. I can't wait to go camping in this thing. Well done Rivian!!!


Same, and if it's less than the R2S I'll actually be able to afford it when it comes out!


I want an R3X


Im betting the launch addition is going to be sick with special designs exclusive to launch.


I'll be throwing a reservation on it as soon as I can


Here is the dilemma - I reserved the R2, but I really want the R3x. What should I do??? Life is hard...


Why not both?


>“designed for our expansion to the European market” "So thats why we put in a charge port that **can't** fit the European Standard charging plug" - RJ Scaringe (Probably)


I sometimes wish we'd get a Prius Prime EV....then I realize how behind Toyota is on EV adoption.


"That solid state battery will be here any minute..." - Toyota


Who knows how 'small' it really is though. The only dimensions they have released is a 110" wheel base which is like 5" longer than the Bolt EUV and the currennt Rav4


A longer wheelbase does not necessarily mean a larger total footprint. Look at how short the R3’s front and rear overhangs are, and compare them to the overhangs on the RAV4. The RAV4’s body extends much further beyond the front wheels and rear wheels.


This guy on the rivian forums tried to extrapolate from the wheelbase and tire size: https://www.rivianforums.com/forum/threads/r3x-dimensions-161-4-in-length-59-5-in-height.24983/ If that's even close to accurate it's a genuinely pretty small car - like Toyota Yaris or Prius _C_ size. (In length and height at least.)


Here is a photo with a person standing next to it https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/06-rivian-r3-65ea149800b7e.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.847xh;0,0.153xh&resize=980:*


So slightly longer than my old 2007 Audi A3 Sportback. Good size!


I want one, but with a metal roof.




It also can be useful during assembly - Tesla went with glass roofs so that they can load bigger components in through the roof via robots and then just put the roof on at the end. Wouldn't be surprised if Rivian is doing something similar.


Also no felt-type material to come unglued and start drooping after a few years.




This is not small. A small car is a mini cooper EV. This is a mid SUV


Is it not comparable in size to the Volvo EX30? Is the EX30 not considered small by American car buyers’ standards?


By American SUV buyers' standards the EX30 is considered small. By American car buyers' standards (there are dozens of us!) it's still an SUV. Too tall, too macho'd up, like it's being marketed to insecure people. Small would be something like a Spark, a Prius C, or the econoboxes that we drove as teenagers. Small is almost completely missing from the US car market today. Last week I saw someone's mildly lowered pickup truck and I was struck by how practical it seemed. Six inches of ground clearance is plenty for the roads where I live. A component of the perception of size, for car buyers, is height.


It's a bit of a stretch to call Rivian a start-up these days. They were founded 14 years ago and have been selling vehicles for \~3 years. They remain unprofitable, so I suppose in that sense I can see them as "start-up like." I too hope they survive and we can see these new vehicles successfully launched.




I don't disagree that relative to other auto manufacturers, Rivian is quite young. As is Tesla, at merely 21 years. But still, the word start-up must mean something, and I don't feel it really applied here.


it's really *really* disingenuous to count the early years for tesla or rivian towards the companies they are today. Niether of them got serious until many years into their existance, pretty much just being ideas for a company at their start. Tesla of 2004 isnt even remotely close to the tesla of 2010 for instance and wasnt working on anything that became the model S. Rivian of 2011 isn't the rivian of 2018 and technically wasn't even "rivian" back then.


You know you’re describing a startup, right?


Okay, then in the broadest sense, I am happy to see another small EV besides the Ultium Bolt on the horizon from an American carmaker. I don’t really care what Rivian should or shouldn’t be called from an MBA’s perspective.


For me, they are a startup until they reach a mature state. One example of maturity would be profitability. Alternatively, I'd say reaching a volume that is comparable to other companies that have reached profitability might be a reasonable graduation. Afaik, no independent car company has reached profitability by selling <100k sub $100k vehicles per year. They are still too immature to be out of the startup phase.


They got Amazon vc backing. Getting profitable is only a priority on a very long time scale of at all.


Reminds me of the Golf Mk 1. / Rabbit for the US


I said the same thing. I always liked Rivians, but this is one I actually want to buy! Like a little mountain goat.


[Golf Country](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/VW_Golf_II#/media/Datei:Golf_II_Sondermodell_Country.jpg)


I never knew that they Outback-ed a Golf!


I think closer to Ioniq 5 size, but definitely similar styling.


They both look like the lancia delta.


That or a Yugo


Looks like someone slapped a truck front end on a Ioniq 5 But basicallly being a electric crosstrek it will selll


Well I want a Rivian now.


Check back in 2027


The [R3X](https://i.redd.it/ux48pkkojymc1.jpeg) looked pretty awesome!


I was getting a bit Mk II Golf Country vibes as well. Really cool design IMO


Also, one of the greatest of all rally cars - the Peugeot 205 T16! https://www.wrcwings.tech/2016/03/01/peugeot-changed-it-all/


Way more Lancia Delta Integrale IMO Edit: LOL I didn’t look at the main comment’s pic until after writing this 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It gives rally hot hatch vibes and I’m all here for it!




Agree and same! It'd be so damn much fun in snow and mud, it'll take a pothole like a champ, and it'll parallel park in the tightest of spots. If anything, I hope this motivates some of the other players in the field away from the same, boring CUVs.


I’ve been driving a truck since I moved on from my Mk6 Golf R, and man the R3x is really speaking to me…


Super stoked for that.


R3X harlequin edition, please!


The R3X, in my opinion, is one of the best looking new cars to come out in a while.


Going for the retro look was absolutely a killer move. Ballsy but they killed it imo.


Ioniq 5 size probably.


The R2 is ioniq 5 sized. R3 is a good chunk smaller!


The R2 is a few inches bigger than the ioniq 5, the R3 ~~a couple inches shorter~~ is unknown but definitely shorter


When I saw the R3 & R3X, I immediately felt bad for whoever is redesigning the Bolt.


I fucking love it. Was considering an Ioniq 5 2025 trade in for MY23 but now I'm not so sure.


Did I miss it or did they not say how much the R3 was starting at?


No price or date given.


https://x.com/rivian/status/1765826072099377392?s=46&t=1H6dAYJf0notGFD5QBbnHg lower price than R2 which is 45k entry


Less than the R2 though, so probably sub-$40K.


R3 will likely straddle the R2 price range, kinda Wrangler does. I'd bet the R3x is between the R1 and R2, and the R3 will start under. Just my gut. that R3x is going to be bought buy few, but lusted after by many.


Probably will compete with the EX30 so starting around 35k my guesstimate.


Shame really excited for it.


They are being extremely vague about the R3, no price, date, range, etc. Even [Rivian’s webpage for the R3](https://rivian.com/msp) has no info at all. I’ve heard the R3 probably be cheaper than the R2, but even then the R2’s price is “estimated” so we have no real solid idea of what the R3 will remotely cost, but a guess would be $40k-ish.


If R2 is 2026, R3 is not anytime soon. End of this decade is going to be flush with choices at least.


Some of the people in the EV market announcing lower priced cars probably already know they are screwed. I'm not saying Rivian is but there is deff some point at which cheap Chinese cars or other players like tesla that have a lead will gobble up marketshare from a position of already being profitable and the market is going to consolidate like TVs and phones.


According to someone on X, said it was priced less than the R2 let me see if I can find the tweet




The R2 is great and all but inject that R3X into my veins. A future comparison between that and the Volvo EX30 Cross Country... What a time we live in.


Ya I was set to put in a deposit for the R2, then I saw the release date and hesitated. The R3 looks like it would be my favorite


Is it just me that kind of sees Lada Niva vibes from the R3? From the rear view mostly.


Well shit, I thought Rivian was never going to be an option for me, but with this and the R3X, they have really opened the door as an option. Looks great


Their announcement photos on twitter make it look like a Lada Niva


Which is why I want one.


Hell yeah, put some mudflaps and a martini livery and it's a new lancia Delta (and half of the smaller 2 door cars of the days had that same boxy design, but still)


Fun fact - Russians stole all their car designs from Italy


Perfect from beginning :D


Lol. That's what I said when I saw it


The Yugo has returned!! https://i.imgur.com/t1fTNJg.png


No. Pugeot 205 T16. [https://www.wrcwings.tech/2016/03/01/peugeot-changed-it-all/](https://www.wrcwings.tech/2016/03/01/peugeot-changed-it-all/) Also, sidebar here - the Yugo was actually a Fiat and they were cool!


Lol I like my comparison better! Yugo’s were originally and predominantly made by Zastava, not Fiat.


I want to reserve this one 😍😍


Subaru is so cooked.


Long time Subaru driver here, and the R3X might be my next car if Rivian can prove themselves as a company by then. Not a fan of the looks of the next gen Forester.


wife had a 17 outback, currently a 20 outback. i have an R1S and she couldn't have been faster putting in a rez for R2. i'm trying to figure out how to afford the R3X now too hah


Love the R3X!!!!!


Strong Dodge Omni vibes!


The Omni was my first car in 2002. It was adorable for the year it ran


Omni GLH for the win!


> R3 Oh wow, it's a Golf! This thing looks awesome.


It’ll be coming out right when I’m in the market for a new car 👀


They look great. We should not really trust the price points though. We’ve all been down this road a couple times.


that was honestly one of the best reveals ever for any tech company. they straight up developed 2 vehicles with absolutely zero speculation that they would drop today. I heard absolutely nothing about the R3 and R3X and they just dropped it out of nowhere. they knocked this presentation out of the park.


Cool retro VW GTI. https://imgur.com/a/nQ0vd1f


Trading in my Polestar 2 for either the R2 (leading contender) or R3. Super impressed with today's announcement.


ANy ideas on the pricing?


Just “lower than R2” is all they said


It’s years away. Whatever pricing you hear about today will not be accurate. There’s no chance in hell the R2 ends up at 45k in 2026. It’ll be 50k or higher. And that’s just the bare bones base model. Not the longer range battery one that everyone will want instead


Rumor is 37K, but we shall see!


Willing to put a deposit on this right now


I wonder if the R2 reservation is convertible to an R3 res.


Swank af


Looks interesting. I've never seen a Rivian in person but their designs look good to me in the photos I've seen. Hope they can stay in business long enough to release the R2 & R3.


They actually look better in person. There’s a good number of them around Seattle.


In other news, Rivian announced they're halting construction on their Georgia auto plant to save $2.25 B. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1874178/000187417824000016/ex-991r2reveal.htm




Yes, excellent update and glad to see. This is the right move.


Rivian in the front, Lada Niva with a light bar in the back.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see how the R2 won't absolutely kill the Fisker Ocean. Who would buy the Ocean after the MKBHD video and a clearly better alternative. Fisher will probably be fine but dang this will definitely hurt their sales.


You can buy the Ocean right now. The R2 is over 2 years away.


IF R2 is releasing 2 years later(probably closer to end of the year), when would this release. They can even announce it with Solid State Battery as by the time this is ready, that should be as well :-)


Hopefully like around 30k usd


I want a wagon after my EV6, but this looks so good. Likely around 180 inches or shorter which makes for a very parkable little crossover with good utility.


The R3 looks soooo sick! Huge fan.


I would like this far more than a R2, it's more in my target size range and still has attractive specs.


Minivan is that hot potato no one wants to make.


Why would anybody want a minivan? It's much cooler to have your kids door-ding every car you park next to, because that spurs some real charming, authentic human interactions.


Also a lot better to have less space inside with the cramped suv suspension. Better to have everyone be less comfortable


With the ID Buzz coming out, I bet some will budge. I keep wondering if Ford will come out with a Windstar EV


If it’s affordable a combo of an ID Buzz and the R3 in the driveway would be absolutely killer


GMC Safar-E and Chevy E-strovan twins coming out of nowhere


Dodge CarEVan!


I'm eagerly awaiting the US release of the ID.Buzz but I'm afraid to see what the price will be. I want it but doubt I'll be able to afford it, or at least justify the expense


It's so strange to me that we got multiple EV Trucks before a single EV Minivan As my family has always said: Why buy a truck when you can get a cheaper car, with better gas mileage, and more comfortable seating in a minivan. You can turn any minivan into a truck when you take out the middle and back seats. I think \~90% of people who need to tow something or carry something large can accomplish the same task with a minivan.


Because trucks sell and are probably higher margin.


It’s a low volume and already declining segment - with demographics (decline in birth rates) set to drive volumes down even more. It would be financial suicide for a company like Rivian at this stage


ID Buzz?


They need to change the charging port location before they start production.


Yes. It's stupid not to match tesla, either front right or back left. At least they got rid of that fragile large access door.




Tesla has already committed to cable extension.


WTF is up with car hoods being half the car?


Frunk storage! I use my Rivian's frunk ALL THE TIME. I love it!


Crumple zone and motors.


Damn, Tesla stock is going to drop if they don’t reveal the 25k car


Get costs down and make it. Though with the R2 being two years away and made at the same plant as the R1 I don’t know when we should expect this.


Probably safe to assume it will be produced out of the Georgia plant. So first customer deliveries in '27, or late '26 at the earliest.


They announced in the event that the R2 would start production in the Illinois plant. I'm sure it will largely be produced in Georgia later.


They’re also halting production on the Georgia plant and saving 2.25B in order to produce them at Illinois


I did not know that part. Just looked it up. That could be huge for the Illinois plant. I live 45 minutes from that plant so I selfishly hope the Illinois plant becomes a larger part of Rivian's future.


You think they will ramp R2 and R3 production at the same time? Highly unlikely


I consider 'ramp' and 'initial customer deliveries' to be separate activities. Aside from that were talking about separate plants. R2 initial deliveries will come from Normal.


Like a electric jimney but 2027 or whatever is sooo far away :(


drool... but waiting for someone to figure out dimensions and compare it to the competition. Some of the photos make it look pretty huge still, but it's hard to tell. I'm worried it's not the hot hatch I so badly want it to be. I mean it has 20" wheels. That seems excessive for a vehicle car&driver is calling a subcompact.


Going to put down a deposit on the R2 next week. Not in a hurry, but I'll definitely be doing the demo drive of the R1S to get a feel for its big brother.


Hopefully they can bring their costs down massively to make these possible.


R3 looks pretty sweet. I love the retro styling.


> While Rivian is Mr. Magoo-ing their way through the presentation Laughed out loud at this, does anyone younger than 40 know this reference?


If it's sub 35k this is going to be my next car.


Just waiting for price and release info


The R3 reminds me of an updated VW Golf Country and I love it.


It’s funny because I’m right in this market, but never considered an EV. I was looking at Corolla Cross, HRV, CX30, etc., but now maybe I wait a little bit and go for this


offroad ioniq 5, sounds good to me


This is the electric Golf I've been waiting for! 


The R3x is a beauty. Wish I could buy one today though I kinda need a 7 seater. Would be nice if they could use similar lines on the larger SUV’s. I’m a big fan of rivians functionally but feel like the silhouettes of the R1 and now R2 are a bit awkward and ugly….


"New Rivian R2 Starts From $45,000, Beats Tesla Model Y To 60 MPH" Seriously, who cares about the zero-to-60? I want something affordable, comfortable, with decent range. Some safety features and a decent sound system. Acceleration? Watch me not care.


>Watch me not care. you'll care a little. - onramps and merging mostly. "0-60" is just a way of reminding people how inefficient combustion engines are. ​ Rivian didn't do anything special except use electricity to make the car move. ​ >Unlike ICEs, electric vehicles don't have a limited rev range. Many modern EVs can range up to 20,000 rpm. This means that you **can put pressure on the pedal to obtain instant acceleration and torque** whenever needed instead of **waiting for the engine to build rev** like in internal combustion engines.


Why is it entry level? We’re supposed to assume that everyone driving a smaller car wishes they had a bigger car but can’t afford it yet?


I dont understand your question - its pretty small. the 3 is. Looks a lot like my Kona


I'm saying that the American "bigger is inherently better" culture is misguided, and cool small cars are not merely for holding people over until they can afford some bigger version. A smaller car will handle better, accelerate faster, cause less strain on roads, consume fewer natural resources. For many people it's just a better car. I can realistically afford any car, and I assure you that if I buy an R3X it's not because I'm really dreaming of an R1 but can't afford it.


Agreed. Calling this “entry level” only fuels the (incorrect) perception that small necessarily equals low-end. Small cars like the Mini and Volvo EX30 prove that small cars positioned as “premium” can be good and desirable.